After all, the mobile phone did not cause any major irreversible damage. Kim Taeyeon even got a piece of fried chicken for free, but this kind of thing is more of an adjustment in life, and basically cannot be remembered after a day or two. kind.

Although the days are not particularly busy, at least they are not idle every day. Of course, this is only for people like Kim Taeyeon. For example, Seohyun can't wait to split herself into two parts. She is really busy. This is even the busiest time since her debut.

Of course, this does not simply refer to time. After all, she still has enough time to rest now. For example, during the period when she just became popular, she was so busy that she could only rest for a while between various events every day.

But even though her body was busy at that time, at least her mind was relaxed. After all, there were eight sisters in front of her, and Seohyun only had to take care of herself. It can be said that as long as she didn't cause trouble for everyone, she was contributing to the group. .

But it’s really not possible now. If we say that it was somewhat relaxed at the beginning of filming, but as the filming progressed, Seohyun increasingly felt that the director’s job was not done by humans. After all, so many people’s hopes were on you. , every choice must be made with special caution.

In the past, she hated the so-called guarantee, that is, the photo taken just now was perfect, but if she had to do it again, wouldn't it seem superfluous?

But now she is a staunch supporter of one rule. One more shoot will give you one more surprise and choice. How do you know whether you will be satisfied with this rule during post-editing? If you are really dissatisfied then, will it be difficult to call in the actors? Get up and take the photo again?

The girls can also see the pressure on Xu Xian, so everyone cooperates with her. Some of the hidden dirty things in the crew do not exist here at all. Even minor issues with the staff are solved by the girls. After being in the industry for so many years, they are not only good at weight!

Everyone helped each other and the filming went on for more than half a month without realizing it. As a miniseries with only three episodes, normally it should be finished at this time. After all, this is not a movie but a TV series.

Even if the director wants to strive for excellence, filming still requires costs, but fortunately Seohyun's actors are very easy to talk to, and the producer has never asked about the filming progress. It seems that Seohyun wants to film whatever he wants. It doesn't matter how long it takes.

Xu Xian can still maintain a sense of tension in such a relaxed environment, which is considered an outstanding child, so Xu Xian is constantly making her own compromises. After all, she knows that every extra day of filming is a real expense.

It would be okay if this was a work she invested in herself, but she can't use the company's money and Li Menglong's reputation to spend it on herself, so optimistically it is estimated that the drama will officially end in another week at most. In total, the filming took nearly One month is considered a slight timeout.

However, everyone's role is different. Some gangster-type actors finish filming very early, but finishing filming doesn't mean they have to leave the group, so this group of people still come here to check in every day until everything here is stable and they have a new life. After starting a new job, this is finally over.

When the girls went out early and came back late, Li Menglong almost kept the same schedule. One month of shooting for Xu Xian's three-episode TV series was already overtime, but Li Menglong's movie was only equivalent to three-thirds of that TV series. One duration, but the guaranteed planned shooting time is also two months.

It involves more than attitude, expectations and money. It can only be said that although movies and TV series seem to be similar, they can be regarded as two different things when broken down. The difference here is actually quite big.

Apart from anything else, the length of a movie limits the plot it can tell. In terms of content alone, movies are 100% inferior to TV series, but why does it take so long to shoot? Naturally, every detail must be shot repeatedly, trying to make every frame impressive enough.

In order to film these, the preparatory work for a movie is not comparable to that of a TV series. Basically, as long as the script is out, you can shoot it as fast as you want. But for a movie with some depth and pursuit, it can’t be shot. I was embarrassed to say that I was making a movie in the last few months of preparation.

Therefore, Li Menglong's film preparations have not progressed very fast in more than half a month. Fortunately, this is basically a grinding effort. Li Menglong and his colleagues know this, so everyone can still maintain a calm mood.

Occasionally, when he gets irritated, Li Menglong takes everyone downstairs to drink coffee or something. Speaking of which, he is not the kind of vampire boss who only knows how to work overtime. Otherwise, the people below would have rebelled long ago. He pursues more of a unity of work and rest. That’s all.

It was sunny outside today, and it also happened that Li Menglong once again brought everyone down to drink coffee. Dozens of people poured down from above. The fried chicken restaurant on this floor directly occupied half of the river. It looked a little bit... Spectacular.

Speaking of which, the boss lady is quite resistant to these people. She can stay here for two hours after ordering a cup of coffee. Not to mention ordering some fried chicken and the like, each one of them shamelessly asks for a refill. Recently, in the store, I can barely hold the coffee anymore.

People like Li Menglong are not self-conscious at all. Just because coffee is cheap, it can't be considered consumption, right? Besides, when you open a business, you should treat every customer like God. Even if God asks for a refill, isn't it okay?

The waiters in the store were holding several coffee pots and kept shuttling among the crowd. The proprietress was the only one standing at the cashier in the distance. She was afraid of standing too close and poured hot water on it. Li Menglong was still far away. Raise a glass to her and start provoking, right?

Maybe it was because he had been suppressed too hard by the landlady. Not too many people followed Li Menglong to commit suicide. It was like a tavern. A group of people held high paper coffee cups. Although there was no toast, but in this direction It is easy to tell who they are paying homage to.

Outsiders still envy this kind of emotion. Sure enough, SW is a harmonious big family!

It's just that they were all meant to deceive outsiders. After Kim Taeyeon and others came in, they subconsciously wanted to leave. They didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. If one of them didn't hold on, they could easily be trapped and die. It's not worth it. Woolen cloth.

However, their presence was too strong. With their arrival, they almost immediately became the center of the entire space, which made a few people feel a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Li Menglong greeted them there and sat down first. Let’s talk after we get down: “A few more cups of coffee, please!”

