(First of all, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, go to have lunch first, and then come back to code, don't worry.)

Li Shungui is still very interested in the game of lol, but because of time constraints and well-known teammates, her rank has been stuck in platinum and she can't get up, so she can't say what level she is.

After Li Menglong and Li Haiying communicated about this issue, they specially borrowed the account of an extraordinary master for Li Shungui today, and it is not far from the victory point of the king.

The other four players who were carefully selected to accompany them are naturally at the level of masters. Although the support is a little flustered, he is only because the ADC is Lee Soon Kyu. In fact, he is the highest rank among these people. He is a king. .

A king who relies on support, although he has always been suspected of hugging his thigh, his strength cannot be doubted. Because there is only one server for lol in South Korea, there are many people from all over the world plus various foreign agents.

The five people drove and entered the game within minutes. The opposite side of the queue was obviously not a convoy. Although the level was good, they were directly cleared by Li Shungui's side. Just after 20 minutes, the other side decisively surrendered.

There are five rows of computers side by side in the private room, and another group of computers is idle on the opposite side, but it is not idle at this time. Li Menglong is staring at the rooms of some other game anchors. The anchors have gone online for various reasons.

Some small female anchors naturally dare not speak up, but some so-called big anchors, encouraged by fans, began to form a team to attack Li Shungui. Although the reason was high-sounding, everyone could see the dark side.

But Lee Soon Kyu did not win by relying on flamboyance and cuteness. Lee Soon Kyu has her belief in games, which is accumulated from the red and white machine era, all the way to arcade machines, PS series, handhelds and even the current mobile games. She, Lee Soon Kyu, grew up with games.

Most of the girls don't have any obvious shortcomings, but their advantages are still quite prominent. Such as Kim Taeyeon's singing, Xiaoxian's piano and studies, Hyoyeon's dancing! Yoona's acting skills may have to be discussed a little bit.

In short, she, Lee Soon Kyu, also has her own talent, that is games! It's just that I haven't had a chance to show it to her, as if the energy accumulated for 20 years exploded once, Lee Soon Kyu is now really a god who blocks and kills gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Because the female anchor only plays other positions in the low-end rounds, and the high-end rounds usually use support to play soy sauce, so she can always go online with Lee Soon-kyu.

As a result, the host on the opposite side was in a miserable situation. He died by inserting eyes, exploring the grass, killing a wild monster, and even died after passing the first tower after coming out of the high ground at home. Only then did Li Shungui return to the equipment with satisfaction.

Later, Li Menglong simply refused to let her play in rankings. He could see something new every day. Li Menglong asked her to open a custom room to accept challenges from other anchors.

Of course, there is a gamble, a game of 50w, the loser will be distributed to the audience in the opposite room in the form of skins, the number of Lee Soon Kyu's here continues to surge, after all, you can see stars and get rewards. Why not do it.

After killing for nearly three hours in a row, it was past three o'clock, and Lee Soon Kyu was a little tired, so he took the initiative to say that the next game would be the last game, and the audience in the live broadcast room all quit, mainly because they wanted to see Lee Soon Kyu lose a game.

Li Shungui still accepted the voice of the audience, so he called Li Menglong over, and took him to double row, the master game!

The melon-eating audience and a bunch of other people's water friends were complaining, because seeing Li Shungui's posture, if he dared to double row, it means that Li Menglong is likely to be the king. What's the point of fighting like this.

Li Shungui smiled and didn't explain. After a while, Li Menglong's operation blinded their dog's eyes.

Li Menglong himself doesn't have the self-consciousness of a bronze leftover fighter. He came up and sat beside her and moved his fingers attentively: "After a while, I will give you a signal and you will follow. Don't be silly, and you will blame me when you die in the end!"

A group of viewers have just learned about Lee Soon Kyu's level, a proper king's goalkeeper, but Li Menglong's tone is so aggressive, this is a master!

Li Shungui still didn't speak, and soon entered the selection mode, but just saw the names of his teammates, a group of people exploded again, because there was a familiar name on our side, which was faker, the top lol player in Korea, One of the best players in this game.

"Hi, I'm faker. This is my trumpet. Can you grab a hero for me on the first or second floor? Guaranteed to carry!" The other party typed very politely, because everyone knows that in this game There will be no good results for the lizards.

Li Menglong had already put all his heart into the game, and when he saw that person, he felt a little low-key domineering, so he also imitated: "Hello, I am the strongest support, and I want to grab the hero too, sorry! "

If the bullet screen was still boiling water just now, it is now an oil pan, and it is the kind that requires a fire extinguisher. Although most people are complaining about Li Menglong, but there are also many people saying: at first glance, this is the appearance of a master, wait and see him assist Chaoshen in a while!

Naturally, Lee Soon Kyu wasn't so shameless. On the first floor, she readily helped Faker choose a Mid-Autumn Festival, and because the other party wanted to help her choose on the fifth floor, she was not in a hurry and chatted with Faker.

"What's your favorite girl group?"

"Girls' Generation! I've always wanted to go to their concert, but the time is a bit wrong!"

"Then if you win this game, how about I give you their concert tickets?"

"Thank you for your kindness, I will give you a few skins after downloading this game later!"

