In the end, the program team kept their integrity and did not continue to listen to Li Menglong's slander. This made Li Menglong very frustrated. He no longer gave the program team the enthusiasm to continue to come up with bad ideas. Although his ideas would have more or less side effects, but Can’t you see the crazy rising ratings?

Of course, the program team is not blind, and the higher the ratings, the better. However, as the end of the program, they really have to pursue stability, otherwise they will not even have a chance to make up for it. Look at these people lying here. The whole afternoon I knew that the program team was heartbroken.

A group of people moved to today's final occasion. In fact, the public relations ability of the Running Man program team is quite good. After all, there are not that many places that can accommodate so many people running and chasing, not to mention that many places are not willing to let them come. , there is no shortage of such famous people.

Just like today's high school, Li Menglong really couldn't figure out why the school would agree to it. If it were just a university, there would be some enrollment pressure, but high school is compulsory education, why would you join in the fun?

And when there are still students in class, this is like boiling water in a pan. This is definitely a boiling rhythm, and it might even explode. Li Menglong has never underestimated the popularity of Liu Zaishi and his gang.

A group of people stood on the playground and listened to the program team's nagging program rules and some precautions. They mainly told everyone not to interact with the students too frequently, otherwise it would easily cause unnecessary trouble.

"You guys still know?" Li Menglong naturally wouldn't give the program crew any face: "That's a high school student, what can't he do? I'm warning you, if I get injured, the program crew will reimburse me for medical expenses!"

Although what Li Menglong said was a bit too scary, it was not impossible to happen. It made Liu Zaishi and others feel uneasy. What can the program team say? It can only be said that they also want to make the program more effective, and also Is there a more passionate fan base than high school students? If there are, maybe they are only junior high school students!

After warning for almost half an hour, as for the rules, they didn’t even last thirty seconds. Overall, they were too simple. It was obviously simplified temporarily by the program team. Maybe Li Menglong’s threat had some effect. The program team also felt that the original rules were too easy to cause trouble. .

"So I'm the only villain?" Li Menglong looked at the group of people speechlessly. He even wondered if this was revenge on him. Although he, Li Menglong, had the physical strength and speed, he couldn't directly challenge the running men all by himself. Is Kim Jong-kook just a show-off?

"No, one of the members of the Running Man is your spy. We will secretly inform you later!" The director team knew what you were going to say: "During the period, the members of the Running Man will find people scattered around the school. It takes five props to tear off Li Menglong’s name tag, otherwise he will be invincible, everyone can take action!”

There is really no need to explain it anymore. After all, not only the running boys, but also the audience are familiar with this rule. As for Li Menglong, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, he just wants to tear it up and get off work early. He still has to go home and talk to those girls. We're settling accounts.

Walking on the campus at dusk, Li Menglong still felt that the atmosphere was very good. He had time to turn around and chat with the director: "The environment in high schools is so good now? It makes me want to come and study for a few days!"

"Shouldn't you run? It is said that Liu Zaishi and the others have almost found the first prop!" The director here reminded helplessly. After all, it is Li Menglong's freedom to run or not. He is only following Li Menglong to prevent Li Menglong from causing trouble again. It's just a big deal.

Sure enough, his worries were justified. Li Menglong seemed to be a born rule breaker, at least in variety shows. He was particularly keen on confronting the program team and finding their loopholes. After learning that the students did not have class today, it was only temporary. After self-study, Li Menglong completely let go.

"Ahem, hello, classmates. Let me introduce myself when we meet for the first time. I am..." Li Menglong originally wanted to say his name directly, but he felt that there was no need for high school students to know his name, so he hesitated and told the girls He was carried out: "I am Li Menglong, the assistant of Girls' Generation, good evening everyone!"

Seeing Li Menglong speaking these words seriously in the broadcast room, the program team was speechless and didn't even think it would have any effect. However, they obviously underestimated the enthusiasm of high school students to participate. As soon as Li Menglong said these words, the whole teaching building was filled with people. There was a burst of cheering, the sound was so loud that it could be heard here, it was very scary.

