The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1550 Counter-routine

"Do you think I've become a lot more handsome? Let me just say, after I wash my face, I'm completely two people. Can I debut as an idol now?" Li Menglong stroked his stubble quite narcissistically. He said, looking slightly disgusted.

"We are all so familiar with each other, can you please stop making things difficult for us? You said you have said so yourself. If we agree with you, we will be sorry for our own conscience; but if we reject it, we will feel a little guilty towards you. You are so Aren't you making things difficult for me?" Kim Taeyeon said in a very conciliatory manner. After all, she had already given Li Menglong face without making any direct sarcasm.

But it was obvious that Li Menglong didn't appreciate it very much, and his expression turned cold instantly: "Then why are you staring at me like this? Since you can't give me praise, then don't give me these vain hopes!"

"Hiss...who did you learn the look of this resentful woman from?" Li Shunkyu rubbed the goosebumps on his body and said speechlessly: "You also teach him some good things on weekdays. After teaching him all kinds of messy words, you guys Everyone is married, what should I do?"

"You can find another one. Anyway, even if your appearance is no longer there, you will still have money. Will the rich woman not worry about finding a new home?"

"There is indeed something wrong with what you are saying. What does it mean that I am rich? Do I, Li Shun Kyu, need to use material temptations to find a man? With this face and figure, are you blind?" Li Shun Kyu even dragged his chest as he spoke. , glanced at these people with disdain, Chai Huo Niu still had the nerve to discuss this issue with her?

This is really a map cannon. Not many girls can survive. They are a little depressed as they say it. Everyone has been eating about the same over the years. Why is it that Lee Soon Kyu has such a good figure? Could it be that there are some hidden benefits to not growing taller?

This idea was abandoned by everyone in an instant. After all, there was a ready-made example nearby. Kim Taeyeon also noticed everyone's unkind glances. The key is that the focus of these gazes seemed to be on her chest. What these perverts wanted to do What? Do you believe she called the police?

Successfully diverting the conflict temporarily, at least he could relax for a while. At this time, someone secretly massaged his shoulders from behind. He didn't even have to look back to know that it was Xu Xian, otherwise who would be so sensible.

"Did Oppa not sleep last night? It's my fault. I will definitely rest on time every day from now on!" Xu Xian said slightly apologetically. Based on what Xiaoyuan just said, she thought Li Menglong rested with her. .

There are many similar things, but Li Menglong will never say them directly, and only a few of them will be known to the girls. For example, if Xiaoyuan wakes up late today, most likely no one will know that he stayed up late.

So the girls are quite grateful to him. Of course, it would be nice to thank Lee Soon-kyu who would probably be a big thank you. On the contrary, Xu Xian will feel a little guilty. After all, it was her little willfulness that made Lee Meng-ryong work overtime last night. The key is It was her who fell asleep first, which was so inappropriate.

"It doesn't matter. Serving our goddess is the dream of ordinary people like us. I want to thank the goddess for giving me this opportunity!"

"Flattery!" "Liar!" "You know how to deceive the simple maknae..."

"Isn't it impolite to talk behind someone's back?"

"Which of your eyes saw that we were behind your back? We just kept our voices down!" Yoona spoke up on behalf of everyone: "You are a flatterer and you still don't admit it? Then why do you only serve Xu Xian? We Not human!"

"First of all, I have served you. If you object, you can choose not to eat breakfast for a while! Secondly, I am grateful to the goddess for giving me the opportunity. What kind of goddess are you?" Li Menglong said quite straightforwardly. The words definitely come from the heart. After all, the longer they get along, the farther away the girls are from the word goddess in his heart!

"I don't like hearing this. If you go out and ask around, 11 out of 10 people will say that we are goddesses. Shouldn't you see a psychiatrist?"

"I think it should be ophthalmology!"

"Wrong, I think you should go to the psychiatry department directly. There is obviously something wrong with your brain. Is it waterlogged? Come and let me clean it up for you!"

