The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1692 No supporting role

All Xu Xian can do is take a sip of each cup to prove her innocence. Sometimes she wonders what is in the girls' heads. Is this kind of suspicion interesting? Apart from making Xu Xian spit in it openly, is there any other effect?

Although Li Menglong didn't doubt Xu Xian's innocence, he was rather happy to see Xu Xian spitting. If he had to say it, among the girls, he was the only one who didn't dislike Xu Xian's spit. The goddess's saliva was all sweet. , although Li Menglong also guessed.

Fortunately, the girls didn't give him this chance at all. When they saw Xu Xian asking for a cup, they were already frightened. It was all a joke, why are you taking it so seriously: "Why don't we trust you? Even if there is poison in this, I, Lee Soon Kyu, will drink it up in one gulp!"

Li Menglong looked at the steam coming out of the cup and suddenly showed a sinister smile: "That's it, if you don't finish it, you don't trust Xu Xian, and you violate the agreement between your sisters. I swear, you will be a despicable and shameless villain from now on!"

Li Soonkyu didn't react at first, he just stared at Li Menglong. This guy was involved everywhere, but since he said so, Li Soonkyu couldn't be cowardly, so he just grabbed the cup and drank it.

The moment he touched the cup, Li Soonkyu knew what was going on. His hand felt hot when he put it on it. Li Soonkyu didn't think that his tongue and throat would be more resistant to heat. At this moment, he felt like he was riding a tiger.

Fortunately, the girls still have such a tacit understanding with each other. They can't really let Li Shunkyu drink a cup of scalding coffee: "Just leave it there for now, and I didn't say when to drink it. Xiaoxian will also understand, right?" ?”

Xu Xian dares to say it’s wrong? If she says these two words, it is very likely that Li Shunkyu will throw a cup of coffee directly over him. Who told Xu Xianxian to behave like a human here? Li Shunkyu has always complained directly. For example, now he is thinking about how to do it. Li Menglong.

You must know that she has no expectations for this movie. To be precise, she has expectations, but it is different from other girls. For example, Yoona and the others at most want to get better roles, and then the movie will be a big hit. They can also benefit from it!

But although Lee Soon Kyu also hopes that the movie will be a big hit, but from the perspective of an investor, if this movie makes money, nearly half of the dividends will fall into her pocket. This is all money!

After all, when they first invested, Lee Soon-gyu and Lee Meng-ryong each held one-third of the shares. Although they have gradually given up some of them in recent years, some of them were either transferred to the company's top leaders at low prices to increase the company's cohesion; or simply The free work is used as dividends for the company's top managers.

For example, Seohyun, the girls, Yoo Jae Suk, and Kim Jong Kook all got their shares in this way, while most of Lee Eun Hee's shares are simply dividends. They are still in Lee Soon Kyu's hands, but they will be given to them after a certain number of years. , so Lee Soon Kyu didn’t count these.

But after excluding these, the two of them still account for more than half of the shares. Of course, seriously speaking, half of it belongs to Li Menglong, but Li Shunkyu has long forgotten this. If anyone dares to share these shares with her, She dares to fight for her life!

Fortunately, Li Menglong has not given her an excuse to fight for the moment, and there will be no chance in the foreseeable future. Li Menglong has made up his mind to live with Li Shunkyu for the rest of his life, even if it is just for money!

So as a major shareholder, Lee Soon Kyu chose to hold back his temper for the time being. After all, now is a rare communication time between the director and the actors, and Lee Soon Kyu didn't want to interrupt it, otherwise he would be the one to suffer in the end.

And the competition among the actresses on the other end has become more and more fierce. Every lower limit has been thrown away, and Lee Soon Kyu's molars are aching faintly. Have these people gone too far? If Li Menglong dared to give a hint, she would probably have the courage to take off their clothes at the scene!

Of course, Lee Soon Kyu was just exaggerating. Even if Lee Mong Ryong had ten more courages, he wouldn’t dare to do this. Therefore, the scene is still within the range that can be broadcast. It is still far away from the 19th ban, but it cannot be seen by fans. It will affect their Girls' Generation's image in the minds of fans!

