The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1778 I won’t listen

Li Menglong didn't know whether the girls were convinced or not. Anyway, he was very convinced. How could he, Li Menglong, have the courage to say these words in front of so many people? Even if the girls couldn't say anything for a while because of the crowd, how could they let him go once they got home?

Li Menglong felt that it was time to find a quiet place to reflect on himself. Recently, due to the preparations for the movie, he had put a lot less thought on the girls. Li Menglong just took many of their words at face value and said it a little deeper. He couldn't understand it, and it gave the girls a headache.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to say a lot of things directly. Damn it because of face, so it caused accumulated conflicts among everyone. It was as if today's slightly provocative phone call had the other girls' thoughts in it.

If Li Menglong's attitude in the past was followed, he would probably just say a few nice words to fool him. However, he was not in a normal state of mind today. The girls asked him to comment as a senior, and he really regarded himself as a senior. You can't listen to a woman so bluntly.

It's like going shopping with your girlfriend. If she looks at something over and over but refuses to buy it, it definitely doesn't mean she doesn't want it. She just wants the man to pay for it. If she really returns home empty-handed. , that was definitely a scene of domestic violence.

Besides, even seniors rarely say such straightforward words in front of the camera. After all, times have changed, and the opinions of fans must be taken into consideration. Although the contradictions of juniors will be criticized, the unreasonable reprimands of seniors will also be criticized. By offending the other side's fans, it is both parties who ultimately suffer.

Fortunately, Li Menglong doesn't need to think about this yet. First of all, he doesn't care how the so-called fans attack him. After all, he doesn't read online messages. If he dares to scold him in person, then Li Menglong dares to do it directly without any ambiguity. Yes, because of this, his anti-fans are among the worst. They don’t even dare to hold protests, otherwise what will happen if they are beaten?

Secondly, the relationship between Li Menglong and the girls is here. They don’t look at the monk’s face and look at the Buddha’s face. They think it’s to give the girls face. Such words can only be made by Li Menglong, who is a member of his own family. Everyone felt that it was not that unpleasant, otherwise if someone else had come here, the long-cherished wishes would have exploded collectively.

As for Li Menglong's status as a senior, to be honest, he himself felt a little guilty. They were already an old couple, so why talk about seniors and juniors?

Since everyone gets along as equals on weekdays, don't put on the airs of seniors at critical times. This is very bad. Of course, the girls themselves strongly requested it today. This is Li Menglong's last excuse. The girls should recognize it, right? After all, they said so themselves!

The phone has been hung up for a long time, but Li Menglong is still here in a daze, which makes the colleagues around him afraid to speak loudly. It always seems that Li Menglong has been menopausal recently, otherwise why is it so difficult? He loses his temper at every turn, and even with the 10,000-word inspection, do they dare to write about Li Menglong and read it?

Of course, it’s better to keep these courageous words in your heart. No matter how bad they are, they will be left on the wine table among several colleagues in the evening. The consequences of saying them directly are still a bit serious. Although Li Menglong hardly uses salary as a threat, his dark methods It’s still a lot, so try not to experience it.

The thoughts of everyone around him can't affect Li Menglong at all. After all, as long as they don't point at him and scold him, Li Menglong will just ignore him. Now he is looking at the small mobile phone screen with all his concentration, and it seems that the result has changed a little.

Li Menglong's one point is still quite an eyesore. After all, although not all of the people who scored are his fans, everyone can be generally called fans of the second-generation girl group. They have been fighting with each other for so many years, so they will have more or less respect.

So this scoring seems to be a convention. Seven points is almost the bottom line. There are very few points below seven or even seven points. The main points are concentrated in eight and nine points. As for ten points, there are not many. After all, if the moon is full, you will lose, fans. It’s also shameful to give scores.

Giving perfect scores to one's own idols is a bit self-proclaimed, but giving low scores to other idols is even more excessive. Blindly belittling your opponents will only make your own idols dim. Only the close strength of each other can measure everyone's strength.

