Li Menglong's fishing ability is pretty good, and at least he has fed a lot of pot-bellied men. However, when he came here, he found that there was not enough food, especially the group of thin girls who could eat more than each other, as if they had not eaten all day. It feels like I've had a meal.

It's just that Li Menglong didn't want to think about how they spent the whole day, let alone eating and so on. Even if they eat, they can't sustain such consumption, not to mention that they have been controlling their diet recently in order to maintain their figure. I’m really, really hungry!

"What are you looking at? I've never seen a beautiful woman eat before!" Kim Taeyeon held up a fish bone and ate it very sweetly. A lot of fish meat residue was also rubbed on her face, like a eating kitten: "Humph, don't think that A fish can bribe us!"

"Those two are good, but if there are more, they will be gone!"

Kim Taeyeon blinked and looked at Li Menglong uncertainly. Wasn't the person opposite her brain broken? Did she mean what Kim Taeyeon just said? Besides, even if it is, this can't be solved by two fish: "At least ten, if there is one less, just wait for them to cause trouble for you!"

Li Menglong seemed to have some problems with his brain's understanding ability today. Of course, it was more likely that he did this on purpose: "I'll give you five pieces for yourself, but I can only take out five pieces from them. Do you think this matter can be solved?" possible?"

Have you been bribed? Kim Taeyeon chewed the fish and tilted her head as she thought, inexplicably feeling that the price was not low. After all, only eight people over there could get five fish, but she had so many, which gave her a sense of deja vu!

But Kim Taeyeon didn't want to think about it. If everyone got a fish, how could this matter be settled? This is equivalent to Li Menglong just bringing out one more fish and asking Kim Taeyeon to take the initiative to help him share the firepower. I have to say that this is all wisdom!

Collecting money to do things is the right thing to do. In this regard, Kim Taeyeon's credibility is quite good. The key is that she can still cover it up. This is the most important thing. Otherwise, if it were Pani, these words would be naked. Guoguo's scammed.

It's just that the reward will be owed for a while. After all, the fish he caught are basically gone after two bites per person, not to mention the group of girls who want to swallow all the bones. Are these people sure they are celebrities? He couldn't be a refugee from somewhere.

With this thick doubt, Li Menglong finally set foot on his way home after a day. The girls have not forgiven him for his behavior. They only let him go home to prevent him from continuing to work overtime in the company, and this behavior is not I feel sorry for him, I'm just afraid that he will do something else!

After all, it was just one night, and they had hardly had any leisure time all day long. If he was allowed to stay in the company for a few days, wouldn't everyone stop living? Or would it be a better option to just run away?

So the girls are seeking welfare for everyone. As for their self-sacrifice, someone will eventually see it. Of course, they don't mind collecting some interest before that: "Ahem, isn't this a little too quiet?"

"Do I need to play a song for you?" Li Menglong asked in a joking manner from the front. She is indeed his girlfriend. Can't you stand it? Opening your mouth specifically to save yourself?

If Lee Mongryong thinks this way, it only means that he is naive. Lee Soonkyu has always been able to stand up for his identity in the face of big things. She is now a member of Girls' Generation. She is counting on her to fight against the tyrant Lee Mongryong with everyone. Come to sympathize with Li Menglong? Then who will sympathize with her?

Lee Soon Kyu said this to the other girls, the main target of which was Kim Taeyeon. After all, this was a tacit understanding formed through so many years of cooperation, but it seemed that the tacit understanding was not quite online today: "Kim Taeyeon, I said it was too quiet in the car. Yes, didn’t you hear?”

Of course, you can hear it. Kim Taeyeon is not deaf, but hearing is one thing and speaking is another thing. She was bribed by Li Menglong with a lot of money. Now she does not talk about standing up for Li Menglong, but she It’s not easy to help the girls either.

So she could only close her eyes and pretend to be in a deep sleep. Although Li Shunkyu felt a little weird, he still chose to believe his sisters and their captain, and turned his eyes to Jung Soo-yeon. The sleeping god was still staring. Woolen cloth!