"Oh, that's so generous. Can I order some more fried chicken?" Kim Taeyeon came over and gave Li Menglong a knife. Although the coffee in the fried chicken shop is not bad, don't expect it to be expensive. , so Li Menglong is fake generosity.

As expected, there was no fried chicken at all. Li Menglong just ordered them a portion of French fries, and the four of them ordered a small portion. The people around them couldn't help but feel funny, but Li Menglong didn't forget to ask for ketchup. Then: "Who can take one? Ten more!"

"Shall I get you a box? If I buy ketchup, I'll get French fries, right?" the proprietress replied, ending the topic.

In fact, this is all just a joke. Girls really want to eat. Who can stop them? It's just that this is not to control the body shape. It would be good to eat some French fries to give some taste in the mouth. They are so self-controlled.

Speaking of which, it was fine when filming the TV series. They just kept eating and drinking normally. But as the TV series was coming to an end and Li Menglong's movie was put on the schedule, their hard days came.

To put it simply, the background of Li Menglong's movie is set when they were trainees. For this reason, Li Menglong went to S*M to dig out various video materials of their trainees. Compared with now, the difference in temperament and so on is huge. It's okay, but it's really "stronger" visible to the naked eye.

It’s not that girls don’t love themselves, but it’s that they were generally only sixteen or seventeen years old at that time. They were just as old as flowers. Coupled with the daily extra-ordinary dance and vocal training, it was natural for everyone to Extremely thin.

As for now, firstly, the body has grown, and secondly, life has naturally gotten better, but it is necessary to lose weight no matter what, even if they are already very thin, and even Li Menglong feels sorry for them, but sometimes for the sake of the work, it is really not possible Method.

Fortunately, the girls are quite understanding. After all, there are "seniors" like YoonA who are actors. According to her, all actors have gone through this. They who lose weight directly are still considered OK

The worst thing is the kind of people who gain weight first and then lose weight. It is simply double the pain. Don’t think that gaining weight is more enjoyable. Anything that goes against your living habits will make people uncomfortable. Eat eight meals a day, every day. Even if there are meat and vegetables in every meal, you still have to finish it. Try it for a few days and see how many people can persist.

So when actors are glamorous, they are indeed glamorous, but when they suffer, they are indeed miserable. Of course, these refer to actors who have pursuits. As for those handsome guys and beauties who just want to look good and film, that is another matter.

So the girls are now in a more painful stage of dieting, and they even have some self-doubt. Were they really that thin at that time?

But who gave Li Menglong the evidence? If the video data is not accurate, then their weight records cannot be falsified, right? Even the entertainment company must record the weight of the trainees every week, and now it has become evidence!

Since they are in so much pain, they naturally want Li Menglong to follow them. But Li Menglong is not crazy. He, a director, is following these actors to lose weight? So the only way to create trouble for him was through other means.

"Yeah, we work so hard every day. I thought you worked so hard in the company, but you can just take everyone to drink coffee every day? Then I can do it too!"

"Well, I believe you can take everyone to drink coffee. I guess the atmosphere will be even better than now. But are you sure you can take them when they work overtime, or can you take them well?" Li Menglong's question is destined to be unanswered. After all, The answers are all here.

It is true that not every leader can make employees work overtime willingly. The wisdom involved in this is definitely not something that Kim Taeyeon and other workplace novices can understand. Of course, this is just because everyone has different professions. Let Li Menglong handle the matter of female idols. Those things that happened during the period, he probably died faster.

"But why did you come here? You didn't come here just for coffee, right?"

"Do we have so much free time? Besides, the coffee on the set is better than here!" Kim Taeyeon pouted, and then she said the reason. They came here to take a look at the company's music library, and the OST of the TV series was also on the agenda.

Speaking of which, we didn't compete with each other much during the filming. After all, being an actor is not everyone's job and requires talent, so it doesn't matter. But singing is everyone's ability to make a living, so it's not appropriate to lose to others.

So although they didn't say it explicitly, several groups worked hard to get a few more songs selected. Theoretically, everyone agreed that they wanted to create original songs, but they could still cope with it by asking them to write some dance songs, but the more The more ballads test basic music theory, this just hits their pain point.

In this case, they can only look for inspiration from the company. They will not copy it directly unless they have to, but someone must have done this kind of thing. Fans will not naively think that those so-called singer-songwriters Do you write all the songs yourself?

I don’t deny that there will be some of them, but it’s hard to say the exact proportion. As for saying they plagiarized, it’s not appropriate. After all, the original composer received an excessive amount of sealing benefits, plus it was randomly adapted by others, so it can barely be regarded as semi-original. Bar.

The girls just want to take this path. They can find some song demos and adapt them. When the time comes, they will also write the name of the original composer. It will be regarded as a joint composition by two people. The girls are not afraid of suffering a disadvantage.

However, the company's music library is paid for by the company, and the girls' current behavior is equivalent to poaching their own corners. That is to say, Kim Jong Kook has not been free to come over recently, otherwise he must have found one and dealt with it one by one. After all, That music library is really the lifeblood of Kim Jong Kook. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he picked up every song one by one.

"You should take your time and memorize a few songs, and then find a familiar composer to add some. Otherwise, when Kim Jong-kook troubles you, don't come to me!" Li Menglong took care of himself first. Got out.

"Tch, what if he comes to us? Can he still hit a woman?"

"He doesn't know how to hit women, but Yin Eun-hye might be able to do that." Li Menglong said faintly, saying that Yin Eun-hye is a master of girls to some extent.

As one of the most famous members of a generation girl group, she can be regarded as their direct senior; then she transformed into an actress and became the top actress. Although she does not have a solo, does an actor have a higher status than a singer?

If these are just official, then from Li Menglong's side, she is still their sister-in-law. Under this double suppression, beating the girls is really in vain, they are afraid...

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