The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1786 Meaningful Sacrifice

Xu Xian couldn't bear the taste of the food he cooked. Although it sounded very unreliable, it was understandable. After all, everyone knew about Xu Xian's cooking skills. Occasionally, he would cheat himself if he used it for too long. It makes sense to go in.

Of course, the girls don’t need to know this. Xu Xian doesn’t want to suffer mental and physical torture when his stomach is suffering. It’s naturally the best to deceive the girls. It’s just that these people are so easy to deceive. ?

At least Xu Xian has never underestimated these unnies. Although she may have some trust advantages due to her past performance, once the girls get serious, it will be easier to find the culprit.

In the past, the girls were just too lazy to move. After all, they were all sisters. Why did they have to be so understanding? Haven't you heard that it's rare to be confused? They are so wise, but today they can't do it anymore, they want to seek justice for their early morning torture.

So even if Xu Xian was temporarily ruled out as a suspect, Kim Taeyeon and the others were still interrogating the other girls, and even asked everyone to give proof of alibi. The speed was still quite fast. When Xu Xian came out There are not many left.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xian's heart suddenly went cold. If she had known that the girls were so serious, she might as well have admitted it from the beginning. In this way, she would have suffered less. As expected, lying is really not a good habit. It is rare. She cheated and was punished. Does she blame herself?

The girls' self-examination went very smoothly. After all, no one would get up two hours in advance to cook porridge for everyone. The time cost of this prank was too great, and no one could afford it at the scene. situation.

Of course, there must be a liar. Although no one admits it now, you can narrow down the scope first. Since no one will devote time to such a high-cost prank, then comparing their feelings, the only one who can do this is It's by the way.

So just focus on the people who stayed up late yesterday as the suspects. Girls don’t consider the legendary condition of insomnia. It’s not that idols don’t have this symptom. When they are stressed, they can’t sleep night after night. Have also experienced it.

But this does not belong to today's girls. Although they are also under some pressure now, it is definitely a benign kind. It is not just because of these that they can't sleep. Coupled with the high-intensity stage in these two days, it is really a lie. He passed out in bed, so there is no such thing as staying up late.

So there are not many people left, that is, Li Menglong and Xu Xian, and of course Yoona, who has been joining them from time to time recently, considering that Xu Xian and Li Menglong are relatively good in this regard As for the reputation, everyone's eyes turned towards Yoona in tacit understanding.

Yoona is really ready to curse, why do such bad things always happen to her? She is not a trash heap. Besides, what happened to her last night? She fell asleep immediately after being thrown back by Li Menglong. No one even helped her change into her pajamas. How could she be expected to get up and cook porridge for these people? Doesn't it sound like a joke?

It's rare to see Yoona looking so sad and angry, but this attitude alone is not enough to make everyone believe it. After all, as Yoona's acting skills get better and better, the probability of these people being deceived increases. In short, the eyes can see It may not be true anymore.

So they have to think about it based on Yoona's statement, which is a bit difficult for these people. If they weren't really angry this time, they would probably put the matter aside. As Ernie, they should be more generous. Well.

It's just that the murderer must be dug out today. Considering Yoona's overall performance just now, the girls unanimously believe that her suspect list can be moved back a little. At the same time, the person who was originally ranked second immediately appeared. out.

Xu Xian really thought that he was about to be exposed, and even thought about how to take the initiative to show off his cards, but this group of people rushed into Li Menglong's room. Could it be that Li Menglong was more suspected in everyone's minds? But this would allow her, Xu Xian, to live a little longer.

Everyone was already familiar with breaking into Li Menglong's room. Even Li Menglong, who was woken up, didn't have much anger. He reluctantly climbed up and leaned on the bed, still dozing off with his eyes closed, letting the girls Dancing like crazy on his bed.

Fortunately, they themselves were not in good condition, so they all stopped after dancing halfway through the song. Looking at Li Menglong's lazy appearance, everyone felt more and more that he seemed like a bad person. Since he was treating bad people, there was no need to Too gentle: "Li Menglong, I tell you, you have committed a crime!"