Jessica was undoubtedly sleepy, but she didn't mind helping herself get some basic welfare benefits before falling asleep. Thinking about it this way, it seemed that Kim Taeyeon's behavior was even more abnormal. How could such a thing happen without her?

Although she lacked Kim Taeyeon's firepower output, Lee Soon Kyu and Jung Soo Yeon filled her position perfectly. Coupled with the support of the other girls, Lee Meng Yong was almost defeated. This is wrong. You can't take money for nothing. Working!

"I also know that what I did today was inappropriate, so I won't say anything more. I'll give you five grilled fish as compensation, okay?" Li Menglong said sincerely, but this was not just for Li Shungui. When they heard this, Kim Taeyeon's heart suddenly jumped. There was clearly something in her words!

In fact, Kim Taeyeon felt a little regretful at this time. After all, it was a small betrayal of the sisterhood. The ideal solution would be for everyone to attack Li Menglong together. Then let alone five fish, even fifty fish would still be there. Can be brought out.

But now, it seems that I still have to say a few words for Li Menglong. This is not because of Kim Taeyeon's kindness. It was completely recorded and saved by that bastard Li Menglong. If the two of them broke up, it's hard to say who was more seriously injured. Well, after all, compared with enemies and traitors, the latter seems to be more hateful!

The girls worked in a tacit understanding to enhance the atmosphere. They kept repeating what Li Menglong just said in a rhetorical tone. As for the emphasis in the words, they all fell on "five items". Not to mention how satisfied the number of girls were. , since Li Menglong mentioned it, everyone will naturally increase the price subconsciously, otherwise they will suffer a loss!

Kim Taeyeon was very familiar with this routine, so she entered at just the right time. Just when the girls had finished building up the atmosphere and were ready to speak the final word, Kim Taeyeon bravely stood up and was quite unceremonious: "Five items ? You’re visiting graves and burning newspapers—where are you fooling the devil?”

Kim Taeyeon's timely awakening caused the girls' words to be blocked in their mouths. It felt like having their mouths covered when sneezing. It was quite unpleasant. However, as the leader of the team, Kim Taeyeon stepped forward to speak out. There's nothing wrong with questioning, but didn't this eldest sister just come here while she was sleeping, and why did she wake up so soon?

Although Li Menglong was still full of distrust in his heart, after all, Kim Taeyeon had done a lot of things like burning bridges, but the evidence in his hand still allowed him to reluctantly feel at ease and observe Kim Taeyeon's performance.

"You just want to watch us fight, right? Who can eat five pieces, and how do we divide it?" Kim Taeyeon said very righteously: "Even if I am the captain and the eldest sister, I am also the one who works the most and gets the most results. Bit, but can I go and eat a whole one by myself?”

Although no one spoke, if you can see the expressions of Li Menglong and the other girls at this moment, everyone seems to be in agreement. Can't Kim Taeyeon do this kind of thing? It might even happen that she eats four of them and leaves one for them. There is no shortage of miracles in the girls’ dormitory!

That is to say, Kim Taeyeon hasn't seen the expressions of her sisters, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered to speak for Li Menglong, and she would have already started to fight with the girls. Would she, Kim Taeyeon, do such a despicable thing? Only Lee Soon Kyu can do this kind of thing!

Seeing that no one spoke, Kim Taeyeon didn't feel embarrassed. On the contrary, this proved her intimidation in the team: "In that case, three pieces is enough. It's fair enough for the three of us to eat one piece, and we have recently... To control your body shape, don’t eat too much at night!”

As soon as these words were said, the other girls took a breath. Even the naive Pani thought that Kim Taeyeon had a fever. She picked up her head and put it to her forehead and took a big mouthful. It seems that her lips can measure the temperature.

But Kim Taeyeon felt like she had been molested. She was almost suffocated to death by this damn girl. Are big breasts amazing? Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but look down at her chest. She could directly see the bottom of the car. Why couldn't she cover it with anything?

Compared to Pani's innocence, none of the other girls, including Seohyun, are experienced fighters. The smell of private transactions can be smelled from across the street. Does Kim Taeyeon dare to perform any more crudely? Some?

