The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1907 It’s all feelings

It's not that Li Menglong doesn't want to explain, but he simply can't find any suitable excuse. Besides, although he is thick-skinned enough, he also vaguely feels that this kind of "stealing" his own money is really a bit embarrassing. In order to protect himself in front of the girls, With the only trace of face left, he thought it would be better for him to be beaten to death today.

It just seems that the girls are too violent, and besides, they have no reason to take action. After all, seriously speaking, the money has little to do with them. Even Lee Soon Kyu can't say how upright it is. , is it incredible that Li Menglong holds tens of millions in cash?

In fact, the charges Li Soonkyu compiled just now are also open to question. The 30 million yuan can barely be considered a large amount of property. After all, it is equivalent to more than a year's salary of an employee of a large company. It is still the kind of thing that can be saved without eating or drinking. .

It's just that the source is unknown and needs to be discussed. Ordinary people would be questioned for carrying such a large amount of money for no reason, but in Li Menglong's hands, it was just a little strange. After all, aren't the rich famous for not carrying money with them when they go out? In other words, it is conservatively estimated that only Li Menglong can bring enough cash when he goes out to carry 30 million.

So no matter what, although the money Li Menglong took was against moral principles, there was no legal error or omission. However, how could Li Menglong think of so much now? He was just silently waiting for the ridicule of the girls. In other words, he himself felt a little absurd.

Li Soonkyu did plan to ridicule him at first, but seeing Li Menglong's dejected look made him feel inexplicably distressed. Thinking about Li Menglong being a man who couldn't even afford a meal when he went out, it was a bit too much!

But just when she thought of this, she suddenly shook her head. Sure enough, she was too kind. You must know that the girls were very interesting to him. Not to mention the pocket money given by the other girls, Li Shunkyu still has There is a co-branded credit card with him, but I haven’t seen him spend it since I gave it to him. Isn’t it the legendary machismo? Afraid of spending a woman’s money?

This idea is even more ridiculous. If Li Menglong was this kind of person in the legend, then he should have been killed by a headlong collision by now. After all, he spent nothing on food, clothing, housing, and transportation other than girls’ money. Of course, there are many reasons, he He has also compensated the girls in other ways and even materially, but he still cannot escape the definition of pretty boy.

She was thinking wildly, but the girls she was talking to were quite relaxed. Everyone could guess where Li Menglong got the money. To be honest, it felt quite funny. In their eyes, it was considered a joke. No need to go to a deeper level. They believe that each other is sincere and open-minded enough when it comes to money.

In that case, hurry up and come over to share the joy. Didn’t you see that Kim Taeyeon has turned into a cleaner. She has cleaned up the floor of the carriage. Of course, it is limited to the area where she is sitting, but she is also cleaning the floor around her. Extension.

Even though the girls are well-informed, they have never experienced this feeling of picking up money out of thin air, especially since the money cannot be said to be their own, but after picking it up, they can put it into their own pockets openly. You don’t even have to worry about someone coming to ask for it. If you don’t take action, you will simply ruin your fortune!

So the girls except Lee Soon Kyu also squatted down and grabbed a lot of them on the ground. The place where they put them was also very interesting. Because they didn't bring bags, they always put them in their pockets at first. It's stuffed, but as much as it can hold, it won't be able to hold it in a minute.

Li Menglong has experienced this feeling of being rich but unable to pretend before. I won’t say how painful it is. Although the girls are to a lesser degree now, after all, Li Menglong is facing hundreds of millions in cash, but they are still very painful. Heartache.

Sure enough, when it comes to money, everyone will try their best to overcome difficulties. Yoona was the first to take off her coat. I can’t say that their coats are expensive, but there are not many cheap ones. Of course, most of them are sent by manufacturers. , and of course their own brand.

This original jacket with Yoona's fresh body temperature was spread out on the dust-stained floor. Fans might be heartbroken if they saw it, but Yoona is not at all right now. Not caring, she just mechanically put the money on her clothes with a satisfied smile on her lips.

