(Eight more! This is the first time to give "Soul Empty", thank you for your rewards. I also have a friendly reminder to all the judges, there are really no manuscripts saved, and there are no rewards, so let me go! Thank you !)

Li Menglong actually used some careful thought in this, the most important method was to write on the message on the top of the room that the reward for this live broadcast will not be shared with the live broadcast company and s*m.

So some of them are still waiting and watching, or Lee Shun Kyu's die-hard fans are about to think about it, and it is estimated that more than half of the things I usually send to Little Sun still fall into her hands.

How is it like now, with both face and liking, Lee Soon Kyu can still receive benefits, so some fans donate generously. Among them, the Lee Soon Kyu support group in China alone collected more than 300,000 RMB, which is nearly 6,000 won Ten thousand.

Fan clubs from some other countries in Asia also gathered a lot. In short, Lee Soon Kyu's group of foreign fans raised 100 million.

As for watching the live broadcast, there are local tyrants. Li Shungui’s game skills are not bad, the food is delicious, and the singing is good. Since he can give gifts to the ordinary anchors, a big star like Li Shungui will not be stingy .

So more than a dozen local tyrants joined forces to contribute 70 million yuan, and with the addition of those small amounts of gifts, Li Menglong finally reported the total income of fans' rewards: "Erasure the odds, the whole 300 million!"

"Oh my God! Three hundred million?" Li Shungui was completely insane, pulling his hair and not knowing where to look.

It's not that she has never seen so much money, or that she is greedy for money, but that she earned nearly 500 million in a day! It's just one day, 365 days a year, she is going to surpass the rhythm of the consortium!

But the expected cold water soon poured over: "Do you know the tax rate in South Korea?"

Shaking her head, Li Shungui's sixth sense told her that it seemed that she was about to be brutally slaughtered.

"Taxes are paid in grades. Let's not talk about the lower grades. It's useless for you to know. You still need to understand the level of 80 million. For the part above 8000, the tax is 36%!"

Li Shungui used all the mental arithmetic in elementary school in an instant, and added his fingers to barely calculate the number: "I have to pay 160 million in taxes?"

Li Shungui immediately started to hold his chest, not thinking that the money was the same as Dafeng's, his mind was full of the 160 million, why did he have to pay so much, it was all her money!

Li Menglong couldn't persuade him about this. To be honest, he was very distressed when he saw it, so Li Menglong stopped talking about it and just wrote and drew in his notebook. In the end, Li Shungui's net income from this trip totaled 270 million. But this is enough to make many people jealous.

"The rest of the money s*m won't come to ask for it!"

"He dares? Who dares to touch my money!" Li Shungui is like a wealthy landlord. According to the lowest share, twenty-eight is the most!"

Without explaining in detail to Li Menglong, she can't say that because she is Li Xiuman's niece, when she was tough with Park Xiangmin last time, the company let go of her private schedule and ignored her. The company will not give her personal resources, so naturally it will not take her money.

Although there is a lot of money, the share of less than 100 million is not in Jin Yingmin's eyes, and it is not worth fighting Li Xiuman again.

I didn't tell Li Menglong before because I was afraid that he would take it to heart, and she, Li Shungui, was not the kind of person who wanted to repay her kindness, but now it turned out to be a good thing.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and get the video camera, continue the live broadcast, keep working hard today, and earn hundreds of millions more!" Li Shungui jumped up excitedly, and put his foot against Li Menglong.

"Be honest! Is this a business that can be done for a long time? It's just this time, and we can consider the next time in a year or so!" Explain those profound knowledge to Li Shungui.

She didn't understand too much. In short, her understanding was that Li Menglong said: No more live broadcasts! So she could only reappear and fell down sullenly, her mind was full of when she could still earn hundreds of millions a day.

Leaving her alone to be excited, Li Menglong put the notebook aside and returned to the kitchen. He felt that the ingredients for dinner could be prepared. The fire hadn't been turned on for many days, and there were many leftovers in the refrigerator that needed to be cleaned up.

"Let's go eat lobster today, shall we?" She, Li Shungui, was eager to vent after earning so much money. Seeing that Li Menglong was unmoved, she also thought that the money would be left to the company.

"Can I pay you personally? It's been a tiring day anyway, let's celebrate!" Li Shungui continued to seduce.

"It's just shrimp, I'll make it for you, go and lie down!" Li Menglong pushed Li Shungui back like coaxing a child.

In fact, Li Menglong is also happy, how can he be unhappy with such a large amount of money in one day. But he is not for the money itself, he regards money as one of the benchmarks of success.

If 50 million is barely considered a pass, then yesterday's income represents the great success of the event he planned. Of course, Lee Soon Kyu's sense of satisfaction is another measure.

From all aspects, his plan yesterday was a complete operation, and what he gained was a deep sense of satisfaction. As for money, at least he didn't feel much about it anyway.

When there were four girls living in the family, there was a lot of happiness, and there were also times of anger, but now it's welfare time.

