The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1317 The Position of the Times

I have to say that the girls were really confused by the news about Lee Eun-hee. At first, Lee Mong-ryong went too far when he said that he would leave all the album planning to themselves. In the circle of idols, almost no singers have such rights. of.

However, based on their own fame and Li Menglong's role in the process, it seems that it can be said. However, if the previous incident is still traceable, the girls have not listened to Li Enxi's suggestion now. I have passed it, so I need to think about it carefully for a while.

It's just that they don't have access to these things on weekdays, so asking them to think about one, two, and three can be regarded as embarrassing them, so the girls rubbed their eyebrows and looked at Li Menglong naturally. If they don't understand something, just ask Li Menglong, he understands. That’s a lot.

But why do I feel inexplicably unreliable when I see him munching on seafood? He won’t cheat them with the company. Li Eunxi’s literal meaning is that the girls will share the cost of the album with the company. Correspondingly When the final dividends are distributed, they will not only get their share as artists but also their share as investors. It can be said with certainty that their share will be greater than that of the company.

The intuitive idea is that they are going to release it. After all, they are still very confident in their fame. If Girls' Generation releases an album, what is the difference between releasing an album and printing money directly? But why did such a good thing happen to them? Or is there a bottomless pit?

Since Li Menglong didn't speak, Kim Taeyeon, as the captain, had no choice but to step forward, so she cautiously said to Li Eunxi: "Unnie, it's not easy for us to make some money. There won't be any accidents this time, right?"

But before Li Enxi could speak, Li Menglong had already put down his crab shell and said boldly: "I still have no dividends from the company, right? Whatever share the company plans to give away for this album will be counted on me. As for the money, Deduct it yourself!"

As soon as Li Menglong said these words, the girls' eyes lit up instantly. Everyone is so familiar with each other, so who doesn't know each other? This is obviously a kind reminder after Li Menglong couldn't stand it anymore. Although he is suspected of being despised by Li Menglong, For the sake of money, let him go once.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon didn't care about the embarrassment anymore. She just acted as if she hadn't said what she just said. She turned around and started whispering to the other girls. Finally, she slapped the table: "Unnie, the nine of us can do it." We have scraped together two billion, do you think this is enough? If not, we can also mortgage the house, and I think we can still scrape together this!"

Li Menglong was just laughing, but Li Enxi spurted out a sip of red wine. Fortunately, he passed the test in time, so no one was affected. Seeing that the big benefactor choked, the girls stepped forward and patted the back with concern. Passing the towel.

Li Enxi was obviously greatly shocked and was speechless for a moment. However, Li Menglong could guess the hidden meaning. After all, he knew both sides well. First of all, the two billion on the girls' side was probably in the hands of the girls. It’s all the cash that can be used in the store, and probably part of it is the dividend from the clothing store there.

Of course, Lee Soon Kyu, the wealthy woman, only paid a symbolic amount, otherwise she would have been able to pay so much herself. As for the real estate mortgage, it is not without purpose. Each of these girls has bought an expensive house for their family. , after all, it can be regarded as one of the investments.

But are they too high on the production cost of an album? Two billion more? Then they might as well just spend their own money to make it. The company is still involved. It is estimated that Li Eunxi now feels like she was embarrassed to ask for a loan and stretched out two fingers. She herself meant that 20 million would be enough. As a result, the other party cautiously asked if two billion was enough? If it's not enough, I can get it for her!

After Li Eunxi's dirty words, the girls finally realized where they were wrong. The company was willing to give up part of the profits to them, but they had to be moderate. They didn't make enough money, right? Are you showing off that you are a rich woman?

As for the profit sharing this time, it is an attempt to allow celebrities to participate in the investment of their own works. This is a very good bundling method for big-name celebrities who are not short of money, and it can even be regarded as a good one. invest.

Of course, there are definitely risks. After all, there will always be a day when girls' albums fail to sell well, but this is part of the company's sincerity, and as the stars know their works best, I believe they will treat their Invest wisely.

