The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1706 The Beauty of Human Nature

Things became a little difficult for a while. Although I don’t know how long it happened, at least Li Menglong was at a loss for a while. Even a person like Li Menglong couldn’t think of a way. Then he was far behind him in terms of social experience and connections. Girls are even more helpless.

This also makes the girls have a rare low self-esteem. To be honest, with their current influence in the circle, they have actually reached a certain status, and they know a lot of people, whether they are friends of idols, There are also a few variety show directors and TV drama directors from major TV stations who are familiar with her.

This network of contacts is enough to make most of the peers envious. The girls were once very proud. When Li Menglong first took over, they relied on their contacts to win many opportunities, even sw. When it was first established, they found and maintained many relationships.

It's just that as SW grew bigger, Li Menglong's works continued to be successful. Even though he rarely made new friends, the few he occasionally revealed were enough to make the girls envious, and they also found pessimistically that they seemed to have very few I can help Li Menglong, at least at work.

It seems that except for the fact that nine people can collect a lot of cash, there is nothing that can be introduced to Li Menglong purely in terms of connections. However, Li Menglong is not lacking at all in terms of money. You must know that outsiders want to invest in his works. The company doesn't want too many, and Li Enxi has been blocking it to prevent outsiders from succeeding.

Fortunately, Li Menglong really doesn't care about his career, and it's okay to even say he doesn't want to make progress. On the premise that there is no shooting plan, he plays the role of the girls' manager very honestly, and he is extremely professional.

When it comes to being in this role and dealing with related matters, even if Li Menglong is already overly skilled, the girls can still say a lot. The key is that the contacts accumulated over the years can still be used, and occasionally Li Menglong is embarrassed by things. For example, they can handle things like coordinating the itinerary with just one phone call, which is very face-saving.

This can be regarded as Li Menglong's small way of protecting each other's emotions. At least the girls are very useful. They were once worried that Li Menglong would feel aggrieved. After all, 99% of the men they have come into contact with are more willing to show some perfection. The posture is different from that of Li Menglong.

But after long-term contact, the girls have acquiesced in this. Li Menglong really doesn't care about this. The more they think about it, the more petty they become. In this case, everyone can get along happily.

It's just that now the girls feel a little regretful. If they had known better, they would have worked harder in the past few years. They don't have to think of nothing but staring. They can only pray that the matter is not too serious.

However, their prayers were obviously not heard by any gods. Within half an hour, Li Enxi rushed over first, wearing pajamas and looking extremely embarrassed. However, the more this happened, the more serious the matter was. .

Then the heads of various departments rushed over one after another, including the staff below, as if they were rushing to work in the morning. As for the condition, they were in all kinds of conditions. Their hair was wet and they had not had time to dry it after taking a shower, and their faces were flushed. The red one is having a dinner party, and the one wearing jersey and sneakers has just been exercising.

With so many people rushing over, there was no need for the girls to guess. Even the ordinary diners and fans on the first floor knew what was going on. Fortunately, the girls were in good condition when they just went up, otherwise everyone would be worried.

Director Luo was the last senior executive to arrive. Just because the girls were off work didn't mean he could follow them. He also had to discuss the program's progress, editing plans, etc., and after two hours of busy work, he could only go home and lie down for a while. It's just that I was called over after I hadn't slept for long.

Director Luo didn't know what exactly happened, so he felt a lot more relaxed when he saw the girls on the second floor, because their presence meant that the matter was not particularly serious: "Yeah, it's not one of you who is in love. Has it been exposed? Then it’s not my turn to clean up the mess, but you have reached the age of falling in love, who are you? "

If the girls didn't know anything, they might still joke with Director Luo, but thinking about the serious faces of the group of people who just passed by, they couldn't laugh: "Hurry in, do you need our help if you need anything?" Call us directly and we will be waiting on the third floor!”

"Huh? What exactly is going on? Let's go in together!"

"Farewell, there's probably no room left inside." Kim Taeyeon said happily, and then briefly told Director Luo what she knew about the situation. As expected, Director Luo's face immediately turned ugly.

"What's lost should be the backup of the electronic version, right?" Director Luo realized the problem just after he finished speaking. A direct copy of the electronic version would not be discovered at all, so what was lost should be the copy that Li Menglong and Xu Xian had repeatedly modified. original document.

This sounds very troublesome. Copyright is a bit abstract. It's fine when there are no disputes. But once there is a claim of plagiarism, the most important and direct evidence is the original manuscript. , the notes, ideas, and modification traces inside can prove who is the plagiarist.

Once this is gone, it will be troublesome when it comes to wrangling. When the other party also has this record, the two parties can only tell the difference by talking, but this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly by talking. After all, In theory, anyone can come up with the so-called plot and characters. Can you prove that you came up with it first?

"I'll go in and take a look first. You can go back after a while. This matter will definitely not be solved in one night." Director Luo warned and hurried in. He was almost smoked as soon as he opened the door. I was fuming, was this a fire?

Ten minutes later, Director Luo also lit up a cigarette and kept scratching his oil-stained hair, thinking about whether there was a way to solve the problem and whether anyone he knew knew anything.

Almost dozens of people in the entire office were on the phone constantly. Some of them were calling their own people in the company, trying to find out the source of the missing script, while the other part were directly asking friends from all walks of life to take a look. Is there any gossip coming out?

While they were busy inside, the girls on the third floor had nothing to do. After all, if they didn't go down, they wouldn't cause trouble. They really couldn't help, but why did they feel so uncomfortable? ?

Just when everyone was wandering in the sky, a text message came from Li Shunkyu's mobile phone for no reason. Li Shunkyu naturally had no intention to read it, but Seohyun beside him had a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. What if it was other important news? , for example, a family member is sick or something like that.

