The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1665 Occasional rebellion

Li Menglong and Xu Xian planned to go up there after a while, but who knew that just from the sound from below, it sounded like dumplings had been dropped upstairs, which was quite lively. Now Xu Xian was somewhat glad that he had rented the house downstairs. , otherwise people wouldn’t have complained long ago!

Thinking about the situation he would face when he went up, Xu Xian was really resisting, so he turned his head and stared at Li Menglong with his big eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable. He was reading this book well, so he had to stare at it. What are you doing?

What should I say about Xu Xian, a little girl? She must be sensible, but sometimes she will inevitably be a little rebellious and naughty, such as when she turns black. Of course, it is not to this extent now, but it is obvious that she is Something to say.

It's just that there are some words that Xu Xian doesn't want to say out of his own mouth, whether it is to maintain his image as a good girl or to deliberately find some sense of identity, in short, this time will test everyone's tacit understanding.

Li Menglong took a deep breath, turned the book upside down on his knees, and began to look at the other person, trying to get some information from her cousin. Xu Xian herself sat there honestly, as if she was not the one who just made the move. .

"Are you hungry?" Li Menglong asked tentatively. After all, this kind of question is a universal question. Sure enough, Xu Xian frowned and thought about it and then did rub his stomach, but his expression was still a bit mysterious.

Fortunately, Li Menglong is still very smart in this regard. After all, her unnies are much more difficult to take care of than her, so the difficulty of getting to Xu Xian's place has been reduced a lot: "Are you hungry, but don't want to eat at home? Then let me take you out and take you for a ride?"

After seeing Xu Xian's big smile, Li Menglong knew that he had guessed correctly. Although he was very happy, the little girl had over-acted, so he jumped over with Li Menglong's coat: "Actually, I don't know much about it. If you want to go out in a sports car, it would be too ostentatious, but oppa begs me so strongly, so I will reluctantly agree to it!"

"Hiss..." Li Menglong took a breath. It wasn't how amazing Xu Xian's performance was. It was entirely because the keys to the sports car were upstairs. Didn't this girl force herself to go up and die? The key was Is it too difficult to climb out with the key after having to die?

Xu Xian blinked his big eyes innocently, as if all this was really Li Menglong's idea, which made Li Menglong almost go over and spank her, but seeing that Xu Xian had been wronged today, he still endured it. Come down.

Xu Xian was asked to go down and wait first, while Li Menglong himself began to wander around the stairs. Getting in was not a problem. The key was to get the car key and get out. The process was a bit complicated. To be honest, Xu Xian was definitely not the only one who died. So let’s just lie!

Li Menglong had never thought about sneaking in. After all, the sound of the electronic lock was really loud, and the girls were playing in the living room. If all eight of them hadn't been blinded and deafened at the same time, they would still be honest. Open the door and go in.

When he came in, the scene was pretty much what he expected. The living room was already in chaos. As soon as he came in, he got a pillow, three-toed slippers and a coat from someone who didn't know who it was. It smelled pretty good!

"Huh? What are you doing back here?" Li Shunkyu over there has completely exposed most of his shoulders. He looks quite sexy, but he is not embarrassed at all. Instead, he subconsciously puffs up his chest. That's it. of confidence!

"It seems like this is my home too. Where can I go if I don't come back? It's already night!" Li Menglong said innocently. It seems that after spending a long time with this group of people, his acting skills will inexplicably improve.

"What you said makes sense!" Kim Taeyeon added from the side: "But you didn't see us playing games. You can quickly run back to your room and put on the headphones. Remember not to eavesdrop!"

"Well, I really don't have any desire in this area!" Li Menglong spread his hands to make himself look as undesired as possible, but he suddenly stopped halfway: "Huh? Why are there just the eight of you? Xiao Xiao Is Xian still upstairs? Are you bullying her again? "

"No, she's right here..." Kim Taeyeon wanted to say that Xu Xian was right here, but after subconsciously searching around, she realized that she didn't see this person. Sure enough, there were too many people in the team, which was the disadvantage. , even if there is less of a fight, no one will be found!

