Regardless of whether the girls had expected it, or whether someone came to SW to thank Li Menglong, it will not affect the original development trend of the matter. First of all, objectively speaking, this song of the girls is very popular. It is very popular. That kind of thing.

Of course, it is different from the popularity of ordinary songs. The reason for the popularity of ordinary songs is that the tune is cheerful, brainwashing, and easy to spread. But what is more touching about this song is its MV. Of course, the song itself is also quite good, but I have to say that let It doesn't seem like a person can hum a song without reaching that level.

But these do not affect the influence of this song as a popular song, because seriously speaking, it is relatively easy for girls to judge whether a song is popular or not, no matter how many people outside sing it or whether it is consistent. The good reviews are all false.

Album sales are the most fundamental factor of an album, and popular songs can often drive album sales. Generally speaking, most of these songs are title songs, but there was such a little surprise here. First of all, The march actually caused the girls' album pre-orders to skyrocket.

Sw has urgently placed an order with the album manufacturer. The original stock is very sufficient, with a full 300,000 in stock. This quantity is almost the final sales volume of other groups, and it is likely that it will not be reached in the end. .

But for the girls, it is only the first batch of domestic stocks. After this wave of sales peak, small-scale replenishment will be carried out in batches according to the situation. This is also a normal sales strategy. Otherwise, albums cannot be returned after they are produced. It will be very troublesome to hit your hands at that time.

Of this batch of albums, half, or 150,000, were originally reserved for online pre-orders, and the rest were sent to video stores across the country for physical sale. However, now the number of full-price pre-orders on the Internet alone is approaching the 200,000 mark.

You must know that the title song of the girls has not been released yet, and because it is a family relationship, sw has always attached great importance to grasping the news of long-cherished wishes, so sw knows that as the largest consumer target in this estimate, sw But it hasn't worked hard yet.

In other words, most of the people who buy the album now are not long-cherished wishes. This has already exceeded the inventory originally reserved by SW. It can be predicted that when the title song comes out tonight, the long-cherished wishes will 100% buy again. What will happen then? good? Draw lots?

Although this kind of happy trouble is equally troublesome, it is something that girls and companies are willing to see. They would hate it if they sold millions of albums. Of course, this is what Kim Taeyeon and others think about when they have a fit. Just thinking.

But they are indeed really happy, happier than in the past, because they have put a lot of effort into this album, and now it is time to produce results. The better the results, the more recognized their efforts will be. This mood is probably similar to Xu Xian’s yesterday.

Of course, it would be great if someone else comes to praise them. If you have the time and money to buy the album, you can say good things online. For example: Lee Soon Kyu has worked hard; Kim Taeyeon, you are the most beautiful; Yoona, I want it. Give you a monkey...

It is impossible to print an album overnight. Fortunately, there is a plan. After all, girls' albums have been so popular in the past. It is nothing more than letting outsiders come in first, and the long-cherished ones can send it out a few days later.

Of course, you can't take it for granted that you suffer a loss just because you are one of your own. Those who delivered late deliveries will receive random gifts, most of which are support items for girls. Of course, there are also girls who have additional albums in this batch. A small photo album printed in China and Canada.

In short, it is a happy result for everyone. Of course, we have to wait until tonight to witness it. After all, the title song has not been released yet. What if no one likes it by then, but everyone is still optimistic about this.

After all, the gimmick of this song is quite good. Lee Hyori and his wife personally wrote it, and there is a faint sense of inheritance. After all, Lee Hyori is also a leading figure in music in a generation of girl groups. Of course, this is just everyone's private guess. Can't be placed on the countertop.

Is it possible that when the girls plan to take a break in the future, they will write a song for one of the following girl groups? It's unrealistic. We can only say that they are lucky to have met Lee Hyori and his wife by chance, and the person who brought them this luck is currently working day and night.

This is not an exaggeration. Li Menglong really doesn’t know whether it is day or night outside. For him, the time now is not the specific hour or minute, but how long it has been since the last break. As for whether it is white or dark outside, will it affect his work? ?

However, he was still dragged out by Li Enxi. Li Enxi felt sorry for him. She herself hadn't slept for a long time, okay? No one is easier than anyone else. It is right to be more tired at this time. Is it possible to wait for failure in the future? Do you want to start regretting it again?

"Girls are causing trouble again? You can handle it yourself, no need to look at my face!" After Li Menglong said this, he was going to get in again. Li Enxi was so angry that he kicked him from behind. He didn't even know who this person was. It wasn't intentional, could it just be something like this?

To be honest, girls generally make the company quite worry-free. After all, they don’t have to worry about anything. They can just give them money. To a certain extent, SW is not really short of money now. They want to use the money. Spend it, of course, provided you can earn some back.

After finding a sunny place to lean against, Li Menglong signaled to the other party that he could talk. Of course, he ate the bento, which he didn't know whether it was a midnight snack or lunch. It seemed that the landlady had specially brought it at home. The craftsmanship was just average. Well, she is actually good at making fried chicken. Of course, Li Menglong dared to think about it.

