The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1888 Angel Arrives

"French chips? This thing is so simple!" After hearing Pani's murmur, Li Menglong said from the side: "Slice the potatoes and soak them in water for a while so that they become crispier when fried. Then pour them into the boiling oil pan. With a sound, the aroma of potatoes comes along with the bubbles. After coming out of the pot, it is golden and crispy on the outside, soft and fragrant on the inside..."

I have to say that Li Menglong's mouth is quite powerful. His description made Pani start to drool, as if he could eat freshly baked French fries by opening his mouth. But is it possible? A little more sensible?

Whether there are potatoes at home and whether Li Menglong will make them are put aside for now. It has been so difficult to eat vegetable salads this night. If we eat such high-calorie food again, won't all the previous hard work be in vain? The other girls couldn't just watch Pani make mistakes. Of course, no one knew whether it was because of jealousy or jealousy.

But no matter what, there will definitely be no fries. Pani could only look at the ketchup in front of him and cry secretly. Speaking of which, this and fries are really a perfect match. Fortunately, Xu Xian stood up in time and said: "Onie, don't be resentful and hurry up and participate in the second round. If you win again, it will be a special match!"

After hearing this, Pani naturally looked over curiously. Only then did he see the props for the second round of mini-games. They seemed to be waffles in one frame. He didn't know when Xu Xian bought them. , but it’s just delicious. You’ll definitely get a mouthful of milky flavor when you bite into it.

But how do you add ingredients to this? I can’t make some chili-flavored waffles separately, but after all, Xu Xian still has a way: “You guys, you’ve seen it, there are two waffles stacked on top of each other. , the fillings inside are very rich, it’s best for everyone to take small bites when eating, don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

Everyone understood it instantly. It was nothing more than adding some weird sauces, but looking at the thickness without any bulge, it seemed to be within the acceptable range. Even the girls were a little happy in their hearts. What: Sure enough, children are still young, so they can eat the surrounding parts of waffles. No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat.

Little did he know that Xu Xian did this on purpose. The waffles were even bought as a midnight snack for these people. After all, they ate so little at night. What if they were so hungry that they couldn't sleep? But it's okay to take it out now. I didn't see that her sisters were very happy.

This time Kim Taeyeon will not be the last. After a few minutes of discussion, she was the first to stand up. Age is used at this time. As for Lee Mongryong, we can only wait and see. At this moment, Kim Taeyeon He was looking at it carefully from a distance of more than one meter with squinted eyes, while the girls around him were coming up with all kinds of bad ideas.

"Believe me once, the third one is definitely good. Look at that appearance, it's so normal, even if it has some salt in it, it's acceptable!" "No. 7 is more reliable, my intuition has always been very accurate. !" "Onie, please refer to No. 9. Maybe Xiaoxian let it go like this on purpose!"

Kim Taeyeon won't listen to any of the opinions around her. If they are so reliable, why would these people say it? Rather than trying to seduce her like crazy here, it turns out that people still have to rely on themselves. After repeated observations, Kim Taeyeon decisively chose number six!

However, after taking it in her hand, Kim Taeyeon felt a little regretful. The faint smell of mustard could not be hidden at all. The girls around her also laughed immediately. After all, Kim Taeyeon's misfortune in this environment was theirs. Lucky for you, you are even there to encourage Kim Taeyeon to eat it!

You will definitely eat it. Separate the two waffles. The thin layer of green mustard in the middle is very eye-catching. Although the color is very beautiful, I have to say that it is very unappetizing when placed here. Kim Taeyeon only He could carefully nibble the uncontaminated parts around him, looking a little sad.

The next step is Jessica's choice. This one is really awesome. After choosing one, the sauce is not so obvious. But that's not because she won the prize, but because the sauce has seeped into the waffles. Then A sour taste is enough to tell what's in it.

Speaking of which, Xu Xian, a child with thick eyebrows and big eyes, really has a lot of bad ideas once he gets bad. Little did he know that Xu Xian just added to what he saw in the kitchen. How can he have so many extra thoughts, even if there is any? I just want these Ernies to eat less.

