The girls could only wait at home. Xu Xian seemed to be more comfortable in this regard. After all, she could watch Li Menglong's actions throughout the process, which was equivalent to knowing the results in advance. She felt a small sense of joy. She was very happy. She is good at discovering these small beauties in life, so she is a happy and happy person.

"Panioni wants to eat dumplings. There is a dumpling shop here. Does Oppa want to take it back to Panioni?" Xu Xian said slightly while holding Li Menglong's arm. It was clear that this little girl There is an inexplicable feeling of joy. Although I don’t know why, Li Menglong will also laugh after watching it.

"Pani? It's not that we can't consider it, but before that, let's fill our stomachs first!" Li Menglong didn't have too many choices. Anyway, she and Xu Xian are not very picky about food. Of course, to be precise, Although he is not picky about taste, Xu Xian still insists on eating healthy.

As for the food, the dumplings were pretty good. I didn’t know if the boss recognized Xu Xian when I walked in, but he gave a lot of side dishes and so on. This is why Li Menglong was particularly willing to take Xu Xian out to eat. It can be eye-catching. That said, you can also get a lot of free gifts, which is quite affordable.

After eating the hot dumplings, both of them were very satisfied. Xu Xian went over and took two out of Li Menglong's bowl. Different fillings tasted very different. This is the advantage of having more people. It’s not like I took Li Menglong’s dumplings for nothing, I took one for two!

"Don't always give it to me, eat it yourself!" Li Menglong stopped the little girl's kind act. Those who didn't know it thought he was abusing Xu Xian: "If you can't eat it, you can leave it in the bowl. I will eat it when the time comes." Yes, you don’t have to give it to me first!”

"Nai, thank you oppa, but why do we have to eat first? Wouldn't it be better to go back and eat with the guys later?" Xu Xian tilted her head and asked playfully. As for the result, she actually guessed it. It was a shame, but she wanted a definite answer so that she could make the most appropriate response when she returned to the dormitory.

Sure enough, Li Menglong had already planned everything in his heart, but there should still be some tacit understanding: "Eat with them? Are you willing to eat vegetable salad?"

A rhetorical question directly made Xu Xian understand. It was not just the final winner of the dinner, but also the girls’ dinner recipes. After all, no matter how delicious vegetable salad is, it’s just that. Girls eat it. There are so many, even Xu Xian doesn't like to eat it. One can imagine the girls' rejection of this dish.

But as long as they are female idols for a day, this dish will be placed in front of them from time to time. There is nothing they can do about it. It can only be said that their beauty in front of the camera is due to their efforts behind the camera and making money. And having no place to spend money is really not a joke, it is full of sadness if you look carefully.

Of course, Xu Xian doesn't have to taste these sorrows at least today, because she has already eaten. But with her wisdom, of course she has to pretend that nothing happened, and she will "share the joys and sorrows" with the girls when she goes back, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

But there is no need to say these words, the tacit understanding is shown in silence. Xu Xian even ordered another bowl of dumplings, giving Li Menglong some more and she could eat a few more herself, otherwise she would feel like she was at a disadvantage. Well, after all, this opportunity is hard-won.

As for the issue of weight, even a goddess like Seohyun won’t think about it while eating. To be honest, she is considered to be the “fatter” group among girls. She is also considered to have a body that is easy to gain weight, and it is relatively difficult to control her weight. It was still very hard for her.

But the situation is different now. Firstly, as a director, she has very few roles. Secondly, she has stayed up late and worked hard during this period. It is inevitable that she will lose a lot of weight. If Li Menglong didn't take her out secretly from time to time. Eat something delicious and you will lose weight now, so eating more is not a big problem.

As for the other girls, it has absolutely nothing to do with being fat, but after all, they are going to appear in the work, and they must appear more beautiful in the camera, so they can only make them suffer a little. Of course, with Xu now, they will definitely make them They eat healthy!

Xu Xian was already a little excited when she didn't even wait to finish the dumplings. It was said that she would cherish every opportunity she had to take revenge on the girls. After all, this opportunity was really hard-won. If she didn't cherish it, she would feel sorry for herself. What about the bullying I suffered in the past?

