Things like posing for photos are really not unfamiliar to girls. It has even been integrated into their bones. This can be said to be a necessary skill for idols. As for the content of posing for photos, it is even more All kinds of strange things.

Taking pictures of your own food, handicrafts, and paintings is the most common thing. Don’t look at the perfect photos, but look at the stories behind the photos. The buckets of wasted ingredients in the trash can. , those countless scrapped papers that were balled up, in short, they just have to show the best side.

As for the more extreme thing, it may be to stage some scandal photos. Although this method is not used very much in South Korea, after all, if you are not careful, you may be scolded until you retire, but occasionally there are still people who want to get ahead. On impulse.

If scandal photos are the ultimate resort, then the lighter option is exposure. The danger of such photos is much less, and the operation is relatively simple, such as falling on the red carpet, stepping on a skirt, etc. , maybe it will be red.

As for the girls at this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that they were posing for photos. After all, the group of people started to move after the cameras were set up over there. However, they have no utilitarian purpose. At most, they are bored and looking for something for themselves. It's just something to do, and I don't expect to become famous with these photos. Besides, I don't know if they will be used in the end.

However, no matter what they do, they are still serious enough. Even if it is staged shooting, there must be a director and screenwriter. As the most experienced actress here, Yoona naturally takes on the responsibility of director and controls the only camera on the scene.

It's hard for anyone to say anything about this. After all, Yoona's debut as an actress was much earlier than them. In that case, she should aim for the latter position. After all, she is also a good writer and can come up with some bad ideas openly.

The process was basically quite intense, but fortunately no one suffered any injuries. In the end, Lee Soon Kyu succeeded in occupying the writer's seat with his superior biting power, and was standing behind Yoona in an instant.

Then he squinted his eyes and glanced at the group of people with small discharge-like eyes. Of course, this was not the joy after seeing the celebrities, but more of a threat. At least Kim Taeyeon and the others already felt a little hopeless. If I had known earlier, I might as well have stayed there honestly.

Being willing to accept defeat is one of the few rules that the girls need to abide by in the team. After all, this is the basis for their team building. If someone does not abide by it, how can they have fun in the future? So even a group of people will feel sad. Although he was worried, he still stood there obediently, looking fearfully at Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona who kept muttering in the distance.

Obviously there was a small argument between the two, but Yoona was convinced immediately, and then while listening to Lee Soon Kyu's words and looking at the girls, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously, which was a waste of her. Such good looks.

"Okay, okay, all the actors, come here, the writer and I will tell you about the drama first!" Yoona said carelessly: "Is the heroine willing? This is the first movie between me and writer Lee Soon Kyu. This work is destined to amaze the whole world, so please be active!"

Although what Yoona said was very clear, there was not a single one who supported her. After all, there really was no other meaning in these words besides bragging. Writer Lee Soon Kyu, she wrote 800 It takes a lot of time to write a composition, but you still need to write a script? Why doesn't she go to heaven?

The two of them were mentally prepared for the fact that the actors did not give face to them, but there were many things that they were mentally prepared for. This did not affect the two people's mood. "Since everyone is so disrespectful, don't blame us two." I was assigned directly, Kim Taeyeon!"

"Here you are, tell me if you have anything to say!" Kim Taeyeon reluctantly added.

"Hmph, you come here and be the heroine. As the captain of everyone, I will still give you some preferential treatment!" Lee Soon Kyu played with his tone here, making Kim Taeyeon disgusted.

Even though she, Kim Taeyeon, was extremely reluctant, she couldn't stand up to the other girls and they were very happy. After all, the biggest difficulty had been taken away by others. For a time, her praise for the director and writer rose to more than one level. Kim Taeyeon is so tired watching this.

After roughly dividing the roles, they started to prepare for filming. As for Kim Taeyeon, she raised her head and looked at the sky covered with a layer of gray sand. She always felt that her mood was not very beautiful. She went from being a person who attracted the attention of thousands of people. , the number one female team leader of the modern era, in just a few minutes she was reduced to a woman who failed in her debut and wanted to sweep the streets. How could she have a sense of agency?

