The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1993 Musician’s Habits

The arrival of the girls seemed to inject a lot of vitality into the entire office. Although they did not stay on the second floor, it is more like a spiritual attribute. After all, they are all so beautiful. No, the key is that you are so beautiful and can chat with them. This kind of good thing is not common.

Li Menglong also passively benefited from the benefits brought by the girls, and even working overtime at night was much smoother than in the past. After all, everyone expected the girls to come down to have dinner together and continue chatting and so on.

However, it is not common for good things to come in pairs. The girls were just sitting there chatting this afternoon and were jealous of Yoona. How dare they continue to waste time? Of course, they have nothing to do with Yoona.

The main reason they didn't come down to eat was because of work. You know, there's no light in the recording studio all year round. There's not even a clock hung up to confuse people with time. You can't feel the passage of time inside.

As for why you do this, you have to ask the "musicians". Li Menglong has never particularly understood why the so-called inspiration must appear at night or even early in the morning? Why do these musicians always work late at night?

It would have been understandable if I had said it was too noisy during the day, but can this excuse still be used? It's hard to say for other recording studios, after all, I can't guarantee it, but SW definitely has the best soundproofing here, and it's very thorough.

Of course, the main reason is to prevent disturbing the outside when listening to music. After all, there are many people working on the third floor, but it also leaves a quiet space for the singers to be alone. You can never hear anything from outside. of sound.

He even went to talk to the girls about this, and the answer was definitely no. Even Xu Xian, who values ​​health the most, acquiesced to this, as if musicians working during the day seemed particularly unprofessional. It's very puzzling.

So dinner time is just when the girls are just getting ready to start working, and the peak of inspiration will not come until midnight. Of course, the girls have no intention of staying here all night. They just came here for a brief listening session today.

But I have to say that they still love music. Maybe some idols make their debut simply because they want to be famous, to experience the feeling of being a star, or even more bluntly, just for money. But even for such people, in terms of material After reaching a standard that you are satisfied with, you will pursue music even if it is to build a memorial arch.

Not to mention that people like Kim Taeyeon really like music and enjoy the process of bringing music to fans. They are even intoxicated in the ocean of music and cannot extricate themselves. The result is naturally a complete timeout.

The group of people downstairs know this best. They didn’t see the girls during the meal, which is a bit disappointing in itself. Fortunately, they can still have something to look forward to. Compared with the lonely way to get off work on weekdays, Tonight should be more colorful.

Imagine the scene of girls walking over with brisk steps, greeting everyone softly, and urging everyone to get off work. Everyone would be more willing to stay a little longer, but one hour is nothing, two I can persist for an hour, and three hours is considered tolerable.

But it’s past eleven o’clock. In the past, even if he worked overtime, he would rarely work until this time. It’s not that Li Menglong is kind-hearted, but he needs to consider the affordability of this group of people. Sustainable development is the key point. So he will reserve enough sleep time for these people, but of course don't expect nightlife or anything like that.

Li Menglong also felt it was very funny. He even thought of calling the girls to come down for a walk. The resentment was really too strong. But unfortunately, the girls' mobile phones were basically muted and no one could disturb them. Their.

So it was a pity that Li Menglong had to urge these people to get off work. It was a very rare scene. Li Menglong himself couldn't adapt to it, and the others also felt embarrassed. Of course, he didn't forget to sign to the stairs before leaving. But they are destined to be disappointed.

Li Menglong stayed here to sort out the documents. When he went up, it was already twelve o'clock. He had to ask these people what their plans were. If they went home, they would leave now. If they didn't go back, what would happen? Tell Xu Xian and the others, otherwise staying out at night would be an unforgivable sin for the girls.

Of course, if they stay, Li Menglong will also have to accompany them here. Although the company is full of people, there are customers on the first floor after all. If they take advantage of the opportunity, nothing will happen. .

It would be much better to have him as a bodyguard. He had even planned a place for him to rest. He just moved a recliner and stood guard at the door of the recording studio, so that there would be no accidents.

But before that, he still had to ask this group of people for their opinions. He knocked on the door first, but no one responded to him at all. After all, with the sound insulation and the music inside, you might not be able to hear it even if you drill the door.

I pushed hard, and sure enough, it was locked from the inside. These girls must have been alert, but this was just to prevent ordinary fans. In order to prevent similar situations from happening, this door was similar to the bathroom door on an airplane. Yes, there is a hidden buckle device that can open the door from the outside.

After a few pokes, Li Menglong opened a gap. Although the lights in the corridor were already very dim, it was even darker inside. This is another bad habit of "musicians". It seems that the lower the brightness of the light, the easier it is to cultivate. out their inspiration.

After getting used to it for a while, Li Menglong finally saw the scene clearly. Kim Taeyeon was sitting there with Pani, listening to music. Yuri and Hyoyeon, who were active next to them, also gave some opinions from time to time. However, during the breaks in the music, But there is always some noise mixed in.

Li Menglong was originally surprised by the small number of people. He was wondering if Li Soonkyu had gone back first. However, following the snoring sound, he easily found the sleeping eldest sister. It seemed that her head was tilted very uncomfortable and her face was suffocated. flushed.

He first went over to straighten Li Shungui's head, and then patted Pani on the shoulder from behind. No one knew that Pani was so timid, and he immediately jumped up. Of course, it was accompanied by the singer's super high decibels. screamed.

As if hearing an alarm, Li Soonkyu jumped up from the sofa in an instant, and then looked around in confusion, as if asking where this was. As for Pani, she had already ruled it out immediately. It was dangerous. After all, Li Menglong had such a big lump there, how could it still be dangerous?

