The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1765 It’s all a trap

Looking at the deserted streets around him, Li Menglong was quite resistant for a time. He even thought that there was something wrong with his own eyes, so he kept wiping them. The boss next to him did the same thing. After all, almost half of the market was surrounded just now. Come here, where is the person?

Naturally, people have dispersed. Everyone is here to make a living. If there are girls here, you can naturally put down your business temporarily for them. But if the girls are gone, why are you still here? Are you watching Li Menglong? He doesn't have that kind of influence.

"Going back? What about the tuna money..." Although the boss only said half of what he said, his eyes were fixed on Li Menglong. Even the guy was already standing behind him, seemingly to prevent Li Menglong from escaping.

Although the fish and meat are still here, the price of live tuna and dead tuna are completely different. Besides, he is just a second-rate dealer and does not have the ability to go to each house to do terminal sales, so if no one really pays, this It is very likely that the fish and meat will be lost in his hands, and the boss can't help but worry.

Fortunately, Li Menglong still has such a sense of responsibility. What the girls said can be almost equivalent to his promise. Of course, they said it as a joke: "Don't worry, I am a respectable person after all. What do you mean by this expression? Doubts. I?"

Li Menglong almost couldn't help but take action. It would be nice to have someone to help pay. Believe it or not, he would also run away? Li Menglong glared at the boss before turning around and looking around. The girls couldn't walk away so casually. Didn't they leave some bank cards or something?

After waiting for a full five minutes, the place was extremely quiet except for a few stray cats. Li Menglong had completely given up. These girls were really getting more and more heartless. The rest of them were just fine. What happened to Xu Xian? How could he be so heartless?

This is because Li Menglong wronged Xu Xian. This girl naturally has this intention, but firstly, the other girls deliberately want to make Li Menglong embarrassed, and secondly, she is really powerless. She didn’t bring her wallet today, so she can’t go. Steal other people's bank cards, she will be beaten!

If this joke were made between ordinary people, it would definitely be enough to break off diplomatic relations. After all, a huge sum of nearly 20 million is really not something that can be taken out casually, but when it comes to the girls and Li Menglong, it would be a big deal. It’s much more relaxed, after all, everyone is really rich!

"Give me your bank card number, and I'll borrow money for you!" Li Menglong pulled his cell phone to look for someone who could borrow money, and soon found a suitable target. This person owed him a favor today. Woolen cloth.

"Sister-in-law?" Li Menglong asked suspiciously, subconsciously wanting to mention a random woman's name to frame Liu Zaishi, but thinking that she was here to borrow money, his attitude immediately improved a lot: "Where is my brother?"

"Your eldest brother? Zhihao has already gone to bed, and he didn't even look at what time it is!" Ron Jing said slightly angrily. After all, her husband almost never stopped complaining when he came back, and the target was naturally Li Menglong.

I wasn't curious about what happened between the two of them, but just going out for a meal to create such a deep bond made Luo Jing'en feel like an outsider. These two were the original couple. It was so late at night. Also called.

"Liu Zhihao? No, I'm looking for Liu Zaishi!" Li Menglong explained immediately. It's not surprising that Luo Jing'en misunderstood. When did Li Menglong call Liu Zaishi eldest brother? The most commonly used names are "Hey" and "Ah", which sound quite rude, but Liu Zaishi is still happy to greet them, which is amazing.

"He's taking a shower, and he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk to you. Do you want me to convey this to you?"

"Taking a shower? Not in the mood? He has the nerve to not be in the mood?" That is to say, it was Ron Jing who was facing him. If it were Liu Zaishi, he would have scolded him directly. Who was Li Menglong's tragic day because of? Liu Zaishi himself thought No number?

Fortunately, he still respected Ron Jing enough, so he could speak calmly: "It's not a big deal. I need some money temporarily, and I want to borrow some from Liu Zaishi. How about you lend me some, sister-in-law? I'll find it tomorrow. Those girls will return it to you when they come."

Borrowing money is still quite sensitive in South Korea. Many relatives would rather borrow money from loan sharks than ask relatives to borrow money. However, Li Menglong didn't feel hurt when he said this, and Ron Jing didn't feel anything wrong after hearing it. It seemed that the two of them Everyone thinks this kind of conversation is extremely normal.

