The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1723 I want to get off work

As long as it wasn't filled with super glue, Li Menglong would probably still dare to drink it. It didn't matter whether it was colder or hotter. Anyway, it was Jessica's concern for him. He had to laugh at it and pretend to turn a blind eye.

In fact, Li Menglong didn't mean it. He was really busy and couldn't care about anything. It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that Jessica finally couldn't stand it anymore. It wasn't because she had any grievances, but because she wanted to do it for everyone. Speak up.

I don't know if this has always been the case, but based on Li Menglong's temper, it is probably more likely because of what happened yesterday, so everyone present was a little nervous. Even Jessica could feel this tension.

If it just turned into working harder, Jessica wouldn't be in charge of everything. After all, who has what responsibility? As a temporary secretary, what do you expect her to do? Let Li Menglong come over and dance to liven up the atmosphere?

It's just that the current situation is a situation that her conscience will not be able to get through if she doesn't speak. After all, she has worked with this group of people until now and constantly communicates with various departments on behalf of Li Menglong. It can be said that she knows the working status of this group of people very well. There is really no one. Lazy.

Under the leadership or pressure of Li Menglong, everyone put in 120% of their energy. The result was that everyone was already hungry after 11 o'clock, but now they have managed to survive until 2 o'clock.

Jessica was a little better, at least she went downstairs to eat some fried chicken, but most of the people up there didn't even have time to eat fried chicken. Isn't this just being squeezed? Although there was a reason, it really wasn't It should be like this.

"Just tell me if you have something to say!" Li Menglong said without raising his head. He didn't have the slightest pity for Jessica who was tugging on his sleeves. To be precise, he didn't care at all who was tugging him.

Although she knew Li Menglong's current state, this kind of neglectful attitude made Jessica very unhappy. Besides, she came here to look for trouble, so she was even more rude now: "Has no one ever taught you to be polite? Don't talk to others." Should you look into the other person's eyes? Is this how Xu Xian taught you?"

The series of rhetorical questions were very urgent, and the tone was quite indignant. The key was that he also pulled Xu Xian over. This made Li Menglong have to look up and see who was so bold to drag Xu Xian into the water. This was not a deliberate smear. She is a goddess.

But after seeing Jessica's angry face, Li Menglong couldn't help but lean back and try to distance himself from her. His memory still stayed in the morning when Jessica came to trouble him: "Why are you still here? ?Isn’t it true that once the deal is agreed upon, it’s over?”

Looking at Li Menglong's expression and listening to his heartless words, Jessica was really angry. After all, she had been feeding dogs after working for so long, right? It's not that Li Menglong refused to admit it, but I don’t care at all, this is so hurtful!

Fortunately, she knew that he didn't mean it, and she remembered that she was responsible for everyone's hopes, so Jessica suppressed her anger: "It's already past two o'clock, I'm hungry! I want to eat!"

Li Menglong really didn't react: "Are you hungry? Then go and eat, and come to me for money? I'll lend you some, how much do you want?"

Li Menglong is really planning to bleed a lot. He would rather borrow money than send Jessica away. This is like sending off the God of Plague. Don't you know how much work Jessica has done for him this morning? Just want to send her away by borrowing some money?

After a whole round of coaxing and lying, as well as pushing and slapping, it was all within reason. She tried her best to trick Li Menglong out. Jessica herself felt exhausted. In the end, she almost lay on the ground and let loose.

After pushing Li Menglong out, she didn't forget to turn around and signal to everyone that it was only right to go out to eat and rest as soon as possible in this world. With Li Menglong in this state, she might not be able to delay it for a long time. Everyone must cherish it.

With everyone's admiring eyes, Jessica and Li Menglong walked on the path next to the company. Due to the time, there were very few pedestrians here, so even if Jessica showed her bare face, few people came up to them.

"What kind of masks will you wear when you go out in the future? If you don't make up, no one will recognize you!" Li Menglong felt a little unhappy because he was forcibly pulled out, and he continued to complain all the way.

