The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1717 Looting the small treasury

It makes perfect sense. After all, restaurants are also in the service industry. Let’s not talk about the status of the girls as celebrities. As customers, they are gods. Therefore, it is completely reasonable to put forward some reasonable requirements, such as increasing the price. The boss uses Korean beef to make sweet and sour pork. Is there any problem?

The problem is really big. The price of Korean beef is simply too expensive. With the current income of girls, they don’t even dare to eat it every day. But now they come here and treat Li Menglong as a scapegoat, right? Is this a Korean beef buffet restaurant?

Considering that the girls had worried and worked hard for him in the past two days, even though his heart was bleeding, Li Menglong still endured it. Even the girls were surprised by this, and they were all ready for Li Menglong to turn over the table immediately. .

But since he didn't say anything, the girls naturally wouldn't come over to stimulate him. Everyone lowered their heads and muttered about making a fortune. And I have to say that the taste was really nothing to say. Sure enough, only low-quality ingredients are needed. The complex preparation method and top-quality ingredients are delicious even if they are just boiled.

Not to mention the current method of making sweet and sour pork. The Korean beef is wrapped in a thin layer of starch and deep-fried in a pan until it is cooked until half done. Then it is rolled in a sweet and sour amber-like soup. It tastes sour and sweet. The texture is crispy and tender. The girls were shocked. Their mischievous idea unexpectedly gave them a big surprise. They ate it quickly!

No one, including Li Menglong, spoke anymore. All that could be heard was a clicking sound, which sounded very pleasant. As for Li Menglong, he couldn't care less about being sad. The best thing to do is to eat a few more pieces quickly, otherwise it would be over. Someone would come to snatch it, and he didn't dare to underestimate the girls' fighting power.

Relying on his big mouth, Li Menglong threw the last few pieces into his mouth in one breath, and then chewed hard while looking at the girls around him to see who had more left. He could strike first. Well.

Considering that this huge expense has to be counted on his head, Li Menglong was extremely aggressive today. He almost threw the chopsticks out of the flower. Except for Xu Xian, almost all the girls suffered. At least this was also the case. I took away several pieces.

But the more Li Menglong grabbed it, the more frightened he became. The main reason was that none of the girls resisted. Instead, they looked at him with a playful look, as if they were watching their own puppies playing tricks. People and pets Do dogs have common sense?

Although he had already guessed that there would be a reversal, he really didn't expect it to happen so quickly and so heavily. The boss smiled and came over to help the girls remove all the dishes. After all, these were his big customers. , you need service with a smile.

After a simple wipe, the same dish was served from the back. To be precise, it looked more delicious than the last one. After all, the girls didn't know whether it would be delicious at first, but now it's It doesn't matter, I can still eat two more portions.

The scene was just like it happened ten minutes ago. Apart from a bloated belly and more grease stains on the corners of the mouth, was there any difference? Of course, Li Menglong's mood was completely different. At least this time, he couldn't bear it anymore. How much would it cost?

"Are you sure you want to play so big? Listen to my advice and quickly order some noodles to fill your stomach. This is good for you and good for me!" Li Menglong said as calmly as possible. He was afraid that he couldn't help it. Just do it.

The girls don't have to look at each other this time. After all, there is nothing to communicate. After helping Li Menglong so much, what's wrong with eating him? Is this distressing? Then it was too early for him to feel distressed. Since he was unkind in the first place, then don't blame them for their unrighteousness in their teenage years. Retribution is so refreshing!

Xu Xian gave Li Menglong a reassuring look, and then quietly started eating too. It tasted so good that when he went home at night, he secretly gave his portion to Li Menglong. Thinking of this, Xu Xian I feel more comfortable.

It's just that Li Menglong didn't know what she was thinking. One look wasn't enough to reach this level of tacit understanding, so in his opinion, Xu Xian, the kid, also betrayed him. Xu Xian made a very wise choice in front of Han Niu.

Reason told him that he should be happy for Xu Xian, which meant that the child had grown up and decisively chose Hanyu in the face of unwarranted friendship. This was the judgment that a normal person should make; but emotionally he still couldn't accept it, Xu Xian How can this be done? Do you agree to be friends and stay together for the rest of your life?