"That's it? Then there's no need to call him, otherwise you two might quarrel again. Send me your bank card number and I'll transfer it to you immediately!"

"Thank you sister-in-law. As your personal admirer, I really feel that Liu Zaishi is not worthy of you. If there is a divorce or something, I will definitely support you!" Li Menglong made nonsense here, and Ron Jing said after listening. Just smile, if the divorce really happens, Li Menglong will stand 100% with Liu Jae Suk. No one should doubt this.

She checked the text message on her phone twice. As for the nearly 20 million yuan, it really didn't scare Luo Jing. She didn't even ask what she was doing. There were many places to spend money in the circle. This money To put it bluntly, even giving a gift is not enough.

As for the source of the money, it just so happened that Liu Zaishi recently received a payment from a variety show. Yes, Ron Jing got the money from Liu Zaishi. After all, Li Menglong asked Liu Zaishi to borrow money: "Who called just now?"

"No, it's a sales call from a boutique!" Luo Jing said casually.

"Promotion? So late?" Liu Zaishi felt ridiculous when he heard it, but after all, his wife said so, what else could he say? But what's going on with this text message?

"I'll buy it after the promotion. Do you have any objection if I buy a bag?"

Liu Zaishi really gritted his teeth and agreed. Fortunately, he quickly discovered the trick. After all, the call records were still there. Needless to say, it was the bastard Li Menglong who came to borrow money, which meant that he did not answer the call himself, otherwise Li Menglong If you can lend me anything, it’s a gift from Liu Zaishi who has diarrhea!

Regardless of the life interests of Liu Zaishi and his wife, Li Menglong was already ready to leave, and the boss looked at him with a much kinder look. After all, not every man can lend such a large sum of money with just a phone call at midnight. .

In fact, Li Menglong can lend more, but there is nothing to show off. It just happens that his good friends are relatively rich. If they don't have money... they should be good brothers... right? ?

I rode the delivery truck here all the way back home. Although hundreds of kilograms of meat sounded like a lot, after stuffing it into the refrigerator, it was only about full. But no one came to help me during the whole process. It's so inhumane to help a girl.

Of course, Xu Xian still has to be picked out as usual. After all, this girl is kind and has helped a lot. Even just standing like that is eye-catching: "Onies fell asleep when they came back, some I didn’t even take a shower, I’m really tired today!”

"Is the intensity so high? It feels like the time is okay. You're not just showing off to me, are you?"

Xu Xian rarely expressed his anger at Li Menglong's words, and the method of expression was to give him a few hard blows on the chest. How could he doubt the girls? Although her sisters are sometimes unreliable, they are still quite sincere in major matters.

"So buying such a big fish is not to prank me, but to apologize to me and everyone else, so I also want to thank them?" Li Menglong asked absurdly over there. He definitely did not deny the girls' goodwill, but he dared to swear , at least the original intention was definitely not like this!

Xu Xian also felt a little guilty. After all, she still knew her sisters. It was probably a prank at first, but the son never blames the father. To a certain extent, she was raised by a bunch of Ernies. After all, don’t expect a child in his early ten years to adapt to the high-intensity trainee life alone.

Seeing Xu Xian's sly eyes, Li Menglong also smiled heartily, and went over to scratch the girl's nose: "Okay, are you tired too? Go to bed early tonight, tomorrow won't be easy either."

"Where can I fall asleep immediately?" Xu Xian said, and it was inevitable to look at Li Menglong with resentment. The work in her hands was almost fooled by Li Menglong, which made her physically and mentally exhausted. Fortunately, she was watching The work is taking shape step by step, and this sense of accomplishment is no joke.

Li Menglong looked at the little girl in front of him who was full of fighting desire, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart. After all, this girl would almost drag him along whenever she worked overtime. She didn't say it blatantly, but stared silently. Who can resist your appearance?

So when his workload is overwhelming, Li Menglong still has to work overtime with Xu Xian. Fortunately, it can be considered a blessing. Not every overtime dog is accompanied by a goddess like Xu Xian. Li Menglong should Feel content!