Fortunately, Jung Soo-yeon is still quite generous. Quan should have taken the child out to play. Besides, she also noticed the intensity of Li Menglong's work this morning, so she just let him vent appropriately. Thinking about it this way, she still feels like Very kind.

"I said, what on earth do you want to eat? Don't waste time. If you want to pick me up, just give up!"

Even though she knew that Li Menglong did it on purpose, Jessica still couldn't control herself. After all, Li Menglong was too familiar with them, and his complaints were the kind that poked at their hearts: "Aren't you curious about what I have been doing this morning? ?”

It finally became quiet after that. Li Menglong was just too focused on his work. Now with Jessica's reminder, he could easily recall every detail of the morning. This family has worked so hard. The key is that they don't get paid. Let him, Li Menglong, accompany you for a while and still be verbose? How many people ask for this opportunity but still can't get it!

Li Menglong's thinking changes so quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with nine girls. He always has to find some positive thoughts for himself: "Aren't you envious? Yes, this is Girls' Generation's Jessica. I have to pull her." I'm helpless when I come out to block the road! Don't take pictures, don't..."

Jessica wanted to say, "Can you take down the scissor hands?" Her words and deeds were inconsistent, but the key point was that it was ugly and made even Jessica on the side feel ashamed. How dare such a person take a photo with passers-by? The key is whether there is any ambiguity in this statement!

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, Li Menglong still achieved his initial goal. Jessica, who originally wanted to drag Li Menglong to go shopping for a while, had to find a restaurant in advance due to shame. After entering, she found that it was a pretty good restaurant. Western restaurant.

Li Menglong never minded what he ate, and usually let the girls order the dishes. After all, people who spend money and treat guests must have some privileges, but today Li Menglong took over more and more, turning over and over the dishes in the Western restaurant. So many words, secondly, it is his own selfishness.

You must know that most girls come to Western restaurants to eat grass. It would be good to add some chicken breasts to various salads. This is undoubtedly the most satisfying type of diet meal for them, but Li Menglong has other plans.

The cooperation this morning was quite tacit. Looking back now, it seems that Jessica really helped a lot. In this case, don't rush to leave in the afternoon. After all, there is a beginning and an end. Let's deal with this afternoon.

In this case, you can't eat grass. This is not considered physical work, but at least eating well will help you work, so don't be polite with steaks, pasta, baked seafood, etc. In short, just eat meat and staple food. .

Logically speaking, Jessica still had to refuse. Besides, she could see Li Menglong's thoughts. To be honest, he was a bit unnecessary. Jessica didn't want to leave in the afternoon, so just accept it now. After all, she is really fond of meat. It’s not exclusive at all!

"You actually ordered? This is a treat, so I'd like to thank you first!" I cut off a large piece of steak and put it in my mouth. The taste is really indescribable. In short, it's quite satisfying, and it's also delicious. It’s great to make fun of Li Menglong!

The purpose of the joke was just to see Li Menglong's embarrassment. Otherwise, would Jessica Jessica really be short of the money for this steak? So when Li Menglong agreed as if it was natural, it was Jessica's turn to be surprised. Did this guy win the lottery?

First of all, Li Menglong does not buy lottery tickets. Secondly, he does not think that he is lucky enough to win the lottery. He agreed to the treat entirely out of his own heart. He admits that Zheng Xiuyan’s work is quite valuable. In the absence of salary, Li Menglong always has to look aside. Give proof!

Treating him is Li Menglong's affirmation of Jessica's work, especially when it is such an expensive meal, it already represents his sincerity. I believe Jessica can understand it, but Jessica is now more curious about where Li Menglong's money comes from.

You know, Li Menglong's salary card was just cleared yesterday. Is it possible that he can continue to borrow money? With some curiosity in her heart, Jessica ate the feast with peace of mind. These were the rewards she deserved for her work, and Li Menglong was the one taking advantage.

Finally it was time to check out. Jessica's eyes widened and she didn't want to miss a single second. But the answer was more boring than she imagined. Li Menglong actually took out a bunch of cash, and it wasn't all 50,000 yuan in bills. There were lots of small denomination notes mixed in, and even coins!

