The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1935 Invitation

Seeing this group of people retreating after being scolded by him, it stands to reason that they should be in a happy mood, but Li Menglong couldn't be happy at all. The mood of this group of people was really too weird.

In an ordinary company, if the leader scolds him in public, the employee will definitely be under great psychological pressure. He might even hand over a resignation letter an hour later, but is SW an ordinary company? Is Li Menglong an ordinary leader?

Therefore, Li Menglong does not dare to overestimate his own influence. Although the people opposite him will give him some respect, they will not come to bother him at most. How can he still be happy after being scolded? Not a bunch of fools!

There is definitely a problem here, but Li Menglong doesn't know where the problem lies, so he can only sit here depressed and think secretly, and at the same time, everyone who has escaped over there is also carrying on his memory. As Li Menglong celebrated in a low voice, of course he was secretly grateful. It was a blessing to work in such a company. Do ordinary companies dare to smile playfully with their leaders like this?

Whether it was to keep his job or to give back to the company, in short, everyone quickly got into work mode after seeing that Li Menglong was out of trouble. As for whether Li Menglong was working or not, it didn't matter. As time passes, he will naturally keep up with the pace.

It is said that when Xu Xian was here some time ago, everyone was mainly doing preliminary preparations and final inspections and corrections for Xu Xian's projects. Although there was not much going on in the last few days, they were not at ease until the last moment. Yes, after all, I really regard Xu Xian as my sister, and I must try my best to be as perfect as possible.

However, as Xu Xian prepares to start work, the company is now idle. After all, there are very few people in this group who need to go to the site to help. It does not mean that they do not have that ability. After all, their team is considered a small one in the industry. Famous.

They have been cooperating since the very beginning of the Two Days and One Night variety show. After Director Luo switched jobs to SW, they gradually expanded their business, covering everything from TV series to movies. As for variety shows, they have not given up on their specialty.

Directors Luo Luo and Li Menglong are naturally indispensable for this, but Li Enxi’s vision also plays a vital role. Talents are crucial in any industry. In addition to the talent of directors like Li Menglong, other behind-the-scenes work We can’t fall behind, so this group of people keeps learning and participating!

Of course, in the beginning they were the ones who were just starting out. Li Menglong and Director Luo also found many great masters in the industry to guide them. However, in the end, they were still able to use it easily. After practicing a few works, the group of people gradually became more familiar with it. ’s started to take the lead.

The two recent TV series were both produced by them. They have not tried independent movies yet, but they are very confident in themselves. As for the opportunity, isn’t it right in front of them? Li Menglong’s movie is their first independent step. step!

So seriously speaking, these people are the creative team behind Li Menglong's movies. From photography, editing, soundtrack to scene, actor deployment and other work, this group of people covers almost all work. Basically, pulling this group of people out is one Of the crew.

This group of people really put in a lot of effort to help Xu Xian the past few days. They usually work overtime when they have nothing to do. It’s not because Li Menglong deliberately tormented these people. Speaking of which, he himself also works overtime, okay? He doesn’t have any tendency to self-abuse. It’s not true. 's got work to do.

During that time, it was equivalent to daytime when the entire film team put aside what they were doing and devoted all their efforts to helping Seohyun straighten out the TV series. Otherwise, how could Seohyun, a rookie, have been so well prepared in the early stage? This is because there was a whole film team behind to help check for deficiencies and fill in the gaps. .

One of the results of this is that Li Menglong is somewhat looking forward to the specific presentation effect of Seohyun's three-episode TV series. Let's not talk about what it will be in the final film. The level of detailed preparation behind it is really no less than that of a movie. It is said to be three movies. It’s not impossible.

The consequence of this is naturally that the workload during the day will explode. If it were just like this, everyone would just help Xu Xian, but you must know that Li Menglong's movie has also been approved, and it is not the kind discussed internally. , but is completely determined by the entire company.

This kind of plan does not mean that the time limit for each step is extremely tight, but the room for each step is not particularly large. Otherwise, the shooting process will drag on for half a month, and the editing will drag on for another month. Will it be released when it is finally released? A year? So how does the publicity and development team plan for the release?

