The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2054 Suggested retail price

It’s not clear how the girls treated Kim Taeyeon. At least Li Menglong himself couldn’t bear to see it. Anyway, judging from the sound, it seemed that he kept screaming very miserably. Even though Kim Taeyeon is the eldest sister and captain of the team, she really It doesn't end well when there is public outrage.

Fortunately, instant noodles are a must-have item in the dormitory, so it’s better to grab a few more bags by yourself than to grab them. However, they are just joining in the fun. After all, they have already eaten so much meat. If this is not a pig, they should not be able to eat it. How much.

"Ah, Lin Yoona, are you a pig?" An angry scolding revealed the secret of the team's food intake. In fact, it doesn't matter if Yoona can eat. It's not like the girls can't afford this second youngest. What's too much is that she can eat no matter what. Not fat, this is the key to making people jealous!

Li Menglong was not involved in the whole process, and he was not even allowed to participate in the follow-up cleaning. Maybe it was the conscience of the girls who discovered it. They felt that Li Menglong was too responsible on weekdays, so they also allowed him to enjoy the boss's care. prestige.

It's just that Li Menglong doesn't mind using bad ideas to speculate on this group of people. Rather than his conscience discovering such a small probability event, he prefers to think that the recent pressure on the girls has made them regain their respect for Li Menglong.

After all, the more I read the script and memorized the lines, the more panicked I became. On the scene, Li Menglong was really easy to talk to. He didn't even have to wait a second to scold them. The girls were even worried about corporal punishment.

Of course, they have never thought about hitting people directly. In this era, there are very few directors like this anymore, but Li Menglong can still do things like making him stand. Imagine that scene, the girls I feel ashamed to see anyone.

In this case, let's please Li Menglong first. It's not too late to make amends. However, it's a little uncomfortable if there is no immediate feedback after the flattery is over. Why don't you give them a compliment? Are you just watching TV stupidly here? Is the TV as good as them?

"Uh, do you want to be honest?"

"Tell lies!"

"You are much better looking than TV. Can TV compare with you? It needs to be plugged in to emit light. You simply bring your own light source and emit light by yourself. It makes my eyes dazzle when I see it!" Li Menglong's complimentary words were repeated one after another. , the girls don’t know how to answer, this is a lie!

The girls decided to skip this question. After all, they were popular idols with countless fans. It would be embarrassing to compete with a broken TV, so they had to return to the basics: "Didn't we behave particularly well today? You didn't. Is there anything you want to say?”

"Well, keep it up!"

"Hiss..." Li Shunkyu forcibly suppressed his temper here and continued to show a bright smile: "Can you say something else?"

"Uh, keep up the good work!"

"Don't use this kind of vocabulary all the time, use your brain and change the direction!"

"Well, I don't have anything to say anymore. How about not saying anything?"

When Xu Xian heard this answer, he had already stood up in advance. He hadn't forgotten to pick up the fruit plate on the coffee table. Washing and cutting fruits was also very laborious, but it couldn't be wasted. Besides, they were "sporting with many people." "You obviously need to replenish water after that.

Without any exception, the girls' plan to please the director failed once again. This will definitely not be the last time. As for when it will succeed, it depends on the efforts of both parties. It seems to be so far away.

The harmonious and harmonious meal was officially over. Everyone was basically doing their own preparations before going to bed. Those who played with mobile phones, took a bath, did yoga, and even came over to drink wine bottles with Li Menglong.

Of course, let’s forget about soju. This thing should be drunk with food and drinks. Girls here prefer to drink red wine before going to bed. Of course, it’s only occasionally. The main reason is that this thing is so expensive, so I always drink it. It will feel a little distressing.

Seeing Pani walking over with a bottle of red wine, Li Menglong was also a little helpless: "Ah, you don't want to get me drunk, do you? It's easy for an actress to bring red wine to the director's bedroom at night. People misunderstood!”

"Nai, why didn't you say that nine actresses were in the same room with you after dinner? It would be more likely to be misunderstood!" Pani curled her lips. Her purpose of coming here was quite simple. Just to please Li Menglong.

