The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1712 Borrowing money

Xu Xian really didn't expect that Li Menglong was so lazy. When she got up the next day, the light in Li Menglong's room was still on. Did she turn it on after going to the bathroom? But Xu Xian prefers to leave it on since she left last night.

It’s not good to continue to worry about such trivial matters. After all, there are big things to do today. It’s rare for the girls to wake up one by one without an alarm clock, and they wake up earlier than Li Menglong. This scene is really It was unprecedented. At least Li Menglong was very confused after waking up. Has the sun risen in the west?

The girls felt very uncomfortable after seeing Li Menglong's expression. They took this matter so seriously, but Li Menglong could still sleep peacefully? But then he realized that Li Menglong didn't know anything. He must have thought this was an ordinary morning.

In this case, it is not easy to get to know him, and I even have to make up a reasonable reason: "Why did you get up so early? Guess!"

Kim Taeyeon wanted to lie, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't say it, because there was no excuse. Girls would wake up later than Li Menglong even if the world ended. At least she believed this, so she took Why lie to Li Menglong?

The other girls also had a headache after seeing this. They couldn't even tell a lie, which made everyone very frustrated for a while. Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't seem to be in good condition today, and he was fooled by the girls' rhetorical questions. past.

"Do you want to make me a love breakfast? I am very touched. I will enjoy your kindness!" Li Menglong showed a happy expression as he spoke: "Then I will sleep for another thirty minutes. Don't worry too much." It’s complicated, just do what I usually do!”

The girls really gritted their teeth and exited Li Menglong's room. Xu Xian also thoughtfully helped to turn off the lights: "I really can't bear it anymore! Why are we groveling here? He is obviously the one who should kneel down. Thank you for what we do!”

Kim Taeyeon's words really hit the hearts of the girls. It is true that they are a little aggrieved now, but there are still calm people: "Be patient, I will get the script in a few hours, and let's do it again." Settle accounts with him!"

Hyoyeon's words are a mature and prudent opinion. The key is that if the showdown is now, if the surprise is gone, what will the grievances suffered since last night count? Even if it is for these girls, he will endure it: "But what does he usually do for us?"

Many daily things are easy to be ignored. Only by actually doing them will you understand the hard work involved. For example, many people will think that the meals cooked by their mother are just the same, but they will understand when they become independent. , being able to cook the same meal every day is already worthy of admiration.

The girls were a little overwhelmed now. Xu Xian was listing things to do for them. The girls felt incredible: "Are you sure we have salt-baked shrimp in our breakfast? Why have I never eaten it? Pass?"

"Well, we still have this, but we do it less often. People who come later will inevitably..." Li Shunkyu stuttered a little. He was really embarrassed. Who let these ladies eat all the shrimps? , not even a shop skin was left for the sisters.

Fortunately, now is not the time to dwell on these things. After a simple division of labor, everyone immediately took action. Those outside were going to buy some steamed buns and the like, while the few left at home wanted to copy the dish of salt-baked prawns. It's the simplest, at least in the eyes of girls.

"What's the point? Just pour in the salt and then put the shrimp in, and it'll be ready when it's cooked!" Kim Taeyeon said easily, but when it came to the operation, the problem arose. When heating the salt, you need to Don't put any oil in?

"It should be put, it must be put in all cooking!" Li Shungui, the dog-headed military advisor, had a bad idea on the side, and the other eldest sister, Jung Soo-yeon, actually nodded in agreement. It was very dangerous in the kitchen for a while.

Li Menglong was really woken up by the smoke. The smell of fried sea salt was really indescribable. In short, when Li Menglong opened the door, he almost didn't move back. In the end, he was afraid of an accident in the kitchen, so he left despite the smell. past.

The three eldest sisters, Kim Taeyeon, had their hands behind their backs, their legs shoulder-width apart, their chests and abdomen raised, their eyes looking forward, in a standard military posture. This was of course not their wish, but Li Menglong's punishment. After all, this kitchen is like releasing a biochemical weapon, exuding a delicious fragrance from the inside out!

