The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1923 A trick to please

I have to say that this kind of temporary invitation is a bit of a challenge to their professional abilities. There is no accompaniment, no padding, and even the necessary opening of the voice. It is no exaggeration to say that at least half of the girl group would never dare to speak under such circumstances. Yes, it will be embarrassing and lose fans!

But now this group of people at least has no guilty conscience on this issue. After all, in terms of professional ability and practice time, the entire second-generation women's group is outstanding, and now these groups are the essence of the second-generation women's group. These are all small scenes!

As for the reason, of course it has to do with their own hard work and talent, but it can also be partly attributed to the era. To be honest, the first generation girl groups, namely groups like Lee Hyori and Yoon Eun Hye, were formed quite haphazardly.

It can even be said that the entire generation group, regardless of male or female groups, is quite casual. Although they have so-called trainee status, they are basically casual from the beginning of the selection. The so-called practice means casually signing up for a singing class. , dancing classes, maybe one day I’ll try to make a debut if I remember it, but if I can’t remember, I’ll say goodbye.

So when I look through the self-reports of those generation groups, basically the few trainee days were all kinds of hardships, including not having enough to eat and not having enough clothes to wear is not an exaggeration. But at that time, freedom was the most important thing. Idols The standard of culture is not that high, and the fact that Lee Mong-ryong and Kim Jong-kook debuted can be used as direct evidence.

As for lax management, the most obvious example is Crystal Boy. How should we describe its popularity back then? It can be regarded as the female version of Girls' Generation, maybe even more popular than them, but what's the result? They disbanded just three or two years after their debut!

This is definitely not the reason for popularity. As for the specific details, only they know it. However, according to the news that has been circulated, it can basically be attributed to contract issues. The entire contract is filled with a sense of randomness, at least for now. The contract you signed after your debut was only for three years? This sounds like a joke, saying that signing a thirty-year contract is more likely.

So maybe the presidents at that time learned their lesson. After all, the first-generation groups generally disbanded very early. Not to mention those who rushed to the streets, those groups of popular ones really made their hearts bleed. After all, they were It's a good time to make money.

In this case, let’s start preparations honestly, so looking back now, the entire second-generation group’s training time is quite long, and without exception, the contracts when signing are extremely harsh. The so-called slave contract is basically All concentrated outbreaks occurred during this period.

Although the painful part is not without it, some surprises do indeed exist. As far as the second-generation girl group is concerned, let alone the ones that can become popular, even those whose results have not been ideal are only It can be said that they were born at the wrong time and at the wrong time, and there is no doubt about their ability.

It is precisely because of this that Li Menglong dares to set off the rhythm here casually. If he didn't have confidence in the strength of the girls, wouldn't Li Menglong be trapped in a cocoon here? Therefore, many crisis situations are also opportunities. As for what will happen? Which direction to change depends on our daily accumulation.

There is no sense of stage fright among these groups, but they do need a little discussion and preparation. In this case, the task of buying them time falls on Seohyun, and Seohyun is undoubtedly busy with Girls' Generation at this moment. Guilty, so the girls were inexplicably the first to appear, which made them feel quite ridiculous.

It was almost too late to discuss, so just go with what you want. I believe that their tacit understanding for so many years is not a joke, so Kim Taeyeon was the first to stand up, leaning out the window with her upper body and raising her hand high. He clapped his hands vigorously, and he didn't forget to stamp his feet in the interval between clapping, but it seemed that this action was a little unclear, after all, most of it was blocked by the window.

The ones who gave the most face were undoubtedly the long-awaited ones. After all, this was their captain, and they had to say that their voices were indeed a little tired. Taking this opportunity to end this boring confrontation made them feel relieved.

So under the leadership of Long Wish and Li Menglong, hundreds of people below began to play rhythm with Kim Taeyeon, but Li Menglong saw it most clearly, so he kept suppressing a smile at the corner of his mouth, this stomping The action was completely ignored by everyone. It is estimated that Kim Taeyeon must want to curse people now, or put something under her feet?

