The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2059 Appearance Candidate

Li Menglong is not under any psychological pressure. These girls have just eaten so much of him, so it is only right that they should exercise. Even the fans have to thank him, otherwise the girls will appear in front of the camera as fat as a pig. I can’t believe they can laugh!

Of course, it obviously requires a lot of effort to feed the girls into pigs. After all, the weight of the girls is here. It's just that these people went in and received forced exercise. The little girl Xu Xian lowered her head. Why did you foolishly follow him?

Little did she know that this was Xu Xian's own plan. Firstly, the work was almost over and she also had some free time to arrange. Secondly, it was to cater to the emotions of girls. You must know that being a minority never ends well. of.

However, Xu Xian herself just wanted to exercise. During this period, she did not gain too much weight, but her physical fitness obviously felt that it was a lot worse, because she lacked exercise during this period, and she could only lose weight. It's just because it takes too much effort.

So taking this opportunity to sneak in and exercise has only advantages and no disadvantages, and I have to say that she is relatively not averse to fitness among girls. Of course, she doesn't like it. Seriously, as long as it is good for the body, Xu Xiandu is willing to persevere and try.

But before he had even taken a few steps, someone grabbed the ponytail on the back of his head. It is a very common move among primary school students. As for Li Menglong, the only one who has had this bad habit in the past two years, and he has refused to change despite repeated admonitions. of that kind.

Fortunately, Xu Xian himself didn't have any objection to this action, so if he was happy, let him go. The effect of this action was quite direct. Xu Xian almost tilted his head back and fell back into Li Menglong's arms. middle.

"What are you doing here, little girl? You're so skinny and you still exercise?" Li Menglong transformed into an eccentric old father and conducted popular science education to Xu Xian.

It's just that Xu Xian can feel this intention, but can we reconsider this peace and not play favorites in front of the other "daughters"? It is easy for her to be isolated behind her back.

Of course, the girls would not do this, and they felt sorry for their maknae, so they would just focus on Li Menglong: "What do you mean by being so sinister?"

"Are you not fat, the maknae? Do you want to measure yourself together now?"

"Are we just so hard for you to look at? Point out where we are fat. If you can't point it out, I won't be done with you today!"

Faced with this level of words, even ordinary men know that they need to restrain themselves. But as Li Menglong, who can deal with nine women at the same time, he naturally has his own way of getting along with each other, which is not to treat women with others. They treat them as women!

"You don't know where you are so fat? Look at your thighs, your pants are about to burst! Looking from a distance, you thought they were ham!"

Yoona looked down at her slender legs. She hadn't heard such words for many, many years. Even the anti-fans couldn't make up such lies, because no one would believe it. Lin Yoona Are your legs so fat that they turned into hams?

Yoona pulled her pants hard, as if she was about to tear the trouser legs at any time: "Open your eyes and see clearly, do you understand that these are elastic pants? If you put them in, they will be full. This is the same as mine." It doesn’t matter whether you are fat or not!”

"I haven't worn it, but if you tell me, I will understand!" Li Menglong looked like he was willing to be taught, and at the same time, he secretly pulled Xu Xian and prepared to evacuate.

Seeing that Li Menglong was about to get on the bus, the group of people realized that something was wrong. Li Menglong's method of deflecting conflicts was almost natural, and he even created a conflict out of thin air to satisfy the girls' sense of accomplishment, but the key issue was not yet discussed. !

Seeing these crazy women rushing over, Li Menglong immediately stepped up his actions and finally managed to close the car door, but that was all. These people didn't give him any space to drive, so he wouldn't be able to Just rush out.

The two sides began to confront each other through the car window. The most difficult person among them was Xu Xian. Fortunately, neither party focused on her. They just listened to the banging of the car window. I don’t know. I thought the date between Li Menglong and Xu Xian was blocked by the media.