So on the way to the supermarket, Xu Xian started to get excited. He was mumbling the names of various vegetables. Xu Xian couldn't remember how many vegetable salads he had eaten. As a girl, Our team's main focus is on maintaining weight. Xu Xian conservatively estimated that he must have had more than a thousand servings. The feeling of eating until you feel like vomiting is really not that wonderful.

And unlike ordinary people's vegetable salads, their salads cannot be put on salad dressing. At most, they can be garnished with some balsamic vinegar or something. After all, the salad dressing may have higher calories than the pile of vegetables. This is all You need to be on guard.

As a vegetable salad "poisoner", Xu Xian knows very well which vegetables are the most unpalatable. Of course, there are many factors, some of which are really inappropriate taste, and some of which have been eaten too many times. In short, she has no understanding of these pain points. Everything is clear.

But the world is so magical. What they don’t like to eat is often the most nutritious. No matter how bad it is, it won’t do any harm. So Xu Xian started crazily stuffing these vegetables into the shopping cart. , I can’t hide the smile at the corner of my mouth.

To be honest, Li Menglong felt a little scary when he looked at it. Although he had a selfless and generous heart, he still had to take care of the girls' emotions, so he took a few smoked chicken breasts as a small embellishment. There's only so much that can be done.

Xu Xian was humming along the way, and even pulled Li Menglong to howl for a while. It can be said that the atmosphere in the whole car was very good, but when getting off the car, Li Menglong still had to remind the little girl: "You can calm down your expression." , looks so happy!”

"Really?" Xu Xian said in a panic. After all, she had already reminded herself in her heart, but the result was still so obvious? Moreover, Li Menglong directly told him his little thoughts, which made him feel a little inexplicably shy.

Xu Xian was left to silently search for the feeling behind him. Li Menglong strode in with two bags in hand. He had nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, this was what was for dinner. The girls would like to eat it or not. There is no other way. As for takeout? Li Menglong still has such a small right, no takeout is allowed!

In the face of being hungry and eating vegetable salad, I believe that girls will make choices that support their own interests. Li Menglong firmly believes in this. After all, these people are very realistic, especially when it comes to food!

As Li Menglong opened the door and walked in, the girls' eyes instantly swept over, and they began to look at Li Menglong carefully like an X-ray. Of course, it was limited to the things he was carrying. Judging from his appearance alone, many people It can be declared a failure. After all, this pocket doesn't look like it holds dumplings.

Only Yoona showed a slight smile, especially when he saw the green part exposed in one of the pockets. If I’m not mistaken, it should be broccoli. As expected, you can’t play games without Lin Yoona. She is the one who belongs to this dormitory. king!

But don't shout out such words, especially when the girls are not in a particularly bright mood. Kim Taeyeon on the other end has already darkened her face. After all, this is the end of today's battle of spirits. What does Li Menglong want? Does she go to sleep with regrets?

"What are you buying? Didn't you see the text message I sent you?"

"I saw it!" Li Menglong replied very calmly: "I will also answer your next questions. I was a little lazy and didn't buy it. Is there any problem?"

It seems that there is really no problem. In public and private terms, this is their request, and it is still a little too much. Li Menglong didn't even need an excuse to refuse, it was so simple and rude, and the girls were angry. There is nothing to say, unless they want to act up, there is no sense in it!

"Please let's talk about the shopping first. It's not too much for us to let you cook for dinner, right? This has been promised before!" Jessica, as the other party who was unwilling to accept it, naturally had to stand up, some kind of To a certain extent, Li Menglong also promoted the harmony between the two people. This is all his contribution to this dormitory.

Forget about commendations or anything like that, Li Menglong didn't have any extravagant hopes for this. Let's feed these hungry people first, so he picked up the two pockets in his hands: "Isn't this already bought? Twenty I’ll have your meal in minutes, and if it’s faster, it’s not impossible in fifteen minutes, so please look forward to it!”