"Actors, be serious. You have to be in the drama, you know? Show off your acting skills, explode your small universe, and tell yourself with your heart that you, Kim Taeyeon, are just a street sweeper. Come on!" Lee Soon Kyu seemed to have been pumped. Usually there to cheer up Kim Taeyeon, the other girls also suppressed their laughter, and at the same time were slightly curious, can Kim Taeyeon really act well?

Kim Taeyeon is broken, and she can tell it. If she doesn't contribute some jokes today, maybe the unreliable director can make her ng. After being embarrassed once and repeatedly, Kim Taeyeon chose the former without hesitation.

I saw Kim Taeyeon making a farmer's crotch with her hands, holding a big broom in her arms. Her whole body was slightly raised, her feet were raised alternately from time to time, and her face tried to look like a village girl, and she also Pretending to be ugly, he licked the gap between his teeth with his tongue.

Logically speaking, I can’t say how realistic this series of actions and expressions are, but at least it can be regarded as restoring part of the character. Even in ordinary dramas, this acting skill is enough, but this is why idols are always criticized for their poor acting skills. What is it, do they really not know how to learn?

You can question an idol's character, personality, etc., but there are almost two aspects of idols that still need to be recognized and affirmed, and that is their hard work and appearance. It is said that there is almost no idol who does not work hard. Yes, after all, I have really sacrificed a lot to debut as a singer, and it is much more difficult than getting into a major university.

So in order to improve their acting skills and become actors, they don't mind putting in more sweat, but many times things are not controlled by subjective will. The biggest obstacle to their acting skills is their appearance. The idols are all too beautiful.

It’s not that beautiful people can’t have acting skills, but in terms of proportions, average-looking or ugly actors are more likely to have superb acting skills. This makes sense. After all, they are all so ugly. If they don’t have acting skills, What kind of life do they expect?

The faces of idols are naturally more powerful as idols, but as actors, first of all, they are limited to their roles, just like Kim Taeyeon now. Even with this face, she doesn’t look like someone who is doing this job. Secondly, It is easy for the audience to be distracted and pay more attention to their faces rather than their so-called acting skills.

Today's young girls as onlookers have this kind of mentality. Seeing a girl like Kim Taeyeon pretending to be a role that she has no control over here, it not only makes her laugh in her heart, but also her mouth is not idle at all. .

YoonA said that as a director, she still has some spirituality. Although she has not studied the relevant knowledge in detail, at least there are two directors in her family, so she can learn a lot by being influenced by her. For example, at times like this, she has to give someone A big panorama is good.

What appears in the picture is that on one side, Kim Taeyeon is dazed in pain and hatred, while on the other side, the girls use their smiles to form a beautiful scenery. This picture has a strange sense of high-end for a while. It seems that there are some principles of life contained in it, but of course Yoona herself didn't realize anything.

"Kakaka, Kim Taeyeon performed very well. She is indeed the heroine I value!" Lee Soonkyu went over to praise him first, and then became angry at the group of people: "Why are you laughing on the sidelines? It affects the actors. I don’t know when it comes to acting, but everyone is unwilling to make progress and turns a blind eye to the efforts of others. Do you still want to be an actor?"

"Uh, if you don't want to, you don't have to take the photo?" Pani replied blankly, holding Li Shungui directly in the air. He couldn't reply at this time.

Fortunately, there is a director over there. Yoona went over to separate the writers and actors who might bite at any time. She adjusted herself here: "We writers are also doing it for your own good. You are all still young and have endless potential." possibility, you must cherish this opportunity, who will be next?"

"Ji Soo-yeon, she is going to perform a show about suddenly going into labor..."

Jessica's originally raised corners of her mouth dropped a little bit, and she really couldn't smile. As a big girl, she had to play a pregnant woman who was about to give birth to a baby at any time. She felt ridiculous in her heart.

