Going out for fun with the money given by his wife is definitely a man's dream. Although Li Menglong doesn't have any special impressions, it is really good to not spend his own money, not to mention he can have a big meal.

But he had to confess that he had deceived the girls in a small way. Although it was not serious, there was a dinner party, but the three of them were too busy with each other, especially those two who had to bump into each other for at least one day. A battle.

So there was basically no hope for a regular meal. The three of them made an appointment for a midnight show after ten o'clock, which was equivalent to Li Menglong running out several hours in advance. This is also because the girls squeezed him too hard, otherwise he would have accompanied With them.

Of course, time cannot be wasted. When I came to a nearby cafe, I happened to meet my long-cherished wish again. Li Menglong himself is now used to this, after all, the girls' terrifying ability to attract fans is displayed there.

When he saw Li Menglong, the salesperson was already looking behind him. It is known that wherever Li Menglong appears, there is a high probability that girls will be there, but he did not see the girls after looking for a long time: "Didn't they come with you? ? Oh, they are afraid of being onlookers, are they trying to lose weight now that they are coming back? We have low-sugar cakes here, you can bring some for them, and I will give you two more at my own expense! "

Listening to the other party's string of words, Li Menglong couldn't even get a word in, but she politely expressed her gratitude to the girls for her concern: "No need, I didn't see a nanny car, it's just me." , are there any high-calorie cakes? The kind that are so sweet, I am almost hungry and have low blood sugar!"

"Huh? Did you go out to eat secretly behind the back of the girls?"

"Don't be so ambiguous, okay? Just eat a cake. Can I quickly recommend it? Is there any one with chocolate?" Li Menglong stared directly at the tempting cake. Sure enough, hunger is a shortcut to making food delicious. .

This time the girl was quite perfunctory. For an existence that puts girls away from themselves to enjoy happiness, the long-cherished people looked at it and said: "Huh, just pick whatever you want, I will give you a discount!"

"There is no need for a discount. Have you seen this wallet? I came out with public funds today!" Li Menglong proudly raised the leather wallet in his hand and opened it in front of his face. It is indeed a rich woman Li Shungui. The bank inside Cards and cash were all stuffed to the brim.

Of course, what makes the girl even more curious is the photos on both sides after opening it. One is the back view of nine girls leaping together on the beach. It should have been taken on Jeju Island. It is full of fairy spirit; while the other side is In a group photo, Lee Soon Kyu and his sisters are sitting cross-legged on the floor. Behind them are Lee's father and Lee's mother, who are sitting. As for the one standing, of course it is Lee Mong Ryong, a group photo of the family.

"Didn't you and our Sunny get the certificate secretly?" This long-cherished wish asked in a very gossipy manner. He even made a mistake in settling the bill for Li Menglong, and it was he who took the initiative to remind him.

"Do we need to get married secretly? I will tell you openly, so can you prepare coffee for me? I want a latte, a lot of cream, the kind that Li Shungui and the others often want!" Li Menglong said gently He knocked on the table, making the other party laugh sheepishly.

It is definitely a pleasure for a hungry person to enjoy delicious food alone. As for Li Menglong, who eats cakes as food, he is also a strange thing in the store. Fortunately, not many people know him, and while eating cakes, Li Menglong also started to Prepare to have a conversation at the dinner for a while.

He was not idle these days. Tara's affairs needed time, so he turned his attention to WG again. As Kim Taeyeon said, Wonder Girls is really a particularly pity group.

It was only after the girls were at the top of the girl group that they realized that every step in the future had no reference. No one knew whether the next step would be to take another step forward or fall into the abyss. This sense of unknown was quite confusing, even... worry.

As for wg, who had also sat in this seat before, it was obvious that he had not chosen his next move well, and it even served as a warning to the girls in disguise, which the girls themselves admitted.

Limited by the narrow market in South Korea, it is necessary to expand overseas markets after gaining a certain reputation. Otherwise, it will return once a year and rest the rest of the time. After all, the market is so big, and the money has been taken away by one group. What will other companies do? ?

When faced with this choice, wg's choice was to explore the European and American markets, or to be precise, the global market. After all, they also had the divine song "Nobady" by their side back then, which gave them some basic confidence.

It's just a pity that they failed. Their overseas failure caused the domestic popularity to continue to decline, and finally reached the point where they were almost disbanded by default today. It's not that wg didn't make money or achieve anything, it's just that they should have been more successful. .

The predecessors never forget the lessons of future generations. After being in the same position, the girls decisively learned from their experience and began to delve deeply into the Japanese market. One of the simplest advantages is that Japan and South Korea are close. It can be said to be commuting back and forth, which is very good. Take into account domestic resources.

Facts have proved that the girls' approach is more reliable. Although it can be said that they have no aggressiveness, at least they are still holding the number one spot in the women's group, which is enough to explain everything.

