After all, Xu Xian did not escape Li Soonkyu's torture. Although he knew that this little girl was framed, after all, Li Menglong's rogue face should not be too obvious, but otherwise they were a couple, and this tacit understanding was in their bones.

Of course, a more popular saying is that the two of them have the same bad taste. Although Li Menglong has rarely bullied Xu Xian, it does not mean that he doesn't like it. This face looks like dough when kneaded. Who doesn't like to knead the two? Down.

Isn't this mainly because I feel sorry for Xu Xian? There isn't much room for Xu Xian in this family. If Li Menglong gets involved again, wouldn't it be like forcing Xu Xian to run away from home? Therefore, Li Menglong rarely Participate in similar activities.

But the inexplicable atmosphere today has reached this point. In this case, there is no need to be polite. Li Menglong put his arm around Xu Xian's shoulders and poured two basins of dirty water on him: "Xiao Xian, how can you do this? The two of us What kind of feelings are these, there is no need to do these shady things, put this bank card away! Do you hear me!"

Xu Xian was really thinking about crying to death. He didn't know what this thing like a bank card in his hand was. Maybe Li Menglong didn't know it himself. He just gave it to him after seeing it temporarily. It was framed these days. No cost required? At least the props should be more refined, okay?

"What do you mean by shaking your head? It's not a bank card?" Li Menglong looked at it pretendingly, and then his expression was extremely frightened. He even subconsciously stepped away from Xu Xian for many steps, turned his head and pointed at Li Shunkyu: "I really did this this time. I’m innocent, I don’t know anything, I’ve never heard of this hotel!”

Now Li Menglong had poked a hornet's nest, and Li Shunkyu couldn't help but secretly give him a thumbs up. Only Li Menglong dared to make such a joke, but just because he is not afraid of death doesn't mean that Li Shunkyu is the same. Besides, the couple survived at least. One, so that we can offer each other incense and other things in the future.

Although Li Menglong already knew Xu Xian very well, he never lived in the same room as Xu Xian. The friendship between Li Shunkyu and Xu Xian came from sleeping together, so they knew Xu Xian's temper very well.

To put it simply, Lee Mong-ryong’s joke was too much. Maybe he was a little impulsive for a while. After all, Lee Soon-gyu and Yoona Sooyoung were having a lot of fun because of this joke. Whether it was the “victim” Lee Soon-kyu or the one who was framed Yoona and Xiuying were very happy and had no intention of getting into the excuse itself.

But the same cannot be said for Xu Xian. This girl is really shameless. Some of the jokes they can make among themselves cannot be made with Xu Xian. These are all lessons learned through blood and tears. Isn’t this what Li Menglong said after he finished speaking? No one even answered the call.

Even Li Shunkyu and the three of them stopped completely, as if they were not the ones who were fighting with each other just now. They stood there and watched the excitement. If something went wrong, they would immediately turn around and run to the second floor. As for the ending, Li Menglong is naturally responsible for it.

Li Menglong was not stupid. Although he didn't react for a while, the strange actions of the other three people naturally sounded the alarm for him. But what should he do now? Should he pretend not to know anything and turn around and leave? Would it be better?

Before he even took this step, he heard the sound of sobbing behind him. Li Menglong dared to run away now, especially after turning his head, he felt even worse. The little girl held the corners of her clothes with both hands and stood cutely. There, the expression was full of grievance and fear. Although he was sobbing slightly, the strange thing was that the golden beans in the corners of his eyes refused to fall down.

To be honest, Li Menglong's first feeling was that he had been hit. Xu Xian obviously didn't suffer any blow, but he deliberately pretended to be like this as a counterattack against Li Menglong. How could it be her turn to do such a thing? Don’t learn from the girls! But there really isn’t much to learn from girls!

However, the thoughts in his mind were one way, but what he showed was the other extreme. This time was not a good opportunity for gambling. He silently folded his hands and made a begging gesture towards Xu Xian. He looked at the girl There is still no expression, which means dissatisfaction.

This time, Li Menglong felt it was his own fault. He gritted his teeth and said that the palm of his hand was a slap to him. When the palm of his hand passed in front of Xu Xian's eyes, it even brought up a lot of wind. This action completely frightened Xu Xian. , even the people watching around couldn't help but scream.