I have to say that when the girls gathered together, their power was quite huge. At least when Li Menglong was reluctant to speak, they were almost invincible. In just a few words, Li Menglong was stunned. Since he had nothing to say, just admit defeat. , as for the girls, they were not reluctant, they just jumped with pride, and then hurriedly went to wash up.

Being able to have a fixed breakfast time of ten minutes every day is one of the biggest changes that Li Menglong brought to them after he moved in. At first, the girls were very resistant. After all, anyone who stays in bed in the morning will understand that it is better to lie down more. It’s bliss even for a minute, let alone for so long.

But after getting used to it, I felt it was okay. To be honest, I wouldn't be sleepy after waking up for ten minutes early. What's more, these ten minutes are not occupied by their sleeping time. They are completely saved by getting up and going out in an orderly manner. Time is quite magical.

Today, because Li Menglong didn't go downstairs to buy breakfast, there was only white porridge with side dishes. Fortunately, the girls were really not picky about food. They were all twirling their bowls while drinking, but their eyes were glaring from time to time. Looking at Li Menglong made him feel very uncomfortable.

"If you're curious about anything, just ask directly. It's not your style to be so reserved!" Li Menglong asked helplessly as he distributed the remaining porridge to everyone. As for guessing what the girls were thinking, Li Menglong gave up long ago. Their brains are not something that normal people can guess, their brain circuits are very magical.

"Can you really ask? You won't get angry if I ask?" Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes and looked very smart, but in Li Menglong's eyes, she was full of bad things and needed to be seriously guarded against.

"Ask, and after you finish asking, hurry up and eat so I can take a break!"

"Then I'm really going to ask, so be prepared!" Kim Taeyeon coughed slightly and asked quite crisply: "What's going on with the hidden camera today?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the table suddenly became a mess. Li Menglong was surprised and poured a spoonful of porridge directly on the table. But what surprised him even more was why the other girls were equally surprised. It was based on What kind of psychology?

Naturally, they were surprised. If they didn't know anything else, they might have thought it was Kim Taeyeon's joke. But everyone knew it, and Kim Taeyeon didn't communicate with everyone before she spoke just now, so it happened. current situation.

While wiping their mouths and clearing the table, the girls began to attack Kim Taeyeon in unison. You must know that everyone is still a little resistant to hidden cameras. After all, no one is used to being the protagonist of pranks.

But it's different if they know it in advance. At least psychologically, they will feel that they are in control of everything. And looking at the staff who think they are successful, this can be regarded as IQ suppression, and it is easy to gain a sense of accomplishment.

As a result, Kim Taeyeon cut off the power before the game even started. Isn't this a problem with them? As for Li Menglong, it doesn't matter. To be honest, his psychological quality is not that bad, even if he was exposed by Kim Taeyeon in public. This shouldn't be the case.

The main reason why Li Menglong looked like this was that he forgot about it and only got up after Kim Taeyeon reminded him. Moreover, he would be very embarrassed if the staff were busy in vain because of him.

Fortunately, after a brief chat, there seems to be a solution. The biggest selling point of hidden cameras is the monkey trick. Generally speaking, the artists are monkeys, the program crew is the performers, and the audience is the official. Enjoy the perspective of God pleasure.

It's just that now the target of the joke has been changed. For Li Menglong, it doesn't matter who is the monkey. He even prefers the girls from his heart. Of course, it's not because he is afraid that they will suffer a loss. It's all because of Xu. Xian is also among them.

Therefore, an upgraded version of the hidden camera was perfected in minutes. Of course, it was just a general framework, and the details inside relied on the girls' random performance. They have always performed quite well in this regard.

And the girls themselves are very excited now. After all, they haven’t played such a high-IQ game for a long time, especially the staff. You must know that the two sides have been very antagonistic recently. After all, those people know where to watch every day. Lively, very annoying!

It's so nice to be able to take revenge now. Even Li Menglong's share of the porridge was snatched away. According to them, they need to accumulate enough physical strength to let these self-righteous people see the acting skills of the girls. They won't be scared to death. !