On this basis, Li Menglong's one point really has a big impact. He can knock down nine perfect points by one point. In other words, it is equivalent to ten more girls out of thin air." The lowest score” – seven points!

With a similar score difference between each other, the girls' performance dropped directly to fourth place. Although it was considered to have a cause, their faces were still very ugly. You must know that they have not experienced this for a long time since gee. Well, even this kind of semi-variety show competition.

They seem to have become accustomed to their own success. Their albums have been selling well since pre-orders, they have won awards, and they have participated in variety shows and been flattered by MCs. In short, failure seems to have faded out of their lives, even though they know that this day cannot last forever. , but is it too abrupt?

Even though they were trying their best to control their expressions, their faces were still very ugly. To be precise, they were a little embarrassed. The same was true for the other groups of people. The girls were controlling themselves not to look sad, while the other groups were not to smile. , otherwise you will really be scolded.

Although they also know that this kind of competition means nothing at all, and there are still cases where Li Menglong scores low, they are still happy. After all, they are the group that competes most directly with the girls, and they have been with them since their debut.

It can be said that the glory of the girls is all stepped on their shoulders. The number of first places the girls have won means how many second places they have won. The feelings accumulated over the years are difficult to describe, even if everyone has been secretly talking recently. The relationship is very good, but public and private matters must be kept separate. Their goal will never change, which is to defeat Girls' Generation and become the best girl group!

In this weird atmosphere, the program was able to continue recording, but Director Luo was frightened all afternoon. In fact, even though the girls practiced very intensively in the past few days, that was just the apparent intensity.

They are all veterans in the circle, and at worst they are middle-aged. In short, they all have their own way of being lazy. If this is a bit harsh, then it is okay to say that they allocate their physical strength reasonably.

Don’t underestimate this ability. Many new girl groups have weak legs, fall or even faint on stage because of this. This ability is not taught and can only be accumulated over time, so the girls are generally quite lazy during rehearsals. , mostly just walking around.

However, this does not affect their wonderful performances on stage. Although this sounds contradictory, it is one of the necessary abilities for celebrities, otherwise they would not have so much energy to put on the stage.

But it seems a little different now. Director Luo first noticed something was wrong on the girls' side. When he went to change the belt, he saw that the ground looked like it had just been mopped, and it was still a mop that had not been wrung out.

But it was obvious that the atmosphere at the scene did not look like there was time to mop the floor, so after watching it for a while, he realized that this was clearly the sweat splashed by the girls. Looking at their state during practice, it was simply crazy, with tears in their eyes. The kind that glows red.

The intensity of this practice is similar to that before debut. Although the reasons and mentality are different, the effect is the same. They all have to perform to the extreme for a while, almost one movement and one syllable. They were discussing it carefully there, which made Director Luo feel dizzy.

I went to look at the other groups, and the results were similar, or even worse. Director Luo understood that the girls wanted to stand up, but why did those groups go crazy? This is Director Luo being naive. The girls want to stand up, but they still want to continue to suppress the girls. Even if it is only for such a short few days, it is still worth it!

Quietly withdrawing, Director Luo felt that he had to do something, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to himself and his superiors. As for matters, he also prioritized them, so Director Luo immediately checked whether everyone had accident insurance. It includes a series of possible diseases caused by high-intensity training. If it is not covered, he is willing to pay for one at his own expense, otherwise he will easily not be able to afford to lose money.

The second step was to go to the dining car. The program team wanted to save money and eat healthier. Of course, it was Director Luo’s habit. They directly hired a chef couple to make it on site, so they could prepare whatever they wanted to eat every day. Account.

"Ginseng chicken, Korean beef, bone soup, whatever you want to eat!" Director Luo came over and said swornly: "Money? It doesn't matter, just spend it first. If you don't have enough, come to me. There will always be someone willing to pay for it." of!"

The meal was arranged here, and the last thing Director Luo did was to call Li Menglong. It’s just that Director Luo may have been tricked by Director Luo in the past two days, so the phone call couldn’t be reached at all. This was not to blacklist him. Already?

