The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2022 The Boss Who Pays

Xu Xian is probably already at home preparing to wash up and rest, but Li Menglong has just relaxed a little. This is due to the information spread on the Internet during this time period, when everyone is working and going to school, and their time is stuck. Especially dead.

It's impossible to come here and wait in line for an hour just to see Xu Xian. Besides, teachers and bosses are not that easy to talk to, so although the number of people is a bit more than before, it is still within the tolerable range. .

It was busy from after six o'clock until almost nine o'clock, and the store finally became a lot empty. Li Menglong and the group of people in the kitchen no longer cared about cleaning the stove. A group of people wearing clothes splattered with grease swarmed around. Walked out.

It was obvious that this group of men was really suffering. Not only did they walk unsteadily, but their clothes were soaked with sweat. When they reached the path behind the company, these men no longer restrained themselves. , and quickly took off his clothes.

Of course, this is not enough to be a hooligan. After all, these people know how to carry people on their backs. Now they just want to cool down. A row of shirtless strong men sat down on the side of the low road with difficulty. It looked like It’s also quite joyful.

Then the youngest one took out a pack of cigarettes, gave one to each of the group and lit it. This was considered to have completed all the steps. Naturally, Li Menglong was not exempt from the custom, sitting there and letting the cool breeze blow by. The warmth was taken away from his armpits, and he was puffing up smoke while bragging with these people.

As for the topic of men, there are only a few kinds of topics. Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know what to say. He would just brag to death anyway. This one said that he had seen Kim Tae Hee look ordinary, and the other said that Kim Hee Sun was actually very ugly without plastic surgery.

When he arrived at Li Menglong's place, he naturally had to make fun of the girls. It was enough to expose some embarrassing things about them. However, after carrying this person, he couldn't even drink cold water without his teeth. What a coincidence that there were girls in the bathroom at this time. .

You must know that this path is directly opposite the bathroom. Although the sound insulation is good, it can't stand Li Menglong's loud voice, so soon a basin of cold water was smashed down from the corridor window.

Although many innocent people were implicated, Li Menglong was the one who suffered the most. He was shivering like a drowned rat, and the cigarette in the corner of his mouth could not withstand such a large amount of water. All in all, he was in an extremely embarrassed state.

How can this group of people have a good temper? Besides, this is Li Menglong. Even if they just want to please, they still have to express some attitudes. What's more, everyone's relationship is indeed good, but when they raised their heads and were about to curse, one by one It's eerily quiet.

The movements were basically the same. First he raised his head angrily, then his expression turned to surprise, and then he lowered his head in embarrassment, as if there was a savage beast above him. Now Li Menglong was not convinced. Who is it?

"Yeah, come down if you want. If I don't beat you to death today, I will..." Li Menglong didn't forget to say something harsh when he raised his head, but after raising his head, he couldn't say the second half of the sentence anyway. Kim Taeyeon above is sticking out her little head and looking at it curiously.

"Say it, why don't you say it anymore!"

What else does Li Menglong dare to say? There is nothing wrong with saying bad things about others behind their backs. The key is to be heard by the person involved on the spot. This is the most embarrassing thing. Moreover, Kim Taeyeon still has enough revenge ability, which leaves Li Menglong speechless. Ah, I can only say endure it!

But he, Li Menglong, was timid, but Kim Taeyeon was still unwilling to give up, saying crazy and harsh words on the top: "Don't leave down there, I will come down to find you, let's have a good talk, okay?"

"No, I'll run away as soon as you get down. Whatever you want to talk about, just talk here!" Li Menglong's words were really cowardly. The men around him were putting clothes on their heads and laughing in a low voice. .

But although Li Menglong is the most hateful, do these people think they are innocent? You must know that no snowflake is innocent in an avalanche. Although they did not arrange the girls, are the other female stars not human?

Of course, Kim Taeyeon also understands this group of people. It can be said that this is one of the costs of being a star. Because they have access to celebrities, they have restrained their words a lot, at least they do not involve any eroticism. On the other hand, they were just joking about their looks and scandals.

