The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1410 The right to choose again

Li Shunkyu's eyes began to roll. It wasn't because there was sunshine outside the window, but because the surroundings were a bit noisy. This was a bit annoying. The girls were all very talkative, but in this matter they were... All surprisingly consistent.

The main reason is that they haven't had enough time to rest, let alone now that they have returned, so they were woken up by others before the alarm went off. This is definitely a matter worth fighting for life and death, so sleep for one more minute. That’s fine.

As for who woke her up, there was no need to guess. Who else could have the time and courage besides Kim Taeyeon? So she closed her eyes and yelled in a hoarse voice: "Kim Taeyeon, you little bitch, who?" How dare you come to disturb me? Do you need my caress?"

"Wow, do you usually play so openly on the second floor? Don't pay attention to me, I'm not jealous at all!"

"Huh? Why is there Li Menglong's voice? Do you still dare to go up to the second floor?" Li Shunkyu slowly opened his eyes while speaking. It was a good experience to open his eyes and see the blue sky. Of course, it was a bit Dazzling her eyes, she subconsciously wanted to get out of bed.

It's just that she still didn't recognize her position clearly. The movement of getting off the rocking chair was a little different, so there was no accident. Li Shunkyu rolled directly and fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was still wrapped in a thick quilt. It doesn't hurt either.

Now Lee Soon Kyu is lying on the floor, so he can look up at the kitchen. At a glance, everything is legs. Fortunately, she, Lee Soon Kyu, doesn't have any weird preferences like leg fetish. She is more curious. What's the situation now?

She placed her hands on the floor and started exerting force from her waist. Her whole body was bent upwards like a steel plate. Of course, as she stretched her waist, she also had a wider field of vision. A group of people headed by Li Menglong turned out to be there. Why don't you call her to eat?

"We are not interested in your figure, so hurry up and accept your magical powers!" Kim Taeyeon said with disgust while stuffing the buns in her mouth. Of course, she was also a little jealous. Her figure is really incomparable.

"Hmph, can you represent everyone?"

Without any communication, everyone immediately focused on Li Menglong, which means that his psychological quality is good enough, otherwise he would probably spit out a mouthful of rice porridge. Do you want to bring him into this topic? No matter how you answer this now, it doesn’t seem right.

Fortunately, he still has some sense. Between offending one person and offending eight people, he naturally chooses the former. This has nothing to do with his own preferences. He just wants the day to go smoothly from the morning on.

Li Shunkyu came over with deep dissatisfaction. Naturally, she didn't give him any good looks when she passed by. She, Li Shunkyu's figure, couldn't arouse his interest in Li Menglong? This is simply a joke, and I don’t know who is secretly swallowing it.

"Don't you feel a little shy? You were blocked by us on the first floor early in the morning, so you don't want to explain anything?" Jung Soo-yeon on the other end couldn't hold it back, because Lee Soon-gyu seemed to be too comfortable eating and drinking. , which is really not in line with their mentality of watching the excitement.

After taking two sips of the rice porridge, she gave it to Li Menglong. She didn't like this tasteless food. As for Jessica's question, it couldn't cause her any fluctuation. You must know that life is for you. If you care too much about what other people think, Take back the unhappiness!

Especially in this dormitory, she and Li Menglong are definitely annoying existences, at least in terms of the relationship between men and women. That is to say, Li Menglong is relatively thin-skinned in this regard, so everyone needs to give him some face and not provoke him with these topics.

But Lee Soon-kyu doesn't get this kind of treatment. Seeing this couple hugging each other so early in the morning, no one would be in a good mood. Of course, Lee Mong-ryong had already gotten up early. As for the scene of hugging each other, The girls added based on their imaginations. Lee Soon Kyu had a seizure and ran here to sleep on his own, right?

Although he knew that these girls were bluffing, Li Menglong still drank porridge honestly. Among the breakfast topics of a bunch of female hooligans, it was obvious that a weak man like him was not suitable to appear. Otherwise, what would happen if he was accidentally bullied? ? Are you going to complain to Xu Xian?

