"Uh, pajama pants?" Kim Taeyeon scratched her head suspiciously, wanting to question Pani. We are all alone at home, so why are we wearing pants? Miniskirts are so good. Although Pani's legs are not very long, But the chubby flesh is also very cute, at least Kim Taeyeon likes to touch it.

Of course, if she asks, Pani doesn't mind answering her. Who wears a miniskirt at home? Do you want to show this sexy look to a blind man? Besides, it's very cold to wear a skirt, and there's no room for her on the sofa. Should she just sit on the floor?

However, as a qualified writer, or at least a fabricator of rumors, Kim Taeyeon still has enough integrity. The story at least makes sense: "Pajama pants! Pajama pants don't necessarily block it. There are also crotchless pants. What’s the explanation?”

Li Menglong shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was defeated by Kim Taeyeon. If he could say this in front of these sisters, what else could he say to argue? Besides, there was no need for him to say anything. Pani on the other end just waved her foot and stepped over to let Kim Taeyeon see if she was wearing crotchless pants.

Kim Taeyeon didn't seem to have any good means other than begging for mercy. She just looked at Li Menglong fiercely while being beaten. Who told him not to help her? He would definitely be able to help her complete the story. This bastard just knows how to watch the fun, he is so inhumane!

Although she didn't say these words, Li Menglong strangely read it from her eyes. It felt very magical for a moment, but after reading it, he naturally ran away, otherwise he would have to stay here and wait for Kim Taeyeon. Revenge?

But before walking into the bathroom, he took a few more greedy glances. The scene was really too tempting. Kim Taeyeon's bad hands had already reached directly into Pani's pajamas. As for Li Menglong, he touched her. I don’t know, but Pani jumped one meter high on the spot, and then looked at Kim Taeyeon with tears in her hands, looking like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

Li Menglong only dared to see this point. After all, someone had noticed his obscene actions. If he didn't retract his head, a girl would probably pounce on him in the next moment. Don't underestimate the fighting power of girls, at least that's what Li Menglong thought. of.

Rubbing his hair and looking blankly at the living room, Li Menglong subconsciously stepped on his right foot with his left foot. The pain told him that he was not dreaming, but where had these people gone? He didn't take a bath, he just took a quick shower, and all the people were gone in less than ten minutes? You know, just now Pani and Kim Taeyeon were having a happy quarrel.

That's all. The key is that Li Menglong stood in the corridor on the first floor and listened intently. There was still no sound for five minutes. This is a bit strange. Could it be that these people went out to eat together? , it wouldn’t be appropriate not to take him with you!

Although reason told Li Menglong that the probability of the girls doing such a thing was low. After all, they shouldn't be very hungry tonight. Secondly, it wasn't safe to go out so late without him. They were not so bold. .

Lying in bed, he kept using this excuse to numb himself, but ten minutes later, Li Menglong tiptoed up the stairs. It seemed that he was forbidden to go up this road in the first place, and everyone's living space was clearly divided.

It’s just that I don’t know since when, Li Menglong came up more and more frequently, so frequently that the girls didn’t care. You must know that this is still relatively dangerous. After all, there will still be some changes in their clothes on the second floor and the first floor. of.

However, Li Menglong has not "happened" to encounter any restricted-level scenes after so many times. This is certainly related to the girls' awareness of prevention, but it is more about Li Menglong himself. He still pays more attention to these things, such as those who come up. Sometimes he deliberately made some heavy footsteps.

He came up just for an answer. As long as some girls yelled at him through the door, it was fine. After walking back and forth in the corridor for a few times, it was still so quiet. Even though he was coughing quietly behind him, no one came out yet. Reprimanding, are these people no longer here or have they become ladies?

In this case, I could only open the door to take a look. After much hesitation, I chose a milder room. I gently opened the door and it was very dark in the room. I had to use the light from the corridor to barely see what was inside. , a vague figure seemed to be lying on both beds.

Seeing this scene, Li Menglong felt relieved, but when he was about to leave, he strangely discovered that this person seemed to be wearing clothes. This was not because Li Menglong was perverted, but because they said they had special pajamas, even though he I haven't seen any of them before. Most of them are sexy little clothes that he can't see.