"Don't get excited, everyone. Girls' Generation didn't come. I'm sorry that you can only watch second-tier comedians. If I have a chance, I will bring the girls over to meet you!" Li Menglong threw down the bait without hesitation: " So can everyone provide me with some equivalent information in exchange, such as the specific locations of the Running Man members? As for the first one, it’s Lee Kwang Soo!”

Li Menglong really didn't target him deliberately, it was the program team who set the order of killing him, otherwise it would be too beneficial to Li Menglong. Of course, he was also thinking about who the spy was, and the program team was still a little bad.

Li Menglong doesn't know who this person is. He can only find out through personal contact. However, he has no means of verification other than tearing off the other person's name tag, so there is still the possibility of being deceived or being cheated. It gives him a terrible headache. .

Soon the phone in the broadcast room rang. With the help of his classmates, Lee Kwang-soo, who was a mouse with nowhere to hide, found his location in minutes, causing the program team to shout that they had made a mistake. In their plan, Li Menglong should face the provocation of Liu Zaishi and others. After all, even if he saw it, he couldn't tear it apart, but now it seems that the navigation is installed, and the journey is smooth.

As for Li Guangzhu and the others, they naturally heard the broadcast, and everyone was very panicked. Originally, because of the relationship between the internal agents, they had agreed to act together. This way, on the one hand, they would prevent the internal agents from contacting Li Menglong, and on the other hand, they could protect each other. .

But now it seems that there is no need for this. Don't involve the entire team just for one person. So when the two met, Lee Kwang Soo was quite decadent, and his negative energy was so high.

The whole person seemed to have turned on the resentment mode. Not only was he complaining about Li Menglong's despicability and the betrayal of the members, but he also hated the program team: "Why did you put me in the first place? Do you think I am easy to bully? Why not?" Why put Yoo Jae Suk first? Let me tell you, I’m quitting! Just wait for my lawyer to terminate the contract tomorrow. This is workplace strife..."

Although Lee Kwang Soo's complaints were all reasonable and the person seemed quite miserable, Lee Menglong still cautiously complained: "The effect of Yoo Jae Suk's program is still better than yours. You should have given Ji Suk Jin an example just now!"

Li Menglong's words made the students watching from a distance laugh subconsciously. As for the program team, they naturally looked at him angrily. Even though they were still watching the excitement, Li Guangzhu was really a little angry.

It’s just that Li Menglong really doesn’t care. No matter how angry Li Guangzhu is, he doesn’t dare to get angry with him. Regardless of age and status, just two people standing here can’t beat Li Menglong with Li Guangzhu’s two hands. This is The benefits of fitness.

Li Guangzhu was killed without any surprise. To be honest, I was quite afraid that this person was an insider. Not to mention the order of killing Li Menglong was exposed. The key is that this person was unreliable. It was the same as not having him.

"Have a good rest!" Li Menglong comforted him perfunctorily, leaving some promises at least, such as giving Lee Kwang Soo a chance to audition for the next film. As expected, he is so ruthless to men.

The next thing will be much smoother. Ji Seokjin and Haha have been eliminated one after another. Only when it comes to Song Ji Hyo is there some trouble. This boss insists that she is an insider. Don't be too sincere. After all, she is also an actor. Well.

"I'm warning you, I'm the director. It won't work if you perform this act in front of me!" Li Menglong threatened faintly, but this also exposed his hesitation at the moment. Song Ji-hyo is really an insider in all aspects. is a good choice and fits the style of the program team very well.

After all, seriously speaking, the physical strength of girls is still relatively weak. Otherwise, if he is paired with Kim Jong Kook, then there is no need for this game to exist. Therefore, after much hesitation, Li Menglong gave this person a chance, and at the same time, he also buried the ground for himself. a hidden danger.

When there were only four people left, the runners finally found all the props and announced the official start of the battle. The first four people had already gathered together. Song Ji-hyo began to use his own brain power to analyze the current situation. The insiders must be Liu Jae-seok and Gary is one of them. After all, the game between Kim Jong Kook and Lee Meng Yong is too unreal, and she herself is pale.

From the perspective of the program team, Gary and Li Menglong obviously don't call much, but it will be completely different if Liu Jae Suk is replaced. The program effect of these two brothers must be quite good when they come together, so it is no surprise that the instigator is Liu Jae Suk.

