The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1578 Stupid and bold

Until she left, Pani didn't know if she had successfully gained a new fan. It wasn't that she had any intention of competing. The key point was that it cost money. At least she had to see some results. Besides, she spent money. Not just a little bit!

"That's not right. I'm just treating fans to eat. Why should I pay for the things you order? You've ordered so much, can you finish it?" Pani was holding a cake in the nanny car and was about to eat it. Well, inexplicably, I realized that I had suffered a loss, or a big loss!

"Huh? Don't be so stingy. We have been sisters for so many years. You shouldn't feel bad if you treat us to something to eat. It seems so stingy!" Kim Taeyeon said vaguely, mainly because there was food in her mouth so she couldn't explain clearly. , just spitting out a bunch of bread crumbs while talking.

Panixin nodded happily, but this was just her subconscious performance. This was a bad habit she had developed by girls. Who told her that her Korean was quite bad when she first came here, even if others spoke faster when she debuted? If it's faster, it sounds like it's hard for her to do it.

So Pani, who is naturally a bit silly, just goes further and further on this road. Regardless of whether it is on the show or in private, as long as she does not understand something, she just smiles and nods. Anyway, everyone sees her. For the sake of her sweet smile, I generally wouldn't trick her.

This trick really attracted countless fans to Pani. When the girls first debuted, Kim Taeyeon and Jessica Jung were just scumbags. That is to say, Yoona could compete with her because of her natural looks. With his invincible smiling eyes, Pani can be called a popular harvester.

It's just that ordinary people can't bear to bully her. Although there are many good people in the world, there are always a few bad ones. Unfortunately, they are all concentrated around her. For example, Kim Taeyeon's words make sense at first glance. , the meaning of persuasion is very strong, even for Pani's good.

But the more Pani thought about it, the more uncomfortable it felt. Of course there was nothing wrong with sisterly love and treating guests to dinner, but why didn't she, Kim Taeyeon, pay for it? After all, Kim Taeyeon has no feelings for everyone, right?

After hearing this point raised by Pani, Li Menglong, who was driving in front, inexplicably slipped his hand. The car made an S shape and then regained control. As for the other girls, they did not eat or swallow in time. It's okay to go down, just laugh.

But those who had food in their mouths were miserable. Not to mention that they were choked, the car was full of food residue. Li Menglong didn't dare to look at the beautiful scene, otherwise he would have nightmares later. I guess this nanny car can be used at night. I asked someone to do some maintenance.

Pani pinched his double chin, which was slightly plump recently. He was a little confused about what these people were laughing at. Should he just laugh along with it? Fortunately, it was no longer the time when she first arrived, and Pani didn't need to deliberately integrate into this so-called big group. What's more, she felt vaguely that she seemed to be embarrassed, but where was she lost?

This question bothered Pani the whole way. After getting off the car, his head was still aching. He wanted to find someone to ask, but those people only laughed when they saw him. They laughed so much that they couldn't even walk. Pani couldn't I'm afraid these people will die laughing right here.

So I could only focus on Li Menglong. Seriously speaking, he is at the level of an elder, so it’s not shameful to ask. As for Li Menglong’s laughter, he is much better. Of course, I feel that Poor Ni, how did this child survive until now?

"Kim Taeyeon's words are just to deceive you, so there is no need to give a serious and logical answer. Your correct approach should be to put the pastry in your hand directly on her face!" Li Menglong was very serious here. Instigating Pani: "You can also curse a few words by the way, but now let's practice as if I were Kim Taeyeon!"

Because Li Menglong had to get something last, the other girls took the elevator up first. Only Xu Xian was accompanying him and Pani, who stayed behind to ask questions, so the conversation went on quite naturally while waiting for the elevator.

Of course, the corner of Seohyun's mouth twitched slightly, trying to persuade her, but she also felt that Kim Taeyeon had gone too far this time. She couldn't bully people just because Pani didn't have a high IQ, so although it was wrong to curse people, Li Menglong clearly had no good intentions. , but she felt from the bottom of her heart that it was time for Pani to make a splash.

