The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1653 Not interested

What should I say about YoonA's current state? She's just like a bullied little puppy. It makes people feel pity just looking at her. Not to mention that she's sitting cross-legged on the ground and pulling on Li Menglong's trousers, which means she has a belt today. , otherwise, something might have happened.

He shook his feet helplessly, feeling sorry that it was all about the fans. Li Menglong was not a fan of her, Lin Yoona. Besides, it was okay to see this kind of thing for the first time, but Li Menglong had seen it so many times, to be honest, he still had antibodies. So ordered.

"Aren't you going to help me? Haven't you seen it? I have to eat three cakes by myself. They have no humanity, don't you?" Yoona almost asked here, with a look in her eyes. She was still looking at the tears she just shed, and she didn't know how she could change between these two expressions so naturally.

"Of course I have human nature, but I can't show it too casually, as it's easy for bad people to take advantage of me!" Before Yoona could speak, Li Menglong quickly added: "Although I haven't seen the whole process, just from the results alone On the contrary, I personally think that you deserve it, so in a word, I am willing to admit defeat!"

The words left Yoona speechless. She was choking on the cake before, but now she almost fell down after a breath. She was about to faint as soon as her eyes turned dark. Fortunately, Li Menglong passed by quickly. After being convinced: "What's going on with you? Stop playing. Although I have to say that your acting skills are very realistic, you still can't deceive me. You must know that I brought you here!"

What is acting? This is obviously true! When Yoona heard what Li Menglong said, she waved her hand angrily and swung it in the past. Not to mention her weak strength, she was stopped by Li Menglong in mid-air. She still dared to fight back, right?

"Can't you see that I'm really about to faint? What else can you say that you brought me here? You have to speak responsibly. The two of us have only collaborated on one play, but I have acted in it before. I have been the heroine several times, and the director also deserves credit!" Yoona quickly denied Li Menglong's credit, otherwise if she was confirmed, how could she argue with Li Menglong in the future?

"I always speak responsibly, but you need to reflect on yourself!" Li Menglong put Yoona flat on the ground as he spoke. No matter whether it is true or not, there is no harm in lying down: "What did you say before? Acting skills? Did they teach you as much as I did? You ungrateful white-eyed wolf!"

This is a bit of a slap in the face. What is the truth? Li Menglong is completely denying Yoona's performance in previous dramas. Although Yoona himself admitted that her acting was indeed a bit green, but that It is also an example of her progress. Why is it worthless in Li Menglong's mouth?

Since Li Menglong is unkind, don't blame her. Lin Yoona took a look and saw that the closest thing in a straight line was Li Menglong's ankle. However, there were too many bones here and the taste shouldn't be very good, so it seemed like a good idea to bite the calf upward. choose.

Thinking of it, she was about to take action. Yoona held her hands on the floor and leaped forward. She rushed towards Li Menglong's calf with her head. But did she forget something? For example, her A full belly of cake...

It's just a small distance, but it's like the sea and the sky separate it. Yoona is destined to be out of reach, and her whole body starts to fall downwards in mid-air. Of course, the word "mid-air" is also debatable. If it is twenty centimeters above the ground If it can be considered half empty.

In short, the result is that Yoona slid close to the ground and hit Li Menglong's slippers. Xu Xian looked at the side and was very curious: "What is Ernie doing? Is he expressing his admiration and gratitude to Oppa?" It feels like it’s a bit much, is this considered a surrender?”

That is to say, Yoona is still lowering her head now, otherwise you can see her cannibalistic expression at this moment. What is worship and gratitude? She, Lin Yuner, just wanted to cut Li Menglong into pieces, but wouldn't that mean that she was in a difficult situation?

After much hesitation, she still chose her own image. Although she had very little image left in front of this group of people, she still had to struggle and get the bottom line: "That's right, I admire you so much, Mr. Li Menglong. , won’t you express your gratitude?”