"Which one? Is there any evidence? If not..." Li Menglong did not say the next words, but just waved his hand towards the door. What this meant was already quite obvious.

However, this seems to be a bit provocative, at least in the eyes of the girls. Not to mention that they are being reasonable. Even if they barge in unreasonably, they cannot be called out for the sake of their appearance. "Go away", are they so unwelcome?

In fact, no matter who was disturbed in their clear dreams, most of them would say this. Li Menglong was polite enough, at least he hadn't said it out loud yet. In this case, don't blame the girls for being ruthless: "You just got up and played with us. Kurouji, you cooked that pot of porridge, right? Just admit it, we won't do anything to you!"

Li Menglong really wanted to point to his nose and ask the girls opposite him, did he look like a fool? You don't know how to do anything to him. Don't you think that saying this will make the atmosphere heavier?

However, considering that this action required raising his arms, Li Menglong really didn't have any extra strength, so he just said feebly: "It's really not me. As for the bitter meat trick, is that what I need to do? I can just watch the fun. !”

I have to say that these words are quite in line with Lee Mong-ryong's character. He will hardly try to cover up the pranks he makes. After all, Lee Mong-ryong and Yoona have different attitudes towards pranks. Yoona regards pranks as her own life and belongs to that group. It's better to hide in a corner and admire it quietly, and it would be better if you can frame it to others.

But Li Menglong is much more open-minded. The purpose of pranks is to make himself happy, so just laugh out loud. The happier you laugh, the more perfect you are. Whether you will be retaliated afterward is another matter. .

So when Li Menglong brought this up as an argument, the girls felt it was very reasonable for a moment. With Li Menglong's character, it would be great if he admitted it generously, instead of having to take a few sips to prove his innocence. Of course, in fact, Li Menglong also lied. A small lie, but nothing serious.

But now that his suspicion has been cleared, wouldn't it be Xu Xian's turn? For a moment, the little girl's face turned pale. She didn't know whether she went to the bathroom to vomit or was scared now. After a while, the little girl's face turned pale. Will he be beaten?

Seeing that the girls had nothing else to do, Li Menglong was ready to huddle up in bed and rest again. But when he slid down, he opened his eyes slightly and saw Xu Xian's expression. The first reaction in his mind was This girl was bullied.

Then he forcibly cheered up and took another look. It was self-evident what the matter was. After all, there were only so many people in the family. Although Xu Xian's suspicion was very small, after all the impossibilities were eliminated, what was left? It seems that the person is the murderer.

Now it was Li Menglong's turn to struggle. Seeing Xu Xian like this, he still felt a little distressed. But how could he help Xu Xian? The girls didn't give him too much time to think, and almost immediately turned their attention to the last little girl.

At this time, you have to be more decisive, otherwise you will continue to be disturbed. Li Menglong gritted his teeth and silently said goodbye to his sweet dream. Who knows that he can finally sleep for a while longer, but it is just a wishful thinking. The key is that he still has some stomachache. Not quite at ease.

"Don't look at it, you just believe it after just saying a few words? Be careful when you go out with this IQ, you can be easily betrayed!" Li Menglong lay there and continued to mock: "Originally I wanted to see the excitement, but looking at you... I still can’t bear the appearance, so I’ll tell you, it’s me who did it, okay?”

In order to attract enough hatred, Li Menglong's tone and expression were extremely arrogant. He was so arrogant that the girls thought there was another person on the other side. After all, it was him who made the mistake now. Don't make them feel like Girls' Generation was sorry for him Li Menglong!

The grumpy Kim Taeyeon immediately picked up the slippers. After all, she couldn't find any more suitable weapon for a while. She couldn't go to the kitchen to get a knife. This was better. She couldn't beat the bad guy: "Do you dare to use the knife just now?" Repeat it again?"

"Are you sure?" Li Menglong glanced at her suspiciously, and simply fulfilled her wish: "I said you are not intelligent enough, have brain problems, and are stupid. Do you understand?"