In fact, he is also like this. There is a smile on the corner of his mouth after falling asleep, but this expression is very unpopular with girls: "He sleeps with such a perverted smile. Didn't he dream about something?" It’s something that should be dreamed about, right?”

Kim Taeyeon's words were unanimously recognized by everyone around her. If that's the case, then she should be a villain who disturbs people's dreams. A group of girls seemed to be dancing in a nightclub. Li Menglong's bed immediately turned into a small boat on the sea. Still the kind that is ready to cause a storm at any time.

Li Menglong, who was rubbing his hair, almost couldn't help but take action. You know he also slept very late last night. Didn't they discuss it with Xu Xian? This civil and military man came to torment himself, you can't be so heartless!

The girls turned a blind eye to Li Menglong's resentment. It was not easy for them to wake up after five o'clock in the morning. If it weren't for the guy in front of them, they could have continued to sleep for more than an hour. God knows how much effort they expended. Climbed up.

"So? You got up so early to help me make sushi?" Li Menglong really didn't know what expression to show. He was definitely moved, but why wasn't he so happy? I always feel that this matter is particularly unreliable!

Soon he discovered the problem. Even yesterday's trip to buy fish was done impromptu, so there was no need to expect them to know anything about making sushi: "What's so difficult about sushi? It's just kneading the rice into balls and spreading them on top. Just fillet the fish, I’ve eaten a lot of them, it’s very simple!”

Looking at the excited girls, Li Menglong suddenly thought of what a certain powerful man said: What's so great about a car? Isn't it just four wheels, two sofas and an iron shell? What you say makes sense. The girls have learned this artistic conception very well!

Although Li Menglong didn't know much about sushi, at least he knew that the rice used in this sushi must have been specially selected. After all, there are only two main ingredients in sushi, and the quality of the rice determines the quality of the sushi.

"Our rice is the most expensive, can't we make sushi?" Kim Taeyeon said blankly. She seems to firmly believe that the most expensive is the best, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it!

After a simple search on the Internet, the girls knew that this sushi cannot be made, at least at home, they don’t have to think about it. There are so many explanations for simple rice balls. It seems that they usually taste like ordinary white rice. They don’t taste anything special. Woolen cloth!

But having gotten up so early, letting the girls waste this time will obviously make them riot. The one who stepped forward this time was Xu Xian. The last time he sent love sushi to Li Menglong, he went to a restaurant he knew well. Store owner, please go to trouble again this time, Seohyun is such a decent person!

"Tsk, tsk, I've lived so long that one day I can be honored by the maknae. I'm almost moved to tears!" Li Shunkyu said pretentiously while sitting here, and he immediately received a lot of support. As for Xu Xian himself, he had the right Pretend you haven't heard anything, otherwise you will be laughed at if you answer anything.

The group of people finally arrived at the store. The boss was obviously still in a daze. Anyone who was woken up by Seohyun's phone call early in the morning and then met all the Girls' Generation members in less than half an hour would be like this. He even wanted to pinch her. Check for yourself whether you are dreaming.

But the girls didn't have so many ideas. But before learning to make sushi, could they ask the teacher to perform it first? The chef first rubbed vinegar on the palm of his left hand, then pinched the rice ball and made it soft and round in the palm of his hand. Cover the fish with wasabi, hold it gently and firmly, and a beautiful boat-shaped nigiri sushi is completed.

This one only made a few, and the other girls who couldn't get it simply ate one bite of rice and one bite of fish. Anyway, after mixing them in their mouths, they were all the same, and they seemed to be quite delicious.

The master pretended not to see the innovative behavior of the girls, and even praised them: "The quality of this tuna is quite good, isn't it cheap?"

"We picked it ourselves last night!" Kim Taeyeon said vaguely, and she immediately showered them with compliments, as if Li Menglong had never been there during the whole process.

But it’s okay not to mention this. Only now did Li Menglong realize that it seemed that he had paid for the fish and meat in advance. Did these rich people take the initiative to express their gratitude? But why no one looked at him? Could it be that he was asking him to take on the money?

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