That is to say, the preparations for the movie in their hands cannot be stopped, so they have to work overtime from time to time every day. During that time, their bodies are tired, and their brains are mainly tired. This day has to change. Many times, I had a terrible headache!

Fortunately, all the hard work has come to an end. Although Xu Xian's departure will make the office lack a beautiful scenery, but at the same time it will greatly reduce their workload. At least they can concentrate on doing one thing.

As a result, a lot of preliminary preparation work began to come together at Li Menglong. It was quite messy, from the selection of cameras and rental fees to the size and level of passerby actors. In short, basically everything big and small was reported.

Of course, everyone is not here to cause trouble for Li Menglong. All questions are usually attached with relevant suggestions. If Li Menglong has no questions, he will pass it directly. Otherwise, he will call back. At this time, the other party will come to communicate with Li Menglong.

This kind of all-encompassing status is something Seohyun has always envied, but just like many idols who have just debuted envy their teenage years, there are many things that cannot be envied, not just hard work, And talent, timing and so on.

Li Menglong really did all the handyman jobs on the set. I can’t say that he is proficient in every trade, but at least it’s not a problem to tell a thing or two. Coupled with the tacit cooperation of the entire team, Li Menglong Current state.

It's hard to say whether this is a good habit, but there is no standard for directing. Anyway, as long as the movie is good-looking, this is also Xu Xian's excuse to comfort herself. She often cannot judge whether the people below are good or not. He wasn't fooling her. Fortunately, these people had been specially requested by Li Menglong and seemed to be fine.

Li Menglong's work has obviously started to speed up. With him as the center, almost no one is idle in the office. When he comes to discuss with him, he trots along like a precision machine. , although it is accompanied by some rusty sounds, it runs smoothly.

The proprietress came up to take a look at some point, but she didn't come to disturb Li Menglong at all. The joke was just a joke. Instead, she had a lot of coffee delivered after she went down. As for lunch, she had also arranged it in advance, so there was no need to go upstairs. Li Menglong said, after all, if no one reminds them of this meaning, these people might not even remember to have lunch.

Li Menglong himself was not sure how many decisions he had made that day. It seemed that one moment he was still guarding against the boss's wife, and the next moment everyone was already eating fried chicken sent by the boss's wife in their seats. Li Menglong bit the chicken legs mechanically, always feeling It doesn’t seem like this is the first time I’ve eaten this.

After looking at the time, it turned out that it was already dinner. Needless to say, lunch would probably be just like this. Fortunately, the proprietress directly contacted Li Enxi for the meal expenses of the entire department, so Li Menglong didn't have to worry about paying.

After briefly recalling today's work efficiency, Li Menglong was still very satisfied. He glanced at the people around him and seemed to be very depressed. Only then did Li Menglong remember that these people must have been hungover yesterday. No wonder they were so physically fit. Difference.

"You've worked hard today. Go back and rest early. Don't always say that I'm exploiting you!" Li Menglong said he thought he was quite kind, but it didn't seem like everyone was very appreciative.

"Please, boss, it's already past seven o'clock. You don't think that our company's normal time is seven o'clock, do you? Why do we still need to thank you?"

"Didn't I give you overtime pay for working overtime? I also earned a free dinner. Where can I find such a good thing? Just be content!" Li Menglong was chatting with everyone here, and finally decided to relax after get off work. , everyone can basically disperse after eating the fried chicken.

But before that, someone reminded Li Menglong of his to-do list. Li Menglong opened the latest email with a chicken leg in his mouth. It turned out to be a matter of movie actors. Although it was determined that girls would be the main actors, it was impossible to make a movie. Not just the seven of them.

Let’s not talk about some corner actors. Those actors are basically easy to find if you just go to them. If you need someone who is older and has acting skills, just go to experienced actors. Although it is a bit more expensive, the acting skills and professional ethics are good. Very secure.

