The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1344 A hand of cards

Die for Lin Yoona! Is this thing worth it? At least Li Menglong had to think carefully, not only that he couldn't, but also that he could pull off a bloody plot like a car hitting him on the road, pushing Yoona away and hitting him himself.

It's just that for no reason, the two packs of instant noodles are a bit inappropriate, and they seem a little cheap. Besides, even if he is willing to Li Sungyu, he is not willing. Isn't this just sacrificing love? Why should Li Menglong want it? Are you going to die in love with Yoona?

If something unfortunate happens to Yoona, the girls will definitely be sad, but what they can do better when they visit her every year is sing to her. Imagine eight girls singing gee crazily at Yoona's grave. The appearance is inexplicably a bit exciting!

After thinking of this, Li Menglong subconsciously slapped himself lightly. This was all what Li Shunkyu had trained him to do. He couldn't talk about or think about things like death and car accidents. It would be good if everyone just lived honestly like this. , it’s best to wait until you are in your seventies or eighties when everyone can still sing and dance together.

But by then, will Li Menglong be the only one who still thinks they are beautiful?

The girls' job is to shoot. I agreed not to go with them. The main reason is that I can't bear to eat work meals with the girls. It's not something normal people can digest. It seems that his stomach is more adapted to beef. , pork and the like.

Everything is in order on the girls' side, and the things he promised to fans are also in progress. There are still some results. After all, he has almost got himself involved. He really can't be so soft-hearted in the future. He should do less thankless things. , although many people are grateful to him this time.

Lying on the rocking chair on the balcony and slowly looking at the sunshine outside the window, Li Menglong has always had a bad taste. He especially likes to hide in the room and look at the people outside who are exposed to the sun, cold, and rain.

It's not just to see how miserable they are, but just to improve his own happiness. Whenever there are similar scenes, he will be quite happy. After all, compared to many ordinary people, his life is enviable enough.

At least he has a wife who is exactly like Sunny from Girls' Generation. Her looks are enough to kill 90% of his male compatriots. What's more important is that his wife is quite rich and is willing to spend money for him. Ten percent of them can kill 99%.

So it seems like he should be nicer to Lee Soon Kyu? Fortunately, he felt at ease on this point. At least he believed that he could no longer be nicer to Lee Soon Kyu. This was also a point of pride for him. Didn't he love and dote on Lee Soon Kyu enough?

"Hey, you're up?" Li Shungui's voice floated directly from the room, which made Li Menglong jump up in fright. The hot coffee in his hand spilled all over his hands, which made him gasp. He didn't dare to relax yet. , turned around and looked around, is this another prank?

"Go to the bathroom and take a shower. Have you forgotten the camera from before? Don't look like an idiot! It's embarrassing." The impatience in Li Shunkyu's voice was obvious, but of course it was more concerned.

After knowing what was going on, Li Menglong felt a lot more at ease. This camera was prepared by the girls in Greece as a prank at home. It seems that they have never been removed. But aren't these people afraid of being secretly photographed? This thing seems not very safe!

"Can we not think of what you can think of? Don't worry, I opened it temporarily in case you were distracted at home. Are you living a happy life?" Li Shunkyu seemed to be chatting with him while holding his mobile phone. The sounds around him Very noisy.

"What's in the bowl behind him? Is there anything for him to eat at home? Didn't he dig something out?" Kim Taeyeon muttered behind her like a dog-headed military counselor, but Li Menglong couldn't hear clearly.

To be honest, Yoona was a little nervous. She never thought that the two eldest sisters were so perverted, and even set up surveillance cameras to watch Li Menglong. Fortunately, she didn't check during the meal, otherwise she would have been exposed.

"Does it have anything to do with you? Isn't it because you are afraid that I will dig out the snacks you have hidden?" Li Menglong was a typical rake, and the effect was quite good. At least the girls had focused their attention on her. on the body.

Kim Taeyeon is so unhappy. How can she be so shameless? They agreed to find fault with him, Li Menglong, but the conversation turned to her. She had to set an example and constantly ask the girls to be strict with themselves, while also secretly hiding some food for herself. It was not easy for her.

"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me? As your captain, let's not say that I didn't hide the snacks. What if I did? I haven't ordered any privileges, right? If any of you feels that you are capable enough, Come here and be the captain!"

This trick of grabbing whites and releasing them is quite effective. At least the girls stopped talking. Instead of suffering in that position, they might as well let Kim Taeyeon eat some snacks and continue to be the captain. The power should be regarded as her reward.