Different from the previous two people, Lee Soon Kyu came over and started to attack Seohyun directly, playing all the emotional cards to threatening jokes. In short, the girls around him could hardly stand it any longer. So Seohyun didn't speak, but Lee Soon Kyu thought he understood. I caught Seohyun's suggestive look, but the one I chose was one with added salt, but in comparison it was already very good. You could eat it in large chunks with just a few flicks. Kim and Taeyeon looked at each other for a while. envious.

After arriving at Pani, everyone stopped paying so much attention, because everyone knows that Pani is an honest person. If it is purely confusing, there is really no need to discuss it, but in many cases, luck is really unstoppable. .

"I don't think there's anything on it!" Pani looked at it twice and took a careful taste. Only then was he sure. For a while, the girls around him didn't know what to say, mainly because they weren't sure that it counted. He is not considered a victor!

Fortunately, they figured out their own logic later. Since the bad ones are with added ingredients, then the so-called good ones should also be added with ingredients. Even if butter and cheese are not good, adding some sugar is also good. This kind of everything can be added. Those who didn’t add it are probably just a little lucky.

Pani didn't care what those people thought. She was really satisfied, especially since she had the tomato sauce she just got. It was sour and sweet and delicious. She never let go of her smile.

When Pani had finished eating, the game had come to an end. Seeing that Yoona, who was second to last, also failed, the remaining portion was as good as gold in the eyes of the girls. It was a pity that this was It belonged to Li Menglong, and they actually helped Li Menglong take the initiative to clear mines. I have to say that they were very unwilling to do so!

Naturally, Li Menglong will not accommodate these people. Although he is not very interested in waffles, the sense of participation in the game is still very important. Besides, it can also make these people unhappy, so why not!

But after he stretched out his hand, within a short arm's length, the back of his hand was slapped hard by an unknown number of slaps. The girls who did it were also confident: "This is all our internal game of Girls' Generation, you Why are you getting involved? Go back to bed quickly, don’t be an eyesore here!”

This makes sense inexplicably, but would Li Menglong care about this? When he was about to say something, he saw Xu Xian blinking very strangely. Li Menglong didn't understand the specific meaning, but there was a pause. This gap was enough for the girls to bring the waffles to their mouths. .

With her strong fighting power, Kim Taeyeon finally became the lucky one. In her eyes, it was already the last one. Naturally, she had nothing to hesitate. She opened her bloody mouth and stuffed it in without giving anything to the rest. The rest of the meaning of the girls.

It's fine just after stuffing it in, but it's not the same when chewing it. How should I put it specifically? Kim Taeyeon seems to have been stuffed with a piece of ginger. The spicy taste is very exciting. The key is who likes to eat it. Ginger? Anyway, Kim Taeyeon doesn’t love her!

Xu Xian handed the plate in his hand over in time, and Kim Taeyeon naturally spat it out unceremoniously. Then everyone looked at Xu Xian. Fortunately, the little girl had been prepared a long time ago: "This is filled with oil." It’s full of ginger powder, I don’t know why there is this in the kitchen!”

"Is this still important now? What you should explain is why everything is with added ingredients. Are you deliberately entertaining your unnies?" Li Soonkyu asked with a bad look. If Xu Xian really agreed, She also didn't mind helping this little girl recall the fear of being dominated by the Unnies.

It's a pity that Xu Xian will not give them this opportunity at all. He pointed at the pani directly, and then said crisply: "The panioni does not have any ingredients, so in fact, the winner has already been decided. Yes, Panioni is the luckiest man!"

Now even Pani herself was a little surprised, and the others naturally understood. They could even guess why Xu Xian didn't speak. If he had said it earlier, would the girls behind have any need to proceed? Could it be that you want to try the ingredients Xu Xiandu added?