Li Menglong also enjoyed it almost, mainly because he had a headache after hearing too many Yingying Yanyan around here. Maybe it seems a bit pretentious to say this, and even countless long-cherished wishes are incomprehensible, but the fact is that the girl can meet every day We are no longer girls, we are just a bunch of aunts!

"Okay, okay, the script is over there, but there is only one copy. Let's share it with each other and take a look!" Li Menglong immediately threw out the bait: "But don't come over and assign roles to me. That's my right, understand. ?”

After Li Menglong said this, he knew it was in vain, because no one listened to him at all. A group of people rushed towards the script like wild dogs. If they didn't know that this script was very important, they would probably all I can tear up the script directly.

Li Menglong didn't intend to read the details of how they fought over each other. He would easily get nosebleeds if he watched too much. Xu Xian also kindly closed the door for the girl from the outside. This was considered to be a complete isolation from Li Menglong's longing eyes. After all, he had just promised My son is about to have his pants taken off!

"Actually, I'm going to close the door even if you don't come out!" Facing Xu Xian's pure eyes, Li Menglong explained in a low voice. As for whether Xu Xian believed it or not, he couldn't control it, but judging from the slight smile in his eyes, it was probably Still don't believe it.

The actresses were reading the script in the room, and the writer and director naturally had to discuss it outside. The two of them sat on the rocking chairs on the balcony after a long absence. As usual, each held a cup of steaming coffee and started a light chat. .

"Although the script is still based on the story I wrote, the content has been changed a lot. Is it because what I wrote is not mature enough?"

Faced with Xu Xian's question, Li Menglong still had to explain it in detail, otherwise it would be a big joke if the little girl misunderstood: "Your story is definitely a good story, otherwise I wouldn't be interested and impulsive to start filming!"

After praising Xu Xian for a few words, Li Menglong then talked about the reason: "But the problem is that it is too real. It is so real that people who know you a little bit will know that this is a story of girlhood, which is out of the movie." The original intention is to make a documentary, or a realistic movie based on Girls' Generation!"

Li Menglong's meaning has been expressed very clearly. Although the movie must be loyal to reality, its core must be higher than reality. Otherwise, to put it more exaggerated, will all the countless coincidences in the movie really happen in reality? It’s not meant to serve the plot of the movie!

Moreover, Xu Xian's story is too realistic and can easily affect them. The movie will more or less reflect some problems. It is estimated that the movie will be criticized badly after it is released, so Li Menglong can only start while retaining the core. Some modifications were made.

The most obvious thing is to completely polarize and personalize the characters of this group of people. Simply put, it is to amplify certain original characteristics of the characters. For example, one of them is extremely cold, or a certain one should be the whole story. bad language!

The disadvantages of this are obvious, as it will make the characters look bad, but the advantages are equally obvious. As a group movie, if you want to dig deeply into everyone's heart, it has to be a TV series. I hope a movie of at most two hours can do it. Representing nine complex characters? At least Li Menglong thinks he doesn’t have this ability!

Of course, these are all relative. Li Menglong will enrich the characters to the best of his ability, but the most important personality must be distinct and have a beginning and an end, so that the audience will have a clear memory point.

The two of them chatted for a long time on this topic alone. The main reason was that Xu Xian felt that he had learned a lot, and it was something that could be used immediately. Just when he wanted to ask some other questions, the girls in the room Already rushed out in droves.

But when they rushed out, they saw Li Menglong and Xu Xian speechless for a while. They just looked at each other carefully and guardedly. As for their purpose, Li Menglong could guess a little bit, and even looked forward to it!

After all, Xu Xian wrote this script based on their experiences. It can be said that the prototype of the protagonist is the group of people in front of him, and what Li Menglong did was to amplify their strengths and weaknesses, and it was the ultimate amplification. .

Some of them are like Jessica, which magnifies her cold side. In the movie, she can at least be regarded as an icy beauty. As for the possibility of smoking, it is tolerable. At least compared to others, Jessica is really Extremely satisfying.