"Hmph, you guys are wise, but Li Menglong, what exactly are you eating? Hello? Will this thing also have a bad signal?" Kim Taeyeon asked in a rather cute way, holding the mobile phone, which had a black screen.

"Are you really stupid? It's obvious that Li Menglong turned off the camera, this bastard! He must have eaten good food behind our backs!" Li Shunkyu said in a positive tone, but the topic started to take a turn here.

They were mainly concerned about Li Menglong's health. Since he woke up and knew that he had eaten, it was okay. So the topic began to extend to what Li Menglong had eaten, and then to what they liked to eat. The final topic became this. After the return period is over, how much do they need to eat to stretch themselves to death?

In fact, Li Menglong was still willing to chat with them for a while. After all, he was used to their chirping voices. Being alone like this was still a bit uncomfortable. He turned off the camera mainly to protect Yoona. He couldn't let his children It's not a waste of money and money.

After a long time, he took out his thick notebook again. He had already used half of it. The words recorded in it at first seemed quite childish now. After all, he didn't know what to do as an assistant in the circle. People who don’t even know.

But he has come step by step to the present. As he becomes more proficient at his work, there are less and less things to record later. For example, the girls’ album this time only has a few lines, because there is nothing for him to continue to worry about. .

I have to say that it is quite a blessing to be the manager of young girls nowadays, because the children are older and the days of needing someone to accompany them to the bathroom are gone. Now they are all very independent, and it just so happens that Li Menglong He is also a parent who is willing to let go. Don't be too happy to cooperate with each other.

To put it more exaggeratedly, if you put a dog in Li Menglong's seat now, maybe the girls will earn more, because there is nothing for the dog to worry about, and it will not take the initiative to push away the schedule for the girls. Li Menglong does a good job. Not as good as a dog? At least on a monetary level it makes sense.

While he was thinking wildly, the other end of the phone started shouting again. Li Menglong strongly suspected that the people he knew around him had a collective chat group. The core content was to confirm Li Menglong's free time. Otherwise, why would he be in trouble every time he was free? ?

Fortunately, Li Menglong has no habit of not answering the phone. Of course, it has something to do with not daring to do so. After all, with Li Enxi's bad temper, if he can't get through a few calls, he might come over and blow up Li Menglong's house: "I heard that you settled JYP? This The efficiency is great!”

"Is Liu Jae Suk's mouth too big? You didn't let him drink last night just to let him spread gossip, right? This man is so shameless!" Li Menglong complained on the spot. He finally did something beneficial. The company's positive events, before he and Li Eunxi could even take Qiao, Liu Zaishi had already revealed them? This kind of person is so annoying!

"To a certain extent, I agree with what you said. If you ask someone to beat him up, count me as one!" Li Enxi immediately answered. Of course, she would not tell Li Menglong that a staff member from jyp had contacted her in the morning and liked to watch her home. Could it be that Lee Eun-hee is the only president who gets into fights between artists?

"This can be done through the company, so I'll hang up first. I've been walking around the gate of heaven all morning for the company. Can you let me enjoy the peace and quiet of the world?" Li Menglong started to get benefits for himself, otherwise Aren't all good things done in vain?

"I'm not looking for you because of JYP's affairs. It's not my turn to worry about such a trivial matter!" Li Enxi's bullshit is a bit bigger. Of course, Li Menglong can't expose it: "It's Descendants of the Sun. I want to broadcast it in advance. Got it!"

"Huh? Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't you agree to make it in advance?" Li Menglong asked doubtfully.

"Actually, the filming is almost finished now, and the remaining domestic scenes can be reshot at any time!" Li Enxi said hesitantly: "The main reason is that there is still some pressure here, you know!"

"JtBC? Are those shareholders out of their minds? Can't they see the results of these variety shows since our company settled in? Are the ratings of the current Li's Cafeteria worse than the TV series? Are you still forcing us?" Li Menglong It was a series of rhetorical questions. He thought Li Enxi was being made things difficult by those people. This person couldn't be so short-sighted.

It's just that the facts are somewhat different from what he thought. JTBC has been completely settled by Li Eunxi. How can those old men be her opponents? The main reason for promoting this TV series is the pressure from CJ.

"CJ?" Li Menglong repeated subconsciously. When it comes to this behemoth, it's complicated. No wonder Li Enxi seems to be a little hesitant. But if you think about it carefully, it's not that you can't play this hand like this, and you can still play it by the way. Let Tara's matter be settled and let him think about it carefully...

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