If ordinary people only talk about artists to this extent, I guess the artists may go to burn incense and worship Buddha. So now, instead of saying that Kim Taeyeon is angry, it is better to say that she is cooperating with these people to brag: "I said Kim Taehee earlier. Well, have you seen her? If not, did you see Park Ji-yeon last night? She is known as Little Kim Tae-hee, is she good-looking?"

"As for Kim Hee Sun, I still need to tell you whether she has had plastic surgery. Besides, even if she has undergone plastic surgery, do you think you can see her photos before she had plastic surgery? They have already been collected by others, and the ones posted on the Internet Most of them are made from black powder, you understand?"

The people below really don’t know these twists and turns, but it sounds like they are quite knowledgeable. It’s understandable that these people are so excited because they don’t understand, but Li Menglong knows the law and breaks the law: “Yeah, Li Menglong, there’s nothing wrong with you. Do you want to say something?”

Li Menglong was willing to risk it. Of course, it was because the distance was safe enough. He didn’t believe that Kim Taeyeon dared to jump down directly: “What’s wrong with what I said? Isn’t it the truth? What do you think when you don’t put on makeup? No number?"

"Hey, what happened when I wasn't wearing makeup? Isn't it disgusting to you?"

"That's right, you didn't know until today?" Li Menglong was really trying to kill himself: "I haven't tolerated you for more than a day or two. Didn't you realize that I never looked at you when I was eating in the morning? Just because I was afraid. No appetite!"

After saying this, there were cries of surprise all around. The news was really exciting. As for whether these people believed it or not, it was not very important. At least Li Menglong successfully aroused Kim Taeyeon's anger.

It was obvious that Kim Taeyeon was not satisfied with the spat in front of her. She wanted to stage a real-life battle with Lee Mongryong, but this coward kept saying that he wanted to run away, which made Kim Taeyeon very embarrassed. The key is that Lee Mongryong There are truths and lies.

Kim Taeyeon is still very confident about her and her sisters' bare makeup. She dare not say that they can look better without makeup than celebrities with makeup, but at least it is enough compared with good-looking passers-by. No matter how bad it is, it won't be bad It was so hard for Li Menglong to swallow.

It is true that Li Menglong did not dare to look at them while eating, but is this the reason? That's because he has to hurry up and grab something to eat. If he still dares to chat with them here, he will be without breakfast in a minute.

Kim Taeyeon soon realized that she was at a disadvantage. After all, even though they were so far apart, Li Menglong had helpers while she was alone. It was hard to call up the other girls for such a small thing.

"Hmph, wait until we wake up, and then we will discuss the issue of bare makeup!"

"Yes, why are you here? Don't you have to sleep?"

Kim Taeyeon didn't even reply. She just scratched her neck hard with her thumb, and then left coolly. After confirming that Kim Taeyeon was gone, the people around came over to greet her, light cigarettes, and wipe away the water. There are many stains, especially flattering.

"Yeah, is it interesting to do something now? Why didn't you speak for me just now?"

"Hey, it's hard for us little guys to get involved in the affairs of your big shots!"

"Bullshit big shots, besides, you are employees of a fried chicken restaurant. Kim Taeyeon can still fire you. What are you afraid of?"

"It's impossible for her, but there is a boss lady above. If Kim Taeyeon files a complaint, what do you think will be the consequences?"

After thinking about it for a while, I have to say that this group of people thought correctly. Even Li Menglong was a little scared: "Okay, okay, stop bragging outside from now on. Let's go eat. I'm so busy now that I can't even talk about it." Didn’t even eat breakfast!”

"Great, what should we have for breakfast?"

"What else can we eat? This store has fried chicken and burgers. What's the matter, don't you like them?" Li Menglong really felt that these people were a little arrogant. Little did he know that these were their daily work meals. He was so tired today and Li Menglong was there. This thigh, everyone obviously wants a change of taste.