So he put his hands on the floor and slid over. The password was nothing, but after reading it carefully several times, Xu Xian's eyes grew wider and wider: "Onie, do you know someone named Song Yubin in our company? What’s displayed here is an unfamiliar number.”

"I think I have some impression. When we came to the meeting a year or two ago, he was responsible for distributing information to us, so I should have saved his number." Li Shunkyu frowned and recalled: "Why does your voice sound so shaky? Did he send another disgusting text message? People like this can just delete it."

No one was surprised by Li Soonkyu's words. They have all experienced similar situations. This is why they don't like to make friends. After all, it's really hard to tell who the other person is. For example, they occasionally add It’s not uncommon for girls to send nude photos to their phones for no apparent reason.

If someone makes a fuss over something like this, the key is that once big news breaks out, it will be the girls who suffer in the end. Reputation is really extremely fragile, so they are often blocked.

But this time it was obvious that Li Shunkyu had thought wrong. When Xu Xian handed her the phone, Li Shunkyu glanced at her and immediately sat up. After seeing her action, the other girls also gathered around, and soon the room was full of people. It became completely quiet.

The content of the text message was very simple. The other party said that he had the script and wanted 1 billion as the settlement fee. It was such a simple two sentences, but the girls didn't know how to reply for a while. Was this being blackmailed?

"What do you need to think about? It seems like it's blackmail. Just call the police and pay back 1 billion. He's not afraid of the wind blowing his tongue!" Yoona said simply and rudely, which is in line with what ordinary people do.

It's just that it would be nice if everything in the world were so simple. This matter is obviously not as simple as Yoona thought. How dare an employee within the company steal the company boss's script? This cannot be explained by blackmail.

To put it simply, even if the other party can successfully blackmail him, it will be difficult for him to spend the money. With the current size of SW company, whether it is playing white or black, it is enough to make the other party regret doing this. You won't understand this.

In this case, it is much simpler to infer. Someone must have instigated him behind him. As for whether it was a threat or a inducement, it is not up to the girls: "But in this case, why did he send text messages to Lee Soon Kyu? This is not to put the two of them together. Is everyone offended?"

Jung Soo-yeon has become a veteran in business in the past two years, so she pointed out the core of the problem sharply. She even thought that this person was planning to take both sides. The only thing that didn't make sense was why she wanted to find Lee Soon-kyu because she had breasts. Brainless?

Xu Xian was more prudent. She felt that this matter was no longer something they could handle. It was better to tell Li Menglong directly, but she was immediately rejected by the girls. This was their chance to show their faces.

Xu Xian often doesn't understand the magical thoughts of her unnies. This matter has caused such a big fuss, and they still have their own little calculations. If it really messes up, it can't be covered up by saying good intentions and doing bad things. past.

"You guys are not that stupid, but since the other party chose to send a text message to Li Shunkyu, it has already shown that the other party does not want Li Menglong to know. What if he is exposed? Wouldn't it be more dangerous to jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"Exposed? No way, he still dares to be in the company now?"

"Tsk, naive! What if the people left behind still have his accomplices?" This sentence left Xu Xian speechless. Sure enough, the sisters had considered everything comprehensively, and she still had a lot to learn.

The girls discussed it for a long time, and then wrote a text message to reply, which took into account a lot of the other party's thoughts. The final product was to show that they had not told anyone, and at the same time persuaded the other party to turn around. In the end, Lee Soon Kyu added it on his own initiative. Thank the other person for their trust in you.

Faced with the accusations from the girls, Lee Soon Kyu still spoke plausibly: "What do you know? Maybe the other party is still struggling now. We need to show the beauty of humanity at this time, do you understand?"

Not to mention, Lee Soon Kyu really got caught in the act. Being asked to steal the script was indeed prompted by other companies. As long as he handed over the script, he would get 1 billion immediately. As for the subsequent pressure, the other party also promised to help settle it. Generally speaking, It's a huge profit, except for a little loss of heart.

But as the saying goes, if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will destroy you. Although sw is quite humane in all aspects, there is only one thing that is very regrettable. The management is generally too young and excellent, making it almost invisible to the people below. Hopes of promotion.

Of course, this promotion refers to some fixed positions. Li Enxi has obviously taken this into consideration, so he continues to expand other departments. To put it simply, if you want to be promoted, you basically cannot be in the original department, but at least the salary and benefits have gone up.

The vast majority of people also expressed their understanding and even thought that SW was very heart-warming in this regard, but there are always two small-minded people who are not, and coupled with the temptation from the outside world, this thing just happened.

But when it came time to close the door, Song Yubin still had a rare moment of conscience and realized that SW had such a good atmosphere with its employees on weekdays. Everyone was like family, and family members could not betray them so easily.

He took out his cell phone and didn't dare to go to Li Menglong or Li Eunxi. After all, he was also afraid. He hesitated and saw Li Shunkyu's phone number again and again, and then he got the original text message. It was also a kind of test. If there was any trouble, he would immediately Fell to the other side.

And Li Shunkyu's reply was undoubtedly quite warm. At this time, facing someone like him, I could give him a thank you. It felt a bit indescribable. At least it was much better than the attitude on the other side. This made my heart shake. 's getting bigger and bigger.

Text messages were sent back and forth between each other one by one. Because it was an unfamiliar number, the other party was not afraid of leaving evidence. As for the girls, they kept persuading each other. The ideal situation would be for the other party to surrender directly and take the initiative. Bring down the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's just that the girls underestimated the charm of money. Facing a huge sum of 1 billion was really enough for him to take risks. His limited conscience could only allow him to sell the script to the girls. As for the follow-up, he He no longer cares about his fate.

Now it's the girls' turn to make a choice...

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