If you say it's teasing, it's a bit too emotional. It's just a little fun in life. If you have to find an accurate word, "flirtatious" seems to be more appropriate. Kim Taeyeon was flirted with by Li Menglong. .

To be honest, it's not that annoying. After all, let's not talk about the relationship with Li Menglong. Although they usually compete with each other, there seems to be an endless number of people who like them, but no one really talks to them with this attitude. Pass.

所以说很多电视剧里的情节深究一下还是那么些道理在的,像是什么富二代被保洁小妹揍了一顿,而后第一反应就是从来没有人敢如此对待他,而后就义无反顾的爱上the other party.

The plot itself is very silly, but when you look into it, it can be regarded as a sign of equality. People like the cleaning girl must be independent in character. Of course, the most important thing is to be beautiful. Otherwise, try to find another aunt. ?

The same thing applies to Li Menglong. The same thing he said was acceptable to Kim Taeyeon, but when others said it, it was like being a gangster. This is why no one said it in front of them. After all, gangsters have to restrain themselves in front of them. of.

I don’t hate it at all, but shyness is inevitable, and there are so many younger sisters watching behind me. What has become of me now? But when Kim Taeyeon wanted to speak, Li Menglong was already preparing to close the door. Otherwise, would he really have to wait for Kim Taeyeon to come in?

This was a race against time. Kim Taeyeon bit her cheek without saying a word and ran towards the gap in the bathroom. Li Menglong naturally saw it and subconsciously prepared to close the door hard.

Judging from this distance, there should be no problem, but Kim Taeyeon ran very fast this time. At this time, Li Menglong was a little panicked, because according to the current situation, if Kim Taeyeon didn't brake, there would be a car accident. He didn't expect Kim Taeyeon to break down the door like a hero in a movie.

You must know that in order to prevent the violent entry of girls, the door of this bathroom was secretly reinforced by Li Menglong. After all, this is his last safe haven. It can be said to be a safe house. How could he not focus on taking care of it, even above the bathroom? A certain part of the ceiling can be removed, and Li Menglong's numerous inventory is hidden inside. It is considered to be his largest storage point in the dormitory.

It's just that it's too late for him to stop now. He can only hope that Kim Taeyeon will not be impulsive. But Kim Taeyeon's eyes are almost red now, and it seems that they will die together. Of course, what she is thinking in her heart is that there is no way that Li Menglong is willing to give up. The one who knocked on the door was probably him who opened the door and let her in. Then there was nothing to worry about if she bumped into him.

The girls behind him were obviously not too nervous. They all had the same ideas as Kim Taeyeon. Li Menglong would always give in when it came to safety issues. Their ideas were not wrong. Li Menglong really wanted to do the same, but this time he really wanted to. It was too late to react.

So in the horrified eyes of everyone, the door lock made a crisp closing sound. This was simply the most terrifying sound, because this was no longer a joke. If you want to open the door again, this step is absolutely too late, so Jin Tai Is Yan going to hit the door directly?

Kim Taeyeon herself was dumbfounded. She didn't know what speed she was going at now. Anyway, it was her strongest explosive power. It seemed that she could hear the wind in her ears. How dare this bastard Li Menglong close the door in this situation? Do you see her determination of Kim Taeyeon? You should open the door!

Kim Taeyeon just thought about these words in her heart. It's not that she didn't dare to say them out, but it was too late. It was even difficult for her to slow down. The huge inertia made her hit the door straight. She was more timid. The girls are already covering their eyes. Is this going to cause a concussion or something?

At this critical moment, Kim Taeyeon's accumulated wisdom finally burst out. However, according to Li Menglong's analysis later, it should be said that it is the body's self-protection instinct. After all, this kind of action cannot be done by the brain. You can imagine it.

I saw that Kim Taeyeon actually moved a few minutes faster out of thin air. The last three big steps were extremely steady. She was like a charging knight. She was not good enough. When she was less than two meters away from the door, Kim Taeyeon The whole person flew directly up.

