The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 14 Need to find Xu Tofu

Passing through the narrow alley, even if it snowed all night, it is now covered in black and muddy by the pedestrians, pointing toes and jumping a few times from time to time, a little bit of mud does not stick to the body, Li Meng is very happy satisfy.

When he arrived at the entrance of Shanying Fried Chicken Restaurant, Li Menglong walked in without the hesitation of going to other shops in the past. The business in the shop was not bad near noon, because it was a small shop in the community, not only the price was cheap, but also it was high-end. Good chicken.

When I walked in, the people at the table had just finished eating. Li Menglong picked up a paper towel and wiped the table carefully, put the sundries back into the tray, and then handed them to the kitchen from a small window. The busy Sunying discovered Li Menglong .

"Here you come? Hurry up and help. It's snowing today, so there are a lot of people ordering takeout." Casting a glance at Li Menglong, he fished out a piece of fried golden chicken chop from the oil pan, put it in a bag and handed it directly to Li Menglong.

He skillfully picked cumin, pepper, and chilli from the seasonings nearby and sprinkled them heavily. The aroma of the chicken chops and the temptation of the seasoning even moved Shanying, who was a little out of breath from the oily smoke inside.

Cut up the chicken chops, and he ate some of the corners and corners with satisfaction, then put the big pieces into the bag again, and then took a few steps back carefully before saying: "I really have something to do today, come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow You help!"

"Bastard, you dare to take my mother's chicken chops without helping you, don't you want to mess around here?" An angry voice came from the room.

But it's just called fiercely. The proprietress Shanying can be regarded as half of his friend. When I first moved here, because I didn't have an ID card, no one even used her to move people.

Fortunately, Li Menglong, who was waiting outside for that kind of casual work one day, might be really pitiful. Boss Shanying Nian kindly asked him to deliver food, and he didn't give him any money but just gave him fried chicken. He has forgotten all about it until now. Without the aroma that could almost swallow bones.

It was originally supposed to be a friend, but later I found out that the proprietress’s heart is not so pure and kind. After all, she is a person who lives in the city. Asking Li Menglong to help is because he works hard and doesn’t need money, and the store is only very busy. That's why I called him.

But at any rate, it was a knife-mouthed bean curd heart. It seemed that he came here today for a chicken chop and was scolded next time. He rewrapped the plastic bag outside and began to search for Xu Doufu.

First of all, let’s exclude the pretty ones, let’s start with the ugly ones, a lady who can weigh 200 pounds and wears an unusually conspicuous red down jacket, Li Menglong asked politely: “Hello.”

And the other party squeezed the slit eyes, stretched out a glove-like hand, pointed to a cheek that was bigger than a plate, and asked incredulously: "Are you talking to me?"

After she finished speaking, she herself became shy, pulled the hem of her clothes shyly, stood on tiptoe and spun around on the spot with one foot, just looking at a dirt pit that appeared on the ground instantly, Li Menglong couldn't ask for a while.

But Li Menglong's appearance is still a bit masculine, except that he looks a little older, the lines of his face are very clear, as if cut by a knife, and his thick eyebrows are like two sharp swords. A pair of slightly slender Danfeng eyes flashed with confusion or light from time to time.

If I can put on a suit again, I guess it will be a proper sight of a middle-aged uncle. As for why everyone can see that he is old? It's because he just looks old, with some deep forehead lines on his forehead, slightly upward hairline and that indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

"Hello, are you Xu Doufu?" Li Menglong summoned up his courage and asked again.

Sure enough, the woman became angry instantly, and looked around to see if anyone else was laughing. She decided it was a prank, and now it was like asking a fat man on the street: Do you know a fat man? The lethality is almost the same.

Li Menglong was kicked hard on his calf, and Li Menglong was probably bruised. He didn't even dare to hide. God knows if he would get another slap after avoiding the kick.

Looking at it again, I searched around, and I already harbored malice towards this ugly girl Xu Doufu whom I had never met before. This name is a bloody disaster.

Near noon, this street full of restaurants is still lively, because the road is relatively small, so there are very few parking spaces. When Li Menglong just walked into the fried chicken shop, he noticed a blue car trying to get in front of the shop. Back into the parking space.

As a result, he came out, and after failing to recognize his relatives, the car was still backing up. At first, he noticed that there were very few imported cars in this poor place, but now he was looking for some fun when he was bored.

Failed to back up again, and gave way to the intersection again to let the cars on both sides pass first. The other party didn't seem to know what it meant to be discouraged, so they tried together angrily.

Reversing, braking, the car almost stopped at a step. Looking at Li Menglong, he felt a little nervous. He had never hoped that a person could reverse the car so successfully once, but this is not something that can be done with sincerity.

Hearing the angry horns of the cars blocked on both sides, Li Menglong turned his head unbearably, and then there were two "bang bang" sounds, the street was quiet, and the cars on both sides walked past obediently, otherwise The ruthless man bumped into his own car thanks to his panic.

Li Menglong intuitively thought that that person should be Xu Doufu, because he was so similar to Li Shunkui: imported cars, black down jackets, hats, masks and gloves, but he was much taller than her.

Since she might be an acquaintance, Li Menglong was embarrassed to look at her again, especially when the other party was stuck on the side of the car door and the wall, and she managed to get out but found that she couldn't get out at all, because the front and back of her car were all in line with each other. The cars on the opposite side fit tightly together.

Faced with such a tragic car accident scene in the cold winter, the other party can still calmly put one hand across his abdomen, and put the other hand on it to drag his chin, his eyes kept looking at this place, as if saying that this should not be done. It's my level.

Then the other party took out a post-it note from the car. It was a little far away, but you could still see the delicate handwriting and a piece of paper full of writing. Seeing that the other party was still responsible, Li Menglong felt that he was not a good person. You should only look at the appearance, at least Ms. Xu Doufu has a very kind heart.

He silently raised her by 5 points, and he happened to walk to the side of the road, but facing him was indeed a round and tight butt tightly wrapped in jeans, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he just subconsciously stretched out his hand.

As a result, time stopped, and Li Menglong's wretched hands were holding the opponent's buttocks in mid-air, while Xu Doufu should have walked over the car, but it was covered with snow, slipped under his feet, and fell down on his buttocks.

In fact, this should have been an accident, and everyone in the world laughed at each other and revealed it, but Li Menglong expressed his heartfelt emotion: "So soft and playful."

Xu Xian thought he was calm, and received the inexplicable text message from sunny Ernie early in the morning. Although he knew that it was more likely to be a prank, he still borrowed his mother's car and rushed over.

She didn't panic about the accident while parking, but sincerely left a note of apology, and at the same time left the number of the agent of the car insurance company. I believe that the two parties will have a good negotiation result.

And the moment he slid off the car, relying on his years of dancing skills, he twisted his body and turned his butt in an instant. Although it might hurt a little, it probably won't hurt his muscles or bones.

The calmness lasted until here, and then she closed her eyes, but she didn't feel the pain she imagined, but fell into a warm place, and she didn't realize that it was because of the man's chest that her back was leaning against the man behind her. Caught it.

Sitting half-sitting with her butt in the arms in mid-air, even the calmest girl knows that she will be shy, but even now she thinks it may be an accident, and she still has to thank her.

Until the obscene murmur came from her ear, her thighs exerted strength directly, and she stood on the ground again, and then stared at Li Menglong with those bright eyes that seemed to be able to see everything.

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