Being expelled from the team for no apparent reason is something that no one can bear. What’s more, Yoona has never had such thoughts. Speaking of which, in a certain period of time in the past, it can be said that Yoona’s popularity and The remaining eight girls have the same total popularity.

During that time, girls were generally at a low point, and Yoona frequently participated in personal schedules. TV series, variety shows, and even solo commercials were all fully booked. Although it cannot be said that the girls were relying on Yoona during that period, there was some kind of To a certain extent, it can be said that Yoona is dragging the entire team forward.

Of course, this is all a deliberate arrangement by the company. Without too many accidents, the chances of a girl group becoming popular are really pitiful. As an industry chain, relying on luck is really intolerable, at least for an entire group. In terms of industry.

Therefore, various companies have summarized a relatively reliable process or method. Among them, the one with a higher success rate is to make a member of the team famous first. As for the specific method, it is to rely on massive resources to smash it, regardless of TV series, variety shows or even For commercials, you just shoot them, and God knows which news, photos, or characters suddenly become popular.

However, this high success rate is also relative. After all, there are countless teams that have failed. Not every company can use those precious resources to gamble, but Yoona is still quite successful. After all, this With her appearance here, even if she stood there and let everyone take pictures, she would become famous.

However, this method can also easily lead to hidden dangers. Whether the popular person can lead the combination is another matter. Those who can become popular together will naturally be good to you and me. Once the team fails to improve, then the team can be said to collapse. .

After all, these are all matters related to one's own immediate interests. A group of people can only sit in a small dormitory every day and wait for the opportunity to favor them. The big red one can take over activities and be soft-handed. It's a shame that they will have a balanced mind. .

So the so-called conflicts within the team appeared like this. As for the solution, 99% of them were to go solo after the contract was signed. Some of the more loyal ones continued to work hard to drive the team. Of course, the girls were not so unbearable, relying on With just one move, almost everyone became famous, and Yoona didn't use any effort at all.

But to be fair, that period of time was indeed a test for Yoona. She was extremely busy outside every day. The key is to take into account the various thoughts of the sisters when she comes back. You must know that she is also the maknae. When you come back, do you want to do something to replace Seohyun who has been serving for a day?

Just go downstairs and run errands. Should Yoona go? If you don't go, it would be a bit provocative, but if you go, it will be really tiring. However, in that situation, Yoona came through with amazing perseverance and made all these sisters happy, but she didn't realize the sacrifice. It’s all Yoona’s blood and tears.

So it is responsible to say that Yoona is loyal enough to this team. Yoona has survived such difficult moments, and now she is about to enjoy the blessings. Li Menglong actually kicked her out. Why did he do this! He has no right!

"Don't tell me, theoretically I have this right!" Li Menglong was sitting firmly on the fishing platform here. The little girl Yoona was like a small fish on his hook, unable to get out: "Look, The name Girls' Generation, along with all your related songs and copyrights, belong to the company, so I have the right to do something to your group."

Yoona blinked in confusion, saying that maybe she had been with Li Menglong for too long, and the company's indulgence towards them almost made Yoona think that they were the boss, but now they were slapped in the head by Li Menglong, even though they enjoyed Great freedom, but in fact they are still considered Party B, the one being managed!

" can't treat me like this! I have made contributions to this group, and I have shed blood for this group. If you treat me like this, I will be scorned by society!" Yoona said excitedly here, and an outsider actually said this to me. With her, the hero of girlhood, telling her what to do, has he ever asked Wanwan's long-cherished wish for her opinion?

"It doesn't matter. It's great. I'll hide. Besides, don't think of yourself as too important. The earth will turn around even if you leave it alone!" Li Menglong simply tried to persuade Yoona here, but this was not the case. To put it bluntly, although celebrities have huge influence, they are also extremely fragile.

It is difficult to make a star popular, but it is not easy to destroy a star, especially the kind of star who is no longer protected by a big company. As for the reasons, there are the same few every year, but they never succeed, such as tax evasion. , drug prohibition, open love, and some political tendencies, any one of these is enough for celebrities to run away in embarrassment.