"There are some new changes in the TV series. Last night, I just thanked Xu Xian. Now he has started to actively help promote our TV series. The few useless promotional posters we made have become useful!" Li Enxi informed him with the latest situation.

Li Menglong understands Li Enxi's happiness at the moment, because no wireless station is willing to broadcast this TV series due to the pressure from CJ. The key is that it suffered a fatal blow during the promotion.

There are not even a few journalists who can be gathered together for a press conference, and there is no relevant news on the Internet, especially when CJ has hired a huge number of trolls at all costs, and this time CJ’s approach is very insidious. Jun is not trying to make this TV series look bad.

Because anyone who has been in the industry knows that smell is also a manifestation of attention, so what they have to do is to try to eliminate the influence of the publicity of this drama. In a word, they are changing the topic in various ways to try to get everyone to pay attention to the drama. It’s so weird that I can’t remember what they were discussing in the first place.

In this case, apart from paying special attention to fans such as Long Yuan or Song Hye Kyo, many people do not know the existence of this drama. This situation is too weird, and Li Eunxi has no good solution for a while. Now even if she goes out and throws away money, no one is willing to accept it.

In the end, SW finally compromised. Since there is no promotion, I will just broadcast it honestly. Anyway, if the ratings are low, someone will always find trouble, but now it seems that there is a slight turn for the better.

Those fans who want to thank the girls and SW girl groups don’t have many ways to do it. Just buying the girls’ albums doesn’t seem to be enough, so when they somehow learned about the existence of this TV series, these guys People began to spontaneously help promote it online.

How should I describe this force? The scale is not bad. After all, we cannot expect everyone to promote it as if it is their own business. But the precious thing is that these people will not be bribed or threatened by CJ. Just kidding. They're just ordinary people, isn't the CJ a powerful department of the government, lining up to block them one by one?

This is why Li Enxi is so happy. The promotion of the TV series is secondary. The main reason is that she is happy if she can disgust CJ. Of course, she also wants to ask Li Menglong if she wants to use this shareholder style to expand her influence?

For example, the company could take the lead and ask the girls to help with publicity when they return. However, Li Menglong thought about it and rejected this slightly tempting proposal. The TV series can be considered his hard work. To be honest, publicity It's good to be able to give some strength.

But how should I put it? It can be said that those who are helping to promote now are people who have nothing to do with SW. Most of them are fans of other girl groups or even passers-by. They are moved by the friendship between the girls and take the initiative to help.

This thank you is quite pure. Li Menglong really doesn't want to take advantage of them. Besides, they only help the girls for their sake, and they are not emotionally deep. If they insist on rhythm, there is no chance of success. Sex is not particularly big either.

Based on the above reasons, Li Enxi was probably convinced: "I can't tell, when did you become so emotional? Where is the unscrupulous Li Menglong in the past?"

"Damn it, we are all familiar with each other, don't falsely accuse me, I have always been such an honest and trustworthy good person, everyone says so!" Li Menglong took the last bite of rice into his mouth and spoke very vaguely: "Also Is something wrong?"

"Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? Do you hate me as a person or does Li Shunkyu not allow you to chat with other women?" Although Li Enxi complained, she still took out a tissue and handed it to him.

"I know how to make sarcastic remarks. If you don't agree with me, why don't you try editing?"

"Then you will manage the company?"

"I can't control it anymore?" Li Menglong smiled mischievously. If he insisted, he could really control the company, but editing was a matter of talent. She, Li Enxi, had not learned anything in the past few years. Opportunity.

No matter what, it was a very happy thing to be able to make Li Enxi speechless. Li Menglong smiled extremely proudly, wiped his face with a wet wipe and stuffed it into Li Enxi: "Don't put so much pressure on yourself, I , the girls and even the people in the company are all working hard, to put it more depressingly, no one will blame you even if you fail in the end!"

"Don't start playing this trick. I, Li Enxi, am not that easy to be fooled!" Although he said this, Li Enxi's eyes were still slightly relaxed, but then he became fiercely fighting: "The more this happens, the more unwilling I am. , Everyone has worked so hard, why is it that we are the ones who failed?"

He was robbed by Li Enxi. At least he didn’t see such a strong person like Li Menglong often, but he didn’t feel disgusted: “Okay, okay, what you said makes sense, then I’ll leave our small company to you.” , Come on! Work hard! You can do it Lee Eun-hee!"

Looking at Li Menglong's back in the distance, it seemed that he could still hear his teasing just now, and he twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly. Sure enough, every time he came to see Li Menglong, he had to be prepared to be a little depressed. Fortunately, every time the problem was solved smoothly. .

It can't be said that Li Enxi has no ideas at all in many things, but in many cases she can't bear the pressure. Looking at it, the most suitable person to be a punching bag, scapegoat, and punching bag is Li Menglong, so it can only be regarded as the one who can do more work.

After clearing his mind, Li Enxi became the confident SW president Li Enxi again. He was about to lead the company's people to work hard for their future. What happened to CJ? It’s your cj that got it!

