The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1688 Leniency for confession

Of course Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu knew about it. After all, they were sitting together drinking yesterday. No matter how drunk they were, they would not forget this. Otherwise, it would not be amnesia after drinking, but it would simply be brain damage!

As for lying now, it is out of their own considerations. Li Menglong just briefly talked about the matter with these two people. No matter what they did, Li Menglong could not control it. If they really sold Xu Xian, then Xu Xian would only You can consider yourself unlucky.

Fortunately, these two people still have some loyalty. After all, they all drank at the same table last night. Although Xu Xian evaded responsibility and completely passed the blame to the two of them, they also knew the reason behind it. , after all, they can just do this little thing here. If Xu Xian came over, it would be fatal.

So after a brief discussion, Kim Taeyeon and the two decided to take over this matter for Seohyun. After all, Lee Menglong was very tight-lipped, so he couldn't compare to him. They were also extremely enthusiastic about loving their maknae, so no matter how much they did, they couldn't compare to each other. Li Menglong, the "stepmother", came at a bad time!

"I don't know, we've been sleeping all day, how could we know!" Li Shunkyu kept shaking his head. If you look closely, you can see the vague confusion in her eyes, which looks extremely lifelike. .

It’s no wonder that Li Menglong always hates that iron cannot become steel. It’s true that girls are always wasting their talents. If they can transfer all these conditions in life to the screen, then their acting skills will definitely be unlimited. It can create a screen-dominating effect!

Girls are not the kind of people who are unwilling to make progress. After all, being in this circle is like sailing against the current. Either progress or regression. There is absolutely no second way, so they also want to expand the territory of their group.

But acting is really magical. Many times what you can do in private will have a completely different feeling as long as you are in front of the camera. I believe there are many idols who understand this deeply.

It is precisely because of this that good actors are so rare. Seriously speaking, compared with singing, the former requires more talent, so to be fair, it is understandable that actors should get more. Of course, I dare not discuss this with girls. That’s it.

In short, this group of people can only leave their most superb acting skills in such a place of lying and deception. It is not an exaggeration to say that the pearls secretly betray each other, but the girls don't care too much. After all, how much they earn is That’s a lot. Besides, there are still a few people with decent acting skills. We can’t let their combination take all the good things, otherwise they will be punished by God!

Jung Soo-yeon and the others have all set their sights on Yoona. After all, in the absence of Lee Mong-ryong and Seohyun, Yoona has the most experience in this area, whether it's acting or lying, so they are all waiting. Her identification.

Yoona did not disappoint everyone's expectations. Although Lee Soon-kyu and the two had acted realistic enough, Yoona still found something a little wrong in some details. However, when she was about to say it out, she received a subtle response from Kim Taeyeon. threats.

At this moment, Yoona was still in a bit of a dilemma. Although Jessica and others were standing behind her, she was obviously not afraid of the evil duo opposite them, but if they really wanted to expose them, they would only retaliate against themselves.

And they won't use this revenge as an excuse, but find some other trivial matters. After all, the leverage that Yoona has in their hands is not small, so the other girls won't even be able to save her. It’s one code!

So after much hesitation, Yoona chose to hide it. As for the excuse she gave herself, it was not because she was afraid of the two's revenge, but because of the maknae. After all, if there is a problem between the two of them, it proves that Seohyun also has a problem. For Yoona will not hesitate to protect her only sister in the team, even if it violates her own principles of life!

Thinking about it this way, Yoona still feels that she is very great. Will Seohyun want to repay herself or something in the future? Everyone is so familiar with each other, so it's okay to promise her something. She's not a pervert like Li Menglong, but if she has to buy some luxury goods, it's not easy for her to refuse. After all, it's her sister's wish!

"Why are you giggling? If you don't eat it, it will be gone! Today's prawns are so fat!" Xiuying reminded Yoona kindly. After all, without Yoona's fighting, the meal would not be sweet. Of course, Yoona When he came back to his senses and was about to take action, he found that the last one was taken away by Xiuying. Is that intentional?

Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu successfully escaped one disaster after another. Seeing that everything was over after the meal, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. To be honest, they were not used to it. When would the two of them have to do it? So groveling?

