The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1432 Untimely tipsiness

How should I describe Li Menglong's current mood? Happiness is mixed with a little sadness, satisfaction is mixed with a trace of jealousy. If you describe it specifically, it is more like a salt lump suddenly appearing in a plate of tasteless dishes. The contrast and impact Anyway, it’s not too graceful.

In fact, in terms of appearance alone, the dishes of Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun are quite good. Of course, Li Menglong strongly suspected that the trash can at home should be full. After all, even Seohyun, who does not believe in waste, is quite generous in this regard. It would be a shame for their hard work not to waste a few raw materials in pursuit of perfection.

In addition, there were two mothers on the side to guide the whole process. Logically speaking, the problem should not be big. At most, it is half-cooked and the knife skills are a bit poor. But the only thing that is not under control is the seasoning, which can be regarded as the essence of the whole dish.

Westerners are not willing to try or cook Eastern dishes not because they taste bad. They really cannot master the specific methods. After all, the same dishes and seasonings will have different tastes. The measurement methods of various seasonings are all appropriate. , what is the appropriate amount?

Lee Soon Kyu happened to make another common novice mistake, that is, he always felt that the dishes were a bit bland, and his sense of taste was a bit out of control later on. So the result was that Lee Mong Ryong kept drinking water, and Lee Soon Kyu was still playing the role of the little daughter-in-law. , gentle and virtuous, constantly delivering water without any impatience.

Opposite them, Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Jong Kook didn’t have any dissatisfaction. Although the dishes looked pretty decent, they didn’t want to commit suicide if they didn’t want to test the poison. What’s more, there were takeaways flown in by Kim Taeyeon and the others. It tastes quite good.

As for the occasional look for help from Li Menglong, they simply ignored it. Who told this guy to seek his own death in the first place? He insisted on making the two of them villains. Have you ever seen any villain take the initiative to help? The protagonist's? Just digest it honestly, after all, it is a late night snack of love for him.

"I specially learned this boiled pork from my mother. You like spicy food, so you added more chili peppers. Is it still to your liking?" Li Shungui served Li Menglong with a smile. The answer to the question was already obvious. , Li Menglong's lips were already swollen.

Li Menglong looked at the bright red soup and really didn't want to say anything. He already had a premonition of the sourness when he squatted in the bathroom early tomorrow morning. You must know that this kind of dish is mixed with a variety of peppers, some of which are used to adjust the color. There are also those that simply add spiciness in order to pursue the taste.

But Lee Soon Kyu is too down-to-earth. This kid completely uses millet chili for seasoning and coloring. In order to achieve the visual effect of a layer of chili peppers on top, he probably put at least half a catty of chili peppers in it, which happens to be Lee Soon Kyu’s. The loss of taste started when I tasted this dish.

In order to prevent himself from being too painful tomorrow morning, Li Menglong thought it was better to clear his brother's name. How could such a good thing be enjoyed by one person? What's more, the two girls didn't know what they were thinking. They didn't bring rice. I was carrying so many bottles of soju, didn't this add fuel to the fire?

"I think they both know they are wrong, not to mention that Kim Jong Kook is the protagonist today. Do you want to forgive them?" Li Menglong said this to Xu Xian. After all, this girl is easy to be soft-hearted, not to mention that she is right Two elders.

What was Yoo Jae Suk's reaction? He almost immediately retorted, but Xu Xian was faster than him, so when they saw Xu Xian's shining eyes, the two of them couldn't help but smile bitterly. You can't let the girl down, eat it!

In fact, these dishes are still edible, as long as you don't win the lottery and eat some of the "seasoning cubes" that Lee Soon Kyu later seasoned. The three brothers quickly reached a tacit understanding, and you started eating one bite at a time and I took turns eating it. There are equal opportunities. .

As for whoever drinks water immediately after finishing the food, the other two people will definitely laugh secretly. After all, another landmine has been cleared. In fact, Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun are not stupid, and they have already seen the three of them. It's annoying.

Even Xu Xian knew the shortcomings of the dishes, but she thought it was still edible, otherwise she wouldn't be able to bring them to Li Menglong. Besides, what everyone ate wasn't exactly the same as the taste. Wasn't Xu Xian's several hours of hard work worth it? Want to taste it?