Ten minutes later, everyone walked down one after another. It was very lively and comfortable along the way. However, if you look carefully, you will find that there is something wrong, because Li Menglong's voice was not heard.

In fact, Li Menglong was forced to wear a mask and sunglasses. The reason was that he was afraid that he would betray the organization. The little girl Xu Xian was also treated the same way. The reason was that Xu Xian was not good at acting. In this case, don't speak up. .

They didn't even blush when they said this. Now they took it out to do a questionnaire. It seems that Seo Hyun Jae is the best in terms of acting skills. The name of a nation's first love is better than their various three-legged cat roles. grade.

It's just a pity that this society does not determine victory or defeat simply based on strength. Xu Xian suffered a loss here, but it was a good thing. She was too lazy to participate anyway. At the same time, she quietly worked for the program team The staff observed three seconds of silence. Why did you accidentally send a text message directly? You should obviously have made a phone call directly!

The two parties met soon. After all, the prerequisite for hiding a camera is to have a lens, so there must be a camera and staff. As for some candid shots and the like, forget it. They don't need to be too sensitive to the camera. It's hard to hide it.

So now we need an excuse to meet. Originally, this excuse should have been Li Menglong's work, but who made him forget it? He didn't even think of it until now, so the two sides were equivalent to a stalemate in the parking lot. .

The staff opposite started to sweat in the middle of winter. What is going on? It couldn't be that it was going to fail from the beginning, so a more enlightened person asked tentatively: "What's wrong with Menglong? Didn't we agree in advance?"

"Ah? Ah!" Li Menglong began to feel lucky that he was wearing a mask, otherwise his current expression would be very embarrassing: "Yes, as promised, what are you here for? It's filming, right?"

Kim Taeyeon has already begun to secretly roll her eyes from behind. Can this guy be more irresponsible? If the other side sees this, it will be all his fault. He has no professional qualities at all. He has lived with them for so long and even lied. Stumbling?

As for the staff on the opposite side, they were also in a panic. They were all holding cameras. In the end, Li Menglong asked if they were here to film? Isn't this obvious? If the girls discover this, they will really go back to Li Eunxi to complain!

The only thing that made Li Menglong happy was that the attitudes of both parties were quite unified, that is, they didn't want the other party to see that this was a hidden camera, so no one expressed dissatisfaction with his stumbling.

As for the slightly pale excuse that followed, no one doubted it. The girls even took the initiative to help him out: "Thank you everyone, Li Menglong and Xu Xian accidentally caught a cold last night, so it was a little difficult to speak. What's the matter?" Just contact me directly for work matters, I won’t cause trouble to everyone!”

Kim Taeyeon is worthy of being the captain of the team. She spoke so fluently in this scene that even the staff believed it to be true. There were two people who also had the same cold and took the initiative to bring cold medicine to Li Menglong. Isn’t it inappropriate to take medicine if you are not sick? ah?

In the end, Li Menglong reluctantly took one pill under the pressure of Kim Taeyeon and others, and then was sent to the back of the nanny van to catch up on his sleep. Of course, the excuse was that the medicine was too effective, and then it was time for the girls to perform.

"This driver Oppa is very unfamiliar. Is he a staff member of our SW? It seems that I have never seen him before!" Yoona sat in the back and poked her head over, asking curiously.

"I...I'm here temporarily from...MBC!" This person said as calmly as possible, but the slightly trembling voice still betrayed him.

It might have been fine if the girls didn't know in advance, but now it's obvious that all the details are questionable. Will MBC staff see celebrities so shy? You must know that it is easy for these people to meet celebrities, so there is obviously something fishy about them!

"Oppa, please drive safely, remember to wear your seat belt!" Yoona said obediently from the side, while making quick eye contact with the girls, guessing the intentions of the program crew in this hidden camera.

At first glance, it seems that I just wanted to take some pictures of their private states, but it doesn't make sense. After all, they slept directly in the nanny car in the morning. The staff should all know this, so the only flaw is that this person Driver, why do you look so nervous...

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