The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 18 Different Understandings

After some in-depth understanding, Li Menglong knew that the old-fashioned and somewhat uncomfortable goddess in front of her was called Xu Zhuxian, and her puppy was called Xu Doufu.

Although I don’t know what happened on the road, but it’s been a long time since the maknae introduced her real name so formally. Maybe it’s the same as her own thoughts. In front of Li Menglong, she doesn’t want to be the sunny girl of Girls’ Generation, but she can call herself old lady freely. Li Shunkui.

Before going to the bathroom to wash up, Li Shunkui glanced at his new friend, and was constantly trying to drive off the tofu that was occupying his bed, but this dog seemed to have become smart, and Li Menglong only moved it when he fiddled with it. The dog started barking when the heavy hand was hit.

But ever since he lost his memory, Li Menglong, who is not afraid of anything, is a little afraid of the eyes of the goddess opposite, as if he can see everything when he looks at him, so he can only turn his head again to communicate with the dog.

At this time, Xiaoxian was sitting in Li Menglong's seat by the window. Xu Xian's slightly thick frame among girls came in handy here. The angle of the table adjusted by Li Menglong, the position of the blanket on the wall, the The distance between the water glasses seems to fit her perfectly.

It was as if she had lived here since she was a child. This feeling made her extremely comfortable, and she wanted to scream immediately, and the thing that made her hair stand up the most was the last stack that Li Menglong picked up. read books.

Somewhat excitedly, she took out her own mobile phone, opened a file at the bottom of the notepad, and listed dozens of books one after another. Not to mention that there are more on the opposite side that she hasn't searched yet.

Although he was a little excited, Xu Xian still rationally thought that there were too many books here, so he quietly took out a book from the middle, and flipped through it roughly. The person is also very serious, and the key points are drawn in the most critical places, and the month and date are marked at the same time before reading.

In one of her favorite passages, she actually saw the viewing records no less than dozens of times, which is similar to Li Shunkui’s mood when she saw Li Menglong playing a game console yesterday. In some dust heap.

Suddenly seeing a stranger who just met can agree with one's point of view, that kind of spiritual pleasure is more exciting than unpacking ten express delivery, more exciting than going shopping for 10 hours, more exciting than getting ten first places ——just a little bit.

Li Menglong felt that his back became hot suddenly, and he didn't dare to move his body. He just moved his buttocks carefully, trying his best to cover his evil hands with his broad back. Xu Doufu, who was sleeping soundly, was being turned over by Li Menglong little by little.

The key is that his other hand is in the shape of an OK hand, the muscles on the forearm collapsed into a line, and a little bit in front of the index finger is Xu Doufu's lifeblood. Smaller penis.

Just when Li Menglong thought his actions had been seen through, Li Shunkui just washed his face and walked out. As the other party's illness was almost cured, he ate well, slept well, and was in a good mood. His complexion changed every day. Yin Na healthy apple color.

And the cheeks that had been sunken in gradually became fuller, and the black hair became smooth again, coupled with the cute exposed big teeth, although Li Menglong felt that the other party had become beautiful, he always felt like he had seen this person there. .

But Xu Xian didn't let him continue to think, but rushed towards Li Shunkui holding a book, and then almost pasted the pages of the book on Li Shunkui's face, his eyes sterilized Li Menglong like ultraviolet rays.

Li Shunkui ignored the restlessness of the maknae, but looked at the content intently, and saw the sentence marked with countless horizontal lines and various key symbols on the cup at first glance, and felt a little like a ghost in his heart, at the same time I also understood the maknae's idea of ​​letting me see.

After all, it's such a coincidence, it's almost like a fan of the young lady has arranged a game to please the young lady deliberately. Li Shunkui thought about the development of all the things in the past few days, and he was sure that there was no possibility that it was acting. .

So he nodded to the maknae, confirming that it wasn't intentional. Looking at this lucky man who has a good heart with Busy, Li Menglong bowed his head guiltily, holding Xu Doufu in his arms, and stroking its hair with one hand on its back. , but the other hand is deliberately tense underneath.

Seeing Xu Xian's eyes widen and his nostrils dilated due to excitement, he was already prepared that if Xu Xian turned his back on him, he would play it immediately, and it would not be a disadvantage anyway.

"How do you understand this sentence? Do you like this book very much? Do you know that this is my life motto?" Xu Xian pointed to the line in the book and asked excitedly, seeing Li Menglong in a daze, even Disregarding the principle of usual contact with the opposite sex, she took the initiative to pull his arm.

Xu Doufu in his sleep is having a sweet dream.

Li Menglong looked at Xu Doufu who was shivering in Xu Xian's arms, and didn't know what to say for a while, did he tell her that the accident was caused by her pulling his arm?

And Xu Xian is excited, facing Xu Tofu's fawning and cuteness, he doesn't care about it. He just looks forward to Li Menglong's answer. And he just now saw the sentence that Xu Xian pointed to, he had indeed read it many times: Kind people are the final victors.

It just seems that this sentence is someone's life motto, but here it is a sentence that makes him vigilant. Whenever he feels that his kindness is breaking out, he will take it out and read it again, and then it will be like pouring a bucket of cold water on his head. , Kindness dissipates in minutes.

And if Xu Xian turns to the title page of this book, there is also the essence of Li Menglong's summary of this book: Kind people are the final winners, but they must be able to go to the end!

It is very ruthless but seems reasonable. In the final analysis, the two people have experienced different lives and environments, and they have two different understandings of the same sentence. It is a very simple thing, but Li Menglong dare not explain it.

Looking at the excited appearance of the other party, this sentence seems to be her creed in life. Li Menglong is unwilling and afraid to challenge Xu Xian's kindness. Based on his past experience, it is more terrible to get angry with kind people, so he He just patted the back of his head and smiled silly.

Xu Xian made a mistake that everyone often makes. He began to fill his brain with his own understanding of things. Reminiscent of Li Menglong's somewhat difficult living environment, the image of a hermit hidden in the downtown area was slowly outlined. Explaining to myself is naturally not good at words, or I feel that it is a bit sloppy to discuss the philosophy in the book with a woman I just met who doesn't know the basics.

In short, Li Menglong's image in Xu Xian's heart is on the rise again.

Li Shunkui, who was a bystander, vaguely felt that something was wrong. Based on his understanding these days, Li Menglong belonged to the kind of person who would talk as soon as he had something to say. There must be hidden secrets in such hesitation, but he didn't bother to ask, and it was not a big matter that involved the bottom line.

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