The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 133 Guiding Public Opinion

Girls' Generation naturally had a nanny car to pick them up, but it was difficult for Li Menglong to squeeze in. After all, there were still a few girls who were not so familiar, and the staff's car naturally ignored his existence.

Li Menglong didn't feel bad about finding it himself, so he called the fat man, and the boy drove over again, and found a tavern, Li Menglong's tense nerves began to relax slowly.

After drinking a bottle of shochu, Li Menglong let out a long breath, and his body began to ache gradually: "How is the fried chicken shop?"

"Everything is normal. The proprietress is watching over there. It should open in a week." The fat man said as he filled his glass.

"You still have two floors empty, think about what to do, you don't need to worry about the fried chicken shop." Li Menglong had a drink with him.

"Wait a little longer, I don't have any money on hand recently, and I have been busy with my sister's affairs, so I don't have time."

"That beautiful sister of yours? When will you bring me here to open my eyes, maybe I will have to call you brother in the future."

It took a long time for the fat man to understand what Li Menglong meant, and he smiled and waved his hands. He is very fond of his sister: "My sister is a star, but she made her debut in 2006 by singing lyric songs. In recent years Just by being a music teacher and coming to me to sing and stuff."

"But recently she joined another group. Although it is said to be the captain, I think that company is just an empty shell. I used to talk to the boss and agent about life, so I can rest assured that my sister will stay with them. , I don't expect her to be very popular, just play for two years and get married." The fat man squinted his eyes and talked about his plan happily.

"He's a good brother." He took a sip with the fat man directly from the bottle: "I'll bring him over to meet in the future, let Li Shungui and Xu Xian have a shadow together, it will still have a great influence on the new combination."

"Okay, I'll talk to her later." The fat man said vaguely, even though he was so fat before he opened a club, but his drinking capacity is really bad, and he is famous for pouring three glasses, no matter how much he practices, he can't practice come out.

When Li Menglong was staring at his 200-pound weight and worrying, the boss came over directly: "You just leave, every time he comes to drink, he sleeps at my place."

"I'm still a regular customer, that's fine! Just take care of me." After deliberately paying more for the meal, and worrying about checking the boss's ID card, Li Menglong came out relieved after meeting him.

The cold wind was blowing for half an hour, but there was no bus yet. Li Menglong wanted to take a taxi for a long time, but he always thought that if the time before the taxi was not waiting, it would be useless, so he waited longer and longer.

"Where are you? Why haven't you come back?" Lee Soon Kyu asked on the phone.

"Waiting for the bus!" Li Menglong said angrily.

"You are stupid, you don't know how to take a taxi!"

"Why, I've been waiting in vain for half an hour to take a taxi."

Logically speaking, Lee Soon Kyu has no room to refute at all, so he can only wish Lee Mong Yong a safe journey, and at the same time order the takeaway that he wants to eat later.

An hour later, Li Menglong walked in with a box of pizza. Li Shungui couldn't wait to eat a corner of the pizza, and only then did he have time to check Li Menglong's status.

Curiously smelling it in the direction of Li Menglong, there was a smell of alcohol. Seeing Li Shungui's actions, Li Menglong subconsciously wanted to guarantee that he would never drink again in the future, and at the same time explain the special reason for today.

"Drinking and calling me together, it's not interesting!" Licking his fingers, Li Shungui's words completely defeated Li Menglong's plan.

Taking off his coat, Li Menglong also grabbed the pizza: "Where's Xiaoxian?"

"Come back and take a shower and go straight to sleep. This kid was also scared today." He looked upstairs with a doting tone, but then Li Shungui quickly switched to the funny mode, asking desperately about the process of their return .

"I have a chance to take you to experience it once." Pushing Li Shungui's head away, he walked out after taking a shower.

There was no sign of Li Shungui on the first floor, so he looked around for the pizza box, and finally found that Li Shungui had put it in the refrigerator.

Although it's just a trivial matter, Lee Soon Kyu would never do it at ordinary times. Li Menglong doubts that Lee Soon Kyu has a dual personality, and the switching is very good, so that people don't have any annoying thoughts.

When it's annoying, you can only smile dotingly. When she is sensible, you have the comfort of being taken care of.

A light was left on the stairs so that no one would be able to see it when they came down, so he lay down. Today's past events kept replaying in his mind like a movie, and he fell asleep with a smile.

I don't know if it's because of the alcohol, or because he hasn't come back for too long, but Li Menglong slept until the sun was up, and his head hurt a little.

He took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and gulped down the peculiar smell in his mouth. Then he looked at the balcony, but the two chairs were empty.

He wasn't in a hurry, he took out his tablet and leaned against the kitchen to start scrolling through Instagram. Sure enough, after yesterday's explanation was announced, coupled with Xu Xian's weak photo, the fans' hearts would be broken.

"Oni, your body is important, even if it's for us, you have to take care of your body!"

"Don't say anything, this is the root of Girls' Generation's ability to become the number one girl group!"

"Hurry up to see the scene, Xu Xian's domineering side leaked when he came out!"

"Where are all those trolls? Xu Xian was sick and let you guys spit it out. Now you are satisfied. Xu Xian who almost fell on the stage is the result you expected! A bunch of scum!"

"That's right, O'Neill don't pay attention to those people in the future, as long as we support you with long-cherished wishes."

Just as Li Menglong was concentrating on watching the direction of the incident he had concocted, he was suddenly photographed behind him, accompanied by a low growl.

Li Menglong subconsciously sprinted out, and the tablet was thrown a few meters away, turning his head in embarrassment. Listening to the arrogant laughter behind him, Li Menglong secretly felt that the Li Shungui from last night was more pleasing to the eye.

"I'm hungry!"

"Hungry to death, one less disaster!"

"How do you say it? If I starve to death, my fans will not let you go." Taking the pizza out of the refrigerator and putting it in the microwave, and breakfast was done in 30 seconds, Lee Soon Kyu gave himself a thumbs up.

"Where's Xiaoxian? Won't you go out?"

"She's still sleeping. I went to sleep with her last night. I had a nightmare in the middle of the night. It was only in the morning that I was quiet for a while." Li Shungui said with a bottle of banana milk in his mouth.

"Oh, it's hard for this child."

"Why don't I see you sighing so much when I'm in trouble."

"You are the invincible Li Shungui, what is it that you can't settle? Nothing!" Li Menglong stretched out his arms exaggeratedly, and began to praise him every day.

Lee Soon Kyu drank all the milk beautifully: "It's hard to forgive you, haha, I'm really the best!"

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