So even though there was some suspicion of enjoying life through hardship, the atmosphere was still quite harmonious. The three men even started drinking and chatting. As for the food to go with the wine, it was the pot of boiled meat. Take a small bite with the tip of your teeth. The small pieces of meat are paired with a little bit of chili pepper, which is just right for a sip of soju. It is conservatively estimated that the three of them can drink this pot of meat for three days, which is quite economical!

Men are actually quite bored when they drink, just like when they were young and went shopping with their mother and met an acquaintance. The two of them chatted very happily, but the children just wanted to leave early. The naughty ones would even take the initiative to urge them. Action, of course, is indispensable without some education afterwards.

Of course Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun are sensible children, and of course Liu Jae Suk is not an outsider. It doesn't matter whether they stay or leave, so they finally have some time to rest after a tiring day.

It stands to reason that men can talk about men and women can talk about women. However, when Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun chat alone, there are not many topics. Lee Soon Kyu is also quite helpless in this regard. After all, their interests and hobbies seem to be extremely inconsistent. They are almost two extremes!

So three small groups appeared in the room of five people, and the men started to brag in various ways; Lee Soon Kyu used his band-aided fingers to fight on his mobile phone; as for Xu Xian, he had the foresight to memorize a book from the dormitory. This book is fascinating to read while sitting sideways.

The three scenes blended together quite harmoniously, and no one felt anything was wrong. Occasionally, Liu Jae Suk would even throw two topics to them, and Xu Xian would take advantage of the answer while going over to help these men simply pack up their meals. Of course, at this time, Li Menglong would often receive all kinds of pampering caress. However, Li Menglong, who was belching wine and trying to kiss her, was a little disgusted. Xu Xian had already pushed his big face away as politely as possible.

Li Menglong was not acting like a gangster because he was drunk. The main reason was that the three brothers had very little time to gather together recently. They were busy on the one hand and mainly because Kim Jong Kook couldn't go out, so he was naturally in a good mood when they got together for a rare occasion.

Although Li Menglong has always lived a colorful life, and girls can also play endless roles, forget about the role of brothers. Although Yoona occasionally comes over to provoke, as long as a few slightly colorful little ones A joke can drive her away.

Xu Xian and Li Soonkyu didn't originally plan to stay here, but the three men seemed to be lacking a waiter when they were drinking. Occasionally, they had to run errands to serve food or buy something, so the two couldn't leave for a while. .

In the end, both Seohyun and Lee Soon-gyu began to doze off on their stomachs, and the three of them were also in a tipsy state. Of course, Liu Jae-seok was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of the number of bottles. Fortunately, they were all on their own, so they could enjoy themselves. good.

It's just that as time goes by, a few people gradually become a little more unrestrained, but they are not drunk enough to go crazy, but is the sound a bit too loud? You must know that the next door is Yin Eun Hye's ward. Although the sound insulation seems to be quite good and they have rented the entire room, it is still a hospital after all.

Xu Xian wanted to say a few words to them at first. If it was just Li Menglong, she wouldn't be polite, but Liu Zaishi and Liu Zaishi were still there, so she endured it, but she had already recorded it secretly, and would give it to Yoon Eun Hye and Yoon Eun Hye later. Luo Jing'en sent it, you know she is also in that small internal group.

With a little revenge, Xu Xian slept soundly. As for the little noise they made while chatting, Xu Xian ignored it. When it came to their ability to sleep in a harsh environment, they were all top-notch. This is Fact-proven!

And not only that, they can also receive specific sounds in this environment, which is quite a magical ability. So Xu Xian was woken up now, rubbed her slightly sleepy eyes, and looked around suspiciously Look and find the source of the noise that woke her.

However, Xu Xian was completely awakened within a few seconds after the confirmation. He didn't even think about talking. He raised his arm and hit Li Menglong on the back of the head. It didn't leave any force at all. The food in Li Menglong's mouth was mixed with wine and he sprayed it. He looked at Liu Zaishi opposite him, and Kim Jong Kook on the side was almost dumbfounded: "Well, we just drank some wine, we didn't do anything bad!"

As for Li Menglong, he couldn't care less about getting angry. He was completely dizzy, but his remaining sense told him that something must have happened. What could make Xu Xian so impulsive was definitely a big event, and it was possible to reach this level at the scene. …

Guided by Li Menglong's movements, the three of them turned their heads and looked at the emergency lights in the inner room at the same time. The red lights on them kept flashing, but the accompanying sound was pitifully low. Although they didn't know if the equipment was broken, But all three people got up immediately.