I have to say that once an honest child deceives people, it is really hard for people to guard against it. The girls even have a strange sense of frustration. Have they been defeated by their own maknae? They were really unconvinced: "What's the next step? Take it out quickly and let you see what the Ernies are capable of!"

"No more! I'm just preparing two games!" Xu Xian said confidently: "So I declare that today's game session has officially ended. I hope that all participating guests can rest with a happy mood. I would like to express my gratitude again to everyone for your participation. With sincere thanks, see you next time!”

While talking, Xu Xian was still "bumping" over there with simple exit music. As expected, he is a child who often participates in variety shows. He has learned this routine very comprehensively, but besides Li Menglong and Pani, there are also other people on the scene. After laughing, the others seemed to be even more depressed.

Fortunately, compared with the initial silence, the current depression can still make them talk, which can be regarded as achieving the goal to a certain extent. As the final winner tonight, Pani is really very proud, but Zhi She didn't need to be satisfied, especially after the girls looked at her fiercely from time to time, she felt that Xu Xian was warmer.

As a result, like a large wombat, Pani hung firmly behind Xu Xian, getting tired of being with Xu Xian, a little girl. Xu Xian couldn't be said to be annoying, although his body was heavy. A little, but she was also very happy to receive Ernie's thanks. She tilted her head and rubbed Pani's smooth cheek again. The touch was great.

I have to say that everyone's destiny is different. The girls are complaining about themselves over there, and Li Menglong is also lamenting the injustice of the world. He is also washing dishes here. Why is there a beautiful woman behind Xu Xian? Warmth, but he, Li Menglong, is just a loner? The contrast is too strong!

Just at this time, Li Shun Kyu came over to drink water. Li Meng Long turned his head and gave a hint. Li Shun Kyu was a little confused at first, but he finally understood after seeing Xu Xian and Pani, and then gave Li Meng Long a reassuring look. Can a real couple still be shown their affection by the pair of wild mandarin ducks? Isn't she, Lee Soon Kyu, a jobber?

After receiving the answer, Li Menglong immediately turned around, then stood up and began to wait. He was thinking that he would not be able to shake for a while. As for what Li Shunkyu would do, he didn't know, but he just cooperated. , there is still a little bit of expectation.

It seemed that Lee Soon Kyu behind him had already begun to speed up the run-up. It was indeed a passionate hug of love. What would he do next after he jumped on his back? It's not like he held his cheek and kissed it, he was a little shy!

But it seemed that this emotion came a little too early, especially when Li Shunkyu's feet came into close contact with his buttocks. Li Menglong immediately recognized the reality. Sure enough, he shouldn't have any expectations. It was because he was too So young and so naive!

Xu Xian and Pani watched helplessly as Li Menglong was kicked. The key is that he still looked relieved. This scene was very strange. Li Menglong also noticed the strangeness of the two of them and turned around with a Buddhist smile. : "If you want to comfort me, a hug is fine!"

I have to say that Li Menglong looks a little greasy like this. He still wants to hug him? Do you want to raise it high? Pani and Xu Xian looked disgusted, and finally kicked him out of the kitchen. They would rather do more than be in the same room with Li Menglong, at least tonight!

There was no room for him in the kitchen, and there was no room for him in the living room from beginning to end. It was true that he couldn't go back to his room, but he always felt that it was a bit sad to be like this in the dormitory. He felt that Sorry for myself.

Maybe it was because she felt that Li Menglong was too pitiful, or of course it might be because she wanted to invest in the future. Anyway, Yoona walked over, opened her arms and showed an encouraging smile to Li Menglong: "Oppa, stay strong!"

I have to say that at least at this moment, Yoona really looked like an angel, with her whole body shining with light from behind. Since angels are willing to come down to earth, Li Menglong naturally has to express his feelings to angels. Good people are rewarded. Li Menglong is Always believed.

In this case, don't let Angel wait too long. Li Menglong winked at Yoona: "Beautiful Miss Angel, are you willing to go running with me?"

"! Yes, I am willing..."

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