The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1911 Explanation

Although this group of people wanted to continue chatting for a while, and of course they wanted to see Li Menglong in embarrassment, Li Menglong's words were generally useful at this time. After all, he still held the power of life and death overtime, so at this moment there was no After announcing it, no one would dare to go to death to offend him.

As a result, the originally noisy space suddenly became quiet. Most people may not be used to it, but for SW people, it is a daily routine. They indulge themselves when having fun, and the price is naturally work. It’s quite a good habit to be fully immersed when doing it!

But there are always two people who like to run away. Why are the girls reluctant to come with Li Menglong? It’s because they can’t sit still on the second floor. When everyone is working, they are the only ones squirming in their seats. It’s very awkward. It feels like a violation.

Relatively speaking, Xu Xian's adaptation is not very good. It can even be said that there is no so-called adaptation period at all. Of course, such monster newcomers in the workplace do not always appear. The fact that Xu Xian can adapt so well here is certainly in line with her. Your own efforts are inseparable, but external factors are equally important!

Not every newcomer will have a boss of the company come to work every day, and not every newcomer will have a pleasant face and a celebrity aura. Of course, not every newcomer will have Xu Xian, who has been honed for many years. Affinity.

It can be said that Seohyun has been in the industry for so many years. In addition to music-related studies, what he has learned the most is how to contact people, or to be precise, how to leave a good enough impression on strangers in the shortest time.

If you think about it carefully, this is a necessary skill for idols. Unfortunately, there are not many outsiders who can teach this kind of thing. The key is to rely on personal understanding. There is no doubt that Xu Xian is the kind of child with extraordinary talents. , in short, very likable.

If this is the case, in an office where the boss and the people below all like a new person, it would be strange if the new person doesn't adapt. But Xu Xian is a little restless today. Although she wants to calm down, she is not that kind. A child who can hide his worries, especially when facing Li Menglong.

"I definitely don't feel sorry for that ballpoint pen, but saving and not wasting can be regarded as virtues that are promoted, so can you stop scratching randomly?" Li Menglong said to Xu Xian with a smile. He was afraid that he would laugh if he watched the fun again. of.

Xu Xian didn't know that Li Menglong had noticed her every move, but when she saw the messy handwriting in the notebook, she blushed a little, but she didn't want to admit it: "If you don't understand, don't do it. Nonsense, I am painting!"

"I don't study well, so don't lie to me. Is this a painting?" Li Menglong stood up and leaned over to take a closer look. It didn't look like a painting at all. Could it be that it was a top view of a ball of wool?

"You don't understand art, abstract painting!" As she spoke, Xu Xian closed the notebook heavily. This made herself feel more at ease, but she did not dare to look into Li Menglong's eyes. She knew that the other party must be laughing at her now. .

But after all, she has been studying with girls for so many years, so she has learned the ostrich mentality, so she keeps numbing herself. As long as she doesn't care, this matter can be treated as if it never happened. Can't we change the topic?

So quite naturally, Xu Xian asked the question that had been puzzling him: "Oppa, tell me more about advertising. I'm a little curious!"

Li Menglong really admired the little girl this time. Is this because he was afraid that Li Menglong would not be injured enough? Do you have to step on his Li Menglong's self-esteem to get the upper hand? Fortunately, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that his self-esteem is worthless in front of Xu Xian. In this case, let's talk about it. Of course, it is more likely that he knows that Xu Xian has no intention in this regard.

"It's okay to chat, but why are you curious about this?" Li Menglong looked the little girl up and down. She didn't seem to be a money-grubbing person. "By the way, the company will have specialized people to handle this. Basically We don’t need to talk about it ourselves, so do you have any questions?”

"Don't you have to go by yourself?" Xu Xian repeated and she breathed a sigh of relief. She was still a little nervous when she thought about those occasions, but for the responsibility she shouldered, she was still willing to go out. Of course, she didn't have to be Best: “What about the money, will there be a lot of it?”