Li Menglong's resentful eyes finally reached their peak during the fourth lie. To be honest, if he didn't have such a big credit, the girls would hardly dare to eat. The money may not be much, but for Li Menglong, it is not. It's definitely seriously exceeded.

In fact, young girls have long been accustomed to Li Menglong being stingy, and they also know that this is a habit that Li Menglong developed when he lived alone in the past, and secondly, it is because he really has no money, which seems like a joke to outsiders. But girls know this is the truth!

He didn't keep the money in the company's account, and the pocket money the girls occasionally gave him was resold and bought as gifts for them. It can be said that the cash at Li Menglong's disposal was the salary paid to him by Li Shunkyu, which was not enough to attract customers. Understandable.

But the girls also firmly believed that Li Menglong had a small treasury. Although there was no evidence, this was a woman's intuition. However, the girls were too lazy to dig out the treasury. After all, it was not easy for Li Menglong to save some money.

It's just that today his treasury seems to be going bankrupt. The girls rubbed their bellies one by one and made contented sounds. They also looked at Li Menglong with teasing eyes. Although his expression was a bit ferocious, why did it make people look at it for a long time? Want to laugh?

Needless to say, the smiles of girls are so sweet. I don’t know how many men and women are fascinated by their smiles every day, not to mention the smiles that bloom from the inside out after eating and drinking. It is simply beautiful. !

But in Li Menglong's eyes, these are completely a group of devils. The stain on the corner of his mouth is not oil stains, but his Li Menglong's blood! What they have in their stomachs is not Korean beef, but the meat of Li Menglong! Do these women have to do this?

"Look what we are doing? I also know that we are very beautiful, but I hope you can restrain yourself a little, hiccup..." Kim Taeyeon said while hiccupping: "But since everyone is so familiar with each other, we will watch TV when we get home. You can look at us whenever you want, we won’t be shy!”

Kim Taeyeon is not talking nonsense about this. After all, we have lived together for so many years and can completely ignore Li Menglong's eyes, especially when she is looking at the handsome guy on TV. Who has time to care about Li Menglong's eyes.

Li Menglong is really angry now and doesn't know what to say. Why do you still think they are beautiful? Even if these people were wearing bikinis now, Li Menglong's first reaction was to go up and beat them up until they were crying and howling.

"Are you not going to pay the bill? Then just wait a little longer. I can still have one in an hour!" Yoona said confidently while touching her belly. She even felt that she was very kind. , and you also know how to think about Li Menglong, why is she so perfect?

The perfect Yoona didn't say anything else. This sentence reminded Li Menglong that if he didn't settle the bill, maybe what these people could do, but it also took courage to settle the bill. Li Menglong didn't dare to look at the bill at all. Anyway, the other party Don't dare to rip off customers, otherwise the store won't need to be opened once the girls expose it.

So Li Menglong just handed over his salary card tremblingly. The little money he had saved in it seemed to be completely spent. He hoped there would be some left, even if it was tens of thousands of dollars, it would be good.

But Li Menglong's last-minute prayer obviously didn't work. Which god accepted his prayer was a fool's errand, so the boss walked over directly holding the card machine: "The balance in this card is insufficient. Is there any remaining balance?" Should I pay in cash or in installments?”

Li Menglong took out his wallet again and gave all the cash he had to the boss. He really didn't like the feeling of owing money. He would have a burden, but obviously 8,700 yuan was not enough to offset the remaining balance.

When the girls saw this scene, they all turned their heads tacitly. They were mainly afraid that they would laugh. After all, only they could feel the laughter in this scene, and they felt inexplicably comfortable. But in Li Menglong's eyes, That's not the case. These girls didn't dare to look at him clearly because they didn't want to lend him money!

This group of people are simply inhuman. Li Menglong paid for more than half of the meal and emptied his family's fortune. How can these people still look at him like this? He had given up completely: "Give me installments. What is the longest I can divide them into? Can ten years be enough?"