Yoona and the others were having a lot of fun here. Although Li Menglong couldn't experience it, his fun was quite good. After all, he could spend unlimited money, which made Li Menglong crazy for a while.

But like all rich people, after satisfying his basic appetite, Li Menglong naturally wants to ask for some spiritual wealth. For example, this money belongs to them, no matter how much he eats and drinks in a day, he can still eat it. How much can make him still so happy the next day?

Even though he was sitting on the second floor, he was still thinking about these miscellaneous issues. Fortunately, the rest of the working group came over and looked at the press release in front of him. Li Menglong didn't react for a while: " Is this new news today? Which media released it?”

The person opposite had an obviously frozen expression, as if he had swallowed a fly: "If the other party is on time, it should be announced at ten o'clock, which is still more than an hour from now."

Blinking silently, Li Menglong realized after reading the content. Isn't this the on-set news that was prepared the day before yesterday? It used the fight scene between Yoona and Park Ji-yeon to hype it up, but he didn't expect these people. It's just so efficient.

The other party was obviously familiar with this kind of thing, so Li Menglong didn't intend to cause trouble here. After telling the other party to pay attention to the finishing work, he didn't intend to pay attention to it. However, this person had not left yet: "Should we buy some?" Hot search?"

This is another small unspoken rule in the industry. Even many fans know this very well. The so-called hot searches in Korea are just hot news on search engines. They are ranked according to search volume and popularity. They can be regarded as the key figures of the day. .

Although the entertainment industry naturally has advantages in this type of hot search mechanism, it should not ignore other social news. Therefore, generally speaking, it is not negative news or extremely positive news. It is a bit difficult for celebrities to find a hot search.

For example, girls don’t dare to say that they come here from time to time. Most of them are accompanied by album comebacks, millions of direct shots, brand endorsements and advertising releases, etc. But ordinary young stars will spend money if they want to give it a try. It’s not impossible to buy some attention to get to the bottom of the list.

But there is no need to ask this time. With the traffic and attention of Park Ji-yeon and Yoona, they are definitely on the hot search. Do you still want to buy it? Where does this leave the fans of Yoona and Park Ji-yeon, and where does this leave the fans of Long Wish and Crown?

Seeing that Li Menglong had some misunderstandings, this person had to explain to Li Menglong again. According to the other party's opinion, the hot search for the fight would definitely be on the headlines, but there are more than one hot search, so other additional words can be added. , such as bringing along TV series, etc., and these require extra money.

Everyone in Li Menglong's circle was stunned when he heard these things. Fortunately, he knew that this was a good thing, so he nodded and agreed. But why doesn't this person leave? The two of them were staring at each other. The little eyes looked very embarrassed.

In the end, it was this person who took the initiative to extend his hand and stated his purpose: "Give me money!"

"Do you want me to pay you?" Li Menglong opened his mouth and asked absurdly. In his mind, this was clearly the crew's business. Why did he come to him to ask for money? Besides, don’t think that he doesn’t understand anything. Every work has more or less public relations expenses, which are expenses that are difficult to reimburse.

The most common one is the travel expenses of journalists. For example, there are dozens of reporters on site for press conferences and the like. Not all of them come from resources. In other words, they have to pay some hard work fees. It’s hard to say whether they will not be paid. It will cause dissatisfaction on the other side and lead to serious consequences, but now this is a habit.

For example, some money for treating guests to dinner in private, buying hot searches, and hiring trolls can be included, but now the money has not arrived, and secondly, it is not easy to repay. After all, this This time, MBC also invested in it.

After much hesitation, Li Menglong chose to pay for the money. After all, it was not a lot. But when he took out Yoona's bank card, he couldn't help but squint his eyes. It seemed that there was a lot of room for manipulation!

Tapping the quotation with his index finger, Li Menglong's smile became more and more sinister: "Two times for me... no, three times and write a new one for me!"

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