"Stand still, watch carefully how to do this. You will cause trouble with such a simple thing. I said you are not doing it deliberately to avoid cooking, right?" Li Menglong said very suspiciously, it is really this salt-baked prawns It really can't be any more simple dishes. It's their ability to create such a big momentum.

"You can despise our cooking skills, but you can't slander our noble personality!"

"Nenei, if you stand up to such a standard, I'll find you a job. What's the name of that variety show? It's the one that sends women to military camps to serve as soldiers. It's perfect for you!"

"I'm warning you, it's not right to seek personal benefit from public service. If you dare to retaliate against us at work, we will fight with you!" Jessica had to speak. If she was asked to go to the military camp, let alone get up in the morning. It could kill her.

The girls who went shopping quickly came back. They were not surprised at all when they saw the three eldest ladies standing in the kitchen. After all, they didn't have many things to do to offend Li Menglong, so they didn't need to bother guessing. It's just that What's going on with this slightly disgusting smell?

The girls dare not say that they have any accomplishments in cooking, but they have a lot of experience in buying things, especially food, especially because they are willing to spend money. Although they all plan to be frugal for a while because of this matter, But it's okay to have a luxurious breakfast, and there aren't many big ones in total.

With the takeaway as a foreshadowing, the meal becomes a lot more harmonious, and the dessert after the meal is the palm-sized, red prawns. There are crystal grains of salt stuck to the shrimp shells, and the delicious flavor is very delicious. It's tempting.

There are exactly ten prawns, no more, no less. It’s not that Li Menglong doesn’t want to make more, but he can make so many in one pot. Not only does it take time and effort to make it again, but the key is that the salt used at one time is quite expensive. , can’t be such a luxury.

They clicked their lips happily, even the girls in the car were still a little unfinished: "After this matter is completed, let Li Menglong make hundreds of them for us. This is our reasonable and legal request!"

"He has a lot to do, but there shouldn't be any surprises about this, right?" The girls were also discussing in the car. As for Li Menglong, who they thought should be rushing to the company, was actually following them not far away. As for the means, it was naturally the position Xu Xian had given him. It was convenient to have a traitor.

As for checking and filling in the gaps for the girls, forget it. The girls may act silly on weekdays, but that is only in front of people close to them. If it were an outsider, who could deceive them and give it a try? Anyone who can make it in the entertainment industry is not stupid!

Therefore, the rare and shrewd girls have actually considered everything carefully. Li Menglong would not be better than them. At most, he is just thinking about how to find the other party directly and use some means without spending money.

But since that person dared to do such a thing, he had obviously made adequate preparations in advance, especially since he was an employee within SW. He probably knew Li Menglong, Li Enxi and others well and had a strong sense of precaution.

In fact, these are girls. If anyone else comes, the other party may not be willing to talk. After all, where did the money come from? So Li Menglong can only admit it. He should spend money to eliminate disasters. Learn a lesson for yourself and your company.

It's just that he didn't want to bring the company into chaos. Even if this incident happened, even if there was a moth inside the company, Li Menglong was still willing to believe that there were still many good people in the company. He firmly believed it!

So it would be too much for a moron to directly start conducting searches and education in the company. He doesn't even want to change the atmosphere of the company. He is really satisfied with it as it is now. Everyone is like friends and family. !

Of course, Li Menglong is not a bad person. He can do this because he has confidence in everyone. I believe that after such an incident, everyone will be very wary in the future, and will even spontaneously pay attention to whether there are traitors or the like around them.

The power of the broad masses of the people is the vast ocean. This time, even if Li Menglong paid for the teaching fees for the entire company, I still think the money is acceptable. One billion is a bit scary for one person, but if it is flat It's not bad that it was spread over the heads of hundreds of people, although Li Menglong was the one who paid for it. To be precise, Jessica spent 100 million on her own!