As a result, two of the three people supported her, and Pani felt that she was indeed hurt, so she immediately agreed with this opinion. It was just that it was a bit difficult to think of Li Menglong as Kim Taeyeon. Let’s not talk about the appearance. The problem is the head. Well, how could she look up to Kim Taeyeon?

"Swearing? What should I say? Kim Taeyeon, you bastard, apologize to me!" Pani pretended to be fierce here, but it just looked like she was acting coquettishly. Li Menglong wanted to pinch her. Cheeks, please don’t pretend to be cute here, okay? Show off the energy of her royal sister outside!

It's just that Pani is in a dilemma. Although she has the side of a royal sister, it doesn't mean that the royal sister can curse people, right? Since she doesn't understand, she doesn't feel ashamed to ask: "Then you teach me, and I'll listen to what you do." Cursing!"

"You've asked the right person. If it weren't for the fact that you paid for me today, I wouldn't be able to teach you!" Li Menglong looked like a white-bearded grandfather, and his image was quite lifelike. , but then the old man with white beard started to curse!

"Kim Taeyeon, you bastard bastard, how dare you defraud me of my money? If I don't tear off your little bitch today, I, Huang Meiying, will write the three characters backwards! A 1.45 meter dwarf is jumping around all day long. Yes, do you think you are a kangaroo? Kangaroos also have pectoralis major muscles, and you have a hammer? And..."

Seeing Li Menglong talking eloquently, Pani and Xu Xian were a little dumbfounded. It is really unusual for Li Menglong to have such a feminine side. And where did he learn this set of words? The key is His sense of empathy is still so strong, can't he be telling the truth?

After talking for more than a minute, Li Menglong stopped without finishing his meaning. He licked his dry lips and naturally accepted the admiring gazes of the two little girls. These were the experiences that life had given him. Of course, if the girls could If you have been with the landlady for more than a year, you will learn more or less.

"Just look at it for a while. I'll charge for it!" Li Menglong said narcissistically, and took a photo of the elevator door: "My hair is a bit messy, Xiaoxian, help me tidy it up."

Because Li Menglong was holding the box with both hands, this request was not too much, but after connecting with the performance in the previous paragraph, why did Xu Xian want to slap that big face that came over so much!

Considering his relationship with Li Menglong and his positive image in the past, Xu Xian still fiddled with his hair rather perfunctorily. Although there was no essential change in Pani's view, Li Menglong seemed to feel that changing his hairstyle would change He seemed to be a stranger, and looked extremely abnormal.

If you have the mentality, he should stay away, but there is only such a big place in the elevator. Fortunately, Li Menglong is just a verbal harasser. To be honest, after being an idol for so many years, there are countless people who have taken advantage of him verbally, although it is not that big. I'm used to it, but it's a bit numb.

It's just that this is the first time she has seen someone who constantly instigates her to curse. The key is that Pani was vaguely persuaded. After all, she was really hurt. Let her fight Kim Taeyeon with real swords and guns. I don’t dare to fight, so it seems that scolding Kim Taeyeon is pretty good!

Li Menglong showed a rather evil smile behind Pani. Seeing how cold Xu Xian was, he quietly tripped his leg when he was walking out, causing Li Menglong to stagger far away. If it weren't for Pani in front of him, After blocking it for a moment, Li Menglong could hit the door directly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it! Humph!" Xu Xian didn't know how to keep his emotions strictly private, so he told Li Menglong clearly that it was intentional. !

Li Menglong couldn't argue with this little girl, mainly because there are still people here who need encouragement: "Don't be afraid, I am your strong backing. Don't give yourself a second to hesitate after entering. If you don't dare to look at each other, just You can just close your eyes, you are a good actor, I like your pani action!"

Li Menglong was very deliberate and used all kinds of methods. As a director, do you have to be responsible for rehearsing pranks? But no matter what, the effect is still good. Pani took two deep breaths and pretended to be acting. Although her acting skills were indeed a bit bad, she still firmly believed that she was at the level of a movie queen, but she just didn't want to be with Yoona and those little girls. Just grabbing resources, well, that’s it!

The clothes of the first group of people who came up were thrown all over the floor. The group of people were already sitting in front of the TV eating cakes in harmony. They didn't react at all to the arrival of Li Menglong and the other two people. They weren't getting food anyway, so what? So caring!