The boss also noticed that the atmosphere here was not right, so he did not dare to answer Li Menglong's words. He just gave him a one-year installment plan. In fact, in his opinion, this is more like the life interest of girls and Li Menglong. Otherwise, none of the girls would be able to afford such money?

If Li Menglong knew the other party's thoughts, he would probably jump up immediately. Is this the life interest of a hammer? If possible, he wished the girls had paid the money in the first place, then he would be happy!

It’s just that Xu Xian didn’t even get up after waiting for so long. Who else can Li Menglong count on? He could only accept this account by himself. Who asked the girls to help him with a favor worth "one billion"? It didn't hurt at all to treat them to a meal of meat. Korean beef and other things were not a problem!

Li Menglong kept numbing himself, but whenever he felt he was about to succeed, a deep pain would always well up in his heart, forcing him to face up to the fact that he really suffered a big loss today!

The girls also subconsciously whispered in the car. In fact, they really felt that they had done nothing wrong. According to common sense, they should eat a meal after helping such a lot of people, but they didn't think of taking advantage of it. It’s for Li Menglong’s salary card!

After all, the girls are looking at the money in Li Menglong's company account, and they also know Li Menglong's temper. It can be said that Li Menglong will only feel distressed for three minutes at most after spending the money. After all, seriously speaking, it cannot be regarded as his money. , that’s Lee Soon Kyu’s!

But this salary card is different. Every penny was saved by Li Menglong's frugality. Of course, this wording is still worthy of discussion. After all, although Li Menglong saves money, he is quite luxurious in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. , after all, he had been following the girls all year round to eat and drink, so it was only right that he did not suffer any injustice.

But no matter what, the nature of the money in the salary card is completely different, so everyone can understand Li Menglong's low pressure now, so the offense and defense instantly switched, and the girls had to appease Li Menglong's mood.

But the girls didn't think the matter was serious at first, and they also had credit to back it up, so they didn't think about asking Li Menglong to apologize. Returning the money to Li Menglong was even more of a dream. At most, they could help him pay the installments for that year. It's still possible.

But that was only after I returned home. As for now, the weather seems to be very good. I have a rare free afternoon. Seeing that the next two or three months will be busy again, we can have fun together now. Just for a moment.

"Li Menglong, we don't want to go home. The weather is so good. Why don't we find a place to play all afternoon?" Li Shunkyu shouted loudly from behind. She wouldn't take into account Li Menglong's little interests. She had the mood to endure it. I heard that Are employees and boss angry?

Li Menglong was obviously unwilling to talk to this group of people. Not only did he not speak, he did not even change the direction of driving. It was clear that I was not going to serve you today. After bringing them back home, his work was completed, and then the girls Go wherever you like!

Naturally, the girls understood his thoughts, but this was not allowed. If the nine of them went out, it would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Let alone playing, safety could not be guaranteed. What if something unexpected happened? I was dumbfounded.

Therefore, we must bring Li Menglong along. Let’s not worry about safety. Once the company is blamed, at least one person will take the blame. In order to be able to go out and play, the girls’ bottom line is constantly lowered.

From the very beginning, they have offered to make up for 30% of Li Menglong's meal expenses. In their opinion, this is very sincere, but in Li Menglong's opinion, it is no different from nonsense.

Let’s not talk about how rich they are. The key is that all nine of them paid for the meal together. How do they need to worry about it evenly? Facing these stingy people, Li Menglong really wanted to walk away.

It's just that inspiration came suddenly and inadvertently, and it was extremely deceptive. Even so, Li Menglong was not in a hurry to speak, and had to be more reserved. When Xu Xian also spoke, Li Menglong said reluctantly: "I I’m trying to save face for Xiaoxian. I’m too lazy to accompany you outdoors. Have you ever heard of escape rooms? If you want to go, I’ll take you there. If not, I’ll go home!”

Do you still need to choose? As long as you don't go home, you can go anywhere, not to mention such an exciting activity as escape from the escape room. You know, they are all self-proclaimed Conan characters. Everyone is already thinking about what to eat after the escape from the escape room. Will that time be available? Will you finish your meal a little early?

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