Xu Xiandu asked so straightforwardly. Li Menglong naturally would not simply think that this little girl was greedy for money. After thinking about it carefully, it was easy to find out what the problem was. The advertising fee was nothing more than an inducement. This made this little girl the first For the first time, we have begun to face the most important criterion for a successful TV series - profit!

That's right, there are many standards for evaluating a TV series. Different people will have completely different evaluations based on their corresponding identities. But as directors and production companies, Seohyun and others should use more utilitarian and fair standards to evaluate, although some Ugly, but this is real society.

It’s not her fault that Xu Xian has never realized this. It’s entirely because Li Menglong and SW have created a particularly good environment for her. Basically, this drama has escaped the category of losing money, or at least even if it is losing money, it can still Making money is not like some dramas that lose money and can't even see the sound, that's how miserable it is!

It stands to reason that this is part of the compromise that a director must make. Even the most idealistic director must consider the issue of profitability, otherwise no one will invest at all, but Seohyun has never been exposed to this aspect until now!

"Are you worried about money? I'm afraid that you have to master too many things for the first time, so I haven't told you enough to talk about it if you are curious. Where do we, Director Xu Xian, want to start listening?" Li Menglong said gently. He said, I can’t live up to the title of Xu Xian’s life mentor.

Xu Xian thought it was a spur-of-the-moment idea, so he was a little embarrassed for a while, but in the end he asked quite directly: "Will my TV series lose money? If it makes money, how much can it make?"

If girls hear this, they might educate Xu Xian. They have spent so many years cultivating and protecting Xu Xian, just to let her live a "fairy tale" and not be affected by utilitarian factors such as money. , but now talking about money will make them feel that their education has failed!

However, in Li Menglong's view, it is a manifestation of Xu Xian's growth. Talking about money does not necessarily mean tackiness, but it also represents responsibility. It means Xu Xian realizes how many people's hopes she is carrying. It can be said that as a director, she has put the entire She is definitely not the only one who will be disappointed if the crew fails to make a profit.

"You basically can't pay compensation, but how much you make depends on the final effect of the film!" Li Menglong explained to Xu Xian here that in fact, the source of income for a TV series is relatively simple. Naturally, the share is the broadcasting rights purchased by the TV station.

However, because this drama is an in-depth cooperation with MBC, this part of the money is only given symbolically. Correspondingly, the pre- and post-advertising share has increased a lot, which is equivalent to MBC sharing the investment and risks of this drama equally. , which is why Li Menglong dared to draw this conclusion.

As for the product placement and possible overseas copyrights that are being discussed now, they are additional gains, and can even be said to be a large part of the net profit. So if these large advertisements can be negotiated, then Xu Xian's Even if the film has not started filming, it can be determined that it has already made a profit, and it is not a particularly small one.

I have to say that society is still not fair, but Li Menglong does not have such a philanthropic heart to help outsiders. Xu Xian cost him a lot of effort, but after seeing Xu Xian's satisfied smile, he felt everything It's all worth it. Why can't I get enough of Seohyun's smile after seeing her for so many years?

Although he was very confident in his own charm, it was still a bit embarrassing to be stared at so directly by Li Menglong occasionally. Xu Xian waved in front of him first, but after seeing no effect, he stepped on him heavily under the table. This finally made him wake up: "Oppa can work now, and your movie will be a big hit!"

If Xu Xian's smile just now was still that of an angel, now he has the tendency to evolve into a little devil. Just now, Li Menglong analyzed her heart and soul. It was neither credit nor hard work, and the result was in the blink of an eye. The little girl came over to laugh at herself, this was a bit too much!

"Hey Yigu, how could I mock Oppa? I mean it!" Xu Xian said with a straight face, showing that he was serious at the moment, but his words needed to be considered: "Oppa, as a well-known director, There must be a lot of brands coming to you for sponsorship, right? You don’t have to wait for the release to get your money back, right? Then the box office of tens of millions of moviegoers will be your pure profit!"