However, Director Luo had other options. With so many people in the company, it was not easy to just find someone. No matter how difficult it was, he could still call the fried chicken restaurant on the first floor. After two middlemen changed hands, Director Luo still succeeded. Li Menglong called.

"You'd better think carefully before you speak, otherwise one of us will easily fall!" Before Director Luo could speak, Li Menglong took the lead and threatened.

Fortunately, Director Luo was completely out of public interest this time. He briefly explained the situation to Li Menglong and said, "I think it's a bit too much. You didn't see them practicing. To be honest, I don't care if either of them fainted." It was unexpected, I wanted to call an ambulance for a while and be ready!"

"Uh, is it so serious?" Li Menglong touched his nose, feeling a little ashamed. After all, he was the initiator of this incident. If he pretends to be a good person in the past, will he be beaten?

After much consideration, Li Menglong still felt that he was not in his position and would not be responsible for his political affairs: "You are the chief director at the scene, okay? If you encounter any problems, just come to the company boss. Then what's the use of me giving you a PD salary?"

Director Luo twitched his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and his little eyes widened to their maximum size. This tone was really shameless. If he encountered any problems, he would go to the boss. If Li Menglong hadn't come up with bad ideas at every turn, would the current scene have happened? ?

If something happens and you don't want to take responsibility, you just want to avoid it. Is this what a boss can do? Director Luo was about to yell, but the call on the other end was hung up. He was so angry that he had no way to vent his anger, and almost exploded on the spot.

No matter who Director Luo called next, Li Menglong resolutely refused to answer the call. He found that this kind of ostrich mentality suited him very well. As long as he couldn't see or hear anything, he could just pretend it didn't happen. But why do I always feel a little absent-minded while working?

After sending documents to the wrong person several times and losing his temper several times, Li Menglong knew that he was not in a suitable state to work overtime, and when he calmed down, he was still reasonable enough: "Everyone, I just couldn't help myself. Quan Just think I'm out of my mind, I'll go to work tomorrow at noon, and everyone should go back and get a good night's sleep!"

"Wow, thank you boss..."

Facing the cheers of everyone, Li Menglong didn't know whether he should say the second half of the sentence. He originally wanted to say that the working hours in the morning would be postponed to the evening, but he should just think of overtime work for these people. The extra overtime pay Li Eunxi won’t deny it, right?

With these garbled thoughts occupying his brain, Li Menglong tried not to think about the girls practicing hard. He still felt bad for his children. What's more, the girls didn't have to go through such a journey. It wasn't because of him, Li Menglong Pushed into the fire pit.

It was inevitable that he felt a little ashamed, so he didn't dare to go in. He just parked the car outside and went to the nanny van to help the girls tidy up. The nanny van was said to be a second room for the girls. , when I’m busy, I spend more time there than in the bedroom at the end of the day.

So there are a lot of things inside, including a few pieces of spare clothing, blankets for sleeping in the car, a huge amount of cosmetics for touch-ups, and of course many personal items, such as game consoles, snacks, books, etc. , in short it’s okay to be messy.

As a relatively private place, it is not easy for outsiders to clean here, so the girls usually take the time to clean it every month. But today, Li Menglong took the lead. He can't be considered an outsider.

So when the girls walked into the nanny car rubbing their sore arms, they saw an unexpected scene. Yoona, who was the first to get in, bent over and tilted her buttocks and fell back, knocking the girls behind who were about to get in the car into a mess. : "Lin Yuner, what are you doing? If you don't want to go home, just say it, we won't insist on holding you back!"

"No, this is not our nanny car. We got into the wrong car!"

Everyone has no doubts about Yoona's words, because this kind of thing has happened more than once. After all, the cars all look similar on the outside, but most of these situations happen at award ceremonies and the like. Now there are only four cars in total, so why not You can't admit the mistake, the license plate number is correct.

"It's impossible. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. It's really not our car..."

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