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that the problem still lies with Li Menglong. If that bastard hadn't seduced these two innocent little girls, would they have been drinking in the middle of the night? Or drank until dawn? You know, neither of them know how to drink!

Of course, there is no need to share similar psychological activities, otherwise it will easily cause everyone's psychological discomfort. After all, everyone is so familiar with it, is it interesting to still pretend to be young? Who doesn’t know who?

Just when Li Sungyu and Li Sungyu were thinking about how to negotiate with Li Menglong, Li Menglong actually walked out of the room by himself, still looking drowsy: "Is this dinner time? You don't even know to call me when you are eating. You two are such white-eyed wolves!"

Li Menglong was obviously referring to what happened last night. Logically speaking, most people might be a little ashamed. After all, what they did was relatively unreasonable, but who were these two people? Would you care about Li Menglong’s level of complaints?

"Last night was last night! Besides, we haven't brought you any trouble yet. What are you trying to do to get us two innocent little girls drunk with malice in the middle of the night? Are you planning something evil?" Kim Taeyeon frowned. He asked forcefully.

Li Menglong just rubbed his eyes and had no intention of talking to her. He just pointed at the people eating and drinking at the table: "Open your little eyes and see clearly. Who are those people opposite you? Laugh. The invincible Pani, the sexy beauty Hyoyeon, and the elf-like Yoona are also seducers. Why should I choose you two dwarfs? I'm sick!"

Li Menglong's words were a bit sharp, and the girls across from him didn't mind adding a little bit of spice. Those named by Li Menglong started to "flick their heads". At least in Kim Taeyeon's mind at the moment, she could only think of this word, these vixens. , eating her food, drinking her food, and then dared to sell her out. How heartless!

Seeing that he had successfully aroused hostility between the two groups, Li Menglong walked over with satisfaction. When passing by, he bit Xiuying's freshly peeled prawn directly into his mouth. Xiuying looked angry. The most annoying thing about grabbing food is: "Yeah, I peeled that one with my mouth!"

"I asked why it tastes so delicious. It turns out it's because of the added ingredients!" Li Menglong said in a very vulgar manner: "The two dwarfs opposite should learn from it. This is called fun. Drinking with Xiuying is more interesting than drinking with you two. Ah, I know cheers, who will get drunk if you don’t get drunk!”

After saying this, Li Menglong ran away directly. It was not that he was afraid of the revenge of these two girls. You must know that no one was helping them today. Li Menglong could easily settle the matter with just two people. He only went out to pick up Xu Xian. That’s all.

If it hadn't been for Xu Xian's call, Li Menglong wouldn't have been able to wake up. As for Xu Xian, she had just woken up. Although it had something to do with the fact that she was the only one downstairs and was quiet, but she had slept for too long and was almost close. Twelve hours.

However, Li Menglong can understand. First of all, Xu Xian rarely gets drunk, and his body has no resistance at all. Secondly, Xu Xian has been too tired recently. Not to mention the time, the pressure in his heart is almost overwhelming. Xu Xian was going to have insomnia at night, so it made sense for the two of them to sleep longer together this time.

Li Menglong also went downstairs for a walk first, mainly because he was afraid of girls squatting at the window and peeping. Even though the possibility was unlikely, he still needed to take precautions. Otherwise, if they knew that Xu Xian had a safe house downstairs, , the consequences would be something Li Menglong couldn’t even imagine.

However, I also went to the supermarket and bought some toiletries, such as mouthwash and chewing gum. Even though I slept all day, there was still some residual alcohol smell on my body, but I couldn't smell it.

After Li Menglong came in, he didn't see Xu Xian yet, but heard the sound of bathing coming from the bathroom in the distance: "Is it Oppa? Are you talking?"

"You're such a big girl, you don't even know how to close the door when taking a shower?"

"If you close the door, you won't be able to hear others coming in. What if it's a bad person?" Xu Xian also gave a seemingly reliable reason, but if it was a bad person, she wouldn't feel the same if she left the bathroom door open. Is it dangerous?

"I put the toothpaste and other stuff here in the corridor. Remember to take it yourself, and spray more perfume, otherwise those dogs will smell it, and we will all die!" Li Menglong warned from the living room.

