The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1521 Intelligence

Whether in study, work or life, everyone is looking for someone who stands out. This kind of person is essentially of the same nature as someone who is holding back. It is estimated that many people live in the shadow of "other people's children" middle.

Xu Xian is undoubtedly the big villain today. To be honest, Xu Xian doesn't care. She has been bullied by her group of unnies for so many years without any reason. She would rather hear Li Menglong's comments about her, but Is this word too positive?

Even a child like Xu Xian can feel this. You can imagine how flattering Li Menglong's words are now. Director Luo on the side can hardly listen anymore. What he understands is that he knows that Li Menglong really feels sorry for Xu Xian. He doesn't know I thought this was irony!

"Why are you pushing me? Are you not allowed to praise a good kid?" Li Menglong said seriously: "Look at what these people wrote. If all of this is really filmed, our company will lose money!"

After roughly looking at the scripts of several people, Director Luo really had to agree with Li Menglong's opinion. Whether Xu Xian's writing is good or not is another matter, but in the context of other people, this is a masterpiece. It's just Not to embarrass the girls too much, it was just their first time seriously writing a script.

In fact, Li Menglong's words have already taken this into consideration, so he didn't pay attention to any specific structure. It all depends on everyone's intention and freshness. To be honest, if he can come up with an imaginary idea like a space war, I might even praise them, but these are too routine now.

Kim Taeyeon and others were naturally unconvinced, so they directly grabbed Seohyun's script and looked at it. Because there was not much time, the script was just an outline at most, but maybe because there were a lot of considerations in the past, the contents were included. There are relatively more details.

The details of the script have always been required to be meticulous and touching. Logically speaking, this aspect is Xu Xian's absolute weakness. After all, the girl's life experience is too one-sided, and trying to write some in-depth details is simply embarrassing her.

Fortunately, after studying with Li Menglong for so long, she has learned a few tricks about sneaking and sneaking. Just like her acting skills were quite stiff at the beginning, but the roles that Li Menglong asked her to play were all true performances. , which makes me feel much more comfortable.

Don't think that this is something shameful, but it is a kind of great wisdom, so Xu Xian directly chose the industry that he is most familiar with, and even chose things that he has personally experienced in order to bring emotion.

Xu Xian's book tells the story of a group that started working hard as trainees. It includes the youthful ignorance unique to little girls, including friendship, competition and other elements of pure love. In the middle of the story, it turns to the inspirational concept of collective effort. The theme is of course a happy debut ending for everyone.

It can be said that the entire book has no problems in terms of concept. According to current standards, it can be regarded as a chick movie, and because many of them are Seohyun’s personal experiences, some of the details listed are quite solid, not to mention penetrating. But at least it's fascinating.

But that's not what Xu Xian wants to hear. Although she can proudly say that this script she has been thinking about for a long time has merits, she is not arrogant enough to think that her script can be directly used for filming, so she still hopes Waiting for him to give me some advice.

Li Menglong is naturally aware of Seohyun's little temper, so it is inappropriate to blindly praise him. To a certain extent, Seohyun is much harder to coax than silly big girls like Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona, and it is quite labor-intensive. mind!

Fortunately, he had all the suggestions in his head, so he didn't have to think about it deliberately: "I've said so much about the advantages. Of course, there are still areas that can be improved. For example, the biggest problem with this story is that there is no explosive point!"

Li Menglong then explained what he meant professionally and in detail. Xu Xian's story is theoretically complete enough, and some elements of literary and artistic films also exist. To be honest, it can be regarded as a niche literary film. That's enough!

But Li Menglong’s expectations for Xu Xian are more than that. Although he does not mean to look down on literary films, his point of view is that a good movie must be both popular and popular. The relationship between the two must not be separated!

It’s not like Li Menglong has never seen high-brow movies. To be honest, many of them are really good. Of course, they are more about things than just things. He believes that no one will watch these movies since the project was established, both the investors and the director. !

As for why it was finally filmed, there are many reasons, such as for film library development, for example, for award ceremonies, and for example, some shady capital spent money to launder the film, and used large-scale commercial production to launder the film. Naturally, I can make a small amount of money by relying on these works.