"Otherwise, forget it, I'll go down, oppa!" Xu Xian said in the car in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"No need, they won't last long!" Li Menglong said extremely confidently. Even though Xu Xian and the girls have lived longer, when it comes to resisting these people, Li Menglong has much more experience than Xu Xian.

Sure enough, Li Menglong succeeded again. As for his method, it was just a shameless competition. You must know that even if ordinary people stage such a big battle, there will be passers-by watching the fun, let alone girls.

Combining the two major elements of beauties and celebrities, the number of passers-by around them increased rapidly. The few people on the outside quickly discovered something was wrong. Out of helplessness, they could only step forward to remind Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon-gyu who were frantically slapping the car windows. .

"What are some people afraid of? Let's all judge together. Are we fat?"

This response itself is correct. If they were just ordinary people, they could choose to respond this way. Li Menglong was definitely spurned by fair passers-by. After all, the beauty of girls is not denied by individuals.

But they are idols and celebrities, so it would be difficult to handle this. Who knows how the media will write about this matter, so Pani and the others can only go over and forcefully drag away Kim Taeyeon and the others. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon and the others didn't resist too much. They were still rational. They just said that just to save face.

Seeing the group of people slowly retreating, Li Menglong still had time to wave to them. He wanted to blow the whistle again, but Xu Xian pinched his thigh. The girl was also her Ernie. What about Ernie who bullied her in front of her?

"Why are you pinching me? I just invited you to dinner."

"Tch, then the Unnies have treated you to dinner so many times, why don't you be gentler to them?"

"Am I not gentle enough? If a man had come to the scene just now, he would have just driven out and rushed out. I am already very restrained!"

Xu Xian just believed Li Menglong's bragging. No matter how mature a man is, he will still have a childish side. Fortunately, Li Menglong's childish side did not last long, and he immediately became much more professional after returning to the company.

The editing work this afternoon is obviously much easier, because the painful mechanical work is almost over, and although it is not yet time to enjoy the results, you can also relax a little.

Throughout the afternoon, Li Menglong and Xu Xian began to refine the rough film she had edited little by little. This step was not difficult to achieve, but it tested the editor's thinking and details. At this time, we can see the benefits of the director's own editing. , this thought has a consistent continuity.

Li Menglong was mainly there to check for deficiencies, and even passed on his own experience to Xu Xian. This way of letting Xu Xian take charge of a project, and Li Menglong using this project to explain it to Xu Xian, was simply getting twice the result with half the effort!

It can be said that this method is the most ideal teaching method, but most people will not choose it. Few directors will directly fund and let students directly be responsible for a complete work in order to teach students. The risks involved are too great. .

But on Li Menglong's side, he successfully implemented it. Although his influence and efforts were involved, it must be said that Xu Xian himself was also ambitious enough. At least all the company executives, including Li Eunxi, were willing to give Xu Xian this Chances are, if it had been Lee Soon Kyu who had come over, this might not have been the result.

Li Menglong was serious in teaching and Xu Xian was attentive in learning. The time naturally passed quickly. Originally, he would come over to remind them at meal time. As for whether Li Menglong himself would receive similar treatment in the future, it was hard to say.

But today they were intercepted. When the girls walked into the company, everyone felt that something was not normal, because the girls looked really embarrassed. Not only were they all unkempt, but they also seemed to be wet. Are you going to play in the water?

It's just that water has no taste. Although the girls usually smell good, everyone who is sweaty after exercise will not be so "sweet": "Bring us some iced coffee, let's go first." Go wash up!"

"Where did you escape from?" the landlady asked teasingly.

"Exercise! Keep fit! We are professional actors, and we can endure any hardships in order to act!" Kim Taeyeon answered in a very high-sounding manner. She would never say that she was forced to go there at this time. We can't afford to embarrass that person!

"You guys don't work out on the roadside, right? There's not even a bathroom?"

