The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2069 The overwhelming pride

What would girls be jealous of Yoona for? This question is still somewhat difficult. Ordinary people may envy Yoona's fame, appearance and even huge income, but these are not problems for girls.

You, Lin Yoona, have good looks, but who in the Girls' Generation team doesn't have good looks? As for reputation within the team, there may be one or two particularly popular ones in other teams, but it still doesn't hold true for the girls. I don't dare to say no to fame. Quite comparable, but still comparable.

Income is probably the area with the biggest gap in this aspect. Let alone group activities, everyone has always divided them equally. The main gap is the income from individual activities, which includes solo variety shows and solo activities. And of course there are TV series.

In fact, if I have to say it, the basic income of singing, variety shows and even TV dramas is not high. Even Yoona, as the heroine, can not get as much money as expected. This is indeed controlled by the entire industry. Well, more money is spent behind the scenes.

TV dramas no longer compete with whose actors are more popular or famous, but with excellent scripts, well-coordinated teams, and post-production excellence. This has also promoted the overall quality of TV dramas and movies to a certain extent. .

However, there are many reasons and many classifications for why actors, singers, and comedians are divided into separate circles. But if you want to prove which industry is more "noble", the most common view is to look at the overall income.

Actors are naturally able to stand at the top of the income pyramid because of their support. For example, everyone in the girls team has almost all-round personal activities. The income that can increase the level of income depends on advertising endorsements. This is what celebrities do best. important source of income.

At this point, the actors will take advantage. Yoona is still a heroine after all, and her popularity is not to mention. I can't say that this person has received many endorsements, but she has many more endorsements than other girls.

So in terms of personal income alone, it is necessary for girls to envy Yoona, but the premise is that the share of their team and side business is not counted, because with this group income at the bottom, everyone will not be so sensitive to personal income. , it’s all too much to spend anyway.

If we put aside these superficial differences, there are a few things that girls can envy Yoona for, such as her cheerful personality and naughty but not annoying pranks. Among them, the most enviable thing should be Yoona's ability to eat without getting fat. Is your physique up?

You must know that there are many girls in the team who gain weight after drinking cold water. People like Yoona who have been clamored by fans to gain weight are undoubtedly quite annoying. Of course, they themselves don’t mind being hated for doing this. of people!

Thinking of this, Li Menglong was surprised to find that Yoona herself didn't say this. Sure enough, he was still young. But after telling this answer, why didn't Yoona feel any happy emotions?

"Am I happy? The only thing they can be jealous of is my useless stomach, right?" Yoona was already very angry, but Li Menglong came over to add to the trouble. Couldn't this guy have done it on purpose?

Xu Xian is still acting as Yoona's big doll honestly, letting her hug her but not saying a word. After all, even Li Menglong can't think of anything to say. She Xu Xian is in this aspect There is still a long way to go with him.

In this case, just stay here honestly. Fortunately, Yoona seems to have no desire to do anything today. Maybe it's because she works too much at home. Li Menglong just talks and doesn't seem to have any impact at all. .

As a result, a relatively harmonious scene formed between the two of them. Yoona was venting her anger with words, while Li Menglong stood there stupidly, looking at the lines in the corner, obviously in a daze.

In the end, Seohyun just had to come over to finish things off when Yoona was a little tired. Sure enough, this was what she should do: "Onie, you must be tired. Drink some coffee quickly to replenish your energy."

"We still care about me, unlike some people who only want to watch the fun!"

Although he knew that Yoona was referring to him, Li Menglong decided not to be familiar with her. After all, the child was already very pitiful, wasn't he: "Then you have to stay here all day? We two are very busy, there is nothing Time is with you!”

When Xu Xian heard this, she immediately nodded in agreement. Even if Li Menglong didn't say it, she Xu Xian would still bring it up. This wasn't because she didn't want to give Yuner face, or because she didn't feel sorry for her, but because she was really busy.

Fortunately, Yoona is not that unruly. She also knows how much work these two have. Besides, they are both directors. One is about to direct her next work, and the other holds the editing power of the current work. , these cannot be offended.

"Who needs you to accompany me? I brought my own money here!" Yoona said stiffly, shaking the change box she carried with her.

Xu Xian had long looked at this box that looked familiar, but she couldn't think of where she had seen it before. After Yoona's self-destruction, she remembered it: "It's not that big of a deal, Unnie, I have money here." , you’d better put this box away.”

Although Seohyun considers herself to be a very tolerant person, imagining Yoona going shopping and taking out a handful of coins from the box when paying the bill still makes her feel a little embarrassed, even if it's not her. ah.

But Yoona didn't appreciate it at all. This was her most proud work today. No matter what Xu Xian said, she would never give up this box. This was Lin Yoona's fate today. If she wanted to take this box away, she would Be prepared to step over her body!

Fighting for a change box is obviously a very impulsive behavior. At least Xu Xian would not do this. In that case, let Yoona hold it. Anyway, she is not holding it by herself. Out of sight, out of mind Well.

However, Yoona seemed to have no intention of just finding a place to stay peacefully, she actually wanted to stay in the editing room: "Isn't there a seat? Besides, I am also an actor, so I should be able to give you some good suggestions. "

Yoona's intentions are good, but editing work has its inherent particularities, that is, the editor has a strong personal style. The same material in the hands of two editors may be two completely different films.

This is also the reason why many movies will release so-called director's cuts. This is not all for the purpose of making money. Most of them are due to the unwillingness of the director, and it often does have miraculous effects. A bad movie that is released has been edited by the director. It became much better in the moment.