Xu Xian recalled what Li Menglong said just now and forcefully deceived him here, but it was like a tea seller meeting a pyramid scheme master. It was all what Li Menglong said. How could he believe it? But it had to be said that Xu Xian said It is still possible to realize it, but it won't be Li Menglong.

Projects that have recovered their investment costs before the movie is released are rare opportunities. Let’s not talk about small-budget movies. They are all the result of luck. Other projects like this that recover their costs in advance are Very large commercial film project.

Among them, the stars are bright and the scenes are grand. At first glance, they must be very expensive. Of course, they will say this in publicity, but there are a lot of inside stories. The most basic ones are the stars' remuneration, which is said to be tens of millions. Then is it really worth tens of millions? That's real money, can it be earned back?

Therefore, actors' remuneration components in movies with big casts like this are very complicated. There will definitely be part of it in cash, but installments and deferred payments are normal. It is normal to delay the payment for two or three years. The other part will be There are some box office incentive rules, such as how much will be given based on the box office.

These are all within the rules, but the more unconventional ones are weird. For example, it requires actors to pay how much money they need to buy at the box office, which is usually in the millions. Another example is asking the brand manufacturer behind the star to bear part of it. After all, brand endorsements are more effective when actors become famous, right?

As a result, actors' remuneration is reduced to a very low standard through various means, and then the appeal of these stars is used to attract various investments and sponsorships. Basically, they can cover the initial filming expenses, which is quite a bit like a free hand. .

But there are hidden dangers in this, because you still owe a lot of money. If you lose it, won't you lose everything? It would be naive to think this way. Although box office is the most important source of income for movies, it is only one of the sources.

Ever wonder about the entertainment companies behind big movies? How much will a commercial movie with such a large cast increase the company's stock price? The cash out in the stock market alone is quite considerable, and the movie market itself is the most suitable for money laundering. In short, under various methods, even if you lose money, the money you lose will not be the money of the top group. As for the people who lose money in the end Who is it may be a matter of benevolence and wisdom!

However, all aspects involved in these are quite complicated. At least Li Menglong can only say that he has a rough understanding of it. He will never be able to operate it himself. This is also the role of Li Enxi's existence. Even though she seems to be late and leave early every day, but Such a high salary is really not in vain, otherwise even if Li Menglong can see through it, the people below will still gossip.

In short, film can be regarded as an art, but the film industry is a complete capital game. There is no trace of beauty in it. Those who enter are profit-seekers waving money. How many of them are for the so-called art?

Inexplicably, he felt that Li Menglong was a little depressed. Xu Xian didn't think it was because of himself. He probably thought of something unhappy again. In this case, I just cheered him up and patted him heavily on the shoulder. , and then said angrily: "Li Menglong, you have to work hard!"

Li Menglong was stunned by this rather formal title, but he immediately realized it and pushed the little girl's shoulder with his finger: "Li Menglong was also called by you? Oppa!"

"Tch, you know how to bully me! Ernie and the others just call you by your name, why don't you say it to them?"

"I don't care about them if I don't say them!" Li Menglong explained here casually: "Besides, those people are all irredeemable. Don't compare with them in the future. It will lower your lower limit in vain!"

"Why can't it be saved? Tell me carefully!"

When Li Menglong was educating Xu Xian, he didn't notice anyone standing behind Xu Xian because his line of sight was blocked. Therefore, Li Menglong was still very surprised when he heard Xu Xian's rebuttal, but although his voice was equally crisp, it didn't seem to be the same. So right: "What did you just say? Say it again?"

"I said what's wrong with us? We are so unwelcome to you. If you have anything to say, tell us and we will seriously reflect on ourselves!" Kim Taeyeon pushed Xu Xian in front of her and stood with an angry face. After they came out, they heard Li Menglong say bad things about them as soon as they came in. How could this be tolerated?

"Hiss...when did you come here? Just to listen to this?"

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