But no matter what, sleeping should be more comfortable. For example, the girls tried to get Li Menglong to sleep in pajamas several times, but he still went his own way and went shirtless. After all, it is better to sleep in the most comfortable state, even sleeping. If you wrong yourself, there seems to be no fun in it.

So after much hesitation, Li Menglong finally shook one of them awake. He remembered the seat of Xu Xian's bed, but this time it was Xiaoyuan who slept here: "Huh? What are you doing? It's very disturbing to disturb others when they are sleeping. You deserve a beating, do you want to fight with me?"

As expected, Xiaoyuan spoke domineeringly. Li Menglong covered her eyes with one hand and said in a low voice: "It's all a dream. You are dreaming. Go to sleep quickly. Go to sleep quickly..."

It's just that the method that seems to be on TV doesn't really work. Many girls have proven this with blood. Fortunately, Hyoyeon is not so violent. Slapping his hand away is the limit: " Stop watching TV shows if you have nothing to do, and why are you coming to my room so late? I'm not interested in you!"

I don’t know why girls started to like to tell some slightly colored jokes to Li Menglong. Maybe it’s because the children have grown up? Or is it too familiar? But in any case, Li Menglong didn’t care too much: “Nai, thank you!”

As he spoke, he motioned for Xiaoyuan to put on his pajamas and go to sleep again. Li Menglong then withdrew and looked at the corridor again. Although he could guess that the girls in the other rooms were in the same state, he did not have the courage to remind them one by one. Easily beaten.

In this case, let's do what we can. Li Menglong picked up the broom and cleaned the corridor floor briefly. It's not that there was much dust, but that there were too many small bits and pieces left behind by the girls. If they It's easy to fall down or get stuck if you come out barefoot in a daze.

Looking at the brand new ground, Li Menglong was very satisfied for a while. The only pity was that the girls didn't know. Should I take a photo and show it to them tomorrow morning? Fortunately, someone came out at this time: "Thank you on Ernie's behalf!"

Xu Xian rubbed his slightly red and swollen eyes and leaned against the wall tiredly. He seemed weak when he said this. Although it had something to do with waking up just now, he was really too tired recently. Maybe he understood. In response to Li Menglong's concern, Xu Xian took the initiative to come over and hold his arm: "Don't worry, Oppa, I eat so many good things for my health, I will definitely not get sick!"

What Xu Xian said is quite reasonable. Not everyone can be ruthless enough to drink yam juice as a daily breakfast drink for several years. This perseverance is definitely the only way to achieve success for Xu Xian, and of course it also benefits the body in disguise. An added layer of protection.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Li Menglong and Xu Xian walked to the kitchen. Li Menglong didn't dare to give Xu Xian coffee, but just poured a cup of hot water. After all, this was a habit brought by Li Menglong.

You must know that South Korea is still more Westernized. Drinking cold water on a daily basis is no longer a big deal. You even need to add extra ice to get enough energy, even in the cold winter. However, Li Menglong was so poor that he could hardly afford to eat. Where? If you have money, buy an ice machine.

So boiling some hot water on the fire became one of his few hobbies. Even though there was no tea at that time, he could drink a cup of hot water for a long time with just some sugar. Facts have proved that drinking hot water seems to It is also a means of maintenance, and now girls have similar habits.

Xu Xian held the warm cup in both hands and drank sips of hot water. Even though it was bland, the drink still tasted sweet. What he drank was not water but the care inside: "I don't dare to sleep, there is still a lot of work to do." , I’ve been too busy during the day recently, so I can only postpone it until night.”

Thinking about how busy Xu Xian and the others are during the day, it seems to make sense. The key is that at least half of this busyness is imposed by Li Menglong. Although this starting point is good, it seems to have inadvertently tricked Xu Xian. .

Drinking hot water did not prevent Xu Xian from seeing Li Menglong's slightly complicated face. The other party's thoughts were already displayed on his face, but Xu Xian was more willing to understand that this path was chosen by him. Li Menglong was just giving from the side. Just some suggestions from her.