Editors' abilities and aesthetics vary from high to low. We can learn and learn from each other on weekdays, but when we really need to do it, we don't allow others to interfere. Even Li Menglong pays attention to this. Here, we only focus on technology and He gave Xu Xian advice based on experience, but he said nothing about how Xu Xian would proceed.

Xu Xian was a little confused at first, but after so many days of familiarity, she gradually realized Li Menglong's painstaking efforts, and she really thanked him from the bottom of her heart, because what Li Menglong left to Xu Xian was a person who could let her Works that you express yourself, rather than just having a name.

Of course, Yoona didn't know this, but looking at the expressions of the two people in front of her, she knew that this excuse was useless. Fortunately, she was not a particularly persistent person. If one of them didn't work, just change to the other one. What a big deal!

"I see that Director Seohyun is the only one here, and there is no one to run errands or pour water. This is not in line with our identity as Director Seohyun. I personally think that I am very suitable for this job. I will definitely do it." Take good care of our Lord Xu Xian!" Yoona put on a flattering face, acting like a lackey under Xu Xian's sect.

After refusing once, Xu Xian was very embarrassed to refuse a second time, so he could only place his hope on Li Menglong, but he was currently in a state of wandering, where could he come to help.

So Yoona successfully settled in the editing room. I don’t know how she served Xu Xian, because Li Menglong worked on the second floor in the morning. Of course, he didn’t forget to send it to the girls after he came down. text messages.

To be precise, it was the girls who called him first, but his mobile phone was on the second floor, so the girls sent a few more text messages, probably saying that Yoona might have gone to the company and asked him to take good care of her. After all, they are the only ones who can bully their maknae.

If it were an ordinary text message, Li Menglong would not bother to reply, but he still had to tell the girls now, otherwise the girls might become more and more anxious. Although the current reply may encourage their arrogance, it is still better than letting them know. It's good for them to worry and worry.

Li Menglong originally thought that the matter would be completely resolved at this point, but who knew that this was just the beginning of trouble. There was still more than half an hour before lunch break, when he heard Yoona's chirping voice in the corridor.

By the way, did this girl's mood ease too quickly? Where was her aggrieved look when she first came in the morning? Li Menglong misses Yoona very much at that time, but it is useless to miss her. Yoona is more satisfied with herself now.

"Oppa is going to eat. I'm treating you today!" Yoona shook the coin box in her hand as if it was a signal, and Li Menglong couldn't help but frown.

In terms of expression alone, Xu Xian, who was forcibly pulled behind Yoona, was not particularly nice. Firstly, it was because it was not lunch break at all and she had to continue working. Secondly, it was Yoona’s treat. It happened, she felt embarrassed!

As for Li Menglong, he doesn’t have such complicated emotions. It doesn’t matter to him that he pays with change. Isn’t change considered money? If a store doesn't accept change, that store won't be able to stay open for long.

What makes Li Menglong a little suspicious is how much money can be in the box. If there is not enough food by then, it will be troublesome. With Yoona's somewhat upright temperament, Xu Xian will not be able to take the initiative to pay for it. Maybe she would also sell and sing live to make money or something like that.

There were only two people invited by Yoona. As a result, these two people were a little resistant for their own reasons. This was simply a slap in the face. Yoona couldn't bear this: "Hurry up and move while I can talk easily." , don’t force me!”

"You said you couldn't survive at home anymore, so you had to flee here in embarrassment. Xu Xian and I were kind enough to take you in, but you ended up repaying your favor with a grudge? Isn't this a modern version of the farmer and the snake?"

"Don't tell me that these things are not possible. I don't know about farmers or snakes. In short, if you don't go, you won't give me Lin Yuner face. As for the consequences of not giving face, you can think about it yourself!"

Li Menglong really considered the possible consequences. Each of them made him a little embarrassed. Not to mention the more extreme ones, Yoona could at least do it and cause trouble here. Imagine Yoona being full of emotions here. He was rolling and crying, and he also had a severe headache.

"Okay, okay, but it's still early now, how about we go in an hour?"

"Are you stupid? Everyone was on lunch break at that time, so you couldn't grab a seat!" Yoona said as if I was very smart: "What's more, it's still early? After waiting for an hour, it will obviously be beyond the noon working time. Well, after all, the company can only extend working hours and can’t leave early, right?”

Although Yoona has no subjective intention to speak for the masses, the objective fact is that she did speak out what everyone is thinking. This is just like teachers and classmates. Teachers only want to delay class, but they want to end get out of class early. Don't even think about it.

In fact, this group of people didn't think about getting off work early or anything. After all, they are almost used to working overtime. They are treated as if they are not working overtime on any day, even though everyone is willing to do so, and the overtime pay given by the company is very generous. , but they need freedom!

For example, it would be nice to allow everyone to freely choose their time during lunch, so this group of people started to applaud crazily, leaving Yoona in a daze for a while, but after all, she is a person who is used to big scenes, How could YoonA have stage fright?

"Don't be too showy, let's keep a low profile. Let's all go to dinner. I won't treat you to dinner today because I don't have enough money. Remember to eat and drink well!" Yoona seemed to have rehearsed this set of words in advance. It seems quite social!

Seeing that everyone was full of expectations but their bodies were motionless, Yoona naturally knew what the problem was and hit Li Menglong with an elbow on his ribs. This time it was really painful, and Li Menglong was a little weak when he spoke.

In this case, he just stopped talking. He just wanted to be a good guy. He made Li Menglong look like the big bad guy in a TV series. He waved his hands irritably at the group of people, signaling them to get away as far as they could.

Now everyone was guaranteed. While making appointments for lunch, they shouted Yoona's name. The scene was quite lively, and Yoona also took the opportunity to drag Li Menglong and Xu Xian out with the group. .

For a moment, Yoona's heart was filled with great pride!

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