When I was joking, I was most afraid that one party would take the initiative to take it seriously. If Li Menglong really slapped him, what would Xu Xian and even Li Shunkyu do? Find a knife and bleed yourself? Otherwise, I would be sorry for Li Menglong’s self-harm!

Fortunately, Li Menglong still cares about the girls. To be precise, he is afraid of pain, so this slap just looks a little cruel. In fact, when it falls on Li Menglong's face, it feels like a massage, but the strange thing is that the sound is loud. It's scary. At this moment, Xu Xian on the opposite side couldn't tell whether the slap was heavy or light!

But Xu Xian didn't see it, which doesn't mean that Lee Soon Kyu and others behind him couldn't see it. Li Menglong's thighs must have been a big red now, and it's hard for him to pat his thighs with so much force. Speaking of which, he was so cruel. It's a slap in the face!

In line with the guiding philosophy of a true gentleman watching chess without speaking, Li Soonkyu and the others did not expose Li Menglong's tricks. After all, this was considered a real skill, and it was also a move they had learned. They didn't see Xu Xian on the other side, who was already full of surprise. Well, all the emotions and expressions that had just been brewing disappeared.

At this time, the prank led by Li Menglong came to an end. Xu Xian finally saw that there were no marks on Li Menglong's face and walked up with confidence. He didn't forget to kick Li Menglong hard a few times. Xu Xian is a bad guy who knows how to bully her!

Yoona and Sooyoung also came to this conclusion, even more radically than Seohyun. Lee Mongryong is a scumbag. He took advantage of their determination to compete for roles and continued to enjoy various benefits without giving any benefits at all. If he makes any promises, what is this kind of man other than a scumbag?

Li Menglong sat on the floor, rubbing his calves and looking up at Li Shunkyu helplessly. It looked very strange from this angle: "What do you mean, you also want to kick twice? I recognize the three of them, you are like this What’s the reason again?”

"Do I need a reason to beat you?" Li Shunkyu raised his chin and gave a perfect answer. He was so irritable. This was a naked reflection of his family status. Of course, he said this first, at least not today. Take action.

Even looking at Li Menglong's slightly pitiful look, Li Shunkyu actually gave him a loving hug out of kindness. Isn't this a little white rabbit sending himself into the big bad wolf's mouth? Although Li Menglong is very self-disciplined, he also It doesn't mean he is a good person.

Wiping the saliva on his face fiercely, Li Shunkyu made a face at him in disgust, and then secretly looked towards the second floor silently. After realizing that no one was peeping, he walked up with peace of mind. As for Lee Mong-ryong can just stay in the empty room down there, while she, Lee Soon-gyu, has to go up and take care of this little bitch like Kim Taeyeon!

Lee Soon-kyu would rather go upstairs to sleep with Kim Taeyeon than stay on the first floor. Lee Mong-ryong has always been very open-minded about the fact that this smelly man and a sweet-smelling girl, coupled with good looks, figure, etc. Suppressed in all aspects, if a pig comes over, he will know who to choose. It can only be said that Lee Soon Kyu is smarter than the pig.

He yawned silently, saying that he was still a little tired after the whole night, and it was only four girls who came down. The other large troops were too embarrassed to come down to cause trouble, otherwise they would not have been able to pass the test so easily.

Of course, Li Menglong didn't think that his face would be so valuable. The reason was probably because his current state was not right, and these people might have taken a shower or applied facial masks, otherwise they wouldn't even have a hand in such a lively scene. It's good to come down and take a look.

With endless resentment or love for the girls, Li Menglong fell asleep with a smile on his face, until he heard the extremely exciting music: "Bounce, bounce, curry"

Li Menglong didn't even have time to open his eyes, and there was already a demonic sound in his ears. If it was just like this, that would be it, but it was obvious that simple music was too cheap for him, and the next step was to shake the earth. It seemed that more than one person jumped on his bed, and as a group of people swayed to the music, Li Menglong seemed to be lying on a boat in the storm, with nothing to do but sway.

His strong nerves allowed Li Menglong to remain relatively calm in such an environment. Of course, he needed time to recover, but this expression was not in line with the aesthetics of girls, so he woke up early to surprise Li Menglong. , can you still sleep with your eyes closed? Is this a pig?

