Next, the girls will start a full-scale resumption of work. The only rest time in a year has just passed. Tomorrow will be the last day of complete rest. Li Shungui, the little fat horse, will pull into the cart and start working.

The three of them tacitly did not mention tomorrow's rest arrangements, lazily and comfortably looking for their favorite positions, laughing with the somewhat boring variety shows on TV, of course, Lee Soon Kyu is the main force.

It's a bit like the last day of a long vacation. I know I'm going to work soon, but I just can't get my heart back.

Even though it was almost time for skin regeneration, Seo Hyun did not leave. Instead, he leaned on the sofa wearing a pale mask, and Lee Soon Kyu rubbed one, holding his phone and constantly swiping.

As for Li Menglong's pure companionship, he didn't put on a mask, and the three of them stayed here all the time except for going out for a walk at night to eat. At least in Li Menglong's perception, watching such boring TV dramas is better than going to sleep .

Fortunately, his pain is coming to an end, because it will be 12 o'clock soon, Xu Xian will definitely go to bed.

Watching the time reminder appear on the upper right corner of the TV, Li Menglong watched the seconds beating with a little excitement, and he was ready to go back to the house at any time.

But what accompanied the arrival of 12 o'clock on time was not Xu Xian's action of going upstairs, but her mobile phone rang strangely, and it was a standard alarm sound.

"Please, you set the alarm at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night? Is it to remind you to go to bed?"

Xu Xian, who was wearing a mask, couldn't speak well, but he still expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold snort, and at the same time turned the phone screen to Li Menglong. Only then did he realize that this was just a date reminder that he had set up some time in advance, and that the just-arrived Today is March 9th, Kim Taeyeon's birthday.

"Ah, it's the dwarf's birthday. I'm still caring, I don't remember." Li Shungui took off the mask, rolled it into a ball and squeezed out two drops of water to apply on his cheeks.

"I also set it in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to remember it all the time." Xu Xian replied after finishing the mask time.

And the girl chat group became lively again.

"Ho Ho, congratulations you little dwarf, you are one year older!" Little Sun.

"Will you be able to speak? This is another year old!" Tai Hua said.

"Hmm, what birthday present does Taeyeon want!" Mushroom t.

"I want a wife!" Tai Hua said.

"Agreed!" Queen asked.

"+1." Yun Bao.

"+2!" Mr. Quan said.

"Anyway, I'm alone, you guys watch the points!" Mushroom t.

"Then let me forget it, it feels like a leg or something, so scary!" Yun Bao.

"Happy birthday to Taeyeon Unnie, every year has today, every year has today, and all wishes come true..." the maknae.

"Hey, this is definitely copied from the Internet, I guarantee it on my character!" Jin Shisui.

"Let's not say that I watched the maknae beat me, do you have character?" Little Sun.

"See you on the Han River in an hour!" Jin Shisui said.

"A strong onlooker!" Yun Bao.

"120 is ready!" Mr. Quan said.

"Ah, it's my birthday!" Tai Hua said.

"Oh, forgot." Queen.

"Hehe." Yun Bao said.

"Haha." President Quan.

"The youngest's skin regeneration time is over, go to sleep first." Little Sun.

ten minutes later……

"Ah, is there anyone else? Go to bed so early? It's my birthday!" Tai Hua said.

No one paid attention to Kim Taeyeon's resentment, but the sisters were obviously all pranks, and they will be crazy tomorrow if they have enough energy.

As for the birthday of the star, the pattern is very complicated. If you are willing to make trouble, you can hold a fan meeting, sing a song, dance a dance and smash a cake. If you sell the live broadcast to some online platform, you can make a small profit.

For those who are more reserved, they give some benefits to their fans, a simple venue with hundreds of people, no video recording, just everyone laughing and going crazy.

But these all require money, so it is not a very important birthday, such as coming of age, full-year-old, etc., everyone should celebrate it privately, and it happens from time to time that birthdays and working hours collide. I can only eat a cake in silence.

Lee Soon Kyu slept until he woke up naturally. Thinking that there would be few such opportunities in the future, he immediately became unhappy, so he covered himself with a quilt and took another 10 minutes of returning to sleep.

From upstairs to downstairs, it seemed that he just changed his place to sleep. Lee Soon Kyu lay down on the sofa, looking like he had no love in his life.

"Is Taeyeon coming here to celebrate her birthday today?" Lee Soon Kyu asked.

Xu Xian put down the script in his hand, took off his glasses at the same time, and rubbed the sore bridge of his nose: "Taeyeon Unnie said that there is no one at her house tonight, so let us all go to her house."

"Why is there no one? Aren't her parents here?"

"Xia Yan is still going to school in Quanzhou, so when school starts, Mommy Jin will go back to accompany her, while Dad Jin will go back to handle some business, and they will all leave after celebrating her birthday in the morning."

"Yeah, why do you know everything? Have you been spying on us all the time?" Li Shungui sat up and rubbed Xu Xianhong's puffy apple muscles, pestering nonsense with his mouth.

"Is it wrong for people to care about you? You really are a white-eyed wolf!" Li Menglong who was on the balcony rarely said something fair.