Perhaps seeing what Jessica was thinking, Li Menglong took the lead and said: "The role in the movie is definitely not tailor-made for you alone. It is completely divorced from reality, so the role you can play in the end depends on your acting skills."

Li Menglong's words were like water thrown into boiling oil, which directly ignited the heated atmosphere at the scene. For a while, the girls started shouting in all directions. The core meaning was to grab roles for themselves, and to recommend to others. Role!

Needless to say, grabbing roles for yourself is a positive type, and pushing it to others is the key point. After all, you can’t say it directly with empty teeth. It also needs to be well-founded: “I think the swear words throughout the article The role of Taeyeon is particularly suitable for Taeyeon. She was really like this when she first came here. She even has her own dialect and perfectly fits the role!"

"I can also testify to this. Don't look at her pretending to be a lady and being responsible in the past two years. When she was a trainee, she was a gangster in Quanzhou. She would pick fights and cause trouble at every turn. In almost every practice She has scolded me all my life!"

Kim Taeyeon was almost confused. She could only tilt her head and think back to her days as a trainee. Although she did have an accent at that time and did occasionally say a few curse words, she would have to blame every trainee. Oh, she was very cautious at that time. She didn't even have any friends, how dare she live so arrogantly?

Then Kim Taeyeon was not to be outdone, and started to divert the trouble to the east. In fact, the girls were still obsessed with each other. Li Menglong amplified the girls' curse to the extreme, which means that the girls cannot reach this level in real life. Yes, this is more like a collection of nine of them talking dirty!

Of course, framing each other in this way can also have some effect. After all, this role has to be played by someone after all. And guessing the psychology of the director, Li Menglong, naturally the one who curses the most and is the most slippery will be chosen. As for who will play it, The girls have not thought about it yet.

Therefore, the scene was very interesting at one time. Although the girls wished they could just go over and sew each other's mouths shut, their speech was still extremely elegant, and the various words and sentences were quite gorgeous. The core meaning was to use no dirty words. Fight back hard with your words!

Xu Xian himself was very surprised to see it there. After all, at this time in the past, girls would often start swearing and taking action. Don't think that girls don't curse, just because they haven't cursed fans.

As for herself, she is not worried at all. First of all, she is not suitable for this role at all. Secondly, if Li Menglong likes her, Xu Xian is also willing to give it a try. As the screenwriter of this movie, she feels that this role is really easy. Outstanding.

Maybe girls feel that swearing on the big screen is a little unjustifiable, but you have to know that there is a kind of beauty called the beauty of contrast, and since they are all characters in the drama, fans will not be so serious as to regard this as what girls look like in reality.

Of course, she wasn't going to say anything like this, because no one would believe her if she said it. It was estimated that they would only be doubtful if Li Menglong spoke, and would Li Menglong speak? He wished that these people would just knock the dog's brains out!

How could the girls get what he wanted, so at a zero point where a war was about to break out, this group of people stopped strangely. It felt like a car traveling at hundreds of kilometers per hour forcibly stopped in an instant. Makes me want to vomit!

"What are you looking at? You don't think we're really going to fight, do you? I'm just teasing you!" Li Shunkyu said as calmly as possible, but judging from the nail marks on her palms, it didn't seem like it. Just kidding.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't intend to go into details with them. Now that they had finished their preliminary discussion, Li Menglong, as the director, always wanted to give some encouragement: "I have seen everyone's enthusiasm, and everyone should also understand the script. Although It is still divided into protagonists and supporting roles, but that is just the number of scenes. In my mind, there are only nine heroines in this movie, so I hope that when choosing a character, you will not be limited to the number of scenes, but to understand the inner activities of the character! "

A piece of mysterious and mysterious chicken soup was successfully poured into the girls, making the group of people go upstairs in a daze. Maybe they only realized it when they suddenly flashed at night. Li Menglong's sentence is nonsense. The heroine and the supporting actress What is the essential difference? It’s not even a lens! Is it based on the weight in the director's mind? Then why not add scenes to your favorite characters...

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