Even though he was beating several people at once, Lee Soon Kyu took advantage of being a woman and threw out all kinds of dirty jokes as if they were free of charge. Whoever asked them to join forces to bully him had to let them know how powerful he was. Of course Xu Xian had already The meal ended early, otherwise she might overturn the table.

Li Menglong also left. It wasn't that he was shy, it was just that the girls always tried to bring the fight to his side. For example, let him judge who among the girls had the best figure from the perspective of the opposite sex. This was not torture. People.

So even though he wanted to stay here and continue to watch the fun, for the sake of his own life, he returned to his room. However, it seemed that Xu Xian had already ran in first and was leaning on the bedside, flipping through the books Li Menglong had read recently. .

For a moment, Li Menglong thought this was Xu Xian's room. The girl was really too comfortable staying here, and Li Menglong knew where everything was placed better than Li Menglong himself. What was the calcium tablet in the drawer? Why has he never eaten it himself?

"Would you like to take some oppa? It's fruity. Calcium tablets are easy to absorb after meals!" Xu Xian looked like a tutor, seducing Li Menglong with calcium tablets here, but it tasted really good after taking two tablets. , you can chew it as jelly beans in the future.

The increasingly fierce battle between the girls kept coming to his ears. Li Menglong had to put on his headphones. He had listened too much and wanted to go over and join in. He looked at the time and saw that it was still early. The girls were having an afternoon activity today, so he put on yesterday's activities. I've sorted out my late thoughts.

Xu Xian tiptoed and stood behind Li Menglong. Seeing Li Menglong writing non-stop, he was too curious. Since he couldn't come over to disturb him, there would be no problem in taking a peek. Li Menglong wouldn't be so stingy to her. .

After looking at it twice, I didn't quite understand it. Li Menglong's thinking was actually a bit weird, not to mention that it was just fragmentary thoughts now. He might not even know what he wrote in the future. He would be damned if Xu Xian knew.

However, because he often helps Li Menglong organize these things, Xu Xian can still barely understand the profound meaning. Li Menglong always wants to connect the movie with many things. It is best not to be a separate movie project, so that no matter whether it is financial pressure or early stage, Publicity has great benefits.

It's just that this kind of integration is really not easy. Xu Xian is in trouble for him. It seems that Li Menglong has started to list the favorable factors around him again, but it's just that their own names appear the most, which makes Xu Xian confused. I don’t know whether I should express my honor or not.

The girls who couldn't argue came over to find someone to comment. The two most sensible people were hiding in the room. They didn't know why a man and a woman were alone together. Aren't they afraid that others would misunderstand them?

It's just that they just complained to each other. If they dared to say it in front of Xu Xian, they would fall out every minute. They didn't want to face the maknae's anger.

But as soon as his head was exposed, he was pushed out by Seohyun inside, and he even covered the mouth of Kim Taeyeon who wanted to scold her. Despite Seohyun's usual appearance of being a bully, in terms of physical fitness alone It's not a problem for one to beat three Taeyeons.

In addition, she was a little surprised by the maknae's rebellion, so Kim Taeyeon was taken all the way away by Xu Xian like a child. Now even the girls were suspicious. Didn't this child take the wrong medicine? Even the captain Dare to clean up? Is it possible that the maknae's rebellious phase is coming?

Thinking of the serious consequences, Yoona was about to cry. If Xu Xian really got sick, she was willing to use all her money to treat her. The deep love between sisters was only one aspect. What she was even more afraid of was that once Xu Xian got rid of this Being bound by her identity, wouldn't it mean that everything Xu Xian suffered would be transferred to her, so she might as well just wipe her neck and forget it.

She casually slapped away all the bad hands of the unnies, just touching her forehead. Why did someone come and touch her butt? Could it be that if she has a fever, her butt will also become hot?

"Oppa is thinking, don't disturb him!" Xu Xian said seriously.

This reason is much more normal. It's just that relaxing is one thing, but Kim Taeyeon feels that her face is a bit difficult to deal with. Why should she say that she was just disturbing her in the past? Although it was true that she had just thought so, but she didn't act out. Firmly refuse to admit it.