For some simpler but revealing roles, we directly contacted new actors from major companies. Personal relationships aside, those actors were quite motivated and had plenty of time to arrange with the crew at will. The key is that the pay was not high. , extremely cost-effective.

But in addition to these, we also need some major supporting roles. For this kind of role, we need to consider the suitability of the actor, and even some factors outside the film, such as popularity, box office appeal, etc., in short, a movie Casting is not as simple as it seems.

As for the so-called open casting, Li Menglong can only say that it is a gimmick. It is rare to have such a so-called "fair" competition opportunity. Well-known directors are generally willing to use actors they know, especially actors they have made famous. It's a regular collaboration; although new directors don't know many actors, they are often controlled by the capital behind them and don't have much choice in terms of actors.

Naturally, Li Menglong is not unconventional. Why should he get to know an unfamiliar actor if he doesn't use acquaintances? Training would be quite troublesome, so after briefly recalling the role of the character, I dialed the phone directly: "Hello, Noona?"

"Can you not call my wife so disgustingly? You can call her sister-in-law, okay?" A high-pitched voice came from the other end of the phone, and a woman's voice could still be faintly heard, seeming to be asking about the phone. Who is the side?

Li Menglong is naturally no stranger to this person, and he is even less polite: "Is this your phone number? Do you answer other people's calls just as you say? Do you have some basic respect? Be careful, I will find a women's rights organization to file a complaint against you!"

"My own wife's phone call!" Jin Jongguo was so stubborn here, that is to say, he saw that the caller was Li Menglong. If it was someone else, Jin Zhongguo would not bother to answer it: "She is in the bathroom, what are you doing? If it’s a personal matter, there’s no need to talk about it. If it’s a business matter, please just be her agent!”

Li Menglong almost choked with chicken. We haven't seen each other for a while. Why does this person need a beating so much? I don't know if his muscles have relaxed, but considering Kim Jong Kook's abnormal level of self-discipline, Li Menglong decided to endure it.

I originally wanted to ask on the phone first, but it turned out that Kim Jong Kook was so insincere that he ended up knocking on Li Menglong's meal. After looking at the time, he was about to leave now. Li Menglong felt that he had to think about the meal in advance. It's about money. After all, Kim Jong Kook is also known as a big eater.

Just when he put down his mobile phone, he noticed that the eyes of everyone around him were flickering, and there was a strange atmosphere in the whole office. However, Li Menglong was not too alert. He really couldn't react after working for a whole day: "Here As for Yin Eun-hye’s call, please ask your family first. I’ll have dinner with them later and we should be able to talk about it, right?”

While explaining here, Li Menglong said to himself that he was already considering the situation of the other party's rejection. Apart from other things, Kim Jong Kook must pay for the meal. Who makes him the eldest brother? In Li Menglong's case, he is not In the case of the director, the other party should pay.

It's just that after Li Menglong thought that he had explained it, he found that it had no impact on the surroundings. This was not normal. He looked at himself up and down first, and then looked around, and the conspicuous Barbie color stood out instantly. Anyone who is not blind can see it.

The corner of Li Menglong's mouth twitched uncontrollably a few times. He had kept this phone in his pocket the whole day. Even though his thighs were a little uncomfortable, Li Menglong still endured it. He didn't expect that he would be exposed just when he was about to spend the day. It turns out that it is most dangerous when you are relaxed.

There is no use in complaining about oneself. After all, it cannot be treated as if it never happened, so the excuses needed now, fortunately, Li Menglong had already thought of more than one in the morning, and it is not troublesome to throw them out now: "Ahem, those guys This girl insists on exchanging mobile phones with me early in the morning, saying what’s trendy, it’s very annoying!”

Li Menglong said this, so everyone naturally believed it, at least in terms of his movements. As for his expressions, he really couldn't control them. Not everyone has acting skills as good as girls, so they can only endure it. He sent Li Menglong off to get off work with a smile. Before he could reach the first floor, the entire second floor exploded. The laughter sounded quite harsh to Li Menglong, but there was nothing he could do about it...

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