When the eight girls are separated together, the number of people present is just a number after all. However, this is an ideal situation, but many people are a little greedy and want to collect the signatures of eight people.

Facing this kind of person, Li Menglong wanted to slap him with his mouth. This is not enough of an advantage, right? But the fans also had their own reasons. They just threw out the fried chicken coupons. They said that the 20,000 yuan voucher could be used to queue up once. Each of them bought no less than 20 tickets, so they had to wait in line. How many times did you have a problem?

Of course there are problems, but Li Menglong has nothing to say. After all, people have spent money and reasonably exploited loopholes in the rules. It is impossible for him to return the money. His philosophy of doing business is also consistent with The proprietress is in the same vein, and she is determined not to spit out what she takes into her mouth.

Fortunately, there are only a limited number of customers with deep pockets. Although 20,000 yuan is not much and is a great value when used as a fried chicken coupon, it does feel a little painful when multiplied by eight. Besides, getting the signatures of one or two girls is enough. You're already quite content, aren't you? It doesn't have to be so perfect.

And this requires not only a monetary cost, but also a huge investment in time. You must know that although there is a lot more time at noon than in the morning, it is still limited after all, especially those who have to travel far and need to take a car. If you include the time it takes to go back, you will have even less time to stay, and you still need to eat something.

So after one o'clock, the group of people in the store finally dispersed, and the remaining dozens of people were all fans who took the time to see the girls, and even some of them were very friendly with the girls. Familiarity: "We all know each other so well, so don't buy fried chicken coupons!"

This person took the initiative to provoke Li Menglong. Of course it was just a friendly joke, but Li Menglong strictly adhered to his bottom line: "Don't do this with me. Besides, how many of their signatures have you already got? It's enough for toilet paper, right?" , are you still coming to line up?"

"Ah, are our signatures toilet paper?" The girls over there naturally made their own voices, which was simply insulting them: "Come here quickly, we can get off work after you sign your names. , I’m so exhausted!”

Just when the fan was about to respond to his idol's call, Li Menglong grabbed the other person's wrist and thought it would be naive to do this right under his nose: "Isn't this your fried chicken coupon right?"

"What's wrong? I bought all this with real money, but you still don't recognize the stuff in your own store?"

"You must admit it, and I didn't say you were lying, so calm down!" Li Menglong replied calmly. Does this level of tactics really mean that he has no precautions at all? Innocent!

"Have you seen this hole? Anyone who comes with a ticket and asks for an autograph will have it punched. So you must have gotten this second-hand from somewhere. If you want autographs, sell another batch. Otherwise, hurry up. Where are you going back?"

Faced with Li Menglong's aggressiveness, this guy just smiled guiltily and immediately took out a dozen brand-new fried chicken coupons from his other pocket. Otherwise, he was an acquaintance, someone who wouldn't trick Li Menglong. They were all Just kidding, if you can deceive Li Menglong, maybe he will take the initiative to show off after signing the autograph.

The girls were also flexing their sore wrists and looking at the small theater here. In the end, of course they felt it was a pity. The fans were too restrained. In this case, they directly called the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to complain to Li Menglong. Maybe there are some laws that can curb his arrogance.

While the girls were finishing their work, Li Menglong also went to the kitchen to cheer everyone up for their hard work. Li Menglong didn't say much words of encouragement at all. We are all men. If you don't like this, it is still a material reward. The most impressive one: "Twenty percent of the total fried chicken coupons sold today will be used as a reward for everyone, everyone has a share!"

After saying this, everyone naturally cheered. Maybe the money distributed to everyone is not a particularly large amount, but at least it represents Li Menglong's attitude. Besides, this is indeed the greatest sincerity that Li Menglong can show. Unless he comes up with his own money.

You must know that fried chicken is certainly profitable, but after excluding material costs, rent, operating expenses and even their wages, the net profit may be more than 30%. As a result, Li Menglong directly took out 20% as Their reward, what else do you want?

