Li Menglong has understood a truth a long time ago, that is, when there is one beautiful woman in life, it is happiness, when there are two, it is enjoyment, and when there are three, there are more or less problems. It is most intuitive when surrounded by nine people. The feeling is just noisy.

Li Menglong once experienced the symptoms of auditory hallucinations. The main onset time was when he was just falling asleep, that is, during the rest period after regular night chats with girls. There would be a continuous buzzing sound in his ears, which was quite strange.

I thought this was the ultimate in life. After all, Li Menglong still had an intuitive understanding of himself. With his personality and appearance, he was lucky to have nine girls by his side. It was impossible to have a few more. Is it possible? Will there be a miraculous reversal in the aesthetics of the masses?

When his previous suspicions turned into reality, Li Menglong was really not far away from going crazy. The four teams totaling more than 20 people almost surrounded him from all directions, including home, phone calls, company negotiations, and even dinner invitations. , in short, Li Menglong has almost no free time alone now.

Although it seems to ordinary people that his current thoughts are rather pretentious, after all, the people who are annoying him are goddesses. They are the objects of worship of countless people on weekdays. This is an opportunity that many people can't ask for, and he still has it. Are you complaining here?

Of course there would be no problem if Lee Mong-ryong was single, and he could have an affair with anyone, but now he is a man with a family, and it would be fine if there was only Lee Soon-gyu. She is so carefree in this regard and is easy to coax. .

But for some reason, he felt as if he had multiple girlfriends at the same time. If that was inappropriate, it would be okay to say that he had multiple mothers. Anyway, they were just looking after him as a rebellious teenager in adolescence.

"Oppa, drink some water!" Xu Xian walked in with a teapot. As for the time, it was quite a "coincidence". It was just when Li Menglong was on the phone that he glanced at the water glass beside him that was almost full of water. If he hadn't If I remember wrongly, it seems that Yoona added me to the last call three minutes ago.

"Zhiying's phone call is just a daily greeting, and I can't talk about anything in three minutes!" Li Menglong rubbed his brows and explained helplessly: "And don't be like those unnies of yours, you must be yourself!"

"Zhiying? Kara's maknae Jiang Zhiying? Since when have you become so familiar?" Xu Xian asked with a frown. When he heard this question, he knew that the previous instructions were in vain, but it made sense. Although Li Menglong and Xu Xian has a good temper, but you have to know that the girls have been poisoning Xu Xian for many years, and Li Menglong can change it with just a few words.

"Familiar? Who am I not familiar with now?" Li Menglong spread his hands and said slightly arrogantly, but there was always a suspicion of enjoying the hardships. After all, the two big black bags under his eyes could not be covered up at all.

Blinking his eyes, Xu Xian did not refute. After all, what Li Menglong said was the truth. After this week of high-intensity, continuous, and shameless harassment, let’s not talk about anything else. At least Li Menglong’s relationship with these girl groups is so It's really come a long way.

But it's still a little different from a normal relationship. In Yoona's words, it's called a spoiled friendship. After all, the process of getting to know each other that originally took months or even a year has been compressed into just a few days. How normal can this friendship be? What the hell.

I can't blame those people opposite me for being anxious. After all, it was agreed that we would all compete on the same stage, but the girls had a huge advantage. Apart from anything else, Li Menglong knew almost all the girls. I will also be biased subconsciously.

So in the name of fairness, they had various in-depth conversations with Li Menglong, ranging from the influence of zodiac signs on personality to the possibility of promoting idealism. In short, they wanted to be friends with Li Menglong, and the prerequisite for friendship is to understand each other.

Of course the ideas were good, but didn't they consider Li Menglong? He is also an ordinary person. Although he may be smarter in some aspects, he is not able to accept the outlook on life, values, and expertise of more than a dozen female idols in just a few days, as well as the major and minor affairs of the past ten years.

As for why the conversation was so in-depth, it was actually just a small accident. Of course, it was an inevitable necessity. Li Menglong had forgotten who it was at the beginning. Anyway, the one who suggested that the program could add a little bit of their mental journeys was to deceive the audience. Tears and all, there are so many explosive moments!

So the initiator began to take the lead in providing his own themes, which happened to be heard by the passing girls. In short, everyone who passed it around felt a sense of crisis. This method of deceiving tears to gain favor was too much. It's just like cheating, this kind of person should be despised!