Li Menglong used his heels to guess and knew that Yoona didn't mean that just now, but he didn't know if Xu Xian was pretending to be confused. Could it be that this was also a relief for Yoona? It's indeed a bit warm. It would be better if Yoona's expression could be a little sweeter when she spoke, instead of looking like she was seeing the enemy who killed her father.

"To express your gratitude?" Li Menglong asked back, but since Yoona has given such a wonderful performance, it really doesn't make sense for Li Menglong not to respond. He just happened to go for a walk to free up some space in his stomach, so he helped Yoona ate the last piece of cake.

Personally, Li Menglong was quite proud. After all, he had helped Yoona a lot, hadn't he? Look at Yoona's painful look when he just came in, but he just promised to shed tears of gratitude? Of course, I don't expect anything like that, but what does this angry glare mean?

Yoona herself was also very conflicted. To be honest, Li Menglong did help her, but she, Yoona, was "all over the place". Li Menglong just made such a small move? Yoona wouldn't die if she continued to eat that cake. Compared to this, Li Menglong shouldn't have to pay more, such as the promise of giving her a heroine.

When things got here, serious differences arose. To put it simply, Li Menglong thought that he had helped a lot, but Yoona thought that he had not given enough. At this time, the smell of gunpowder was everywhere. Fortunately, Seohyun was there. Looking at it: "Onie, don't you feel uncomfortable lying down like this? It seems like it will put pressure on your stomach!"

Some things are just afraid of being brought up directly. If Yoona hadn't said anything, she might not have felt anything, but now she felt that her throat was uncomfortably tight, as if there was a sea behind her throat, constantly surging and impacting upwards. Yoona frowned.

This time, Yoona's face was really ugly. Apart from anything else, her face looked as if it had been dusted with powder, and it was so white that there was no blood left: "Ah, are you planning to rely on me? I'm just saying You just said a few words, but I didn’t touch you, Xiaoxian, testify for me!”

"But it's clear that Yoona and Unnie's head touched your feet!" Xu Xian blinked, and the trouble came so quickly. Li Menglong should not ignore the relationship between their sisters too much. Although they admire Li Menglong a lot, at the critical moment I still have to face my own Ernie.

Yoon'er felt so uncomfortable. After hearing this, she even forced a smile on her lips. Li Menglong couldn't help but shake his head. In this case, let's consider it his responsibility. He went over and tiptoed carefully. I turned Yoona over, but I didn’t dare to make any unnecessary moves. Otherwise, what if I accused him of indecent assault?

Although the action was a little rough, the effect was immediate. Yoona took a long breath, but just as she took a breath, she rolled her eyes and looked for Li Menglong. Don't think that the matter is over like this, she Yuner It's a rare opportunity to bend down and act small. If Li Menglong doesn't give an explanation, it won't be too late.

It's just that Yoona doesn't have the physical strength to pursue her now, and she even asked for help from Lee Mong-ryong in the end. After all, it was a bit laborious for Seohyun to carry her, especially up the stairs. If she fell, she would be dead. Two lives.

"Li Menglong, give you a chance to take advantage of me and carry me upstairs!" Yoona was naturally very skillful in her words, so she wouldn't say that she was begging Li Menglong. This was a matter of principle.

"Thank you, I'm not interested!" Li Menglong's answer was quite cold. Yoona was stunned when she heard it. Was he a little too sincere? She almost believed it!

"Listen carefully. I want you to come and hug me? I'm Lin Yuner!" It's no wonder that Yoona emphasized so much. Let's not talk about her popularity. Just the hugging action is very ambiguous. Okay, okay, Li Menglong is holding her no matter where she is, this is a problem. If his hand is off, Yoona will scream on the spot.

"Isn't what I said obvious enough? Then say it more carefully. I'm afraid that when I just met you, you were yelling and yelling, calling everyone down, and then saying that I was acting like a hooligan. In the end, I didn't agree to what you ordered. No mercy!" Li Menglong looked at Yoona with a slight smile: "Are you satisfied with my statement?"