"Hmph, it's up to you, our youngest is willing. Isn't it?" Lee Soon Kyu saw the youngest nod and smiled brightly at Li Menglong.

It's just that Xu Xian really wanted her to stop controlling her head, it was very painful.

Without Kim Taeyeon's group of people who eat everything, the rest of the dishes for breakfast are still relatively rich. Sweeping away all the dishes is also a habit developed after being with Li Menglong.

"Hello? What are you doing?"

"Are you eating? Is it delicious?"

"You called just to ask this?" Li Shungui asked speechlessly.

"That's not it, I'm here to inform you that you can come over, I'm so bored at home alone." Kim Taeyeon talked about the business.

"Who did you invite tonight? Don't tell me there is Xiuying's family, that man is annoying to watch!"

"Then I can't directly say that people are not allowed to bring their families, anyway, it's just us."

"Well, then I'll go over after dinner."

"By the way, let Li Menglong come too." Kim Taeyeon said softly.

"Huh? You don't want him to cook for you, do you? Don't think too much, he is my personal assistant, not your chef!" He secretly looked in the direction of the balcony, not wanting Li Menglong to hear.

"Understood, I didn't say that! It's not that he's been very close to us lately, and he's helped me so much that he hasn't thanked him yet, so I invited him to come with me, so I don't have to see you off at night." Kim Taeyeon Desperately looking for a reason.

"Well, okay, I'll ask him. But don't expect his birthday present, he doesn't have much money recently." Li Shungui was vaccinated.

Sure enough, Li Menglong was very surprised when Li Shungui said that he would take him with him. Why would he go to a party with their gang of girls, so he refused decisively.

However, under Li Shungui's hard work, Li Menglong gave in helplessly again. If Seohyun can only restrain Lee Mong-ryong when she makes sense, then Lee Soon-gyu can defeat him completely.

Because the car was still on Jeju Island, Lee Soon Kyu simply called Hyoyeon over, of course it was Hyoyeon who brought his own car, and the four of them rushed to Kim Taeyeon's house together.

"What gifts did you all prepare?" Xiao Yuan asked when he saw that the two of them didn't take anything.

"Let's go to their house later and buy some cakes or something." Li Shungui replied.

"So casual? Be careful that Kim Taeyeon turns against you?"

"Don't be afraid. It's her birthday every year. Don't tell me you still give her gifts in different ways every year? It's already a face for me to be able to go."

Hyoyeon looked at Lee Soon Kyu with some doubts, she doesn't usually talk like this, and even for her birthday, Lee Soon Kyu's gifts are always carefully selected.

Following the gaze of Xu Xian in the front row, she noticed Li Menglong's existence, and everything became clear in an instant. I am afraid that these two people are concerned about Li Menglong's existence.

This made Hyoyeon feel a lot easier, because she was careless and didn't remember anyone's birthday at all, so she went somewhere to buy gifts for Kim Taeyeon in the middle of the night last night.

So the four people drove to the vicinity of Kim Taeyeon's community and did not enter in a hurry. Instead, they walked around to find a commercial street, and the four masked men walked down like counter-strikes.

The first goal is naturally the cake shop. A birthday cake is simply the most worry-free gift on a birthday. No matter how you give it, it will not cause trouble, save worry and effort.

The unique aroma in the cake shop is very appetizing, Li Shungui first took a pastry and gnawed while choosing the style of the cake.

Because they are about to come back, the girls are controlling their body shape. Naturally, they dare not eat more food like cakes, which are simply piled up with fat. They just find small cakes and let it go.

But when it comes to paying, it's a little difficult. You can't just give a cake to four people. Fortunately, Li Menglong stepped forward and paid for the cake. Although it is not big, it is also 50,000.

Li Menglong can't wait to replace all the cream, chocolate, and fruit cakes with toast, which is probably enough for these people to eat for a few days.

However, he didn't complain. He still knew how much the girls cared for him. Based on their relationship and income, it is estimated that the gifts usually start at seven figures, and it is difficult for them.

The biggest problem was solved, and even Xu Xian was relieved, and then the three of them joined hands and began to choose gifts for Kim Taeyeon.

More than an hour later, Taeyeon called Li Menglong on the phone, and Taeyeon opened her mouth to question: "Ah, why are you still here?"

"They are buying gifts for you." Without waiting for Taeyeon to be proud, he immediately continued: "And it's been almost two hours since I bought two clothes, and I don't know if they are your size."

Kim Taeyeon naturally understands that her sisters don't want to. This is not buying a gift for her, it is clearly shopping.

So according to Kim Taeyeon's instructions, Li Monglong patted the shoulder of Lee Soon Kyu who was trying on shoes in front of him, and passed the phone over. Although he couldn't hear what the other party was saying, he knew from Lee Soon Kyu's unhappy face that this was a meaningless shopping trip. It's over.

It took another ten minutes to buy gifts for Kim Taeyeon, and the four of them walked out of a store. All the clothes in it had no price tags, so when Li Menglong looked at the string of zeros at the checkout, he felt a little heartbroken, even if it was expensive. Not his money.

(One update, three points in the next chapter)

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