The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 194 The Old Man's Dinner

(Thank you "divers liu" for the rewards, but today's 5th update is a bit stressful, I'm still typing, let's see the specific situation, I should be able to come out with an update. Thank you for your support, please click, subscribe, Please collect and recommend! Thank you!)

If you have to describe Li Menglong's current mood, you can generally use a similar mood instead: For example, when you are preparing for a tough class, the teacher suddenly says that there is something temporary, and everyone is free; for example, at home, you are preparing to put down the remote control at 11 o'clock When I was sleeping, my father suddenly called and said that he would not come back tonight; for example, the family was preparing to hand over a month's new salary, but the wife said that she had won the lottery and left you pocket money.

In short, the uncomfortable feeling of not tossing a few times is always the same. Li Menglong sat directly on the sofa, then lay down again, and began to lie on the ground again after being upset.

He can watch whatever he wants on TV, eat as much fruit as he wants, and do whatever he wants for dinner, but he only enjoys it for a few hours.

Sitting alone at the dinner table, watching boring variety shows on TV, he really couldn’t laugh without Lee Soon Kyu smiling; eating spicy stewed chicken legs, but without Kim Taeyeon’s desperate fight, Lee Mong Yong The food is not sweet at all; drinking the Coke that Pani secretly hid, without her shy accusations, without Xiaoxian's righteous words to emphasize, it is really boring.

Depressedly, I turned around twice, looking at the phone in my hand, I don't know where they are now, but I can't call and tell you to come back soon, I miss you, shame on you!

The phone was tapped gently in the palm of his hand, Li Menglong was eager to have some fun now, to prove that he didn't need to rely on the existence of the girls, he was really afraid of this feeling now.

But this dinner time is very embarrassing, Li Menglong first decided to rely on himself, so when the big Galen failed to rush to the tower for the Nth time, Li Menglong didn't want to play anymore, and directly started spraying with a few teammates who hung up, which is also a big part of playing lol One of the fun.

Breathing out a foul breath, Li Menglong looked at his poor record. He would not be surprised if the League of Legends made him fall into the red sandalwood and blue and white porcelain ranks one day. Who made him lower the overall level of bronze.

Fortunately, time passed quickly, and it was already nine o'clock at night. When Li Menglong used to have no money, he was usually reading or sleeping at this time. After getting to know Lee Soon Kyu, this time is either watching TV or reading books with Seo Hyun.

Rubbing his scalp, Li Menglong felt that he couldn't do this, he had to enjoy the nightlife, man, indulge!

Flipping and looking at the phone, except for Xu Xian's short message to report his safety, the group of white-eyed wolves didn't call at all. Li Menglong scolded them a few times, and finally gave up completely, and started looking at other phone numbers in the phone book. people.

Unknowingly, Li Menglong has been in the entertainment industry for three months. Apart from politely leaving some calls on his mobile phone, he actually has his own relationship. In the entertainment industry, he is called Li-line.

Never thought about this aspect, so Li Menglong lined up a row according to relatives and distances, and it would not be a problem to make a table for old men. When he thought about it, he started to do it. After all, Li Menglong still didn't want to go to nightclubs and other places to play around.

"Brother! Are you free? Have a meal together and introduce some friends to you! Okay, see you later!"

"There are no outsiders, they are all my friends, and their personalities are absolutely harmonious!"

"I said there are comedians who will come later, don't look down on them!" Li Menglong warned worriedly.

Seeing that everyone called it about the same, because they all called it when they felt that the relationship was in place, so everyone gave Li Menglong the first dinner and did not refuse.

Flicking the card in his hand, since about a week ago, Li Menglong has been saving money specially for today, for example, selling all the coupons he saved, and asking the boss to wipe off the zero when checking out, but he silently calculates the odds In short, including his own salary this month, it is a full one million yuan.

This is all the liquid value that belongs to Li Menglong now. Of course, the fried chicken shop has his shares, and he has close to 300 million in cash that can be used at any time. Li Shungui's meal card is always afraid that he is not enough. , Before leaving, another ten million came in.

After hesitating again and again, Li Menglong still only brought his own card. If the time comes, if it is not enough, don't blame him. Besides, the ones who call out are all big brothers, so maybe he doesn't need to spend it.

With a happy smile, Li Menglong jumped and ran down excitedly. This is a leap of faith for a man yearning for freedom: "I spin, I jump, I close my eyes..."

After driving the car out of the community, Li Menglong always felt a little uneasy if he didn't make this call. No matter what the other party thought of him, Li Menglong was always grateful for his initial teaching and respect for him.

"Hi brother, I'm Li Menglong!"

"I know, my phone has caller ID!" A hoarse voice came over.

"Are you still recording the show?"

"It's just over, you kid has nothing to do, and you haven't called for so long!"