There is no doubt about the learning ability of the girls. After someone took the lead, almost everyone started to take off their clothes. For a while, the car was full of spring scenery, but except for the driver who occasionally glanced through the rearview mirror, there was no one at all. Pay attention, after all, at least in their own minds, the money on the ground is much better than the sisters they can see every day!

However, more than 30 million sounds like a lot, but because there are still some 50,000 yuan in it, there are not many pieces in total. Kim Taeyeon picked up half of it alone, and after adding the large team, it quickly became There was some overlap in territory, so the atmosphere began to become tense, especially after all the money on the ground was completely picked up.

The money is gone, but people's desires are endless. The girls have obviously been emotionally aroused. If they don't find it satisfying, it would be a bit anticlimactic. If you want to continue to pick up money, you can only target the rest. People have gained something, but this requires a different word, such as grabbing money!

If picking up money is not something that can be taught, then stealing money is completely a crime. However, this group of people showed no regrets with red eyes. The most eye-catching one among them is naturally Kim Taeyeon. She was the first to do it and gained the most. !

She tightened the zipper of her coat and pressed the hem of her clothes firmly with both hands. There was a small protrusion on her belly. Those were the "hard-earned money" earned by Kim Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon would really do it if someone came to try on her. Desperately: "What are you doing? Do you want to rebel?"

"How could it be possible, my most respected Ernie!" Yoona said slowly here: "But as the eldest sister, why don't you look so ugly? This money originally fell from the sky, and everyone will share it equally. That’s fine, there’s no need to hurt your feelings, right?”

To a certain extent, Yoona's suggestion is a good idea. After all, the money seriously belongs to Lee Meng Yong. It is impossible to give half of it directly to Kim Taeyeon if he is to share it. So sharing it equally is naturally the best way. If Kim Taeyeon might have agreed if she said this from the beginning, but now she has a vested interest!

It would be a dream to ask Kim Taeyeon to spit out the money she picked up. In short, Kim Taeyeon is already prepared to die rather than surrender, and has even calculated the escape route. As for her favorite thing, it is undoubtedly the car window, but considering She was a little hesitant because of the speed of the car. It was not cost-effective to break a bone or something for such a small amount of money.

Just when the war was about to break out, Li Soonkyu finally spoke. It was said that Li Menglong was the only one who had the right to own the money. She could only say a few words: "There are outsiders here, can you not give it to me?" Girls' Generation is being smeared? You don't want to be a female idol anymore, do you?"

Lee Soon Kyu’s words are quite pertinent. After all, if this matter were to hit the news tomorrow, the headline would be a big fight within Girls’ Generation over a huge sum of money. In short, nothing good would come of it: “Sit down now, I picked up the money. It doesn’t matter how much it is, just think that you have won the lottery, and if you continue to make trouble, I will donate it all to you!”

Li Soonkyu directly characterized the money, which meant that the money that had some hint of stolen money was instantly laundered. This made the girls happy enough, but their eyes also glanced at Li Menglong from time to time, making him dumbfounded. Only now do you remember who the owner of the money is?

Li Menglong was naturally reluctant to part with him, but it was rare that Li Soonkyu and the girls did not mock him during the whole process. He was afraid that if he asked for money, it would cause trouble. The best thing to do was to acquiesce, but people will never do it. He was satisfied, so he still tried a little unwillingly.

"It's true that you deserve it. It's all earned by your own hard work!" Li Menglong said here without conscience. He just squatted down and bent over and moved his hands. He also wanted to earn this money: "But can it be a little more reflective?"


After feeling that the atmosphere was a little solid, Li Menglong immediately spoke quickly, not daring to let the girls speak first, otherwise the matter would not turn around: "I don't insist on it, you can just give me some, more It’s more or less your intention, I won’t say anything to those who give more or give less!”

After saying this, Li Menglong himself felt sad. He was almost becoming a beggar, but he could bear it for money. Looking at the expressions of the girls, Li Menglong was the first to go to Yoona, saying that if Xu Xian was here Naturally, this girl is the most suitable, but if Seohyun is not around, Yoona would also be a good choice.