Pani always feels that the behavior of girls is not pure enough. They want to please but can't let go of their face. This is the case for the tsundere faction represented by Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu. Correspondingly, there are shameless ones like Yoona. The fence-sitting faction.

As for Pani, both sides can get closer. It seems that the purpose now is very simple. He turned into a red wine salesman and spread the knowledge about this bottle of red wine to Li Menglong crazily. Later, it may be because there are too many lines. , and even started to read into the phone.

"It's hard to believe that you can make up so many words. Can we drink? After drinking, go to bed quickly!"

"Why are you just making it up? This is all written by the merchant himself. If you don't believe me, read it yourself!" Pani handed the phone to Li Menglong, and then started to open the red wine over there.

Li Menglong felt that Pani was a little clever today. At least he succeeded in letting him see the suggested retail price of this bottle of red wine. According to the price marked above, this bottle of red wine is worth tens of millions, which sounds very scary.

But look at Pani, who is now sitting cross-legged on the ground, struggling to push the remaining cork in with chopsticks. This action is definitely not worthy of the price tag of this bottle of red wine. You can imagine the price of this bottle of red wine. How much water has been injected? People's hearts are not ancient.

Wiping the sweat from his head, Pani finally showed a smile. As for the cork floating in the bottle, just pretend it's invisible: "Dangdang, oppa can drink. It's very expensive. You have to take a small sip." Taste, don’t just drink half the bottle in one gulp, do you understand?”

In view of Li Menglong's poor reputation in the past, Pani deliberately reminded here, but the sound also successfully attracted a group of hyenas, and a group of people rushed in with cups, and even ice cubes were added to the cups. , this is definitely planned for a long time.

Pani couldn't deal with the rudeness of this group of people, so he could only weakly emphasize the price of the bottle of red wine. However, the girls were not as kind as Li Menglong. They exposed Pani's lies in seconds, making this little girl The girl was very angry.

"Oppa, don't listen to their nonsense. They are just jealous of me. This bottle of red wine is really expensive. Oppa, please remember me!" During the gap saved by Pani, the girls had already drank half a glass each. Divide the bottle of red wine.

Of course, Pani and Li Menglong also got a share. Although Li Menglong didn't think that red wine was helpful in aiding sleep, no one would get drunk with that amount of alcohol, so it was more of a psychological effect, but it was still Pani after all. A piece of my heart.

"Go up and go to bed. I've already drunk this red wine. I will take care of you on the set!"

"Really? Then we agreed, I can give Oppa this kind of red wine every day until the filming ends!"

"One bottle costs over ten million. Our movie shooting will take more than two months at least. Are you sure you have that much money?"

"Well, the price will be much cheaper if you wholesale it!" Pani rolled his eyes and said anxiously, but is this wholesale price a bit suspicious of a jump sale?

Everyone could see that Li Menglong was teasing Pani here, and the other girls did not join in the booing. If what Li Menglong said was true, then the other girls wouldn't mind giving it as a gift. Li Menglong might keep using it for the rest of his life. It’s possible to take a bath with red wine!

Maybe because of the red wine, not a single actress came down to talk to Li Menglong at night. Fortunately, Li Menglong was not too disappointed. He didn’t have any extravagant expectations at first. As for being able to see Xu Xu as soon as he got up in the morning. Xian is undoubtedly something that makes people happy physically and mentally.

"Why are you up so early?" Li Menglong looked at the time and asked with concern. He couldn't have insomnia. He moved his hands forward to fix Xu Xian's cheeks and looked at them carefully. His skin was still tender and smooth. , there are no traces of dark circles under the eyes, it can be seen that the quality of sleep is very good.

He punched Li Menglong lightly on the chest. Those who knew naturally understood what he was doing. Those who didn't knew thought he was taking advantage here. Fortunately, no one else saw this scene. Everyone who could see it still He was fast asleep upstairs.

"I want to make breakfast for you. I've been too busy during this period. Oppa has been working very hard, right?" Xu Xian said very considerately: "But I already have time now. During the filming period, I will take good care of you!"