In fact, it is unfair to say that Kim Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon was almost perfect in terms of timing, expression, and tone just now, but the flaw lies in the words themselves. As long as she is thinking of excusing Li Menglong, then this There must be something wrong with the words, the girls firmly believe this!

However, Li Menglong is very satisfied with this. As expected, private bribery is the best social means. The key to the conflict can easily be diverted. The key to the matter is no longer on Li Menglong's side. The contest now is between the girls. , he seemed to have successfully saved himself again.

Even a calm person like Li Menglong can easily get carried away when he is proud. After observing the situation for a while, Li Menglong assumed that the sound in the car was from the car radio, which still made people laugh from time to time. Family ethics drama!

But if he could take another look at this moment, he would find that although everyone's words are still quite sharp, everyone's eyes are conveying extremely complex information. The content of information is beyond the ability of ordinary people to bear, and it is easy to roll their eyes. die!

After countless discussions, the girls finally reached an agreement again. The main reason is that Kim Taeyeon's past conduct can still make everyone reluctantly believe it. I hope that this time Kim Taeyeon can successfully seize this hard-won opportunity, otherwise Maybe the girls will need to change their captain!

She took a deep breath and expanded her deflated chest a lot, as if this would give her some courage. To be honest, double agents were too much of a test of her IQ. Kim Taeyeon said she now had a severe headache.

But in the end, she still has to choose a side, and looking at Girls' Generation, she is her main support. People like Li Menglong are at most a temporary alliance of hypocrisy and coercion. There is no need for any psychological burden to fall out with such people.

"Everyone is not convinced, right? You're trying to show off your face to me. You don't even need three of them!" Kim Taeyeon said decisively: "Li Menglong, just make one and let me see what these people dare to say?"

The car suddenly started to boil. The girls’ acting skills were six points and their true emotional expression was ninety-four points. Is Kim Taeyeon determined to side with Lee Mong-ryong? They will really do anything for food, including using their hands!

Li Menglong had to stop the car and then escaped by himself, otherwise the shaking car would easily remind people of some bad behavior. He is an innocent person. As for whether Kim Taeyeon can hold up against eight It's hard to say whether she can live in it. Li Menglong can only say that he supports her mentally!

After waiting silently for a while, it seemed that there was already a distinction in the car, and he cautiously approached. The result was very surprising. In the end, the person who nodded arrogantly to him turned out to be Kim Taeyeon. This fighting ability is really It’s a bit scary!

Li Menglong had to re-evaluate his evaluation of Kim Taeyeon again. In terms of combat ability alone, Kim Taeyeon is also a good partner, not to mention that she is so trustworthy, which reduces Li Menglong's workload to a minimum. , this bribe is worth it!

If Li Menglong could be calmer, he would not have fallen into the trap. He used his cerebellum to think about it. Can Kim Taeyeon with her small arms and short legs be able to beat eight? Not to mention whether young people like Yoona dare to take action, even Jessica Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu combined are not something Kim Taeyeon can handle. Is it possible that they are saying that uneven breasts can equal the world?

However, Kim Taeyeon's plan that followed the formality lured Li Menglong into the abyss step by step. She added bait to Li Menglong little by little until he agreed to buy a fish immediately and give them extra food at night.

"Aren't you going to the supermarket?" Li Menglong asked in surprise. He originally thought that he could just buy some mackerel and fry it in the surrounding supermarkets. Who knew that these girls had to go to a supermarket far away on the grounds that it was not fresh? , of course it seems more appropriate to call it aquatic products market.

Even though the time is close to midnight, the place is still very lively. After all, there are fishing boats entering the port at various times during the night, and the freshest fish will be sent here as soon as possible. Various fishmongers gather together to avoid being too lively.

After discovering the girls, the lively atmosphere was instantly filled with anger. It was so rare for them to appear here, but what were they here to do? Everyone was very curious, including Li Menglong himself, but he already had some ominous premonitions.

He wanted to go over and warn Kim Taeyeon not to die together, but the other party didn't give him this chance at all. He was surrounded by the other girls like stars holding the moon in the middle. It was very beautiful, but she was also shouldering everyone's hopes: "What's the biggest fish in the market? Whale? Shark? There isn't anything smaller. Let's eat it ourselves..."

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