As for the core reason for the semi-disbandment of wg, Min Xianyi did not want to be involved in this industry. He completely quit instead of seeking better personal development. This is fatal for a girl group.

Fans can't find anything wrong. If it's for personal development, you can scold each other for being selfish or something like that. But now Min Sun-ye doesn't want to take this job anymore. It's equivalent to an employee changing careers directly. Why should we endure it? Accusations from past leaders?

Moreover, WG is different from the girls. If one or two people among the girls are really missing, even the team leader Kim Taeyeon will still be able to live well, because the popularity of the team is relatively evenly distributed, and Kim Taeyeon will not be compensated. There are Jessica Jung, Yoona, and Pani available to watch.

But WG failed. Min Sun-ye was the absolute core of WG from the very beginning. Park Jin-young even publicly said that WG was founded for Min Sun-ye. The team also experienced two personnel replacements, but as long as Min Sun-ye is there, the team will remain the same. Very stable.

The advantages and disadvantages of this model are quite obvious, but it also saves Li Menglong a lot of effort, because there is only one way. As long as they can find ways to dispel Min Xianyi's idea of ​​retiring, wg can stand on the stage again.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to get a first-time mother to work, so Li Menglong put his mind on Park Jinying, a person who is almost like father and daughter to Min Sunye, both at work and in private. Affecting Min Xianyi's existence.

Time passed very quickly while he was thinking, as if Park Jin Young appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and of course Liu Jae Suk who was frantically ordering food and preparing to kill Li Menglong: "Say it first, I'm a You didn’t even bring any money with you, you two will remember to pay the bill in advance!”

This was definitely meant for Li Menglong, and of course it was also to make the atmosphere more relaxed. After all, Yoo Jae Suk was the middleman today. Fortunately, Lee Soon Kyu cheered him up: "See, you can eat whatever you want with the meal money my wife gave me!"

"Then I won't be polite. Sunny should be the richest idol now, right?" Park Jinying joked cheerfully. After all, he is an artist who has been active all year round, so it is not difficult to get along with him when chatting, not to mention that he and There are still a lot of topics between Li Menglong.

While eating and drinking wine, he listened to Park Jin Young’s little complaints about how the circle was getting harder and harder to get along in. The more he listened, the more Li Menglong wanted to give Park Jin Young a thumbs up. This man was the president of an ordinary company. It’s different, he has a touch of purity and human beauty!

It is almost certain that jyp can be regarded as one of the companies with the highest happiness among its artists in the industry. The simplest example is that jyp has also produced many independent artists over the years, such as rain and god, which are also big names. , but did anyone say anything bad about his old club after he left?

Looking at the various contract termination and fight scenes of S*M during the same period, Park Jin Young’s management company is more like a big family. The artists under it are all his younger brothers and sisters. Even after the contract is terminated, they will come back to have a meal with him. Let’s re-record a song or something together.

There shouldn't be too many specific things. Things like Min Xianyi happened in the hands of other companies. How could this allow her to leave so easily? You must know that even if wg declines, it can still make money, and Min Xianyi is still so young!

But Park Jin Young just agreed. It can be said that he sacrificed his iconic girl group to fulfill Min Sun Yee. Now only Missa is left to support the facade. A normal businessman cannot do such a thing. It can be said that He lost a lot in this matter.

You can dislike this kind of person but you can't despise his behavior. In some ways, he and Li Menglong are the same person, but Li Menglong's behavior is more pure than him. If any of the girls suddenly say they want to get married, After giving birth to a child, Li Menglong will definitely settle all the things on their books for them.

When facing this kind of person, you can't talk about money. To be honest, they are not short of money. You have to talk to him about feelings, ideals, and future. In short, he is just a liar: "It's a pity that wg has been disbanded. Min Xianyi is me My favorite singer!"

"If you don't like Girls' Generation, do you like our Sunye? You have discernment! Do it!" Park Jin Young raised the wine glass again. Of course, the only person drinking with him was Li Menglong, and Yoo Jae Suk was just a decoration on the wine table.

"You didn't persuade her or anything? She retired at such a young age. Let's not talk about all the hard work for so many years. Playing her singing voice is a waste of social resources, isn't it!" Li Menglong poured wine for the other party again, and was confused by many things. Talking about it only works when you don't care, but now it seems that the other party is also a warrior who kills with alcohol. Li Menglong is probably going to die together today.

He secretly glanced at Yoo Jae Suk, and after receiving the reply, Li Menglong began to escalate his pace. He was willing to go all out, and drank Park Jin Young to death, which just left him one less competitor. Lee Eun Hee was absolutely happy, and might even encourage Li Menglong to have another drink with Lee Soo Man. .

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