"Well, then I'll thank you in advance!" Li Menglong naturally wouldn't be polite to Xu Xian. It's normal for family members to care about each other. It's like Li Menglong has been wearing multiple hats during this time, so he didn't say much. Just say a word and keep it in your heart.

Xu Xian was obviously very satisfied with his reaction. If he really wanted to be polite, would it make Xu Xian sad? Or was the current mode of getting along with her more relaxing? He pushed Li Menglong to the bathroom, while Xu Xian continued to make her love sandwich!

As for Xu Xian or the cooking skills of girls, at least Li Menglong no longer has any hope. His own talent is one thing. In fact, the most important thing is that these people do not have the time and desire to practice. Even if they are injured, they will be very tired. It's trouble.

Even being smoked by oil is not worth it. This is not to say that they care too much about their beauty, but that as celebrities, they need to keep themselves in good condition, including their skin, and this supple skin is It was obtained by spending a lot of money to go to a beauty salon for maintenance.

So cooking a meal for maintenance is a business that can no longer be made at a loss. According to the words of the girls, after they withdraw from the circle, they guarantee that Li Menglong will not have to do anything for a whole year, and they will cover all the meals.

But Li Menglong didn’t know if he would be able to see this scene in his lifetime. Fortunately, Xu Xian still had some flexible cooking skills. Cooking porridge and juice juice were all her repertoire, and this vegetable sandwich was also hers. Best dishes.

After briefly washing up, Li Menglong began to look at the giant sandwich in front of him, especially when compared with Xu Xian's, it was more than twice the size. At first glance, the fillings inside were also very rich, including omelettes, lunch, etc. Meat, vegetables, but did you forget to put the salad dressing?

"Hey, eat less of that stuff, it's not good for your health!"

"Is this lunch meat okay?"

"It's not like we don't have chicken breasts at home, otherwise who would put luncheon meat for you!"

Xu Xian said so. Li Menglong sprinkled some more pepper into it and started to devour it. Fortunately, he was really not picky about food. Xu Xian was really satisfied with this. It was not as difficult as the girls. Wait, if it's a girl's situation today, let alone salad dressing, you might want to add some of the sauces you have at home.

"What are your plans today?" During the break between meals, the two of them also talked about today's work, so they could exchange plans with each other in advance.

"The trailer will be completely delivered today. I'm going to do the final pressing today. The editing side is about to be finished. It's going to be dawn here!" Xu Xian said very relaxedly, regardless of the final result. Anyway, she tried her best, and the hard work was finally coming to an end.

Although she will have to shoot movies in the future, being an actor is not that easy, but the biggest fear in everything is comparison. Compared with the career of a director, it seems that being an actor is not that difficult. Besides, she has eight sisters to share the burden with her. Well, even if she is scolded, she doesn’t have to carry it alone, which is great!

Li Menglong is generally aware of the progress of Seohyun's work. After all, he spends time with Seohyun every afternoon, but today he can't go there in the afternoon because he has to secretly prepare Yoona's version of the promotion. Film.

Speaking of which, the original plan was to release Yoona's version first, so that everyone would preconceptions that Yoona's song was an OST, and Seohyun would have to swallow this bitter pill later.

However, the plan did not change quickly. The main reason was that the trailer was released too late. Seohyun had almost completed the production of the TV series, and the space left for Yoona was extremely limited. Even Li Menglong did not hold it. What a hope.

Li Menglong didn't hide anything from Yoon'er. Fortunately, this girl is also very open-minded. According to Yoon'er, she just needs to work hard. The result is not something she can control. After confirming that Li Menglong didn't do anything artificial, she It was a very generous relief.

Yoona's open-minded attitude made Li Menglong a little embarrassed. After all, he is a dignified man. It would be too embarrassing if he couldn't do what he promised to the little girl. So even if it can't become an official OST, the folk version can always Bar.

In this case, Li Menglong became more open-minded and even had a small plan. The first step of the plan was to release the official trailer of Seohyun at the same time. He wanted to tell everyone about Yoona's singing voice in a head-on confrontation. It’s also very beautiful!

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