"Then give me a chance to sacrifice myself!"

"What do you mean? Want to invite me to dinner?"

"Ah, are you free? There are also some friends I know who are in the circle and have a good temper!" Li Menglong explained first.


"I know where you took me last time, so I dare not take you there!"

At first Liu Zaishi thought it was Li Menglong blowing out to get to know him, so he called him to find him to support the scene. But the latter sentence is quite satisfactory, Liu Zaishi is also a nostalgic person, so let's go and have a look when you have time.

"If you don't go back so late, my sister-in-law will scold you!" The manager who was driving reminded.

"Cut, will I be afraid of her? Besides, what can I do to entertain me!" Liu Zaishi said the last sentence before gaining more confidence.

Li Menglong felt that today was going well, and even Liu Zaishi agreed to come over. He thought that if he sold a seat now, the final price would definitely not be low.

Naturally, he was the first to arrive, and he didn't dare to order. Who knows what these people like to eat, but first served two catties of the best Korean beef, and Li Menglong roasted them first. Anyway, everyone loves this food of.

Liu Zaishi was the last one to arrive because the road was a bit far away. He himself knew that it was a bit late. His good upbringing and habits made him pick up red wine from the trunk, planning to take it to make amends later.

"Isn't it just a kid's dinner? You'll give him face by letting everyone meet him. What kind of red wine did you bring? Besides, it's quite expensive!" the manager said cautiously.

"What do you know? It's the first time I've been called by people. You don't have to be surprised if you are so polite!" Liu Zaishi picked a bottle of red wine worth about 100,000 yuan, not because it was expensive, but because he was afraid that Li Menglong would be too burdened.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Liu Zaishi, who had changed into sportswear in the car, knocked on the door of the box, and then walked in politely. The room was very lively, and there was a burst of heat from the barbecue.

Li Menglong saw him standing up hastily, and the people next to him also knew him, so they all said hello. There are not many people who don't know Liu Jae-shik in Korea.

Li Xiugeun and Kim Byung-man came to say hello first. They are Liu Jae-seok's direct descendants, but they are not familiar with each other.

However, the admiration for Liu Zaishi is still there, and I am really happy to see him today, as if he is the one who has come to call the shots.

Liu Zaishi was arranged to do it, and then he saw the people on both sides clearly through the light. The one on the left was introduced by Li Menglong as a film director, at least in terms of status, he was much higher than the comedian, so Liu Zaishi greeted each other politely. .

And the one on the right is even more familiar, this person is not familiar with the other, it can be said that this person has been Liu Zaishi's sufferer and his greatest enemy for a long time.

Originally, the infinite challenge of Korea's No. 1 rating was suppressed by him. In the end, Liu Zaishi was forced to learn from him. Although it can't be said to be plagiarism, it is quite embarrassing. After all, although the birth of the family has good grades, he still hasn't done him.

Looking at this bitter master, Liu Zaishi couldn't hate him. After all, he was just doing a show, but fortunately, the team has disbanded now.

"I've heard about your show for so many years, but besides the awards ceremony, this is the first time we've met in private, right? Hello, I'm Luo Yingshi!"

Liu Zaishi also shook his big hand: "If there are new programs in the future, you can consider mine!"

"Forget it, Kim Taeho didn't kill me yet!" Luo Yingshi said with a smile.

"Hurry up and eat some meat first, it will be cold for a while, let's talk about what you two have to catch up with, shouldn't you do it when you meet?" Li Menglong distributed the beef, and at the same time teased the two people who are full of love, but the two Personally, they are quite a good match, even if they are ugly!

"You boy! Quickly order me a bowl of soup!" Liu Zaishi said while eating the meat.

The relationship between people is really wonderful. Some people just don't like each other at first sight, no matter how much they get in touch, it's useless! And there are many people who see each other, such as Liu Zaishi and Li Menglong.

From the first time we met Liu Zaishi, he was optimistic about Li Menglong, and Li Menglong chatted with this big brother all afternoon, although he was impatient, he still didn't leave after all, because he was very grateful to this nagging but sincerely good brother.

Because of various reasons, in short, this is the first contact between the two after nearly two months, and there is no sense of unfamiliarity. Liu Zaishi has already taken off his coat, and he does not intend to leave.

Li Menglong's connections for the past three months are here. This group of people can be said to be his best friends recently, not many! But the most important thing is that they have the same temperament, and their identities are quite mixed: former national variety show PD Luo Yingshi, movie director Li Zhouyong who is about to sell well, national mc Yoo Jae-seok, patriarch Kim Byung-man and rising Lee Soo-geun.

The six men got acquainted with each other, and finally, under the influence of Li Menglong's intentional escape and alcohol, the six men with different identities and backgrounds began to chat, and the first topic turned out to be—wife!

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