Although it is only the simplest rhythm, it is undoubtedly enough for the girls who have experienced many battles. Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu over there also sang loudly while beating the time. Even without a microphone, their voices It can still cover the whole scene, and the effect is really scary.

In fact, this is just for a layman to watch the fun. This is not just shouting out. Jessica Jung and Lee Soon Kyu are using their highest notes to harmonize with each other. Let’s not talk about the skills involved. Most people may not be able to control it when they shout with all their strength. It has a good volume, and these two can actually harmonize. This may be the majesty of the lead singer!

Acapella, which is pure vocal a cappella singing, is quite familiar to girls. After all, to a certain extent, this mode and dance music are like representatives of pole and pole, and the gap between them is simply worlds of difference.

Therefore, adapting dance music into a cappella has become one of the most versatile and effective arrangements. They have done many similar songs in concerts and variety shows. As for the skills required, they all Possessed, of course, refers to the harmony.

When Kim Taeyeon finally wanted to insert it, she strangely found that her position was missing. After all, this kind of thing was like a Spring Festival ticket, occupying people who couldn't squeeze in even if she wanted to, which made her a little confused. What should we do? Is she just responsible for leading everyone to play the rhythm? This is a bit overkill for Girls’ Generation or even the first vocalist of a second-generation girl group!

In this case, don't blame her for forcing herself to find something to do. Although she can't sing, she can still think of ways to accompaniment. After all, this kind of pure human voice also needs rhythm, but this B-Box thing She hasn't learned anything.

Fortunately, it wasn't a formal occasion now, and it was barely professional, so she didn't mind giving it a try, so the imitators on the TV covered their mouths with one hand, and then started her performance.

What does it mean that a mouse excrement ruins a pot of soup? It's happening now. Maybe the fans below can't hear it clearly, but the girls around them can clearly hear this weird drum beat. If it can be regarded as a drum beat for the time being.

What should I say about the drumbeat? In short, it is called erratic. Even though the girls have experienced many big scenes, they still can't grasp the rhythm. The key is that Kim Taeyeon is getting more and more excited, and finally she just closes her eyes and shakes her head. Show off.

If that's the case, then give her a stage. As the girls' singing stopped suddenly, fans finally noticed Kim Taeyeon's voice: "Bounce, bounce, bounce, ring, ring, bang, bang..."

If the singing of the girls just now cleanses the soul, then Kim Taeyeon's drumming is equivalent to forcefully pouring back all the dirt that has been washed out, even with added ingredients.

Fortunately, Seohyun at the back couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Kim Taeyeon down in time, and just handed the window to the remaining groups. But Kim Taeyeon didn't want to, so how could she stop her from communicating with the fans? ? She also wants to perform for everyone!

"You want to perform for the fans? Why don't you ask people if they are willing to listen!" Lee Soon Kyu, as the best bad friend, naturally sent sharp complaints immediately, which made Kim Taeyeon speechless for a while. , although she herself knew that the performance just now was very amateurish, but was it really so ugly?

Pani came over and touched her head to comfort her, but she still didn't have the heart to deceive her. Otherwise, if Kim Taeyeon wants to develop into the B-Box world in the future, not to mention delaying the path of a talented singer, this kind of It is very unjust to blatantly throw a scourge into the B-Box world. Maybe she single-handedly destroyed the already sluggish B-Box world. This is Kim Taeyeon's terrifying influence.

Although it looked very lively, in fact, each group only sang for two minutes. Basically, the total of ten minutes ended. This stage could be regarded as a performance. Overall, although it could not be more simple, But being able to invite these four groups of people is quite rare. Judging from the smiles on the fans' faces, it is clear that they are very satisfied.

In this case, you can leave with satisfaction. It is said that this is Li Menglong's ultimate goal. He asked the colleagues who followed him to temporarily act as security personnel. The group used a human wall to separate a road from the door to the parking space.