Since you can't find anyone, just call. I don't know if Xu Xian will be a little panicked when he answers the phone. After all, it looks like Li Menglong sold her. Li Menglong is not good at doing this kind of thing. It’s a lot, but it can be done.

"Maknae, where have you gone? You're not still angry with Unnie, right? If so, just come back and beat me up. Whoever fights back is a puppy!" Kim Taeyeon called a atmosphere.

Li Menglong was tempted by what he saw, and couldn't help but suggest from the side: "Why don't you give me a real beating? Just use the same force as you hit me. Maybe you Girls' Generation can change the captain tomorrow. After all, you can't let a disabled person Become the captain!"

These words sounded very provocative. Kim Taeyeon raised her foot and kicked Li Menglong away for more than a meter. Then she stopped with satisfaction and continued to ask Xu Xian. As for Xu Xian's answer, it was very standard: "I just feel a little bored at home, so I came downstairs for a walk!"

"Oh, taking a walk? That person is so dangerous, I sent..." Kim Taeyeon looked around the circle of people as she spoke, but the temperature was not high in the middle of the night, who wanted to go for a walk? They were full from eating, so they subconsciously avoided Kim Taeyeon's gaze.

So it seems that this glorious and arduous job that is envied by countless people has been assigned to Li Menglong. This guy can just have fun and go for a walk with Seohyun of Girls' Generation. It's still night, and if a pervert pops up like this It can also give him a chance to gain favor. Although he seems to have reached full favorability with Xu Xian, who cares?

In this way, Li Menglong successfully escaped again, but he received complaints from Xu Xian. After all, the two of them were accomplices. It would be better if they were not discovered. If they were discovered, they would really not end well.

"Hey, who knows if you don't tell me or if I don't tell you? Let's think about where to go and eat something on the way!" Li Menglong took Xu Xian's shoulders and forcibly took her to the direction of the garage, driving Li Shunkyu He was given a free sports car to please a girl, but he didn't even feel the slightest bit of shame. I have to say he was a bit of a scumbag!

"Wow, it feels so comfortable to sit on!"

"That's right, don't even look at how much this car costs!" Although Li Menglong wasn't too keen on this expensive toy, since Xu Xian praised it, he still wanted to show off for Li Soonkyu.

"It's a pity that I can't afford it. If one day I don't want to open Oppa, can you give it to me as a birthday gift?" Xu Xian said in a pretentious manner. For a while, it was hard to tell whether he really wanted it or just wanted it. joke.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter who Li Menglong is. He still has a relatively indifferent view of external things, but his family takes it seriously: "I personally agree with this in principle. As long as you can deal with Li Shunkyu, I have no objection." !”

When Xu Xian heard this, he curled his lips subconsciously. It would be better not to say this. How could he deal with Lee Soon Kyu? This is simply an international joke. In that case, it is better for her to save more money herself. Maybe she will save enough in a few years. This is more realistic.

Driving along the road along the Han River at night is quite an experience, especially at night when there are few cars and the air is good. You can also flip down the hood of the car and let Xu Xian scream and vent, which is very enjoyable. .

Although she realized her mistake tonight, it was impossible to say that she was not depressed. Otherwise, she would have gone back to get ready for bed at this time. Even if it was not possible, it would be good to sort out the script. She came out with Li Menglong. Are you going to do a scene of a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful car to support him?

Although Seohyun's status in the industry is already high, objectively speaking, she really can't hold up to Lee Mong-ryong. After all, Lee Mong-ryong is more or less a top figure in the industry. This won Girls' Generation's The maknae seems to make perfect sense as a girlfriend.

Of course, if Seohyun dares to go out and let him appear with Lee Soonkyu and her Seohyun at the same time, the situation will not be too high. But firstly, she cannot agree to it, and secondly, Li Menglong does not dare to do it. The most important thing is Lee Soonkyu. , I guess if something like this really happened, there might be bloodshed.

Anyway, after blowing the cold air and shouting a few times, Xu Xian felt a lot more relaxed. He didn't forget to give Li Menglong a sweet smile that cost him his life. After all, Li Menglong doted on her so much that he took the initiative to help her get out of trouble upstairs. He said that when he was depressed, he went out of his way to bring her out.