"Ah, Huang Meiying, your butt is blocking the TV, get out of the way!" Kim Taeyeon muttered coquettishly. It was just a joke to anyone, and her tone was even quite doting. After all, they were not close friends. You wouldn't say that to a certain extent.

It’s just that Pani’s thoughts are wrong now, so these words sound like adding fuel to the fire. I was still hesitant at first, but now it explodes. Since you, Kim Taeyeon, are unkind, don’t blame me, Huang Meiying, for being unjust. !

Li Menglong didn't even have time to take off his clothes. While encouraging Pani with his eyes, he poked Yun'er's butt with his toes. Yun'er, that girl, has instinct for this kind of thing, so she didn't bother with Li Menglong. I picked up the remote control and muted the TV, giving Pani a perfect space to show off, although I still didn’t know what Pani was going to say!

Next, if it is an exaggeration to say that the girls' jaws are almost broken, and even the dregs cannot be found, the mouth cannot be closed the whole time, and even the food chewed in the mouth subconsciously flows out. few.

They don't hear many curse words themselves, and even less say them themselves. After all, they are also celebrities. What if the familiar words they say in private are brought out on the show? So it’s not that girls are white lotuses, it’s just that life and career have made them draw a line from swearing.

So listening to Na Pani's dirty words now is fresh and shocking enough, especially since it brings together Li Menglong's understanding of them and the experience accumulated by the landlady's street shop for more than ten years. After Li Menglong compiled it and taught it to Pani, It can be regarded as a unique skill!

How to describe this kind of impact? Some teenagers are in a state when they are exposed to romantic action movies for the first time. It is as if a new door has opened in life. It turns out that swearing can be said so artistically and rhythmically. !

Pani stood there slightly stiffly, with his hands clenched tightly against his body. The veins on the back of his hands were clearly visible due to excessive exertion. Although his expression was not ferocious, it was still very unnatural. The key is Her eyes are still closed, and she looks like a passionate girl in a movie who confesses her love to her senior. Her cuteness is natural, but she still reveals that slightly fresh and silly look!

I don’t know who took the lead first, but in short, the applause spread from scattered at the beginning to the storm at the end, accompanied by bursts of cheers from the girls. Teacher Huang Meiying’s swear words are simply comparable to rap. Ah, this is art! After all, art comes from life.

Pani was still there preparing to accept everyone's revenge. Who knew the result would be like this, which made her feel a little embarrassed and shy. It's just that it makes sense for the girls to do this. After all, they are not the protagonists in this rap, so of course it is just for fun.

So the only one with a livid face in the group is Kim Taeyeon. Thanks to Li Menglong’s years of understanding her, this rap really hits her Kim Taeyeon’s pain points every sentence. The key is that it starts from Pani. When it comes out of your mouth, this is not just a matter of betrayal +1, but betrayal multiplied by 10!

Although Li Menglong wanted to trick Pani, he didn't want to do it so harshly. After all, he also considered Pani's character. Who knows what this girl ate today? Why is she suddenly so manly? At least Li Menglong's performance just now I am ashamed of myself.

I had the intention to go over and remind Pani to stop when she was done, but it seemed that she was already addicted to the adoration of countless beautiful girls. She was just beginning to perform for the second time in response to the calls of fans. This time she was interrupted in the middle of the performance. , because Kim Taeyeon had already clapped her hands vigorously and stood up.

Li Menglong dared to swear to the lamp. At least at this moment, Kim Taeyeon definitely looked more than 1.6 meters tall. Li Menglong believed that her aura was 1.68 meters tall. Even if he was 1.7 meters tall, he would not object. In short, An existence that needs to be looked up to.

"Meiying, look at me, do you still recognize me? I'm Kim Taeyeon!" Kim Taeyeon looked like she was coming to recognize her, but her dark expression sounded a bit threatening: "Wait for me. Ah, just for a moment, I’ll go to the kitchen to get a knife, don’t worry!”

The gentle voice coupled with the terrifying words made even Li Menglong shiver. Kim Taeyeon suddenly grew another 10cm out of thin air...

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