The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1541 Not very familiar

Naturally, the pastries were all eaten up quickly. After all, there were only a few pieces in total. This kind of thing is a typical calorie bomb. Eating a kilogram of beef may not be worth the calories of a piece of tiramisu. Girls basically eat it on weekdays. I just took it to pose for a photo. At most, I took a small sip, and the rest was helpless for Li Menglong.

So today I was able to satisfy myself a little bit. Even though I wasn’t hungry at all, desserts were actually not meant to fill up my stomach. To be more precise, they just made the pleasure of fullness last longer and be more satisfying.

Especially when they burped lightly, the aroma mixed with the smell of hot pot, barbecue and sweet pastries made the whole person satisfied. Of course, the premise was not to think about losing weight, otherwise they would die here today. Side.

Li Menglong's revenge activity tonight was a great satisfaction, especially since he had not been retaliated yet. It was not too successful, but why were these people still looking at him? Are you preparing to turn your back on others?

Fortunately, Li Menglong misunderstood this time, and the girls were obviously waiting for his next move. After all, they all had lost their IQ and rationality after eating, and they all expected him to come up with some new snacks.

It's just that Li Menglong's plan has come to an end here. He doubts if the group of people will explode on the spot if they eat it again, or they might just hack themselves to death with a knife when they wake up the next day.

Look at the food they ate this night, including barbecue, hot pot, ramen, fruits and desserts. In terms of calories, the intake of this meal can be compared with that of a normal week. Don’t think that the celebrities are slender. There is no price for a waist, at least in terms of food, they are quite taboo, after all, they don't have so much time to exercise.

Li Menglong decisively started to glare at these people. The girls also understood what he meant and didn't say much. They just curled their lips helplessly. Even revenge was so unpleasant. It was really unmanly!

As for whether he was a man, Li Menglong was not at all curious about the girls' comments, so he could ignore all the eye-rolls and mutterings. He stretched himself out and silently reminisced about this messy day.

But the more I think about it, the more unpleasant it becomes. Let’s not talk about the previous things. The following binge eating is obviously a lose-lose situation. You must know that in order to attract their appetite, Li Menglong always chooses the most expensive stores to buy. The cost is really scary, at least to him.

So thinking about it this way, I still feel a little regretful. His expression was naturally noticed by the girls on the other side. I have to say that everyone is too familiar with it. Basically, you can know what the other person is thinking just by looking at his expression. So everyone was quite unhappy.

"It's wrong for you to treat us to something to eat, right? I'm looking up to you by giving you a chance. Do you understand how grateful I am?"

"Do you think I'm worth it? Or do you think I'm worth so much?" Li Menglong looked at the bills on his phone and said distressedly: "Otherwise, tonight is everyone's aa? You can transfer your share to me. ?”

The girls are still very new to this conversation. After all, even men with modest pockets will look fat in front of beautiful women, let alone in front of them when they were young girls, they can be so blushing. The only man in front of me who breathlessly said aa was the only one in front of him, and he thought it was perfectly normal.

To be honest, everyone understands the truth. The girls themselves do not have such twisted values ​​​​that because they are beautiful women, they are destined to not have to pay. But things have to be viewed dialectically. How many meals do they treat Li Menglong to eat on weekdays? It’s so good that I can’t even count them!

As a result, if you treat them to a meal now, you need aa? Where is the face? Everyone also knows not to argue with Li Menglong on this issue, because there will be no result. After all, he has been trained like this for many years, and Li Soonkyu has given up.

So since there were no follow-up snacks and he didn't want to talk to Li Menglong, he could just go and rest. So Li Soonkyu was the first to walk over with a figure-footed step. Of course, he "accidentally" kicked Li Menglong when he passed by. One kick, and then walked up with satisfaction.

Now that Li Soonkyu has set an example, the girls should follow suit. Li Menglong acted as a sandbag for a while, and even Xu Xian, a girl, wanted to follow suit. Fortunately, Li Menglong glared back with a fierce look, and learned from Li Menglong. What’s not to learn from Girls’ Generation? Don’t you want to get married anymore?