The girls on the side were all stunned with their mouths open. This action was really cool. Are they preparing to kick the door open with a flying kick? Of course, the more likely result is that a concussion turns into a broken leg. It is true that the latter is easier to heal. Is this the wisdom of gecko tail docking?

If Kim Taeyeon learns what the girls are thinking now, she will laugh proudly. These people only have so much imagination. She, Kim Taeyeon, has to be hurt to make them happy, right? I guess I'm thinking of changing the captain, I'm dreaming! She will continue to be the captain of Girls' Generation for thousands of years. Even if the elders come to gatherings in wheelchairs, they will still respectfully call her captain!

With this high-spirited energy, Kim Taeyeon stepped directly on the door with her size 38 feet wearing pink cartoon socks!

That's right, it was definitely not a kick, because Kim Taeyeon's center of gravity did not move backward but continued to rise strangely. Using the foot on the door as a guide, she first bent her other long leg, all the way from the bottom of the door. Turning to the top of the door, he stretched out to his heart's content.

At a certain moment, Kim Taeyeon had one foot on the door and the other foot pointing straight to the sky. As for her whole body, her head was suspended in mid-air, and the ponytail at the back even touched the floor. Her movements So handsome!

Of course, if I have to put it simply, it’s just a matter of kicking the wall with the help of speed, and then doing a backflip. Anyone who studies Taekwondo or martial arts can do it, and even a few children who are more agile can do it. It doesn’t count. Extremely rare.

It’s just that Kim Taeyeon is doing it now, and even without any preparation, this is a bit of bragging rights. Maybe because she often goes on stage, this movement is particularly smooth, and she even didn’t forget it when she landed. Strike a pose.

Instead of standing there honestly, she knelt down on one knee, with her hands on her knees and her head hanging naturally. The braids on the back of her head were jumping, proving that Kim Taeyeon's actions just now were not an illusion. .

The girls standing aside were stunned for a moment, and then cheered wildly, as if they were a bunch of fans of Kim Taeyeon. As for the specific amount of admiration in everyone's heart, it is another matter, but everyone You know, if you don't show your attitude now, it will be easy for Kim Taeyeon to settle the score later.

Li Menglong just heard a "boom" in the bathroom. The picture in his imagination was naturally that of Kim Taeyeon being knocked down here. With Kim Taeyeon's tragic expression just now, maybe her brains would be scattered all over the floor outside. Bar.

Fortunately, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Kim Taeyeon's coquettish appearance. This didn't look like a pose that could be put on after a head-on collision: "Ah, are you crazy? You don't care about your own life even if you touch porcelain!" "

Li Menglong was really scared. Although it was unrealistic to hit him with his head, even hitting him with his arms was very dangerous. Celebrities’ bodies are their assets, and injuries and the like will directly affect their income. , of course Li Menglong is more distressed.

"Why don't you stand up? Just pretend for a while, your sisters are tired of shouting!" Li Menglong circled around Kim Taeyeon, and then he realized that something was wrong. Wasn't this an accident?

She didn’t dare to touch Kim Taeyeon. If she was blackmailed, she didn’t know how much it would cost to accompany her, so she just lay on the floor and slid under it. Only through the light on the side could she faintly see Kim Taeyeon’s eyes. The water droplets in my body are making me cry?

Of course I'm going to cry. Kim Taeyeon did mean to pose for a photo, but it's true that she couldn't stand up. Although it wasn't her head or arm that hit her, she stepped firmly on the door. Now There is no feeling in the soles of her feet. She is in pain!

It happened that I saw the initiator of this incident at this time, and all the old and new hatreds came together. Without any weapons at hand, he directly pouted his mouth and spat in Li Menglong's face like a small watering can, making this bastard laugh and return the favor. Are you laughing?

After hearing this voice, the other girls also relaxed a lot, knowing that spitting would at least be no big deal, so they all went over and took action. Naturally, Li Menglong kicked him a few times and didn't know where to go. It was best to fend for himself.

Everyone's focus was on Kim Taeyeon, who comforted her, wiped her tears, and even massaged her feet. All in all, Kim Taeyeon seemed to be a great hero, accepting the warm care of the beauties and bringing a few to spend the night with her. No problem!