It's just that after being despised, everyone began to provide materials to Li Menglong. After all, he couldn't lose at the starting line. If it ended up to this point, Li Menglong would probably be able to endure it, but he couldn't help but the stories of these people became more and more exciting day by day.

Take the story of Kim Taeyeon as an example. The latest 4.0 version yesterday made me cry when I heard it. When she was a trainee, she was bullied because of her unsightly clothes. Her voice was mute for half a year and she was under huge pressure. After her debut, she became a trainee. When the company wanted to disband the group, the girl's captain turned the tide and saved the group.

In short, Li Menglong has really gone crazy at this point. Who can feel better hearing these things every day? The other groups only found Li Menglong's location over the phone or during the day, and conducted some surprise attacks on the pretext of discussing, delivering meals, or passing by.

But the girls are different. They gave full play to their advantages and surrounded Li Menglong's life in the dormitory from all directions. In the name of caring about the physical health of the PD who holds the power of life and death in their future. , I don’t know how dirty Li Menglong is in private. Anyway, it is inseparable from competition and comparison.

Just after sending Xu Xian away, Kim Taeyeon walked in again carrying a fruit plate. Li Menglong was very keen and noticed that the shapes of the last pieces of fruit were not neat and looked like they had been bitten, so he Immediately, a picture came to mind: Kim Taeyeon took a bite of the apple first, and it was a bit astringent, so she cut it and gave it to Li Menglong; she took a bite of the pear and found that it was not sweet, so she cut it and gave it to Li Menglong; she tasted the lemon again...

"How far has today's story gone? Please respect the reality a little bit. I won't confirm that I was bullied when I was a trainee. Ms. Kim Taeyeon, a wild girl from Jeonju, but you said that Pani was a newbie at that time. It's too much for foreigners to bully you. Does she have the courage?" Li Menglong picked up a lemon and put it in his mouth. It was so sour.

"Hey, you are too naive. Pani was so fierce when he first came here!" Kim Taeyeon immediately sat down on the bedside and prepared to narrate for a long time: "You haven't seen the United States." A school drama? In it, the American girls do everything, curse and hit, and they hit me with such a thick mop pole, it hurt!"

Li Menglong was completely confused. He wanted to ask Kim Taeyeon which company's mop rods were one centimeter thick. Which company sold mops or murder weapons? Wouldn't it be tiring to mop the floor with this? Not to mention how much Pani was moving at that time, if you really want to take action on this, why are you, Kim Taeyeon, still talking nonsense here? Shouldn’t I have spent the rest of my life in the hospital?

Although life was like hell, thanks to this group of people, Li Menglong's ideas were perfected quite quickly. After all, there were too many people with ideas, and this group of people were all veterans in the circle. Even with such a huge base, even Most of them are quite ridiculous, but after all, there are some that are reliable, which means that all his hardships are not in vain.

While he was in dire straits, Li Enxi was also making rapid progress. When this wind-like woman went crazy, it was really inhumane. I believe that people who have dealt with her, especially those who have beneficial dealings, will know this better.

In short, Li Eunxi is essentially a boss who only wants to take advantage and does not want to suffer losses. When negotiating the contract, she is just wandering between taking small advantages and taking big advantages. Of course, this is an ideal situation. Occasionally, she will suffer losses, but absolutely Not the current CEOs of these companies.

Because Lee Mong-ryong is the sales manager, the burden of negotiating with several girl group companies falls on her shoulders. In this case, pick the weak ones first. Even Lee Mong-ryong can deal with Kim Kwang-soo. It doesn’t make sense. She, Li Eunxi, can't do it.

So three times, five and two divided by two, we managed to negotiate with Tara first. Of course, it has a lot to do with Tara's current situation. What I'm talking about now is definitely that SW helped clear Tara's name. After becoming prosperous again, Kim Kwang-soo can rely on Tara to make money. Although I have to give a lot of money to Tara this time, it is better than losing money in my hands. This truth is easy to understand.

As for JYP, it's not complicated. You have to know that WG is about to be disbanded, and they have almost earned what they should have earned after so many years since their debut. In addition, Park Jinying is also very emotional, so there is no difficulty.