Today's Li Menglong is definitely not normal. In the past, when he was bullied, he just comforted himself. For example, countless men wanted to be bullied by them but had no chance, so these are all benefits and gifts. Maybe they have to find a temple to worship. A bow.

But it didn't work today. Li Menglong's mind started spinning rapidly, and soon every door on the second floor was knocked. Li Shunkyu was already lying on the bed and started playing with his mobile phone to induce sleepiness, but he walked out curiously.

The corridor was extremely empty, but the doors of each room were opened one after another and their heads were curiously poked out. After everyone looked at each other, they confirmed that it was probably Li Menglong's prank, but where did this faint fragrance come from? ?

Only then did everyone see a row of cups on the ground in front of them. They seemed to contain freshly brewed coffee. However, the coffee at home didn't seem to taste like this. Sure enough, after taking a sip, there were all kinds of coffee in the mouth. The flavors of various sugars and condensed milk, although I don’t know the proportions that Li Menglong put in it, I have to admit that it is quite delicious.

Would drinking some hot drinks before going to bed help you sleep? I don’t know who came up with this argument, but everyone immediately agreed, silencing Xu Xian’s voice of protest. Drinking hot milk is a dime away from drinking this kind of calorie bomb. Does it matter? Coffee is for refreshing!

But it might be a psychological effect, but in short, everyone slept quite contentedly that night. Of course, everyone slept on their backs. Even Yoona, who had the most dishonest sleeping position, was very well-behaved. She would easily vomit if she slept on her stomach.

The daily shooting schedule is fixed, so everyone's alarm bells rang on time, but today's alarm bell was particularly unique. Yoona, who got up first, screamed hysterically in the bathroom, and then He almost crawled all the way out, as if there was a strange uncle standing guard inside.

Because everyone was already awake and just lying in bed, a group of people rushed to the scene quickly, and many of them directly concluded: "Okay, Li Menglong, you have grown up, you still dare to be on the second floor so early in the morning You're a hooligan, I think you've really had enough!"

"It can't be done!" Xu Xian silently defended Li Menglong. Although he and Li Menglong were still at odds, he still had to have some sense. To be precise, Li Menglong had too many opportunities to take advantage. Yes, why do you have to squat here all night? Even if you do this, it will be more of a prank than taking advantage.

Fortunately, there is no need for a specific excuse, because the empty bathroom has proved Li Menglong's innocence. After all, there is no place to hide people here, so why did Yoona scream so miserably? Is this a ghost?

Kim Taeyeon scratched her cheek in confusion, but why did her finger feel so greasy? After turning her head to face the mirror, she finally saw the terrifying scene that Yoona had just seen. The picture in the mirror was full of greasy Who is that big face? It can't be her, Kim Taeyeon, right? She doesn't look like this!

He turned around stiffly and looked at his companions around him. He suddenly felt a little more relaxed. After all, everyone looked the same. Soon everyone realized something was wrong. For a while, there were constant screams in the small bathroom.

Kim Taeyeon is not as fragile as Yoona. Although she doesn't want to admit her dignity, she knows what's going on in her heart. She clearly ate too much last night, and now her whole face is swollen.

So this early in the morning, the anger level suddenly skyrocketed, and a group of friends ran down angrily. The whole room seemed to be shaking with such momentum: "Li Menglong, why don't you die!"

"Can you please stop talking so unluckily early in the morning!" Li Menglong said calmly in the kitchen, while holding the wok and tilting his head, but what he was about to say was instantly swallowed back: "Hey, you guys are Who is it? Did you go to the wrong set? I don’t seem to recognize you!"

This sentence coupled with his surprised expression really hurt the hearts of the girls. Although they never cared about their appearance in front of Li Menglong, this was based on the fact that they were still beauties even without makeup. , but what is it now? They can even scare themselves when they look in the mirror.