At this time, everyone's tacit understanding was seen. Kim Jong Kook rushed directly to the delivery room inside to check the situation. As for Lee Menglong and Yoo Jae Suk, they rushed outside the door. After opening the door, they realized why the sound was so low, because the sound was for the medical staff outside. , not put in it at all.

Therefore, they were not given a chance to shout for help. After all, this is a specialized obstetrics and gynecology hospital. The night shift medical staff had already rushed over, and then they saw that they had pushed the entire bed out. At this time, Li Menglong was considered The first time I met Yoon Eun Hye.

To be honest, it looked quite scary. His face was pale, his voice was hoarse, and his expression was in pain. The hand holding Kim Jong Kook seemed to be crushed tightly. As for the medical staff, they kept telling her to take a deep breath, but the effect seemed not to be particularly ideal. Maybe It really hurts!

Kim Jong Kook and Yoo Jae Suk both ran out, leaving mainly the three newcomers in the room in a daze. Obviously, the two girls were hit harder than Li Menglong. After all, if nothing big happens, the two of them will have to do it in the future. After experiencing this once, it looked really scary, and the feeling of immersion was quite strong!

Li Menglong was still calm. He grabbed his backpack and was about to follow him out. After all, all the information and bank cards were with him. However, before leaving, he went over and hugged the two girls: "Don't worry, at worst we won't have any children in the future." He is a child, who dares to force you to let him come to me, and I will argue with him!"

Li Sunkyu opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to refute, but Yoon Eunhye's face could not be removed. The rare invincible Li Sunkyu was frightened and did not bother to confirm the effect of his comfort. Li Menglong immediately followed Got out.

So the two of them were left in the room hugging each other for warmth. As for the conversation, it was considered loving: "Onie, otherwise I won't have a baby in the future. I'll just help you take care of the baby!"

"Go away, do you really want to stay with me for the rest of your life?" Li Shunkyu is mature after all, or her love for Li Menglong is enough to overcome her fear. Life would be boring without having a child. Who will teach her when she is in a bad mood in the future? go?

Xu Xian curled his lips, knowing that it was useless to tell Li Shungui. When the time came, he could just hug Li Menglong's thigh tightly. He still didn't believe that she would really kick him out. Although Li Menglong's family status was not particularly high, but You can still make the decision!

The two men, who were a little more relaxed, also followed. There was only a few steps away. The three men were waiting in the corridor. Kim Jong Kook kept calling, probably informing his family, while Li Menglong and Yoo Jae Suk were confirming with the nurse. With all possible emergencies, it is better to understand them in advance than to get into a mess.

Fortunately, Yoon Eun Hye chose natural delivery, which I heard was good for the child, so as a mother, Yoon Eun Hye had no hesitation, but her painful screams could be heard through a door. Li Menglong even thought to himself that the singer was here Will there be any advantages?

There was nothing for him to do next, he just waited passively, so Li Menglong had time to come over and calm down the two girls. He originally wanted them to go home, but it was obvious that they didn't want to leave at this time: "Then Please stay with me here, there may be too many people for a while, so don’t stay too far away from me.”

"Don't worry, we are not three-year-olds!" Li Shungui said forcefully. Her reaction just now was a bit embarrassing, and she couldn't explain it to Li Menglong, so she was a little depressed for a while.

While the two of them were muttering to each other, Li Menglong wanted to wake himself up first. This was really his first time and he had no experience. If this happens again in the future, he would never say anything about drinking, not even what the doctor said. It's reliable. If you don't promise, things will happen tomorrow!

After washing his face and giving the boss a glass of milk, he finally felt more rational. So Li Menglong immediately called Li Enxi, not to tell her the good news, but to ask her to call some security personnel. It can be expected that reporters will be there tomorrow. More must come.

They are just a bunch of people. When the time comes, Kim Jong Kook and his two relatives will no longer be surrounded. Fortunately, the company has been cooperating with many companies and people in this field all year round, so even in the middle of the night, a group of people can be summoned. As for Of course, Kim Jong Kook himself provided the money, and the company should not be taken advantage of.

But I conservatively estimated that he would not pay compensation. No one else would know about the birth of a child, but Li Menglong had to express it. Li Menglong had already thought about what to give. Safety locks and the like were too ordinary, so he decided to give a one-pound one. The gold necklace should be very thick and wild. I believe the expressions of Kim Jong Kook and his wife will be quite wonderful when the time comes!

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