The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 153 Seiya's Rhythm

Although she listened to Li Menglong's words, Little Crystal couldn't change it for a while, so she asked Shirley coldly if she wanted to go to the bathroom together.

Don't say that Shirley has a bad relationship with her, but those who are close to her will have to weigh it when they see that expression, so that no accidents will happen then.

Little Crystal didn't take it seriously for the other party's refusal, and dragged several other people to go out together. Before leaving, she took a special look at Li Menglong, clearly saying: I called her, she won't go by herself!

There were only Li Menglong and Shirley left in the room. The two of them were very embarrassed when they met for the first time. Li Menglong didn't like this kind of atmosphere very much, and he had a good impression of Xiaojing, so he was very emotional to each other. Shirley didn't feel much better.

Li Menglong was hesitating whether to leave first, but it seemed like he would dislike others, so Li Menglong decided to wait for Little Crystal to come back before leaving.

Smiling at Shirley, Li Menglong turned around and looked around casually, comparing with the rooms of the girls upstairs with scrutiny.

It just so happened that the security guards from upstairs happened to be patrolling here at this time, and through the half-opened door, they saw Li Menglong's dignified face looking around for something.

The security guard was an employee of a big company, so he didn't rush in immediately, but watched the door for a while, and then walked in when he realized that the other party was really sneaky.

"Hello, please show your work ID!" The security guard asked very politely, and at the same time carefully stood between Shirley and Li Menglong.

Seeing the opponent's posture as if facing a formidable enemy, Li Menglong immediately raised his hands high in coordination. Of course, most of them were teasing, and he wondered if there was something wrong with his attire today. Could it be that a person wearing a peaked cap and wearing a black sportswear is a crazy fan?

"I'm also an employee of ** company, are we still a family?" Li Menglong didn't take it seriously at all, just wait until Little Crystal comes back.

"Please show your work ID!"

"Am I lying to you? Besides, isn't there someone behind you? Just ask her!" Li Menglong smiled and pointed Shirley behind with his chin.

However, when the security guards cooperated and turned around, I only saw a dazed and pitiful face. I really felt pity for Shirley's face, saying that Li Menglong didn't do anything to her and no one was there. believe.

"I personally don't like this kind of jokes, Shirley!" Li Menglong's face became stiff, and he said in a very low tone.

However, in conjunction with Shirley's expression just now and Li Menglong's attitude that is very different from before and after, the scene of a pervert threatening a female trainee just appeared in the mind of the security guard, and he still threatened the victim in front of him!

"I'm warning you, step back immediately, and go to the security room with me to clarify the matter! Otherwise, I will do it!"

He didn't listen to the security guard's request at all, but kept staring at Shirley. Under his pressure, the girl could only lower her head and use her brain desperately. Shirley herself doesn't know what she was thinking just now, but when the security guard asked her for a moment, she was silent!

And when faced with Li Menglong's pressing questions later, she was very flustered at first. After all, it was just a big misunderstanding to make it clear now, but there was always another voice in her mind that kept urging her to remain silent.

Seeing that Li Menglong was so ungrateful, the security guard stepped forward and pushed his shoulders. Li Menglong still held his hands high and let the security guard take him out of the practice room until the moment the door closed, Li Menglong turned away without hesitation. nod.

He had given Shirley a chance, even just before closing the door. But these are not important anymore, Shirley will be a stranger in his world from now on, no matter what she thinks.

And Li Menglong will not be in a bad mood because of a stranger, his serious face instantly turned into a hippie smiling face again: "Brother, you see that I have such a good attitude, you can't catch me just because I look like a bad guy, right? They don't even look alike."

"Don't talk nonsense, go to the security room and we'll give you back a green one!" The security guard didn't eat his sugar-coated shells at all, and looked at him vigilantly.

"I'm Sunny's personal assistant from Girls' Generation. They're upstairs now. You can go and ask!" Li Menglong said unwillingly. I can't take care of it.

"Why don't you say that you are the assistant to the president of the company, so I'll call the president and ask? I just haven't talked to him on the phone yet?" The security obviously didn't believe him.

Li Menglong was really helpless, he had no choice but to follow. Could he beat him up and run away? He walked all the way from the fire escape to the first floor, even though he deliberately slowed down, but Little Crystal and the others still didn't show up. Li Menglong was very surprised that it would take so long for a group of women to go to the bathroom together?

Li Menglong didn't feel any nervousness until now, saying Potian was just a small misunderstanding, he just thought about how to explain it better when facing Li Shungui and the others' ridicule later.

At this time, a small group of people just walked in at the main entrance, and bumped into Li Menglong and the security guard who were on the side. Seeing the high-spirited Park Xiangmin in the middle, Li Menglong really felt like drinking cold water would make his teeth clogged.