"I know! There is tea I made on the table. It can help you sober up. Drink more, it will be good for your health!" I have to say that after calming down, Xu Xian still instinctively rejects drinking. To be precise, he rejects everything that is harmful to the body. s things.

The tea was unusually bitter, and I didn’t know what kind it was. But after staying with Xu Xian for a long time, I would be more or less tainted with the other person’s way of thinking. Not only did Li Menglong frown at the thought of it being good for his health, he frowned and gave me a toast. .

Xu Xian happened to see this scene when she came out, and she laughed happily. Coupled with her appearance after taking a bath, she looked like a fairy-like beauty. Li Menglong couldn't help but be stunned when he saw it: "Why are you still giggling? Blow dry your hair quickly, you can't go back like this, right?"

"Oh, but how did Oppa help me talk to Unnies?" Xu Xian asked while looking for the hair dryer. She was also a little curious.

Li Menglong really didn't want to tell the truth, but lying would be too easy to betray him. As expected, Xu Xian frowned just after he finished speaking. Although he was very grateful to Li Menglong for his help, he couldn't curse his mother to get sick, right? Fortunately, it’s not too serious!

"Humph, I won't do it next time!" Xu Xian warned seriously, and was satisfied when he saw Li Menglong solemnly nodding: "Blow my hair for me, it's not easy to blow it in the back!"

Li Menglong took it naturally. This is also a technical job, and it is definitely not difficult for every man. Li Menglong has gotten along with girls a lot, especially when he goes out for activities, and occasionally helps out. This craft.

He didn't dare to stay downstairs for too long. Xu Xian just changed his clothes and followed Li Menglong up. However, when Li Menglong held the door handle, Xu Xian's hand stopped him tightly and he was about to go in. I was still a little scared when I got into trouble, and sometimes I wanted to see my parents after getting into trouble.

This is because Xu Xian is not used to this. After all, she is the most rational one on weekdays. It seems that her unnies are always the ones who get into trouble. It would be much easier if it were Yoona. Just go in with the posture of hob meat.

Looking at Xu Xian's guilty look, not to mention girls, any stranger could tell that there was something wrong, so Li Menglong could only pat her head gently, comfort her body and at the same time, just start fucking her Got back to my old profession.

"Just think of this as a filming scene for a movie. I will tell you about the scene next. Just perform according to my requirements. Remember not to ng!" Li Menglong was giving Xu Xian advice here. , not to mention the effect is still good.

At least after entering, except for the fact that her hands behind her back turned blue from being pinched by herself, her overall performance was quite calm. She was worthy of being the actress that he, Li Menglong, single-handedly brought out. The heroine of this new movie might as well be Seohyun. She has a better future than YoonA!

If Li Menglong’s thoughts were known to Yoona, there might not be much trouble. Fortunately, the eyes of the whole audience are now focused on Xu Xian. There are those who are suspicious, those who watch the fun, and of course those who are concerned: “Xiao Xian, you finally You’re back. How is Auntie’s health? Do you want us to go over and take a look!”

It was okay not to mention his mother, but Xu Xian almost lost his power after mentioning it. Fortunately, Li Menglong came forward in time: "It's just some gynecological diseases of middle-aged women. Xiaoxian stayed with me for a whole day to check. It's nothing serious. Don't worry!"

"We are asking Xiaoxian, why are you joining in the fun? You can go back to your room and continue sleeping!" Although Jessica is the one who loves Xuxian the most, she is now the leader of this group of sisters, so the affair will be temporary. Let it go: "Xiaoxian, tell yourself, how is your mother's health?"

What can Xu Xian say? She really didn't want to lie to anyone anymore, so she simply knelt down. It seemed self-evident what she was going to do next, but this matter was no longer just her own business. Of course, she was so frank. The plot of surrender was revealed, but Kim Taeyeon and the two of them were just guilty plus one, and it couldn’t be like this!

So before Xu Xian could speak, Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon went over to hold Xu Xian up: "Are you too tired after walking all day? You guys understand you, go to the room and rest quickly, we Come help you!"

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