Yoona's face turned red in a rare moment, mainly because Li Menglong said all this in her heart. What was her plan? She didn't start screaming until she touched her butt or something? Of course I screamed from the moment I met him, otherwise what would I do if he threw me down halfway?

But what I was thinking about was one thing, but I was determined not to show it: "Hey, don't think about it. Don't you know who I am, Lin Yoona? As the object of my worship, I can't cheat anyone. I can't cheat you." Ah, everyone is so familiar with each other!"

"Are you saying this with no regrets? These days, people are tricked by those around them, so you can see if you can climb up on your own. Otherwise, I can bring you a quilt from a moral point of view. The same goes for the living room. There’s floor heating!”

Yoona had no choice but to deal with Lee Menglong's hard and soft attitude. She always felt that it was not good to be too familiar with Lee Menglong. If it were her little fan or a man with a normal mentality, wouldn't she have already started to shed tears with excitement? Nosebleed?

I was originally expecting Li Menglong to be a bit hard-spoken and soft-hearted, but as a result, he didn't change places until he woke up the next day. Yoona shouldn't be too upset when she woke up. The key is that it would be fine if she slept on the floor. This bastard Li Menglong is lying comfortably on the bed. Is he still a human being?

After a night of digestion, Yoon'er regained some of her usual light-weight skills. She pounced on him and kicked Li Menglong down a few times, and then stretched out on the bed. The bed was still comfortable.

As for Li Menglong, he naturally knows that he is slightly in the wrong, but he really can't always let these girls go, otherwise he will die of depression sooner or later in the dormitory. It doesn't matter if he has a hard heart occasionally. Besides, Yoona didn't see the beauty under her body. Several quilts?

But since I was kicked awake, it was the Asian goddess Lin Yoona who kicked her awake. To be honest, she still felt a little bit sexy, especially when I looked back and saw the goddess lying on my bed in a very seductive posture. This person's concentration was a little bit worse. Maybe he would pounce on her, but fortunately Li Menglong was already very resistant. He pointed Yoona's slippers on the ground at her butt exposed outside the quilt and threw it away.

This small revenge made Li Menglong quite proud, and he even couldn't help but whistle. This was not teasing Yoona, but completely applauding himself. You can't blame him for being so self-pleasant. If he doesn't If he wants to have some fun for himself, then Li Menglong really can't stay in this dormitory any longer.

They prepared breakfast as usual, and I don’t know why. The breakfast was visibly more luxurious than before. This made the girls sitting at the dining table feel blocked. They dared to swear that this must be Li Menglong. Deliberately, as for the reason, is it necessary?

"What do you mean? Making so much food so early in the morning?"

"Hey Yigu, don't praise me anymore, I'll be proud!" Li Menglong said in an inappropriate answer.

Just pretending to be confused won't work with girls. If you don't understand, I'll beat you until you understand. Of course, you can still give a little warning before that: "Friendly reminder, we didn't eat less last night! "

"Didn't you say it yourself? That was all last night. With your strong digestion ability, these are all trivial. I am particularly afraid of starving you!" Li Menglong said half-truthfully: "You fans God told me to prepare delicious food for you, saying that you are all skinny and skinny, don’t you think it’s better?”

"Don't involve fans in our affairs, especially as a reason for your shameless behavior!" What Kim Taeyeon said was justice, especially after seeing her favorite food on the table, she became even more angry.

After all, what accompanied her constant drooling was the feeling of fullness coming from her stomach. It was said that this pancake could be digested overnight. This feeling of being able to only watch but not eat was really quite unpleasant, especially There are people eating delicious food across the street.

It's not surprising that Xu Xian can eat breakfast. This girl always attaches great importance to breakfast. Besides, Li Menglong ate a lot for her last night. As for Li Menglong himself, it's not surprising. This guy is just a foodie. Fortunately, he's not just eating free rice.

But why can she, Lin Yoona, still be able to eat it? You know, they still remember Yoona's expression when she was chosen among the three cakes last night. Could it be that it was all a show for them? Why do you feel like you've been cheated? It's worth exploring...

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