Even though Yoona is usually naughty and mischievous, she has a soft heart and is not very courageous, so while playing the emotional card with a little threat, Li Menglong is confident that she can let Yoona spit out some. Even if he gets off to a good start, the other girls will always give him some face.

Sure enough, Yoona hesitated and dug through the temporary baggage she had packed behind her back. However, an embarrassing situation soon appeared. The banknotes were only 50,000 or 10,000, but Yoona didn't even want to give 10,000.

However, she knew that no one at the scene had brought any money. Fortunately, there was only one outsider in the car. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Yoona walked to the driver's side, and after muttering something, she immediately held a large He brought the change back, and under Li Menglong's surprised gaze, he took out a thousand yuan and stuffed it into his hand: "Go ahead and buy some candy, don't be too moved!"

Li Menglong held the thousand yuan in his hand tremblingly, his eyes filled with disbelief. Does this girl dare to go too far? He saw Yoon'er's "baggage" with his peripheral vision, and after a rough look inside, he couldn't get away with at least two or three million. After picking up so much, it was fine not to give Zhang fifty thousand, and he couldn't bear to part with ten thousand. ?

As for the one thousand yuan, it was even more of a joke. Taking the subway was not enough to buy a ticket. But when Li Menglong wanted to say something, he saw a different look in Yoona's eyes, so Li Menglong decisively spent the money After stuffing it into her pocket, she turned to the next person. As for Yoona, her eyes dimmed a lot. She was still waiting for Li Menglong to throw back the thousand yuan with "disdain". She was ready to say mockingly. I lost my words, but nothing was used. Has Li Menglong become thicker again?

The next step was pretty smooth. Although Yoona's side didn't get off to a particularly perfect start, the other girls probably still wanted to show some respect, so they basically gave them 10,000 yuan. When it was Kim Taeyeon's turn, He actually gave Zhang 50,000 yuan for the first time, which made Li Menglong very touched for a while.

However, in the eyes of the girls, this is not the case. Kim Taeyeon has simply betrayed everyone's tacit understanding. They gave so little, but Kim Taeyeon herself gave more. Isn't this just stepping on their shoulders to show favor? , the key is that she has made so much money herself, Taeyeon almost ate half of this money by herself, she has earned all the money and face, it is a total defeat!

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Li Menglong told these people with practical actions what it means to be invincible if you are shameless. Li Shunkyu looked at Li Menglong opposite and said speechlessly: "Look at what I am doing. I didn't pick it up just now." Money!"

"Don't say that, everyone is not like this because they found money, they are all out of ordinary feelings!" Li Menglong said nonsense here: "The relationship between the two of us must be deeper than theirs, right? I’m sorry for you that this is less than fifty thousand!”

"Hiss..." After hearing these slightly sarcastic words, the girls couldn't help but take a breath. Those who were given 10,000 yuan were better. According to his logic, wouldn't it be true that Yoona and his feelings were the same? Only one tenth of the other girls? How can I endure this!

The best way is undoubtedly to make up the money, but that would not fulfill Li Menglong's wishes. If everyone really compares, the gains outweigh the losses, so Yoona's chosen method is to pounce on her, and if she doesn't change her mind, Just bite this snobby, bastard to death!

After Yoona's participation, he finally failed to get any money from Lee Soon Kyu. Lee Mong Ryong even felt a little pity for a time. When he reflected secretly, he felt that he must have exerted too much force. If he said it more peacefully, maybe there would be more. .

Sitting at the back, he silently counted the money in his hand. It totaled 111,000 yuan. Compared with the original more than 30 million yuan, it was like heaven and earth. But the strange thing was that Li Menglong didn't feel it was a pity, even He felt that the 100,000 yuan was his own money, and he didn't need to hide it and worry about it!

Li Menglong couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. He didn't know if this was considered cowardice, but it was indeed his idea. Wouldn't it be nice to say that he didn't value money? It sounds like his personality has improved a lot immediately. Sure enough, he is still a good person...

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