Jessica was still feeling distressed after paying for it. The transfer from the company had already come through, but she knew in her heart that the money was "borrowed" by her and she would still have to pay it back later, but she just missed it by a little.

The most convenient way to get this money is naturally to borrow it from girls. None of these rich women have spent money. They all have tens of millions of cash in their hands, but they can't do it this way. Wouldn't it be a direct matter? Exposed.

So she had to find a way on her own, but she thought it would be too troublesome to explain to her family. After much deliberation, she decided on Xiao Jingshu. While everyone was transferring money to each other, Jessica simply slipped into the bathroom.

"My dear sister, have you finally remembered that you have a biological sister?" Xiao Jingshu said with resentment. Her sister must have been so happy recently that she has forgotten that her sister is in dire straits.

Even though they are biological sisters, Xiao Jingjing is still jealous and envious of Jessica's current environment. In other words, as long as it is a girl group, there is no one who does not envy the girls. Regardless of how much money they make, the key is that the company still supports them, at least on the surface. Life is complete!

As a relative, Little Crystal naturally knows more about the inside. It can be said that the girls are more free and unrestrained than the outside world imagines. After all, Li Menglong is supporting them, and no one can stop them from doing anything they want. This kind of freedom is the most beautiful thing. It's enviable, because that's what an idol lacks the most.

Of course, Little Crystal soon realized her own narrow-mindedness. What this idol lacked was not only freedom, but also money: "What? You want to borrow money from me?"

If the other party's mother was not her own mother, Xiao Jingjing would really have scolded her directly. Is Jessica Jung crazy? It's not that the relationship between the sisters is not in place, but the income between her and Jessica is really very different.

You must know that Xiao Jingshu is still in the newbie contract, and she is still in a well-known labor contract like S*M. Even though their group's popularity has increased rapidly recently, the money they receive makes no difference.

Xiao Jingshu was able to save some money because she participated in additional TV series, but there was not much in total. Jessica asked for 20 million, why didn't she dream? If her little crystal had twenty million, she would have spent it on her own!

"Are you so poor?" Jessica muttered secretly, feeling that she seemed to have neglected her sister's care: "I remember that we had already received a lot of dividends at that time!"

I don't know whether Jessica's words were provocative or showy. Little Crystal didn't even bother to say anything. Girls' Generation was really popular when they were popular. One song became popular all over Asia. So S*m should be rewarded for being stingy. Yes, but is it possible to replicate it?

"Why do you need so much money? You've spent all your own money?"

"Is this what you should ask? What you have to do now is to work hard to make money, my poor sister!" Jessica joked: "Unnie will treat you to dinner in two days. I have thought about what to eat in advance, don't say nothing. Give you a chance!"

"Wow, can I eat something expensive?"

“I’m not happy even if I eat cheap food!”

The conversation between the sisters ended here. There was still no money, but Jessica realized a very crucial point. No matter where she borrowed money, she would always owe money. In that case, why not just owe Li Menglong Woolen cloth?

Just let Li Menglong lend this money to her. It will be much easier to pay it back when she gets her salary in the second half of the year. Thinking of this, Jessica has to say that she is a genius, and there is also a group of people in the VIP hall upstairs. The genius is making final preparations.

This bank is a partner of the girls and even the SW company, and the cash flow it handles every year can be imagined, so as a long-term partner, they are not afraid of the other party leaking secrets. Of course, the girls are not so direct.

"I just have a friend who wants to make temporary changes. Can I get the money back after I remit it?" Kim Taeyeon asked again for the sake of insurance. After getting a positive answer, she was relieved, at least she wouldn't be caught. Those who are deceived lose their money.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the sisters around her, Kim Taeyeon slowly entered the password. Each time she pressed it, it was more than 100 million. Kim Taeyeon's heart was trembling, but when she thought about it, Li Menglong was grateful. She, Kim Taeyeon, could bear it...

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