Faced with this question from the boss lady, the girls were not easy to answer, so they could only muddle through vaguely. As for the real reason, it was just because they were worried. As idols, they were very cautious in this regard. of.

For example, the hotel you stay in must be the best one, not for enjoyment, but to prevent unnecessary accidents. Even if it is just like this, Li Menglong will take someone to check again, otherwise he will be really checked. If it was secretly photographed, it would really be a disaster.

Although this gym was introduced by Kim Jong Kook and the fitness instructors are very good, but even if she doesn't do it herself, there are still many ordinary people who come to train. What if they suffer an unreasonable disaster?

So they would rather flee back to the company in a sweaty and stinky mess than wash up in a strange place. As for the company, it is safe enough. The shower room in the practice room has a fingerprint lock.

The only bad thing here is that the bathroom is very small. Only one person can go in at a time. The rest of the people can only lie on the floor and continue to endure the greasy feeling caused by sweat. In order to relieve their emotions, it is natural to find an outlet. good idea.

"Li Menglong must be talking and laughing with the maknae now, right? We have suffered so much, and he still has a beautiful woman accompanying him. Does this make sense?"

"You are being ambiguous. You are accompanied by beautiful women when you exercise, but they are the facade of Girls' Generation!" Yoona reminded her slightly. After Li Menglong's remarks at noon today, she felt that her beauty was affected. It’s a challenge.

"Nenenene, everyone knows that you are the facade, no one can compete with you!"

"By the way, I could have been the frontman when I first debuted, but I was too embarrassed to compete with you!"

"Is this the case for you too? That's what the head of the room told me back then!"

Yoona herself was almost dumbfounded, how could there be so many good-looking candidates all at once? Although she admitted that girls are very beautiful, but purely in terms of appearance, she, Lin Yoona, was slightly more popular among the audience. Right, you even have questions about this?

The girl is just here to tease her silly maknae. After all, the other maknae is accompanying that stinky man Li Menglong over there. As for the facade thing, it is natural that it is nothing. Yoona's facade status is still quite stable. .

It's just that Yoona didn't feel relieved at all after simply teasing her. They were eager to give Li Menglong a heavy blow. As the saying goes, one person's intelligence is short and everyone's intelligence is strong. Although everyone's IQ is a little lower than usual, but together Together they are definitely enough to crush Li Menglong.

As a result, a huge plan slowly began to take shape. The core idea of ​​the plan was to spend all the remaining money of Li Menglong. After all, this was the worst blow they could think of to deal with Li Menglong, and it was much more painful than simply beating him up. After all, their hands still hurt when they beat him!

It's just that it's a problem to get this money out of Li Menglong's hands. Moreover, the money is a lot or a lot less. It's a little difficult to spend it all in a short period of time. Okay. This is not an obstacle for the angry girls at this moment.

After washing up, the girls gained a new life from their success. They are pink, tender and dewy little girls standing in the practice room. When they look at themselves in the mirror, they feel that I feel pity for them. I don’t know what Li Menglong is. How could a bastard do this?

Fortunately, they no longer wanted to think too much about this. Revenge was their most urgent plan, so they started the first step tonight according to the plan: "Excuse me, are the two directors free? We young actors I’m here to bring you coffee!”

"No time, just go and play by yourself!"

"Come in, guys, we didn't do anything!"

It's self-evident who said these two sentences, but the girls didn't treat them differently after they came in. They all had the same smiling faces, which made Li Menglong a little suspicious: "My cup of coffee is filled with... What's wrong? Just say it, I don't know how to drink it myself!"

As if she had expected this, Kim Taeyeon drank half of the coffee she was handed to her to show her innocence. However, her behavior seemed a bit wishful thinking. At least Li Menglong did not do this.

"After drinking this, your saliva is already there, why are you giving it to me?"

Seeing Li Menglong's expression full of disgust, Kim Taeyeon felt a little regretful. Would it be better to beat him up to relieve her anger?

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