In this case, how can you blame everything on Li Menglong? Seohyun still has such a responsibility, otherwise it will be very embarrassing for Girls' Generation: "Oppa, don't say this, you should eat something quickly, burgers are all I was eaten!"

Seeing Xu Xian taking the initiative to change the topic, Li Menglong naturally couldn't live up to his child's kindness, so he could only cooperate and said: "You still know? I was wronged by Yoona for so long, don't let this happen again!" "

"Sorry, to express my sincere apology to you, otherwise I would make this midnight snack for you!" Xu Xian straightened his waist confidently, as if this was something worthy of Li Menglong's gratitude, but she just Haven’t you thought about your craft?

To a certain extent, Xu Xian is the one who cooks the best among girls, but considering the low level of average cooking skills among girls, Xu Xian is at best trying to pull out the bigger one and force him to do it. She just became number one!

However, if you don’t do anything, you must do your best as long as you do it. This belief seems to have been deeply implanted in Xu Xian’s soul, so Xu Xian also worked hard on cooking. As for the teachers, they are naturally Li Menglong and Mother Xu.

It's just that talent does exist, and it's difficult to save it through hard work. For example, Xu Xian's cooking skills fall into the category of people who have worked hard but are still dull, so it is understandable that Li Menglong's face is stiff now. .

But the more this happened, the more Xu Xian became unconvinced. She thought that the food she cooked was still very delicious. Even if it was to make Li Menglong look at her differently, she would show off her skills to him today, so she refused to cook instant noodles and cook instant noodles for Li Menglong successively. Chef Xu Xianxu dismissed the suggestion of frozen dumplings or even fried steak, something that a ten-year-old could make casually.

Li Menglong really regretted it. If he had known better, he would not have walked to the second floor. Not only would Xu Xian be able to sleep a little longer, but he himself would not have to endure the unbearable pain in life, even though he is not known to be picky about food. , but that doesn’t mean he has no taste buds!

But there is no way to stop her. Xu Xian is rarely stopped from doing what she wants to do. Of course, it doesn’t matter if no one wants to stop her, so Li Menglong can only stand aside like an old mother. He took the trouble to tell Xu Xian, and he was very nagging!

"I don't cook, Oppa, can you please stop talking, it's affecting my thinking!" Xu Xian just soaked the rice, which immediately attracted Li Menglong's crazy nagging, and even asked her to use instant rice, which was looked down upon. Is she Seohyun?

"Don't cook? Then why are you soaking so much rice? Do you want to cook porridge? So much rice will flow out!" Li Menglong wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, as if he had seen the pot foaming and dying. appearance.

Xu Xian looked at Li Menglong carefully, trying to tell whether Xu Xian was deceiving her in his eyes. After all, Li Menglong had a criminal record in this regard. Besides, she didn't put in a lot of rice. In order to provide the rest of the ingredients Leave space.

In the end, it was because of Li Menglong's use of force that Xu Xian reluctantly obeyed his advice, but she still didn't agree with it in her heart. You must know that she had learned how to cook porridge from Xu's mother, but she hadn't done it for a long time. , seems to have forgotten half of it!

Fortunately, Xu Xian is smart enough, so he can either omit the things he has forgotten, or just fill them in at will. For example, there is beef in the porridge, but is the beef raw or cooked? This is a problem!

Fortunately, he was persuaded by Li Menglong before taking action. It would take a long time to cook the porridge alone. In this case, why not use the intermission time to get busy with work? Li Menglong suggested sincerely. He really couldn't bear to do it anymore. Keep reading, otherwise he will feel nauseous.

"That's right, but you don't want to eat, right?" Xu Xian seemed to have seen through Li Menglong's little trick, and his whole person exuded a strong aura: "I have set the alarm clock, and Oppa will eat it all in one go. Be good, good children are not picky eaters!"

Looking at Xu Xian, who exuded the glory of motherhood, Li Menglong weirdly nodded in agreement. Is he crazy?

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