So Xu Xian's efforts were completely in vain. Although he didn't go to Li Menglong's room to fight, there was still chaos in the living room. Logically speaking, even if they really did it, it would be Xu Xian and Kim Taeyeon. , who knew that the group of spectators would get involved inexplicably.

But the only good thing is that Li Menglong never came out, not because of the headphones, but because he didn't regard it as noise from the bottom of his heart. Although it may not be more beautiful than music, it doesn't sound disturbing. , and even brought a bit of a smile to the corner of his mouth.

Such a period of free time suddenly appears when you are busy and busy. It is no wonder that all the girls are like ADHD children. Fortunately, their happy time is over soon, and they don't get up early. If they continue to be like this Make a fuss, dress up and go to work.

At this time, the girls got into their own rhythm. One by one, they started shouting that they were tired. But Li Menglong paid attention to them. Damn it. How come they were so lively when they bullied Xu Xian just now? Empty?

The girls didn't expect any answer from Li Menglong. They just expressed their attitudes in a routine manner. They benefited from enough rest time last night, so they rarely slept in the car, but chatted one by one. Browsing the phone.

"I'm afraid! Li Menglong, you are famous!" Kim Taeyeon said in surprise. In an instant, several heads came over. It seemed that there was some great news. Of course, Li Menglong himself was not curious at all. , besides, he has always been famous.

"Tsk tsk, Tara's fans are starting to call you brother-in-law. Who are you having an affair with? You lie to me all the time. Now I have proof!"

"Evidence? If you can show me a photo, can I give you 100 million? There is no limit!" Li Menglong answered easily. Girls were always present when he met Tara and others. Since there was no What does he have to be afraid of when meeting in private?

"Who knows if you asked someone to suppress the photos!" Li Shunkyu speculated maliciously. After all, when many reporters take some explosive photos, the first thing they do is not to publish them, but to contact the other party's company. , see if the other party is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.

On the one hand, this can give the other party's company some face. If you buy it, everything will be fine. If you don't buy it, you can also give the other party some time to prepare. You must know that reporters are just eating this bowl of rice and will not offend these big shots. .

So what Lee Soon Kyu said is not impossible, but the possibility is so small that she doesn't believe it herself. As for the restlessness of Tara's fans, it is real. She is not lying about this, and now the Internet is being heated up.

The reason is naturally that Tara has confirmed the specific plan to return after a long time. This is not enough to make them so excited. More importantly, in order to recognize their contribution, the company specially decided to transfer part of the shares to them.

Fans don’t know the details. For example, Lee Soon-kyu personally lent money to the other party. For example, Lee Mong-ryong has been exerting pressure on Kim Kwang-soo. For example, the authority of these shares only involves those with them. Combining relevant parts…

But no matter what, it is a great thing that can make all Tara fans celebrate. You must know that this way, there will be less oppression from a lot of companies, and those heart-wrenching things will no longer happen.

As for why the company's official announcement had something to do with Li Menglong, it was naturally because the members of Tara thanked Li Menglong in public. Although they didn't say much, everyone could hear the respect in their words.

And if you think about it rationally, you will know that if there is no big shot to mediate, how can you expect the little girls like Tara to negotiate such conditions on their own? That's too much to underestimate the people in the circle. Let other groups try it, and they will definitely die without knowing how.

Tara’s fans are also full of affection for Li Menglong. You must know that this matter only reached this point if they took the initiative to ask Li Menglong. Although they don’t know how much their efforts accounted for in this, everyone is quite satisfied. Thank you.

So after the Internet became lively, I began to unconsciously try to attract a good family man like Li Menglong to my idol, just like every parent is worried about their children's marriage, and prevents them from falling in love because they are afraid that they will be hurt. But if you meet such a good man, it will be no problem.

It's just a pity that this kind of man was attacked first by Lee Soon Kyu. This is not appropriate. We must give everyone a chance to compete fairly, so when they got off the car in front of the TV station, they saw it in advance. Tara fans who rushed over held up slogans: Li Menglong, as a good man, you deserve the right to choose your partner again!

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