Considering the hard work of this group of people from last night to today, Li Menglong agreed to their request. After all, he thought it was just breakfast. How much could he eat? It won’t drive him bankrupt!

Half an hour later, Li Menglong began to fall into deep self-blame. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. It was just a very friendly breakfast shop next to the fried chicken shop. Because after breakfast, there were so many people and the proprietress was also there. Because of their acquaintance, the store even offered a 20% discount.

As a result, they haven’t finished eating yet. You must know that this is not a drinking party, it is just a normal meal. In other words, this group of people have been eating and eating for half an hour. Some of the people who were full even took the initiative to go back and leave the food left behind. The waiter in the store was replaced.

Li Menglong may have been with girls for a long time, so he naturally took in the girls' appetites. It's just that Yoona, the most eater among the girls, is still a child in front of these big-bellied guys, let alone These people haven't eaten anything since last night.

It’s no exaggeration at all. In the end, they ran out of food in the store. After all, a round of food had been sold in front of the store. These foods were left over and planned to sell some at noon. But these were not reasons. Is it too much to eat too much?

After eating like this, this group of people were still shouting that they were eight times full. Seeing this, Li Menglong wanted to go over and fight with this group of people, but then he let the group of people go back first, while Li Menglong stayed here with the boss. After all, at least this boss has a really good attitude, but if you encounter this group of customers in any store, you will laugh from ear to ear!

Seeing that the cost jumped from six figures to seven figures, Li Menglong knew that this figure was beyond his ability to afford. At this time, he must find someone to share it with. As for who to look for, it is self-evident.

Kim Taeyeon was the first one to be eliminated. Firstly, she had just made a feud, and secondly, she had not had much rest this morning, so after much hesitation, Li Menglong chose Pani. This little girl has a voluptuous temperament, which is very suitable for her. Bullied.

Sure enough, despite Pani's reluctance, she still stood at the door with a grimace ten minutes later, threw the card to Li Menglong, and then sat on the chair nearby and continued to doze off. She was also very sleepy.

But when she was breathing, why could some liquid be sucked up in her mouth? He didn't even open his eyes. Anyway, Li Menglong couldn't trick himself. Fortunately, he soon tasted it was soy milk. In that case, you're welcome.

After the soy milk, there seemed to be steamed buns, eggs, and so on. Panina would not refuse anyone who came, and she would sit there with her eyes closed and eat stuffedly. Anyway, she was not picky about food. As for the treatment, she was the boss who paid the money. Is it a good treatment?

A breakfast costs a whopping seven figures. Shouldn't Pani enjoy the service of opening his mouth with this meal? At least Li Menglong himself didn't complain, even though he left this food for the girls as a whole.

But as the boss, it didn’t matter that Pani ate half of it. Anyway, it was Pani’s mercy to leave some for the girls. Pani, who was full and full, said that the trip was still worth it.

Although she spent some money, was she short of money? Of course, saying this is a bit frivolous. To be precise, she is not the one who missed this small sum of money. Besides, she is also getting a meal, so she is not as experienced as Li Menglong.

"Where is the maknae? The maknae was not in the room when I got up. I thought she was with you!"

"Xiaoxian was taken home by her mother and she was allowed to have a good rest at home for a few days."


"What do you mean? How about I give you a few days off?"

Pani really wanted to nod, but thinking about what she was doing, the OST of this TV series and Li Menglong's movie were neither things she could deal with perfunctorily, so she could only shake her head with regret: " I am not such an ignorant woman, I will work hard for my career!"

"So the way you work hard is to drink three cups of soy milk, eat four steamed buns and..." The second half of Li Menglong's words was directly swallowed by him. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but Pani An iron elbow hit him in the stomach, which almost stopped him. How dare you continue to be so careless?

Unlike Kim Taeyeon who woke up several times, Pani was resting well, so she didn't plan to go up after checking the time. After a while, the sisters woke up and everyone went home together. Of course, she absolutely I will not admit that I have eaten too much, so I need to stand to digest...

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