What is a bit difficult is Kara's company. How should I say this company? It has always been able to barely keep up with the trend, and the combinations it launched have always been online. However, they can always beat a good hand to pieces, which is a bit anticlimactic. suspicion.

For example, now it is clear that the number one sister in the company is Kara, and this group is the only one that can take advantage of it, but it has caused the members to become separated from the company. You must know that group members often go solo, which is the result of losing both sides. It is not forced. I wouldn't be so decisive if I had to.

But as if they didn't know anything, DSP Company just went on its own way. When they negotiated with Lee Eun-hee, they took half of the share. Lee Eun-hee was already very well-educated without leaving on the spot. Do you think Kara is Girls' Generation?

As a result, the matter that was originally planned to be resolved in three days has been delayed, and now Li Menglong has been arrested. As for what he wants to do is not to provide advice for Li Enxi, but to simply be a punching bag and be abused by Li Enxi.

After venting her anger, she finally felt much better. Li Menglong handed her coffee and secretly took out the earplugs in her ears: "Don't be like them. They are all a bunch of old antiques that should be buried. I can't keep up." This is not the thinking of President Li in our new era!”

"If they are buried, I will definitely go over and fill up a shovel of soil!" Li Enxi said viciously, seeming to be really disgusted by the other party: "If that doesn't work, why don't you just use kara? There are still a few groups in the second-generation girl group. Well, and they’re not very popular in China!”

After all, Li Enxi has no relationship with Kara, so she came up with a relatively cold idea from the perspective of a superior. To be honest, it is still difficult to implement, mainly because of the problem of substitutes. Li Menglong contacted all the second-generation girl groups. Passed.

But the vast majority of them refused, not to mention a few groups that were only moderately popular. They were all famous figures after all, and it wasn’t embarrassing enough to come here just as a foil, so those who could come had to at least be able to be with the girl. They shook hands.

Therefore, apart from the four groups at the beginning, the only second-generation girl groups left are fx and 2ne1. Among them, 2ne1 is the second most popular girl group after girls. Of course, there is always something non-mainstream. After all, yg’s combinations all have their own personalities.

So it was expected that the company refused. After all, it seems a bit inappropriate to talk about appearance alone. Besides, the overall atmosphere of YG company does not pay much attention to variety shows. As for FX, Li Menglong is very familiar with him. After all, there is a small Crystal is the traitor.

The overall popularity of Fx has dropped a lot, but the members are willing to give it a try and try their hand at turning bicycles into motorcycles, but they are blocked by s*m. The reason is also very simple. As the number one entertainment company in the circle Company, it’s a bit unreasonable to come over and run with you.

So in the end, we only talked about these four groups. Fortunately, they are the essence of the second-generation girl group, and the number of people is just right. If there are a few more groups, I guess the main writer and director will be heard before the show starts. News about pd committing suicide by jumping into the sea.

"Let's talk about it again. Otherwise, I'll talk about it, or I'll bear the extra expenses myself!" Li Menglong carefully advised. Of course, it was also for the sake of the few people in Kara. After all, everyone has become so familiar with each other these days. Li Menglong couldn't do such a thing as kicking him out.

It was much smoother when Li Menglong came over to promote it again. Of course, it had a lot to do with Li Enxi's toughness in the past few days. In contrast, Li Menglong only added a little discount, and the other party couldn't wait to agree, as if he was afraid that Li Enxi would come back. have to.

The specific content of the contract is very complicated, but the core clause is that sw used a sum of money to buy three girl groups' temporary contracts for six months. During this period, all schedules and income will be controlled by sw, and the original company is responsible for the corresponding The personnel cooperation and supervision are equivalent to the three companies becoming temporary subsidiaries of SW. They are responsible for the artist's life but have no right to arrange the schedule.

Of course, there are many specific rules and regulations, but it is much stronger than simply signing a contract with a variety show or TV series at the beginning. Who knows if those companies will do something behind the scenes, so Li Enxi also has a lot of money for future leisure. Of course, I am confident that I can earn it back.

Anyway, Li Menglong is now theoretically considered one of the bosses of these girl groups. Although his rights are still very limited, he doesn't want to do anything bad. He just has a faint urge to do something big now. , after all, this future stage made him very intoxicated.

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