To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing to check out like this. Fortunately, the waiter opposite didn't have any extra expressions. After all, the people who opened the store in this area are familiar with SW Company. Not to mention Jessica, even Li Menglong recognized it!

Since you have recognized it, you will naturally have no additional thoughts. Many embarrassing things have completely opposite understandings due to different identities. When a poor person picks up coins on the road, it is called seeing money, but when a rich person does this, it is called frugality!

Will Li Menglong's card be unable to pay for this meal? Even some fans would not think so. After all, his identity is there, so it is completely his habit to pay with cash, especially small denomination banknotes. Maybe this is how he saves money. Sure enough, Need to learn!

If Jessica knew what the person opposite was thinking, she might faint from laughter. Things in the world have become so complicated because they have been "reasonably" understood by countless people. They can't be simpler and more sincere, such as Li Menglong's Cary just doesn’t have the money!

I came back from a walk with Li Menglong. In order to let Li Menglong spend more, Jessica ate a little bit more: "It's not easy to save that money, isn't it? It feels like it's all our hard-earned money!"

"That's too narrow-minded. Is there a name on the money?" Li Menglong defended himself, but it looked like a different kind of admission. In fact, Li Menglong had indeed saved the cash. Of course, it was not all intentional.

You must know that he often has to help girls buy things, and many places do not support credit cards, so cash is needed at this time. Girls cannot give money accurately, so they often give money in round numbers, and it is Li Menglong who And never change!

It would be fine if the rest were all in small denominations, but Jessica clearly saw that there were fifty thousand yuan in the money. How on earth could Li Menglong spend fifty thousand yuan? Even Jessica found it strange. I doubt that the things I bought for them are all defective, right?

It was just that they were destined to have no chance to confront Li Menglong. After the two returned to the company, they immediately threw themselves into a new round of work. Jessica didn't even have time to say hello to the people around her or ask what she had for lunch.

After getting busy, the time passed unknowingly. When Jessica raised her head again, she found that it was completely dark, and the clock had reached past nine o'clock. She looked around the brightly lit office, which seemed to have nothing to do with noon. The difference is except turning on the lights!

She is even a little lucky that she had steak for lunch, and she can resist hunger at least. But now it is not a question of whether she is hungry or not. Is it possible that Jessica, Jessica, has to work overtime here all night? I always feel like there is something missing in this day!

Soon she realized what was missing. Throughout the whole day, there was not a single call from any of the girls on her mobile phone. She could still talk about it during the day, but it was already past nine o'clock. She, Jessica Jung, didn't go home at night. Don't you even say you care?

Passively waiting is not Jessica's style after all, so she called her directly: "Don't you think you should say something to me?"

"What are you talking about? Secretary Zheng, is it hard?" Kim Taeyeon on the other end joked: "We all know that you went to flatter the boss today. Don't worry, we will never be jealous and will support you later. Come on. Oh, I’m going to watch a TV show!”

The phone was hung up after saying this. It really made Jessica hold back her anger. Even if she slandered her, when did a TV series become more important than talking to her on the phone? She didn't continue to call Kim Taeyeon. Based on her understanding, the other party might have just turned off her phone.

"Unnie? Why did you remember to call me?" Yoona asked full of "surprise": "Are you not coming back tonight? Don't worry, I will guard our bedroom well. I won't Even if I go to sleep on your bed, I won’t secretly use your cosmetics, and I won’t wear your silk pajamas either!”

Jessica couldn't wait to reach out from the phone and grab Yoona's collar. Is this a promise to her? This was clearly a threat to her, and after he finished speaking, he didn't give her a chance to reply and still hung up the phone. It seemed that these people had discussed it.

In this case, it is useless to call anyone else. Only Xu Xian can still be trusted, but after the connection, the voice sounded a little familiar: "Unnie, are you looking for the maknae? She is doing something on the second floor and needs me. Can you take the phone over?"

"No need!" Zheng Xiuyan squeezed out these two words through her teeth. She knew her sisters too well, so she didn't want to humiliate herself. It would be better for her to take revenge in person: "Li Menglong, I want to get off work!"

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