Obviously faker is mostly perfunctory, and he is not willing to chat anymore, especially when he sees the weird hero who is supported on the second floor. With his professional player quality, he has never seen Galen as a support in a high-end game.

"Is Garen's support very good?" Another teammate asked everyone's question.

Before Li Menglong could say the answer, Li Shungui left the hero she was going to use for a while, and then went to the bathroom. Sure enough, when he came back, the screen was swiped and the portrait could no longer be seen.

"Does the protagonist have to be fierce?" "It seems to make sense!" "It makes sense, your sister, just make up a story!"

In short, Li Menglong's straightforward statement of "playing games naturally requires the protagonist" triggered a round of war of words, but it feels a little reasonable, and everyone is ready to watch Li Menglong's wonderful performance.

Going out at the first level, Li Menglong squatted directly in the grass on the lower road, his fingers resting on the q, and he did not dare to relax at all. Fortunately, there was no first-level group.

At this time, the jungler quit: "I said that the support will come and help me play blue!"

"Go help in the middle lane! Didn't you see that we are going to kill people in the bottom lane?" Li Menglong's straightforward words made Faker speechless for the first time to help the jungler. Anyway, with his skills, it is acceptable to lose a few minions.

Li Shungui made up his mind that he would not say a word in this round, and let Li Menglong do the embarrassing things, as long as she was making soy sauce by the side.

Fortunately, after Li Shungui's previous influence, he still understands many basic rules, such as support cannot be replenished, such as support must be sold, such as tower jumping can be done less or less.

In this game, Lee Soon Kyu uncharacteristically chose a crab. This adc who claims to be in the tank can't do anything else, anyway, he just doesn't die easily.

So when Li Menglong started to signal wildly at the second level, Li Shungui carefully moved to the side. Li Menglong, who was hiding in the grass, first pressed the q skill, and then did not run out. He just flashed and added a certain distance of the skill itself, It's like teleporting.

The unsuspecting adc just got hit like this, the key is that he didn't expect someone to be so stupid! Galen only has so many tricks. After the q skill is silent and then an e skill is connected, his task is completed.

After Lee Soon Kyu's e skill hit, three long-distance Q skill missiles took away the ADC in the tower. When the first blood prompt appeared, Faker unconsciously jumped to the bottom lane to take a look.

At this time, a group of second-year patients who were madly calling Demacia mighty broke out on the screen. It was said that Dema, who hadn't seen him in the high-end game for many years, suddenly didn't want it in time.

Next, Li Menglong's performance was not over yet, because the bottom road started to be wretched, and he felt very bored after squatting in the grass for a while, so he began to return to his own jungle area, forcibly grabbing the jungle experience.

The jungler saw Li Menglong's operation just now, and thought that this man was a great master, and he was not willing to play support, so he acquiesced in his behavior, and he was anxious to spray after a bad fight.

Together with the jungler, they invaded the opponent's red buff. Just after two blows, Li Menglong left the jungler and ran away alone. He first opened q and then sprinted. Galen quickly passed through the space next to f4 At the intersection, when Faker's q was about to hit the opponent's mid laner, a big golden sword, with its own Demacia sound effect, slashed and killed the opponent's mid laner magnificently.

"Take the head! Take my head!" Faker didn't know what to say anymore. It has become a habit for the opponent to target him in the game, but his own people still let him go, but today there was an assistant who came to grab his mid laner head.

While the effect of sprinting was still there, Li Menglong went back to grab a red, and then returned to the bottom lane majestically with a head and the red buff.

To say that Galen is a hero who hits the bottom lane, especially when he has an advantage, it is really hard to solve. Li Menglong opens a q and goes up to chop, and then releases the we continuously. It is to exchange blood with you, turn around and squat in the grass for half a minute. They all came back.

And there is also Li Shungui, a wretched crab, who develops wretchedly as soon as he hits two. When Li Menglong comes back, he throws all kinds of skills around. The disgusting opponent doesn't want it.

The early stage was better, but Lee Soon Kyu knew the true level of Lee Mong Ryong, so just after pushing down the first tower, he started to win the team.

Not to mention the opponent, even the well-informed faker has never seen such a weird rhythm, and with Li Menglong's full-body equipment, everyone just followed him without thinking.

Naturally, he never returns every time, but relying on the strength of his teammates, he changes a few every time, so the image of a stalwart who sacrifices personal data for the team is gradually established.

In the end, before the opponent's crystal was pushed, Li Menglong was still dancing in front of the spring. He really hadn't won for a long time, and the water in the bronze place was too deep.

"It's a pleasure to play games with everyone. My room live broadcast number is 12264894. You can check it out when you have time. I'm Girls' Generation sunny. Thank you again!"

When faker opened the live broadcast room that felt like a liar, he found Sunny who was showing the skin she just got to the camera, and that skin was given by him! As a result, Gao Leng's face gradually turned red, and he hurriedly turned his head and rushed to the skin of a god of love and sent it over.

Li Shungui's game live broadcast came to an end. She thought she could finish greetings now, but who knew that Li Menglong stuffed her into the car again. Li Shungui could only rub his hungry stomach and continue chatting with everyone.

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