While the gang was making the final touches in the kitchen, Li Menglong came outside with some snacks. The girls were already yawning at each other, while the fans were contentedly showing off each other's signatures.

"Thank you for your hard work, all the heroes. This is a small gesture from the store. It's less about courtesy than more about affection. Thank you all for your generous help. In the future, if you can find anything useful in the store, just ask!" Li Menglong said in a very arrogant manner. .

The girls didn't have much of a reaction, they were just concentrating on eating the fried chicken. After all, in their opinion, their current actions were all about returning favors, even though last night was a final banquet that Xu Xian commissioned the landlady to hold, and they also paid for it. That kind of thing, but it still makes people very hard after all.

Since they are nine people in one body, they naturally have to express their feelings for the maknae. This is the opportunity. As for Li Menglong's fart-like words, they must have not heard them, otherwise they would easily be disgusted.

It's just that these people have arrived, but Pani is extra sensitive today. Why does Li Menglong's words imply that he wants to default on his debt? Pani doesn't mind returning the favor, but this They had negotiated this in advance, but they were two different things.

"Ahem, Oppa, don't you have anything to say to me?" Pani took a big bite of hamburger and said slowly, with a strong hint of threat in his tone.

Who are these girls? They have always been on the edge of pranks. They immediately heard that there was a story in it. You must know that listening to stories while eating is the best way to eat, so they all pricked up their ears. Just waiting for the two of them to fight.

Who knew that Li Menglong was so cowardly that he took the initiative to comfort Pani: "How can I have nothing to say? Pani is so good-looking. Girls' Generation deserves to be number one in appearance. I want to be with you in this dream." I can’t speak enough!”

"Bah..." Li Shunkyu spat out the chicken bones in his mouth. This was not directed at Li Menglong. It was just an act of eating. If Li Menglong insisted on interpreting his words as disdain and contempt for him, then Li Shunkyu would just let it go. Agreed.

It's just that Li Menglong's eyes didn't even look that way. He tried his best to gain Pani's trust with his sincere eyes. To some extent, it was considered a success, although Pani also knew that this was flattering. After all, everyone knows that Li Menglong thinks Xu Xian is the best in appearance, but I have to say that it sounds very cool.

"Uh, okay, but remember what you promised me. If you don't give me an accurate answer, I will definitely expose you!" Pani finally issued his own sweet threat, but fortunately it was a letdown Li Menglong passed the test temporarily.

You must know that if these girls find out about this, they will definitely come to him and ask for their share of the appearance fee. After all, Pani already has it, so why don’t they? Although he didn't hold the show alone like Pani, he was definitely present for the subsequent autographs. Asking for half of Pani's fee was a no-brainer.

It's just that Li Menglong doesn't even know where to get Pani's share of the appearance fee. If these people come to him to ask for money, then Li Menglong might as well die here, but there is still no trouble. The solution is all about money!

Naturally, the girls cannot be satisfied with such a small scene, but now they are hurrying to eat, so they don't care about the little secrets of these two people for the time being, but when they have free time, they can't help but these two people.

However, after lunch, there was still a small problem to be solved. Where should they go now? They originally wanted to go back to the dormitory to rest. After all, they were not in particularly good condition right now.

But after all, I had slept for so long. After I came down, I worked for a while and then had lunch. I was very energetic for a while. Besides, I can’t just sleep from now on when I go back. In that case, let’s find some work to do. .

It just so happens that this is still a company, and everything is ready-made. There is still OST that needs to be prepared over there. It is okay to gather the strength of a large team and even make some preliminary samples if everything goes well.

Li Menglong didn't care about the plans of these girls. Of course, to be precise, the girls didn't ask for his opinion, but in this way he didn't have to send the girls off alone. It was just a matter of when to see the store. Come on, the scene at noon won't happen again at night, right?