But no matter how you say the director or screenwriter's intentions are worthy of recognition, they must want to convey some opinions and emotions to the audience, but how should I put it? Didn't they consider whether the audience wanted to accept it or not?

As the party who spends money, the audience has the absolute right to choose in this regard, so if no one watches it, no matter how profound the idea is, it will be in vain. This is like which one is more important, the Four Books and the Five Classics or the Three Hundred Thousand, at least Li Menglong is willing to choose the latter!

Rather than instilling a philosophy of life into hundreds of thousands of people, he is more willing to introduce some light emotions and shallow outlook on life to tens of thousands of people, such as long live friendship and cherish the present time, so in some ways, Li Menglong is considered A very pure commercial director!

Although many people in the industry have a faint contempt for him, Li Menglong himself doesn't care, and Li Eunxi wants to fight with those people. It's just that they don't make money by making movies, and they want to kidnap Li Menglong as well? Go ahead and dream!

Therefore, Li Menglong believes that these are the areas where Xu Xian's script needs to be improved, that is, from a literary and artistic film to a commercial film. Although it is simple to say, you must know that many directors have died on the way to transformation. If you really want to be a literary and artistic film director, Was it a box office hit?

No one can struggle with money, so it’s not that they don’t shoot but that they can’t make it. This logic still needs to be clarified, so to a certain extent, it is almost impossible to switch between artistic film directors and commercial film directors.

And if we only use box office to measure the two, it is undoubtedly easier to make a movie and lose money, so from this perspective, a successful commercial film director is even rarer, and this happens to be confirmed from the market perspective.

A half-baked commercial film director like Li Menglong was able to support the SW company in the early stage. Although it is inseparable from the efforts of Li Eunxi and others, it has to be said that Li Menglong and his identity as director are the mainstay and the last resort of SW.

So now the scene of Li Menglong being forced to film has appeared. Of course, there is no need to tell Xu Xian about this. The girl obviously still has a long way to go to reach this level: "The specific way to improve the script is the door I’m knowledgeable, but it’s hard to tell in public. I’ll tell you secretly when I get home at night!”

"Ahem!" Li Shunkyu coughed in embarrassment. This was the critical moment. Who knew that Li Menglong would suddenly come up with such a trick? Besides, others didn't know that she didn't know that there was an untold secret about woolen yarn. It's just that Li Menglong's bragging was a bit too big and he couldn't live up to it.

Everyone's tacit understanding about exposing Li Menglong's old background is surprisingly unanimous. Even Xu Xian joined in the fun. Of course, she had different thoughts from others. She was really curious about how to transform an artistic film into a commercial film?

Director Luo is already secretly enjoying himself. If Li Menglong can really tell one, two, three, people who are looking for him to become his disciples tomorrow will probably be lined up ten kilometers away. Of course, it is not ruled out that Li Enxi flew over overnight and hacked him to death. Do you also want to leave your treasure to outsiders? Isn’t it stupid!

Li Menglong silently shook his head. Sure enough, people's hearts are not old. Where have all the good people gone these days? Or maybe he is just a bastard among bastards, so he only knows people like this: "This requires enlightenment. As the saying goes, the master leads you to practice on an individual basis. I..."

"Stop talking about these useless things, just tell me if you can change it!"

"Hey, are you forcing me?" Li Menglong scratched the floor quietly. How could he have any good ideas at this moment? If he had, wouldn't he have used them himself? Why would he have been scratching his head and thinking about the script these days?

But you can’t be cowardly at this time. Seohyun didn’t notice that the show was also being filmed, so he had no choice but to pretend to be a good guy: “Then you have to watch popular commercial movies. The ones that are big hits may not be the best. It is a big production, and there is real emotion in it, whether it is family or friendship, if it can reach the extreme, it will definitely be a big hit!"

"Is this the route Oppa's Reply series takes?" Xu Xian asked thoughtfully.