Of course Li Menglong herself smiles very kindly. Maybe in Xu Xian's eyes, she is just a rebellious little girl in her early twenties, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is the goddess who has attracted so much attention. Accompanying the goddess is still a hard job. ? At least Li Menglong doesn’t think so!

When Xu Xian came out, she said she was hungry. Although she didn't know if this girl had a problem with something. After all, she hated late-night snacks. It wasn't that she didn't want to eat them. After all, she was a normal person. Humans, entirely because it affects their health and makes them fat.

But today it seems that I can indulge a little bit. As for the reason, is it to comfort my heart? Doesn’t it mean that overeating can help alleviate various pessimistic moods? Seohyun wanted to experiment. It’s really not just for eating!

As for what to eat, Xu Xian doesn't know. After all, he has little experience. Fortunately, Li Menglong on the side still knows some old restaurants more or less. This is not something that girls know. After all, they rarely go out to eat at this time. thing.

"That was when I was working part-time at the landlady's house. It's easy to throw up after eating leftover fried chicken every day, so occasionally I want to change the taste, and the perfect counterpart to fried chicken is naturally fish stew, but... I haven’t been there for a long time!” Li Menglong still felt nostalgic when he said it, after all, those were his few green years.

"Okay, let's try it!" Xu Xian waved her fist and shouted enthusiastically. It really doesn't matter what she eats. She's not a picky child, as long as the atmosphere is good enough!

Based on Li Menglong's salary at the fried chicken restaurant back then, basically don't expect this place to be a big restaurant. Fortunately, many delicacies are indeed hidden in these streets and alleys. Only those who really love food will find them one by one. , of course it’s probably because of poverty!

The shop was not only a little dilapidated but even a little dirty, but Xu Xian didn't care about the environment. The steaming pot outside was really attractive. The red soup was constantly rolling, accompanied by the turbid soup. There are pieces of fish of unrecognizable varieties, and of course there are also some equally large pieces of vegetables. The aroma can make people drool even from a long distance away.

"Young lady, you came alone? Although it's not unsafe here at night, there are still some drunks, so be careful!" The boss warned Xu Xian very kindly, but he didn't seem to recognize that this was a celebrity.

"Thank you. I came with my brother, but he was still parking the car!" Xu Xian said politely. Even aside from the so-called celebrity status, Xu Xian is still a very lovable girl: " Is there a menu here? Otherwise, I’ll order the dishes first!”

"Order? Hahaha, you must have been brought here by your brother, right?" The boss said unequivocally: "We only have this one dish here, and it has been placed in front of you. You can order some drinks!"

It was already night, otherwise Xu Xian would have made a big blush now, and would have been a little embarrassed for no reason. Fortunately, the boss was kind and directly used a disposable paper cup to fish out some soup and a piece of fish: " Let’s try it first, it tastes pretty good!”

Xu Xian swallowed hard, and then he didn't even bother to hold the chopsticks. He just grabbed it with his hands. The moment he had it in his mouth, he felt extremely satisfied. The unique fragrance of the fish was paired with the sweet and spicy soup. The juice, especially the free combination of various fish, makes the taste of the soup more vivid.

While chewing hard, Xu Xian gave the boss a thumbs up. At the same time, Xu Xian pointed to the biggest pot on the side. She felt that she could eat that much by herself. Fish wouldn't make you fat anyway, so that's probably it. ?

When Li Menglong finally found a parking space and rushed over, he found that Xu Xian in the corner already had two large bowls of fish bones. The key was that the people who came to eat at this time were all elderly uncles, almost all of whom came to eat at this time. I didn’t know her, so the atmosphere was very comfortable.

"That little girl's food is really delicious, but it tastes even better with wine. Why don't you try one together!" The uncles joked in a friendly way, and the atmosphere was very relaxed for a while.

Xu Xian may have noticed this, so he immediately nodded and agreed. After drinking the wine invited by the other party, he even sang a traditional song for them for free, which made the uncles very happy.

Li Menglong naturally also participated, and the two of them were completely integrated into it, but the phone in the car had been ringing for a long time...

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