In fact, the crowding as imagined did not happen. After all, the energy of this group of people has almost been released. Now the palms and throats feel as if they have been cooked, and it is burning and tingling. If they know that this is Li Menglong's intention, I don’t know if they will blame him, but I guess they are mostly grateful. If it weren’t for Li Menglong’s arrival, where would they go to watch such a performance?

After receiving the call from Li Menglong, the girls came out one after another and asked everyone in front to go ahead. Xu Xian walked to Li Menglong as the person behind the throne. He could leave his words of thanks for later. There are still problems to be solved now: "What's wrong with oppa?" Are you here? There are some staff behind you, what should they do?"

"Staff? Who is it?"

"We have to go to the beauty salon to replenish our makeup at any time. The costumers are also here, and there are also many assistants from various companies. There must be dozens of people in total!" Xu Xian said slightly innocently, saying that she also I feel like I made some mistakes and didn't take into account many details.

In fact, she is a little too harsh on herself. The director is not a handyman on the scene, so how can he be responsible for everything. But relatively speaking, Li Menglong always likes to solve it by himself, but that is because he can always find some tricks. The most suitable method for Xu Xian is undoubtedly to have a mature and steady assistant director around him.

"There are dozens of people, right?" Li Menglong scratched his head: "The people from the company have driven a lot of cars here. It's not impossible to let them temporarily serve as drivers, but they have to go back to work in the afternoon. Besides, These people didn’t even have lunch and came here to help, so it’s not appropriate to ask someone to pay for gas, right?”

"Well, there is indeed some!" Xu Xian was also secretly worried here. Judging from Li Menglong's words, the most suitable thing to do is to treat them to lunch. Xu Xian didn't really care about the money, he just felt that there was something wrong. Isn't it enough? After all, they just wanted her lunch and came here to help? I always feel like I'm looking down on others.

If Li Menglong knew that Xu Xian had this idea, he would go over and wake Xu Xian up. He had already treated Xu Xian to lunch, so how could he compensate these people? Besides, being able to hang out during working hours is considered a benefit, and they will be satisfied.

However, maybe because she has lived with Li Menglong for a long time, Xu Xian can occasionally come up with some ways to get the best of both worlds. To do this, it is undoubtedly based on human nature, so she almost doesn't discuss it with Li Menglong, and she just looks after herself. He ran in front.

I saw this little girl chatting a few words in each family's nanny car, and then she seemed to have received a positive answer, and immediately ran back proudly. She believed that no one would refuse her method, and not only did it not use She came to treat her to lunch, but these people even invited her to dinner.

Gathering the people who were driving, Xu Xian directly said her solution without any politeness. It was nothing more than a simple replacement problem, letting the staff of the beauty salon go in their nanny car, and these girls Then we set off in this group's private car. After all, they are all colleagues in the company who know everything about us, so we don't have to worry about safety issues at all, which is quite convenient.

"You mean to let us pick the passengers now? And among your groups?" The person who asked this sentence felt ridiculous. He never dreamed that his little broken car would one day It sounds ridiculous that a female idol will be carried on board.

With this illusion of falling into the clouds, he sat in the car in a daze. It wasn't until the car window was knocked that he subconsciously looked over, and saw Yoona's beautiful and miserable face. This girl One hand was placed between his eyebrows like a awning, and his little face was swaying from side to side as he looked into the car. Seeing this scene from a distance of a car window, even those with a weak heart may not be able to bear it.

He hurriedly opened the car door, and the driver suddenly became more cautious. He sat there and looked down at the steering wheel, listening to the chatter of the girls around him and smelling the noise of the girls in the car. As for the aroma, it would be a lie if I said I wasn't nervous.

As for getting involved, it was just a dream. Now it was questionable whether he would stumble when he spoke. After all, he was too close, so all he could do was to move forward to the limit and try to let the people behind him More space...

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