Li Menglong couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this. Not to mention whether he and the kitchen staff had the physical strength to deal with it, even if he had to pay for Pani's appearance fee, it would be a huge problem, so in order to avoid losing money When the scene happened, he felt that some preventive measures should be taken in advance.

Li Menglong himself thought of some ways, such as announcing through the company's official blog that the girls would no longer sell fried chicken, or asking some reporters to publish corrections, but when you think about it, you know it is unreliable. After all, fans are more willing They see what they want to see, and how far the news can spread and whether they will believe it is ultimately a question.

In this case, let's call people over to brainstorm ideas. The people in the kitchen, including the waiters in the front office, are really thinking about it. After all, this is something closely related to them. If this happens again at noon, they will probably He's going to die making and delivering fried chicken.

As the saying goes, the three stooges are better than Zhuge Liang. Even if their brains are not very bright, they still have that moment of inspiration. Soon a bad idea comes out, taking into account the effect and impact. , Li Menglong chose to agree without hesitation.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, fans started to come over one after another. After all, the autographed photos that the group got at noon were really the envy of ordinary people, because they couldn't catch up in the morning and noon time, but there was no limit in the evening. , it’s great to stay up all night here!

With this crazy idea of ​​"die together", everyone rushed over enthusiastically, but when they arrived at the door of the fried chicken restaurant, they were a little dumbfounded. There was a giant sign that could be seen a few meters away. The message is also very simple, that is, the fried chicken restaurant needs to be disinfected and renovated, and it will only accept takeout business until tomorrow morning.

This is almost like being a hooligan, but no one can find anything wrong with it. Can't they simply close their shop? What's more, people have said that it is for disinfection and sterilization, and for the health of customers. Besides, it can still be taken away, so you can order one to take away.

This will have little impact on the customers who come to eat fried chicken. After all, you can take the fried chicken home or go to the store next door to eat it, but it is a bit cruel to those who come here specifically for the girls. This hard work Did you travel this far just to eat fried chicken?

Li Menglong was holding a mop here and pretending to mop the floor. Most of the time, he was holding the mop pole with both hands and looking at the confused crowd outside. To be honest, Li Menglong would not be willing to do this if possible, but this is not true. He has no money. If someone outside is willing to chip in a sum of money for the appearance fees of the girls, he will open the door to welcome them without saying a word. Is it possible?

You must know that the appearance fee for the girls is not a 20,000 fried chicken coupon, so everyone can only look at each other in silence through a glass. The more rational people feel that it is a pity, but it is not too big. My mood fluctuated, and I even bought some fried chicken and walked around here. This is also a commercial street.

But there are always some radical ones. There are also many people who are talking to Li Menglong through the glass, but Li Menglong’s mentality is as stable as an old dog. These words are really scratching the surface and have no offensive power at all. According to the game It means he can't break through the defense. Li Menglong's face defense is almost full. What should these people do?

I wanted to rush in and have a real-person PK, but looking at the muscular men inside, considering Li Menglong's past reputation, it seemed that he was at a disadvantage, but he was unwilling to let them leave quietly, and in the end he could only remain in a stalemate here. .

It is said that Li Menglong is already ready for the battle. He even feels that the waiting process is quite boring. If someone can rush in now, then the ambush he made will be meaningful. You must know that a dozen people can be called up with just a shout from underground. As for the person holding a weapon, it seems that this is of no use.

Just when Li Menglong thought he was going to spend his time in peace, he didn't expect a girl to run down from upstairs. When Yoona saw Li Menglong, she pulled him up without saying a word, but when she saw Yoona's In an instant, the crowd outside burst into flames like dry firewood meeting sparks.

At this time, the original arrangement was no longer available, at least a fight was impossible. Li Menglong had no choice but to use the last resort. He dialed a phone call, but the other party did not answer the call. A minute later a police car appeared. As soon as I rushed outside the door, it seemed that the whole world was filled with only the noise of "wow wah wah wah"...

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