Li Enxi doesn’t care how he encourages his employees. Li Menglong doesn’t care. To be honest, he just wants to do his job well. As for the final result, he should try his best to win. It’s not about convincing him to lose, but things have to be prioritized. He thinks that what he needs to do now is is the most important thing.

It's just that he may be the only one who thinks so, so the interruptions are always accompanied. Although the time has passed for nearly ten hours, it is still like continuous interruptions from Li Menglong's side.

The situation was similar to yesterday, the time was the same, twelve o'clock was exactly on time, and the computer screen went black first, and then the faces of the girls appeared. Li Menglong's heart, he wanted to curse but didn't know who to scold.

On the contrary, the editors who work with me are very happy. After all, being able to see beautiful women at work is a bonus. Moreover, Seohyun's MV gave them a big surprise yesterday. Everyone is looking forward to Seohyun's next step. s work.

But this is a MV after all. The decisiveness mentioned above is basically cut out of the same mold. Can we expect there to be many essential differences between MVs? It's great that Seo Hyun can fill in some plots in the more than five-minute MV, although they are all quite simple scenes.

As a group of editors, naturally I mainly looked at the pictures, and I thought it was very ordinary, which makes sense. I even had time to make fun of Li Menglong’s slightly embarrassing acting skills, but you must know that the girls are an idol group that sings well, so this It’s the title song of the mv!

So shouldn’t the focus be on dance and song? It's too much to expect these semi-otakus to give any good feedback. Fortunately, the girls still have a lot of fans, and with yesterday's foreshadowing, there are a lot of people who specially watched their title song today.

Although it can't be compared to last night's song in terms of emotion, this song "I Got a Boy" is much better in terms of intoxication. It is definitely at the top level in dance music. The tune is light-hearted and easy to hum. Sing.

Needless to say, as for the dance, it is also done by the royal sister Lee Hyori after all. It would be difficult to ensure that it can be popular among the people. No one can know whether people will like the dance before it is released. This is A question of probability.

But Lee Hyori can at least guarantee that the dance is definitely not ugly, which is enough, and the girls are quite satisfied with this dance, especially the several choreography in the middle are very innovative, at least treat Lee Hyori to a few big meals Not in vain.

Basically, fans won’t hate a ballad that can satisfy the girls and serve as the title track. After all, they are considered professionals. They can’t be too deceptive. They don’t do things like cheating money. .

There are no surprises. After the MV was released, there were related topics on the Internet. The rankings of girls' songs in various charts were rising crazily. These are all predictable scenes.

After all, if the popularity last night was just an accident, then tonight is the time for the huge Long-cherished Wishes to exert their strength. Yesterday, when the group of outsiders carried the girls, they were happy but they always felt weird. Today, let They see the power of long-cherished wishes.

As for the way the power is demonstrated, it is more direct. The album's pre-order website survived even when it was almost on the verge of collapse. The number of pre-orders soared by more than 100,000 within an hour. This number is enough to make outsiders surprised and ridiculous. Now the album and Does Chinese cabbage cost the same price?

Naturally, the girls don’t know what outsiders think. Now they only know that they have succeeded. Getting rich and making money are just a small aspect. They feel that they can finally complete this kind of musical communication with their fans. .

To put it a bit exaggerated, they seem to have evolved from singers to artists. Of course, it doesn't matter what their family thinks or brags about. The album's performance is so good, why can't they just have fun at home? They wouldn't go out and talk nonsense anyway.

Naturally, this joy was shared by family members. The girls began to call their homes one after another. The core words were a lot of nonsense, which was roughly the same as: Your daughter and I are very awesome this time! Money is a trivial matter, just say what you want, don't open your mouth if it's less than nine figures, it's embarrassing! singer? No, I am an artist!

Of course, after each family member had called, it was time to reach the family member we all shared. Naturally, the call was made using Xu Xian's mobile phone. The probability of getting through was relatively high. The girls had known this for a long time.

Sure enough, Li Menglong picked up the phone after only two rings: "Don't use Xiaoxian as a cover every time. From now on, I will give Xiaoxian a private phone number that belongs to me!"

"How about you just buy two walkie-talkies and don't have to pay the phone bill!"

"What a great idea. Is your IQ good enough today?"

"What do you mean?" Kim Taeyeon hinted reservedly: "Ahem, our album is selling well, don't you have anything to say?"

"Alright? Then just work hard and strive to be pretty good!" Li Menglong said seriously, making it hard for people to tell whether he was joking or not.

It's just that it doesn't matter whether it is or not. There is something wrong with this attitude itself. Isn't this hint obvious enough? Don’t you know how to praise people? Just learn to complain, right?

"Maybe I didn't say it clearly. Our album sold quite well. Did you hear it clearly this time? Is there anything you want to say?" Kim Taeyeon seemed to be in a particularly good mood today, so she was willing to give Li Menglong another chance.

"Uh, well, have you eaten this?" As soon as Li Menglong finished saying this, the door of the editing room at the other end was pushed open: "Who will pay for the six fried chickens given by you guys today?"

provocative! A naked provocation!

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