Because girls have no time, energy, or conditions to go out, and South Korea’s TV shopping and online shopping are extremely developed, and Li Menglong’s craftsmanship has not failed so far.

So they hugged to eat something good, embarrassed Li Menglong, simply went shopping, or couldn't bear to look at the free space in the refrigerator. In short, these people even Xu Xian did the same, frantically adding things to the refrigerator.

As for who bought what, you can probably guess what. For example, vegetables, fruits, especially yams are almost all bought by Seo Hyun; Korean beef tenderloin, Korean beef ribs, and Korean beef belly are all bought by Lee Soon Kyu, a carnivore. ;As for the flower crabs and shrimps that Li Menglong found out now, Kim Taeyeon probably bought them, because Pani is more afraid of these things.

Because Li Menglong couldn't figure out the types of these things, he called Kim Taeyeon to ask.

"I can't remember, but are you going to do it tonight?" After getting an affirmative answer, Taeyeon's small thoughts immediately began to turn, thinking of the plump legs of crabs, Taeyeon's saliva was about to drool stayed.

So he sneaked a look at Pani, knowing that she was fine, so the key person was the youngest, and he had to find a way to fool the youngest back.

Said that it would be impossible to go back to eat crabs, so Kim Taeyeon had an idea and put the excuse on Li Menglong.

"Has Menglong Oppa not sobered yet? Do you want us to bring dinner back?" Xu Xian said with some embarrassment, but he just practiced for a few hours today.

Seeing that there is a door, Taeyeon immediately relaxed the conditions: "Of course there is no need to go back now, let's practice for another two hours, let them be hungry!"

After Seo Hyun was done, Taeyeon called Li Menglong again: "If you dare to have dinner before we come back, you have to consider the consequences yourself!"

"I, Lee Soon Kyu, will be responsible for any consequences!" Over there, Lee Soon Kyu said boldly when he heard Kim Taeyeon's threat from the outside.

"With my materials, why not wait for me to eat!"

"Isn't it just some dried shrimp? Make Korean beef today!"

"Shrimp? Those are the best prawns, each bigger than your head!"

"Ah bah! Think I, Lee Soon Kyu, have never eaten prawns!"

Throwing the phone to Li Shungui, Li Menglong didn't want to listen to the childish conversation between the two, and instead studied how to do it.

As for seafood, he didn't eat less. When Busan first fell, he occasionally helped out on fishing boats, and the reward was the seafood.

But at the beginning, he just boiled it with fresh water, and those freshly caught were also very delicious, but now it seems that it doesn't work.

So he could only resort to a few magical powers at the bottom of the box, first of all, frying, anyway, fried things are not bad, so he wrapped the prawns that only left the tails after shelling with a layer of batter and started frying system.

Now that the frying pan was hot, he fried everything in the refrigerator that could be fried. Pick out some more, stir-fry them with some sweet and sour sauce with tomato sauce, and the two dishes will be out of the pan. Li Menglong sometimes admires his ability to fool himself.

Then I looked at the flower crab with its teeth and claws, first took off the legs, and then threw the body into the pot for soup, and put the legs in the steamer.

I found some fruits and vegetables and mixed them with olive oil and fat-free salad dressing. This is for Xu Xian. Unlike her sisters, the little girl is a pure carnivore.

Although it is easy to say, it takes more than an hour to defrost a seafood, and with the messy preparation, Kim Taeyeon and the others came back after six o'clock and the dinner was not ready yet.

"Believe me, I really didn't want to wait for you!" Li Shungui leaned on the sofa and said directly without waiting for Kim Taeyeon to ask.

"I don't believe you! You've been lying to me all day, isn't it my wife!" After speaking, he twisted up to the second floor with his arms around Pani.

Xu Xian changed her clothes and immediately walked down, although she hid far away from the frying pan, even though she was still standing in the way.

But Li Menglong wouldn't talk about her! Every woman who is willing to work in the kitchen deserves to be encouraged, especially here! So Xu Xian cheerfully prepared soy sauce and ketchup with one hand, ready to stand by at any time.

When the meal is almost ready, several people in the living room also come to help serve the food. Of course, stealing food during the process is indispensable, and people who are scalded and screaming are often seen.

A small square table, everyone gathered around, the TV still has to be left out, and the best position facing the TV is reserved for Li Menglong, which is regarded as preferential treatment for him.

Just like usual, I picked up a fried shrimp and put it in Xu Xian's bowl, and several people immediately started to move. Li Menglong leaned on the sofa, looking at the wolf-hungry people in front of him, and always felt that he fit in very well with the jungle guests on TV.

In the past few days, all they watch TV is usually the law of the jungle, and they have almost finished watching it. Li Menglong ate a mouthful of shrimp by himself: "I guess that lobster tastes like this!"

"Impossible, that shrimp is so big!" Taeyeon stretched out her arms as far as she could, and described it exaggeratedly.

"Then you go to the jungle, and spit out the shrimp in your mouth!" This kind of conversation will never be without her, Lee Soon Kyu.

"No!" Kim Taeyeon filled her mouth with crab meat again, her eyes narrowed.

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