What kind of eyesight does Liu Jae Suk have? He originally wanted to stir up some relationships within the team, but after seeing Song Ji Hyo's sneaky connection, he took advantage of the urine escape opportunity and ran away directly. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to die before the start of the battle.

"You still have the nerve to come to me? Have you done one thing during the whole process? You can just hide one of the props!" Li Menglong really wanted to give Liu Jae-seok a kick in the butt, and of course he didn't mention that he had let Song Ji-hyo off during the whole process. Click, go back and watch the show yourself.

Yoo Jae Suk also had nothing to say. Indeed, he really failed. He didn't cheat on anyone's name, he couldn't find any props, and he didn't even have a chance to connect with Lee Mong Yong. There were so few scenes.

In order to restore his reputation, mainly to prove himself in front of Li Menglong, Yoo Jae Suk decided to help him with force, but Li Menglong shot him back with one sentence: "Can you help me hold off Kim Jong Kook?"

This is naturally impossible. Kim Jong Kook would be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth against him. However, when Li Menglong asked him to tear Song Ji Hyo apart, Yoo Jae Suk was in trouble again. Song Ji Hyo is a very fierce woman, and he also did it. Not sure!

"What's the use of you?" Li Menglong sighed and then began to think of some indescribable means. However, taking advantage of students is not Li Menglong's specialty, especially with Liu Zaishi as a light bulb beside him, it is not easy to find. .

After seeing the three people hugging each other, Li Menglong was helpless. He especially glanced at Liu Zaishi on the side. This was not as useful as Lee Kwang-soo. He tucked his clothes tighter and Li Menglong was ready to take action.

Opposite Kim Jong Kook also rushed towards Lee Meng Yong without saying a word. It was obvious that the opponent's rhythm was to hold him back first and let Song Ji Hyo and the two of them quickly deal with Liu Jae Suk. The soft persimmon could not be hardened anywhere.

"Come on, my elder brother is watching you at home!" After inspiring Liu Zaishi, Li Menglong went directly to greet him. He said that he had disliked Kim Jong Kook for more than a day or two. It was not easy for him to have such an opportunity to beat him up. , why are you so polite!

Of course, it's one thing whether they can survive the fight, but they still have the courage to fight. The two people connected their arms without any nonsense. The amazing thickness of the muscles on the arms can be seen even through their clothes.

Li Menglong gritted his teeth, the veins on his neck bulged ferociously, and his feet gripped the ground tightly, trying to lift Jin Zhongguo up. The other party naturally had the same idea, and the meaning of wrestling was quite obvious.

At this time, not only the surrounding students, but also Liu Zaishi and the three of them swallowed silently. Why did these two beasts come to participate in this show? I mean, they shouldn't be divided into weight classes. This would be fair at least. a little.

The three of them stopped taking action, because it was obvious that the battlefield was over there. The three of them just waited for the two of them to decide the winner. Of course, it was not impossible to cause trouble in the past, but they always felt that it destroyed a certain sacred atmosphere.

It is true that although the current scene is still, it has a silent power. Both of them are roaring secretly in their throats. The two of them can naturally jump out, such as spinning a few times, escaping first and then fighting with each other, but it seems that the two Personally, I am determined to compete in terms of strength.

As the saying goes, boxers are afraid of young people. Even though Li Menglong was slightly inferior in strength, after a stalemate for a while, Jin Zhongguo couldn't bear it anymore. His arms trembled slightly, and his feet began to stagger slowly.

Li Menglong almost instinctively pushed Kim Jong Kook over. As for the action, it was almost a standard back throw. But when he was about to exert force, he realized that this was not appropriate. Kim Jong Kook's body was not as good as his. So tough.

As a result, he was finally thrown out after Li Menglong withdrew his strength. This was not because Kim Jong Kook was cruel, but because his body was no longer under control in that situation. Li Menglong glided nearly two meters in mid-air before hitting him. When we reached the wall, everyone felt a dull pain when they heard the muffled bang.

The surrounding students also tacitly took a few steps back. It turns out that the recording of the variety show is so bloody. It seems that it is really not something ordinary people can participate in. It can easily kill people...

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