It's just that Li Menglong felt a little sour when he saw it. What exactly did Kim Taeyeon do? It was nothing more than coming over and kicking the door. As for such care? It’s not like we saved the earth!

Li Menglong's resentment was destined to be ignored by no one. Even Xu Xian just gave him a look of care, and then joined the team to please Kim Taeyeon without hesitation. After all, she also wanted to survive in the team, and there were many It’s still time to speak in a gregarious manner.

Li Menglong, who was ignored, could only crawl into the bathroom silently, stepped on the toilet seat and pushed up the gusset plate, then fumbled around and finally found his own ration, then increased the amount of water, turned on the ventilation fan, and lit the aromatherapy , the whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, it seems that there are still many people doing this.

As for the effect, at least it has not been discovered by the girls. To be honest, Li Menglong would not want to quit smoking if possible, but he cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of the girls, and each of them has many terrifying methods.

They cried bitterly, persuaded step by step, and coerced and lured them. In short, they would not give up until Li Menglong got rid of his habit. However, the ultimate goal was for Li Menglong's good health, so that he could not even say a word of rejection, so he could only be so sneaky. Come and relax once in a while.

"Why are you so slow in taking a shower? Come out and apologize to me!" Kim Taeyeon shouted at the door. That door was her enemy. This time she learned her lesson and knocked on it with a rolling pin.

Li Menglong skillfully threw the cigarette butt into the toilet, carefully wiped the surrounding cigarette butts clean, and then pressed the flush button with satisfaction: "Who stipulates that you must take a shower first when you go to the bathroom, can't you clean your stomach first? "

"You clean your stomach and keep the faucet on? The water bill is free!"

"It's a personal habit. I can't pull it out without turning it on. Do you have any objections?"

This is the advantage of being a hooligan. It is impossible for Kim Taeyeon to discuss this topic with him seriously. It is too disgusting, so she can only let him go temporarily, but she did not think carefully. It seems that Li Menglong You didn't do anything in the whole thing. Isn't this an unnecessary disaster?

But first of all, Kim Taeyeon didn't think so, and secondly, Li Menglong was used to it. Anyway, he had been blamed for so many inexplicable things, so it didn't matter if he had one more person. He washed up happily, and at least he was able to wash away some of his fatigue.

This day was quite fulfilling, and the most important thing is that I was very happy. I have to say that it makes sense for Li Menglong to be willing to stay with the girls. Not to mention his good looks, the most important thing is that it is fun to be with them.

It is really a blessing to have this kind of time and means to relax after work. At least this is how Li Menglong comforted himself. After all, time has been wasted, so he can't blame himself. At least give himself some hope.

Just when he was about to take a rest, another uninvited guest broke into his room. Of course, Li Menglong was still welcome, and he didn't even need to care about her arrival. The two just looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then Everyone is busy with their own things.

Because Xu Xian had a heavy workload, he occupied Li Menglong's desk, which was filled with various materials. After all, Xu Xian was a person who studied while working. The process itself was destined to be busy and painful. The same was true for Li Menglong. Come here, there is nothing we can do!

As for Li Menglong himself, he leaned on the bed, took out a small table that could be propped on the bed from the gap on the side, then spread out the computer and started to check the work emails. Although he had a day off, but the company's Everyone still goes to work as usual.

It's just that without his presence, it's just a break for everyone. After all, no one wants to stop working, they just simply don't want to work overtime. In other words, working overtime is so crazy, and being able to get off work on time is enough to make them relax. There are many places where you can even go to meet up with your brothers, spend time with your girlfriends, etc. in the evening.

Of course, at this time, smart people will turn off their mobile phones, or at least log off the company email address from their mobile phones. As for the reason for doing this, many people who did not log off will soon find out. At this time, when you are having fun, you will not feel happy if you receive a work email from the boss of the company.

Li Menglong seemed to have foreseen that many people would have sleepless nights, but looking at the back of Xu Xian working in front of him, he felt that he had to stay up late again. In this case, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun together...

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