The security guard behind him still thought he was not enough to carry his back, so he directly grabbed his hand and brought him behind him, and at the same time locked his position, avoiding bumping into the company's leader.

But dogs always come to bite when they see people, not to mention the mad dog Park Xiangmin: "What's the matter with this man!"

"Hello, I seem to be a crazy fan. I found it in the practice room of the trainees in the lower basement. I'm going to take him to the security department for verification!" The security guard obviously knew Park Xiangmin, and explained in detail.

"Since he is a crazy fan, let him walk in the company so easily? What if he hurts someone? This is how your security department handles things. I think I need to chat with your leader. What's your name? "Pu Xiangmin said to the security guard domineeringly, without looking at Li Menglong.

"It was my negligence!" The security guard was like a dog, and waved his hand to call a few people standing guard, who were about to clamp Li Menglong when they came over.

After watching a good show, if he is not the one who suffers, Li Menglong still has the desire to continue watching: "Park Xiangmin, you can be regarded as a high-level executive after all, can you use some high-level tricks?"

"What are you still looking at? Hurry up and control this kind of people, and don't call the police, teach them a lesson!" Park Xiangmin urged with a livid face.

Several security guards surrounded him in an instant, but although they all had learned some fighting skills, they were still very different from the street-trained wild roads like Li Menglong.

First, he kicked one person's crotch, and then bent the other person's thumb to the ground, knocking down the two of them in an instant, and the bloody Li Menglong looked fiercely at Min Min The culprit.

Under Li Menglong's pressure, he took half a step back, but then realized that there were his subordinates behind him. And now he also regrets it a little, this is the lobby on the first floor of the ** after all, and it is him, Park Xiangmin, who makes the noise a little more embarrassing.

However, he can be regarded as an elite who has dealt with many major events, and his mind is still turning very quickly. He walked up to Li Menglong without retreating, and said somewhat sinisterly: "You represent Li Shungui, and you punched me so badly." It doesn't matter, are you sure Lee Soon Kyu is going to break with the company?"

Seeing Li Menglong's wavering eyes, Park Xiangmin knew it was over, so he bit his cheek and punched Li Menglong in the stomach with the strength of breastfeeding.

However, the expected soft touch did not appear. Instead, there was a feeling of hitting the desktop covered with a mouse pad. Except for the soft top layer, it was almost the same as an iron plate.

Rubbing his sore wrist, Park Xiangmin simply wanted to slap Li Menglong's slap, but although he couldn't fight back, Li Menglong didn't have the habit of standing here to be slapped.

He walked around his shoulders twice, straightened the hat on his head, and didn't say anything to Park Xiangmin. After all, what he said was right, and he represented Li Shungui when he made a fuss here.

There were two security guards lying on the ground, and the other security guards were a little afraid of this ruthless man, so they could only send him out of the s*m.

Li Menglong looked back in the direction of s*m, and it seemed that he could still see the practice room of the girls, and he was very uncomfortable accompanied by a little apprehension.

Li Menglong is a bit like Xu Xian in some respects, he doesn't want to cause dust in his heart, he will immediately repay those who treat me well, and I will immediately retaliate against those who treat me badly.

So now there is a feeling of grief and anger in my heart that I can't express, after all, there is Li Shungui in the middle, so Li Menglong can only wander around helplessly, trying to calm down.

Ten short minutes later, it was as if nothing had happened on the first floor, and it was still the sacred place s*m for countless fantastic fans.

Panting heavily, Little Crystal ran to the hall, but found nothing unusual. She didn't know how far things had progressed, but she only knew that he was taken away by the security guards. The most likely place for this would be the practice room of Girls' Generation.

Continuing to run up the fire escape stairs, she just wanted to see Li Menglong quickly, and while apologizing to him, she also wanted to prove to him that Shirley's quarrel with her was really not her reason.

She learned about it from other trainees. They had just returned from the bathroom, only Shirley was left frowning in the room, and when asked about Li Menglong, she just said to leave first.

But even though he doesn't know much about Li Menglong's private habits, he doesn't look like the kind of person who leaves Shirley alone and doesn't say goodbye to her.

So with the help of her sixth sense, Little Crystal went to a few practice rooms next door to ask, then ran all the way over, and knocked on the doors of the girls' practice rooms with a rosy face. As expected, Li Menglong was not there. Appear.

"Is Menglong oppa still angry with me? I'm here to apologize to her!" Little Crystal poked her head and said to the girls who were chatting.

"Although I don't know what you did to him, but I express my unconditional support for you, the fault must be on him!" Li Shungui waved his hand to signal Little Crystal to sit down and said slowly.

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