So after some complicated eye contact, a foot that was restless and even had its socks on inside out began to find its seat silently. It was Li Menglong's hidden instinct that saved him, otherwise he might have gone. They're in the hospital. These girls are going crazy and kicking but they're not serious or serious!

It's just that Li Menglong's sideways turn completely deceived Kim Taeyeon. It was like going down a step. He had obviously chosen the right place to step, but as a result, the step silently shortened a certain distance. It felt really sour.

The music in the room stopped suddenly, and then came Kim Taeyeon's wailing. Li Menglong secretly opened his eyes, and Kim Taeyeon fell on the floor, covering her feet and rolling around crazily. If nothing else, she must have sprained her feet. Come on, even though he knew it was wrong to gloat over misfortune, Li Menglong still said he deserved it!

"What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and call an ambulance!" Li Menglong put his hands behind his head and said comfortably. This is all retribution. If you just sleep in, you won't have to worry about these things. !

"Oh, yes, I'll make a call!" Xu Xian on the other end was obviously very concerned about Kim Taeyeon. He was about to run away to find his cell phone, but was stopped by Jung Soo Yeon who was outside. Could you please stop teasing her? laugh? Who has a sprained foot and needs to call an ambulance? Are Kim Taeyeon's pig trotters made of gold?

That is to say, Seohyun was confused when she cared, and the other girls were all calm. Even Kim Taeyeon's wailing and rolling had some elements of performance. The sprained foot does exist, and it does hurt a little, but it is limited to That’s it.

As an active idol who has practiced for many years, I have to say that sprained feet and cramps are all too common. It is not uncommon to even faint when tired or hungry. They can handle such minor injuries and pains by themselves. It's handled, but Pani has already brought the first aid kit.

When you sprain your foot, you just need to spray medicine or put on a plaster. At most, you just need to pay attention to the amount of activity. It’s not that Li Menglong is too cold-blooded, but it’s not a big problem at all, okay? He’s not Kim Taeyeon’s. Those mom fans, every time Kim Taeyeon sneezes, they want to take her to take a CT scan or something.

This rational attitude is nothing, but Kim Taeyeon is not happy. After all, she was injured in his room, okay? If she went out to stay in the hotel and died in the room, the boss will also have to bear the responsibility. No matter how you look at it, It is an unreasonable disaster.

Li Menglong was so calm and indifferent. He even asked himself what he wanted to eat in the morning. Damn you, shouldn't he be holding Kim Taeyeon's feet to greet her, right? What made her even more disheartened was that she actually ordered the food. Her mouth was really disappointing!

However, this does not prevent Kim Taeyeon from calling Li Menglong back. She must express her feelings at least. They came here early in the morning for a purpose. After all, everyone had a cold war yesterday, so they can't just talk to each other without knowing it. Okay, they can't afford to throw this guy away.

That’s why we had this early morning disco event, which was the first step for everyone to break the ice. Li Menglong was naturally not so stupid that he didn’t understand anything. After coming in again, he cooperated very well and went directly to the stereo to press the button. the play button.

When the music started playing, Li Menglong was the first to jump up. Maybe it was because the atmosphere was too good. Yoona, who was not discerning enough or had not danced so early in the morning, actually started jumping up on Li Menglong's bed again. For a moment, the room was filled with Don't be too happy here.

But sitting on a chair, especially with one foot temporarily wrapped like a rice dumpling, Kim Taeyeon was dumbfounded. She also wanted to jump along with it, but the objective conditions did not allow it. But did these people go too far? After all, it can be regarded as an injury on the job, and then he rubs salt in her wounds?

"Yeah, that's enough for you!" Kim Taeyeon shouted loudly, but who is not shouting now?

Yoona closed her eyes and raised one hand high, her whole body swaying like noodles: "Let me hear your shouts, I say Yoona, you say goddess!"

"Yoona!" "Goddess!"

"Yooner!" "Goddess..."

Kim Taeyeon silently covered her chest, feeling as if she had been stabbed with many knives. She wanted to crawl out. Where was the gas valve in the house and where was the lighter, so that everyone could be more excited...

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