The answer to this question is obvious, but Reply takes a nostalgic route, but the success of the Reply series cannot be summed up as nostalgia alone, just like the success of girls is not just because of their beauty, it can only be said that this is the most basic The selling point can attract the initial attention and attention. Whether the audience likes it or not depends on the core.

So in essence, Li Menglong still didn't say anything, at least that's how Li Soonkyu and others felt. But what's going on with Xu Xian's thoughtful look? Could it be that he was cooperating with Li Menglong on purpose? He was really bad. Could it be that the evil Xu Xian was online?

Li Menglong didn't dare to explore Xu Xian's condition anymore, for fear that the girl would dig out all his old tricks, so he hurriedly announced that everyone could eat. In this regard, Li Menglong was much kinder than Director Luo, at least as long as he wrote the script It’s edible, so you don’t have to pick out two unlucky ones.

Of course, the effect of the program will be much weaker in this way, but the girls have similar ideas. Why should he consider whether the program has high ratings? Although he is not as extreme as the girls who hope that the show will be stopped immediately, he doesn't have any sense of ownership, not to mention that he was cheated by Director Luo.

This kind of small revenge is probably expected by Director Luo. He admitted that Li Menglong is also a genius in programming at a certain level. Whether it is the control of rhythm or the creation of laughter, it feels a little natural, especially It matches well with Luo Yingshi's later style, and the editing is very easy.

Theoretically, the two of them should be soulmates at least in the show, and maybe they can create a good story together, but that's just theory. In reality, Luo will never use this bastard unless it is a last resort. He simply made himself unhappy!

Li Menglong is like a large piece of chocolate. It tastes delicious, but only when you lose weight will you realize how much pain it will cause you. Director Luo is undoubtedly a severe patient with obesity.

In fact, Li Menglong has pretty much said what he can say in the morning. The rest is completely a matter of practice. Of course, it can also be said to be accumulation. For example, if the girls write hundreds of notebooks in a row according to his ideas, it will probably be enough. , but is it possible?

But since it was studying and Xu Xian was so interested, Li Menglong would just watch them, just like the teacher who accompanied his classmates to self-study in the class at night when he was studying. Naturally, top students didn't matter, but this was It’s a shame for Lee Soon Kyu and others.

To be honest, they can't write anything fancy. They have a tacit understanding with the teacher. For example, I try not to disturb the class, but don't stop me from sleeping. But it seems that Li Menglong is extra serious today!

"Li Shunkyu! What are you doing?" Li Menglong grabbed her wrist directly, and a small paper ball suddenly appeared in his hand: "Is this also cheating? Does it make sense?"

Unexpectedly, Li Shunkyu, who was caught, did not feel any shame. Instead, he looked at Li Menglong sideways, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded child. Li Menglong couldn't bear it. This was a naked provocation, but why did the people around him Is it the same look?

Now that he has the evidence, Li Menglong doesn't care about these people. Anyway, a slap in the face is a slap, and he doesn't care about a slap in the face. He just opened the paper while thinking about what would be written in it. It stands to reason that things like scripts It’s not easy to pass it on with small notes, it would take tens of thousands of small paper balls!

After thinking of this, Li Menglong's hand also paused. He finally understood where he was as an idiot. Li Shunkyu was passing a small note. He was clearly playing a prank. He just wanted to hit someone with a ball of paper!

The nature of this matter suddenly changed a lot. Cheating with paper notes and beating people with paper balls cannot be confused. Looking at Li Sunkyu who looked slightly satisfied in front of him, what should he say at this time? Is it unconscionable to praise such a naughty kid?

Fortunately, the identity of the teacher is too easy to use. If you can't deal with the naughty child, it is entirely the teacher's personal problem. At least Li Menglong will not be so pedantic: "I see that you have a clear face and a clear heart. The script is for you." They are all trivial, if that’s the case then there’s no need to learn them!”

Li Soonkyu didn't even wait to cheer, his next words were already spoken: "There happens to be some firewood outside, just go and chop it!"

Li Shunkyu wanted to grab him by the collar and ask loudly, how did his good looks and going outside to chop wood come together? Is he blind?

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