These words immediately made Kim Taeyeon confused. Emotions such as anger can be put back a little. What she is more confused about is that it was Li Menglong who said these words just now? Why didn't she hear it? Was there something wrong with her ears?

Naturally, the only one who could trust her at this time was her own sister. Facing Kim Taeyeon's questioning gaze, the others strangely agreed with Li Menglong's statement. Judging from this performance, at least they could not be considered smart.

"He's just scolding you!" Li Shunkyu nodded fiercely on Kim Taeyeon's forehead, trying to make this silly kid understand, otherwise he would really be cheated if he went out.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon finally reacted. Although it only took a few seconds, judging from Kim Taeyeon's red face, she was very angry. After all, she was in front of so many sisters. Well, Li Menglong is simply playing with fire!

What the next scene will be like is already determined. Xu Xian can't bear to watch it. After all, Li Menglong is blocking the gun for her. Xu Xian feels ashamed when he thinks that he played a little temper with Li Menglong because of this incident last night. I want to cry.

If she had followed her character in the past few years, she would have rushed over to admit whatever she said, but now she has to understand Li Menglong's painstaking efforts, mainly because she, Xu Xian, stood up to show off her cards after being beaten, which made Li Menglong's What’s the point of sacrifice?

So all Xu Xian could do was turn around slowly, and even blocked his ears, assuming that he couldn't see or hear. But in the end, looking at the countless slipper prints on the sheets, Xu Xian didn't even know what Li Menglong had gone through. What, was he hit with hands or kicked?

"Don't stay in the same room with such people, they are easy to learn bad things!" Kim Taeyeon did not forget to pull Xu Xian out as well. This was of course an excuse. The main reason was not to give Li Menglong a chance to make a fool of himself, let alone Give him room to win over the maknae!

So Xu Xian could only look at Li Menglong affectionately in return with extremely grateful eyes. The only answer she received was a big hand stretched out from the quilt. Li Menglong waved his hand without even showing his head. He actually responded strangely. Being able to fall asleep is nothing short of a miracle.

The girls were naturally refreshed, especially Kim Taeyeon who kept saying some garbled words to divert everyone's attention. After all, she couldn't bear to recall the scene just now. She occasionally became stupid and even herself was confused. Afraid!

It's just that everyone's happy atmosphere didn't last long at all, because a very urgent event occurred. You must know that in order to sleep a few more minutes in the morning, everyone has a very tight schedule, including getting up, washing, eating breakfast, etc. Going out is a joint act.

But now it's obviously time to go out, but they have just gotten to the point of getting up and have barely washed up. What are they going to do for breakfast? It's too late to do anything now.

As soon as Kim Taeyeon gave the order, the girls immediately dispersed. In less than three minutes, they had transformed from a sloppy dormitory otaku into a respectable fashionista. Of course, this did not change their plight of having no food.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon stood up at this time. You must know that in order to change everyone's impression of her in the morning, Kim Taeyeon had been thinking of ideas. She finally used her long-accumulated IQ to say: "Everyone, get in the car first. I’ve prepared the food!”

As expected, these words immediately received unanimous praise from the other girls. In this society where having breasts is a mother, those who control food are qualified to receive this kind of treatment. Everyone sitting in the car was looking forward to Kim Taeyeon's food. .

Kim Taeyeon saw that the atmosphere was almost heightened, and while she was singing music with her mouth, she took out a temporary bag of breakfast from her bag: "Dangdang, am I particularly smart? Praise me as much as you like!"

"Uh, so our breakfast is just instant noodles?"

"Hey, don't underestimate me!" Kim Taeyeon blocked Pani's plump lips with her index finger very handsomely: "How could I be willing to let our Panni eat such a thing!"

"Did you bring hot water?"

"Isn't that right? Hot water is so hot, cold water is better!" Kim Taeyeon proudly offered the kettle: "Take a sip of instant noodles and drink a sip of water. When it reaches your stomach, it will be instant noodles. I'm smart, hahahaha …”

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