But Yoona is really a little white lotus. These have nothing to do with her, but it doesn’t matter. Turning black into white is what the media is best at. SW spends a lot of money every year. To win over the media, all the money is not wasted.

Without the protection of big companies, those celebrities are no different from little sheep, and they can do anything in a matter of minutes. Therefore, Li Menglong can completely ruin Yoona's reputation first, and then kill Ma Su with tears and righteousness. You can even drop two crocodile tears, which sounds quite reliable.

It's just that Li Menglong just imagined it logically, but it was quite shocking to the ears of the girls. They had always thought that they already knew this circle very well, and they were considered to be on the right foot with their status. At the top of the food chain, I didn't expect that they would still be so fragile in the eyes of unscrupulous capitalists like Li Menglong.

It would be fine if Li Menglong was just talking, but they also have brains, especially insiders. They know that what Li Menglong said is completely possible, and it even costs very little to operate. After all, reporters want big news every day. News can be achieved by allowing reporters to repost it, so wouldn’t Yoona be banned?

Although she didn’t know why she had to face this kind of problem inexplicably, Yoona would not give in. Especially at this critical moment, Yoona’s mind started to spin quickly, and she quickly found Li Menglong’s logical solution. Loophole: "You fart, what are you doing for? I can make money for SW, I can bring fame to the company, I can bring countless fans to the company, I, Lin Yoona, am so irreplaceable!"

After saying this, Yoona raised her head proudly. She was proud of herself, and what Yoona said did make sense. What Li Menglong did was not to benefit himself at the expense of others. It was a lose-lose situation. However, although the wound was as big as it was, he could not stand up to Li Menglong. It's huge here.

Once Yoona's reputation collapses, she will face the risk of losing her job. SW will certainly be affected, but it will never be as serious as Yoona. No matter what happens, SW can transition to behind-the-scenes production and hair-styling. Fans Will you boycott a movie just because a certain company released it? This is obviously unrealistic.

Besides, the industry is changing so quickly. As long as Yoona doesn't appear on camera for a year, her current popularity will be at least half lost. This is still the most conservative estimate, so it's definitely hard for celebrities to fight against the company. Countless cases have proven this.

And those celebrities who are successful are not because of how tough they are, but because there are other companies behind them. The one that can defeat one company will only be another company, and it will definitely not be an individual celebrity.

There will definitely be no problem in implementing this series of ideas by Li Menglong, but the only question is why should we do this? I would rather lose a star, a lot of attention, and a lot of money, but also ban Yoona. What is this for? One breath?

Li Menglong's breath is not worth so much money, at least Li Eunxi would not agree, so it makes sense for Yoona not to be afraid. Besides, if Li Menglong really dares to do this, will the other girls just watch? I will definitely fall out with her.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Why should I be frightened by Li Menglong? Yoona raised her head proudly and looked at Li Menglong with contempt. He would kick her out if he could. Facing Yoona like this, Li Menglong could only surrender with both hands. What else could he do?

After seeing that Li Menglong had nothing to say, Yoona sat down with satisfaction, but then she hugged Lee Soonkyu and acted like a baby. These people are her confidence, especially Lee Soonkyu, who has absolute control over the company. As the major shareholder of the shares, theoretically she is the one who can decide everything. Li Menglong's words are just fart.

Although it seems that he has found a way to threaten Yoona, Lee Soon Kyu doesn't intend to use it. If he talks about this kind of joke too much, it will affect their relationship. Besides, Yoona has so many little tails. It's just a handful and there's no need for it. Such a cruel excuse.

"You know who the good guys are this time. Let's see if you dare to bully us with him again. You have to know who the enemy is. This is a major problem!" Lee Soon Kyu said with sincerity. Yoona usually acts as Lee Meng Yong's little friend Follower, this waving and shouting is simply not too joyful, this is what wakes her up.