After hearing such a short time, the first reaction of the girls was to cook instant noodles. It happened that Xu Xian also walked in at this time, and the girls naturally surrounded her, and they also sniffed habitually, like that The resentful woman waiting for her husband to come home late at night smells the smell of perfume, alcohol, etc. on his body, but the smell here may be the smell of food.

Xu Xian never dared to underestimate these unnies. Every detail had to be perfect, so not only did he find a place to brush his teeth in advance, but he also changed his clothes in the car. After all, the smell would remain on the clothes. , she wanted to take a shower if possible, so now she could only spray more perfume on her body to cover up the smell of her hair.

After taking so many precautions, the girls naturally found nothing, so they turned to ask about dinner, and Xu Xian told the truth. Of course, they were all edited versions in her mind, otherwise she would have told the truth. Being beaten.

"Vegetable salad?" The girls almost repeated it collectively, and then showed various expressions of pain. This thing is really an eternal pain in their hearts, and even one of their life plans is to never see it again in the future. Don't eat this!

Although it is just a relatively naive dream, they themselves know that the possibility of realizing it is not very high, but tonight does not seem like the day to eat this. Besides, how did Li Menglong think of this? He doesn't have the brains. .

So everyone started to look at each other. This can only be said that there is a "traitor" among them. Li Shunkyu has already started to clench his fists: "Who is it? Stand up for yourself. You have won the bet, and you are a bit like the winner." You are so confident, we will treat you to dinner next!"

It doesn't look like she wants to treat her to a meal. It's a meal for everyone. At least Yoona doesn't want to stand up at all, but it's not something that can be hidden. The girls didn't even ask Seohyun With Li Menglong, it was clear just by taking out his mobile phone, right?

Seeing that there was no way out, Yoona could only squat down obediently against the corner, raising her hands in the air and shouting: "It's all me, I didn't think so much, and who knows that Li Menglong will really buy it?" When I came back, he never loved me so much. Sure enough, he only thinks of me at times like this!"

By the way, Yoona really has a reason to feel aggrieved. At least from the starting point, she doesn’t have any bad intentions. Besides, she has to eat too, okay? She hates eating this more than these people, so she is also a victim. !

She reluctantly agreed with Yoona's reasons. Of course, it was Li Menglong who called her over. After all, there were so many vegetables that needed to be washed. It was just right that Yoona, a "sinner", should bear these physical tasks. According to the girls, she was atonement. Or served a sentence!

Yoona, who came over, was naturally very angry until Li Menglong put a lot of chicken breasts at the bottom of a bowl in front of her, sprinkled a bunch of salad dressing on top, and the rest of the thin layer of the bowl Compared with the bottom line, this is simply called cheating.

What kind of brain does Yoon'er have? Although Li Menglong didn't say anything, Yoon'er immediately realized it, and then subconsciously leaned towards Li Menglong. She looked back furtively and saw that no one noticed her. Then I quickly covered it with a layer of vegetables, which made me feel a little more relaxed.

YoonA didn't want to say any more. I can only say that Lee Mong-ryong is still a comrade who can be saved. In fact, Lee Mong-ryong didn't make too many salads. No matter how much salad dressing is put on the salad, it is still a salad. It's just a comparison. It is inevitable to feel like you are taking advantage, which is very interesting.

Sure enough, the girls' dinner was freshly baked in less than twenty minutes. Everyone had a big bowl full of it. It looked red and green and looked quite nice, but the girls holding them didn't have any smiles. Every one of them was smiling. There was a sigh over there.

"Don't be stunned. Eat quickly and go to bed. Maybe you can eat something delicious in your dreams!" Kim Taeyeon didn't know whether to comfort the girls or herself. Anyway, she took the lead and took a bite first. Really It’s Wei Tongjue wax!

A group of girls turned into goats and ate grass here. The rhythm of two of them was obviously different. Xu Xian ate especially slowly, not because the girl chewed slowly but because she was full, while the other one was Yun. Son, flying up quickly, the purpose is self-evident. There is a treasure waiting for her below, but she has almost reached the bottom of the bowl. Where is the meat? What about salad dressing?

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