Li Shungui was not the only one who was frightened. The other girls were also frightened. Even Li Menglong was picking his ears: "Don't blame me. You didn't turn on the lights so you couldn't see. I knocked." You didn’t even hear the door opened.”

One sentence directly blocked the accusations that the girls wanted to say, which made them feel very unhappy. What if they take the initiative to admit their mistakes as adults? Even if I don't blame you, it scared Pani like this. Sorry, any questions?

Of course there was a problem, at least Li Menglong himself was not convinced, but he didn't come here to quarrel. It wouldn't be good to do something in the middle of the night, so he quickly changed the subject: "How is your selection going?"

Maybe the girls had similar feelings, so they didn't pay much attention to him. As for Pani, she had already gone to Lee Soon Kyu to seek comfort. When no one wanted to stand up for her, the only one she could turn to was Lee Soon Kyu.

Ignoring Pani on the other end who was taking advantage of his girlfriend, Li Menglong was listening to some music selected by Kim Taeyeon. Although he couldn't compose and couldn't even read the music score, he couldn't compose and couldn't listen to it. ?

Even his tasting ability is not particularly top-notch, but who gave him this opportunity and the right? Under relative conditions, he is already relatively fair and objective: "It doesn't sound good, you Are you sure this is okay?”

"Hey, I told him why you should listen to it, he can tell a hammer!" Li Shunkyu was bewitched by Pani there, and this time he was looking for trouble.

However, it is unwise to argue with someone who has just woken up and is not very clear-headed. At least Li Menglong has the patience to wait until she wakes up. As for Kim Taeyeon on the other end, she is also very dissatisfied. It took her so long to choose. Li Menglong just said this?

You must know that these are all demos, which only have the most basic melody. Various soundtracks, arrangements and even lyrics are not yet available. They are just like rough jade. When it comes to picking out the rough stones from the stones, Li Menglong is obviously the best. I don't have this kind of vision.

But after all, he is also a director, and he knows Seohyun and this TV series very well, so it is not impossible for him to give some comments from the director's point of view, but before that, Kim Taeyeon feels that he needs to prepare, otherwise he will It's all in vain.

Several girls lowered their heads and chattered for a few minutes. When Li Menglong came back from the bathroom, the group was already singing. The feeling changed instantly. After all, the composer is not necessarily a good singer.

After Kim Taeyeon and others performed the song live, the song completely changed its flavor. Reason told Li Menglong that he should not take Kim Taeyeon and others' voices into consideration, but emotionally he couldn't do it: "It's not bad. You can sing to me more at home in the future.”

"Tch, it's a nice thought. You don't know what our appearance fee is. Can you afford it? If you can afford it, we can dress up in stage costumes and give you dance music at home."

Kim Taeyeon just complained casually, but Li Menglong thought about it seriously. Even if he meets the girls every day, they are completely different people on stage and in private. At least he, Li Menglong, resists No one can hold back their charm on stage, let alone those eighteen white thighs.

So if he could dance in a stage costume just for him and watch it up close, I have to say that he was tempted, but then he realized that the girls' appearance fees were something he couldn't afford. , not to mention this kind of private custom-made occasion, does it have to be at the same price as a concert?

Seeing his boyfriend acting like a "nymphomaniac" just because of a word, Li Shunkyu felt very embarrassed, so he went over and hit him on the back of the head, finally waking up Li Menglong: "Ah, what are you doing here? Just to spy on us? "

How could Li Menglong bear such a bad reputation? Besides, what’s so good about the recording studio? If he really put his mind to it, he could find many more hidden occasions: “Let me ask you if you plan to stay here all night. If so, If so, I’ll go back first.”

"How dare you? Just leave while we are here? Do you even think about your salary!"

Li Menglong shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Although his true intention was not like this, he did not mind being angry with Li Shunkyu. As for the other girls, they also noticed the time. Although they were not surprised, they did not expect it to take so long. That’s it.

Forget it if they continue to stay here. They have a lot of time in the next few days. Besides, if they stay here all night, will they go to the crew tomorrow? They have been on the crew for so long, and they don’t want to fail in the last few days.

It can be said that the support given by the girls to Seohyun in this drama is really huge. It can be said that they took the lead in various ways on the set. When others see the girls working so hard, few can watch it with peace of mind.

Just like now, they won't have any scenes at all tomorrow, but even if they have finished filming, they still go to work early in the morning and clock in. Who else has the nerve to be late? Even if no one said anything, the look of contempt was enough.

In this case, it’s better to go back to bed as soon as possible. However, when passing by the first floor, the stomachs of these people growled at the right time. Li Menglong pretended not to hear them. These people were on a diet for his movie. Don't let him go along with you.

But when the girls saw that Li Menglong didn't take the initiative to speak, they all had stomachaches or untied shoelaces. In short, they squatted at the door and refused to leave. That is to say, there were no guests here at midnight, otherwise it would be early in the day. He was surrounded by people.

"What do you mean? Call you an ambulance?"

"Why call an ambulance? We can cure this disease ourselves!"

"A long-term illness can lead to a cure?"

"It's not all for ourselves. Xu Xian just called us and asked us to bring midnight snacks back. You love her so much, wouldn't you disagree?"

"Xiao Xian? Are you calling me for a midnight snack?" Li Menglong patted his forehead and looked for a more reliable excuse. It would be better to say that Yoona called, but they also knew that Yoona was not heavy enough, at least. The food portion is not enough. In this case, Xu Xian can only be moved out.

Li Menglong looked at the pitiful appearance of these people. Considering that they had not eaten dinner, he waved his hand to signal them to take action. The entire kitchen became busy for a while...

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