At least at this moment, Yoona is indeed awake and recognizes Li Menglong's ugly face. As for how long she can remember it, she may not be sure. It may be when she wakes up tomorrow morning, or it may be the next time the girls collectively bully her. When, who can say for sure.

After skipping this fruitless topic, the girls simply categorized the clothes, but they didn't have the energy to try them on one by one. After all, they bought too much, so they might as well keep them. When you are in a bad mood, take a look at it again.

After finally carrying the clothes up, Li Shunkyu suddenly felt hungry. At first, she thought it was her habitual illusion. After all, she didn't want to wear too many clothes when she was hungry, but she shouldn't have too much today. There was no shortage at night. Eat.

But after thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. First of all, although they took a long time to eat, they really didn't eat much. They spent most of the time chatting. Secondly, the amount of activities today was a bit heavy, including buying clothes and trying on clothes. Between the clothes and the tossing back and forth, it seems like he should be hungry.

Li Shungui blinked silently and rubbed his stomach. He began to look at the people around him. You must know that it is useless for a person to cry hungry. This is a small habit of the girls in the team, and it is also to prevent a mouse from spoiling. Pot of soup.

So the normal process is for the hungry person to secretly find some hidden snacks to eat without affecting or disturbing other people. Otherwise, once he speaks out, people who are not hungry will also become hungry, and the consequences will be somewhat Big.

But Li Soonkyu didn't want to eat by herself, so she had no choice but to drag others into the water. However, she didn't feel guilty in her heart, because she was bringing her sisters to enjoy the blessing. It was the standard to share the blessing, which is what it should be. Something to be praised about.

In the past, most of this happened just by dragging Kim Taeyeon along. The craziest time was when the two of them cooked hot pot in their room. It was so crazy that even Lee Soon Kyu couldn't remember why he chose hot pot in the first place. It's just that one of the two people wants to eat crazily. I believe many people have a deep understanding of that feeling of suddenly craving for a certain food.

As for the result, after three o'clock in the morning, the other girls were awakened by the smell through the door. Yoona was like a zombie, closing her eyes and following the smell, she ran over and almost scared Lee Soon Kyu to death. Two people.

But today his old partner is still enjoying the blessing at home, so Li Soonkyu can only choose the other girls as partners. After looking around, Li Soonkyu turned his eyes to Hyoyeon. This girl is very easy to talk to, and Hyoyeon is famous. She is known to be in good shape, so it should be okay to eat more.

Li Soonkyu acted like a secret agent, pretending to accidentally bump into Hyoyeon's shoulder, and said quickly in a low voice: "Would you like a few drinks tonight?"

This is Lee Soon Kyu’s targeted wisdom. To seduce Kim Taeyeon, you have to eat snacks and sweets, and to seduce Yoona, you have to bring out meat. As for Hyoyeon, although it is not considered an alcoholic, he is very willing to have a few drinks. That’s it.

"I ran out of soju over there. I was trying to stock up on the stock in the past two days. It may have to be done another day." Xiaoyuan said calmly. This kind of thing didn't seem to surprise her.

This is a bit confusing. Fortunately, Li Shunkyu still has some personal inventory: "I have a bottle of very expensive white wine. I originally planned to open it and drink it when one of you gets married, but now it seems that you all need ten more." It’s a few years old, so let’s drink it first so it doesn’t exceed the shelf life!”

Hyoyeon is extremely convinced of Lee Soon Kyu's excuse for drinking. Being able to say something so unreliable is just his ability. Let's not talk about when they will get married. Does the wine have a shelf life? Even if they do, it will only be decades away. Is it possible that they will not get married in a few decades? Who are they looking down on?

However, this issue can be discussed after opening the wine. After all, Lee Soon Kyu still has some credibility, and that bottle of wine should be really expensive. This made Hyoyeon swallow his saliva, but the scene they thought was hidden fell into place. Entering into a pair of wise eyes...

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