Fortunately, there is such a fairy among a bunch of "ugly girls". Although Li Menglong always said that Xu Xian is the most beautiful, in fact, he said it quite reluctantly. He also admitted in his heart that based on pure appearance, Xu Xian was the prettiest. It is said that the most beautiful person rotates every day according to their different dressing and status every day.

But today is different. Even if Li Menglong closed his eyes and used his butt to choose, he could choose Xu Xian as the most beautiful. To describe it as standing out from the crowd is no longer enough to explain the situation. If the average appearance of the girls is Tarim As for the basin, Xu Xian's appearance is like Mount Everest.

Xu Xian himself felt that what Li Menglong said was correct. Judging from the current situation, is there any need to compare? So he walked out with a little pride, asking them to regret it now if they didn't listen to him last night!

"Li Menglong, you are a bastard! You did all this on purpose, right? You have already calculated it, right?"

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Did I advise you to eat yesterday? You came here to grab it yourself. I spent money and you still complained. Isn't it a bit unfair!" Li Menglong said quite a bit. He retorted innocently.

The girls opened their mouths for a while and couldn't say anything. After all, they were all aware of this at the beginning last night, but they were just getting high later on, but didn't Li Menglong have no responsibility?

Just as everyone was confronting each other, a weak voice floated over: "Oppa, the fried rice is going to be burnt, you can put vegetables in it, and I don't eat onions!"

This sentence made the scene lively again. Li Menglong hurriedly turned around and started to stir the wok. At the same time, he threw in various diced vegetables, and then added some chili sauce and chives. As for Yoona's words, just ignore them. The child is just a mouthful of picky eaters, and I have never seen her eat less.

Only then did the girls realize what Li Menglong was doing. Although they could have breakfast every morning, it was mostly Li Menglong who bought ready-made or simple milk, porridge, etc. After all, Li Menglong was asked to get up an hour or two in advance to prepare. Breakfast was also a bit difficult for him.

Fortunately, the girls don't care too much. After all, it's good to have something to eat every day. Now that they eat three meals a day so regularly, some of the stomach problems in the past have improved a lot, but today's fried rice obviously took a whole day. It's a thoughtful thing.

I won’t talk about the taste. The key is that it’s very appetizing just by looking at it. The white rice grains, golden scrambled eggs, pink ham and green onions, coupled with the exquisite side dishes from various restaurants on the side, everyone started to live up to their expectations again. Swallowed.

As the saying goes, a person will not fall twice in the same place. It would be fine if the interval between the two times was longer, but Li Menglong's move didn't happen even after one night, and the traces of the girls' victimization were still on their faces. This was Do you look down on the intelligence of girls?

Li Menglong has something to say about this. To be precise, he personally respects the intelligence of girls, and there is no hint of contempt in it. What he looks down on is the mouths and stomachs of girls.

So when the girls each held a bowl of fried rice and ate it ten minutes later, Li Menglong and Xu Xian were not surprised. As for the girls themselves, they were fine. As for falling twice in the same place, They also have something to say, because they have fallen in the same place countless times, so do they still need to avoid it?

Therefore, they also have rich experience in dealing with similar situations. They continuously roll hot eggs on their faces one by one to reduce swelling and detoxify and eat them as snacks at the same time. It is simply killing two birds with one stone: "Li Menglong, give me another fried egg." Eggs, they should be medium-ripe and the yolk can be sucked out!"

What can Li Menglong say? After all, he is taking revenge on these people, but why do these people enjoy it so much: "Okay, who wants it? There is no second pot!"

"Uh, give me two!" Before anyone else could speak, Li Shunkyu added another one. It was a very realistic scene, and the corners of Li Menglong's mouth kept twitching.

It was rare for Lee Soon Kyu himself to feel so ashamed, so he couldn't help but defended: "I didn't have anything to eat while filming the show. Besides, I was very tired at the end of the day. It's good to eat more breakfast!"

Ignoring the echoes of the other girls, Li Menglong wanted to expose their lies. He was just tired when singing and dancing some time ago, but now he is using his brain every day. Is it necessary to eat so much?

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