As for this move, there is no harm to SW. After all, in principle, the risk is shared equally. Although sometimes it seems like giving money to celebrities, money can never be earned. Good actors and Good works brought by singers are the foundation of a company, and Li Enxi knows very well what is more important.

It is no coincidence that the first girls to receive this kind of treatment are girls. Li Enxi was waiting for it specially. After all, the status of girls is here. As the first sister of the company, she still needs to have the treatment she deserves, and it is even better. The key thing is that this time it is almost 100% profitable, which is undoubtedly very important!

A good start is half the success. Seeing that girls can actually participate in investment in their own works, Li Enxi seems to have had a premonition that countless big-name stars would pull her trouser legs and beg to enter the sw. If it weren't for Li Menglong, she would be a crab shell. After waking her up, Li Enxi might still be able to dream for a while.

The final result of the discussion was quite gratifying. The girls’ album dividends accounted for a terrifying 70%. The girls themselves did not expect this result. They thought it would be great to get 50% to 50% in the end. After all, it was originally In S*M, it's a scary 95% return to the company.

The contracts for the girls when they first came to SW were very loose, but that only refers to daily business activities. Things like albums and concerts that require the company to invest huge amounts of money in the early stage and establish channels are still taken up by the company. Of course, they don't have to. Take the risk and just pay the dividends.

As for now, they have spent real money to share part of the album cost. Although the gains may be quite a lot, the pressure they bear is also getting bigger and bigger. This album they have to bear a little more!

Fortunately, their status as the number one girl group for many years has given them endless confidence. Isn’t it just sharing the cost? It would be best if they were sole proprietors. They want to make a lot of money. As for what they should do to make so much money, Li Menglong said You can treat him to a meal, he doesn’t mind eating something a little richer!

This meal made everyone extremely satisfied. The girls mainly received a piece of good news that surprised them. This was not only a matter of making money, but also related to their status in the industry.

At least from their current perspective, there is no girl group that can get the same treatment as them. Doesn't this just highlight their superiority? Other girl groups should be envious of them.

As for Li Menglong, he simply ate quite well. Thanks to the girls' demands for bribes, most of the expensive dishes were ordered, but he was probably the only one who ate them sincerely.

He has always been quite confused about Li Enxi, or just ask this, you know that the beautiful woman opposite you likes women, so when she holds your girlfriend's hand and eats tofu with a slightly lustful look, do you want to get angry? Woolen cloth?

Of course, if Li Enxi was uglier, it would be a better choice for Li Menglong. However, Li Enxi is too beautiful and has a good figure. Sitting with girls, Li Menglong would actually give birth to a child who looks like a group of them. The right feeling.

This is not very scientific. At least Li Menglong thought it was wrong. Although the picture looked really eye-catching, he still took Li Eunxi's hand out of Kim Taeyeon's chest without hesitation.

Of course, the picture is not as erotic as imagined. Lee Eun-hee just put the back of her hand on Kim Taeyeon's chest as an excuse. Seriously, it's a bit like a pervert on a bus, but when did perverts have to be so beautiful? Li Menglong said that if you want to take advantage, you can come to him and you will never fight back!

Kim Taeyeon still doesn’t know that she’s being eaten up, and it doesn’t matter if she knows it. After all, similar actions between girls are too confusing. Many close friends will kiss each other even if they have nothing to do. Is it difficult? Isn’t Chengdu full of lesbians?

Even after returning to the dormitory, the smiles on the girls' lips still did not let go. Li Menglong would not understand the joyful emotions in his heart. After all, he had no similar experiences and memories. This was a feeling of constant recognition. .

To put it a little arrogantly, in fact, it is not particularly important to them to earn an extra one or two hundred million a year now. They already have enough money, especially when their future is guaranteed after retirement. It’s more of a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"Everyone must work hard and make this album the best it can be!" Kim Taeyeon waved her little fist and said enthusiastically: "We are not just doing it for ourselves. Think about it, if even our Girls' Generation were here. If all these models have failed, is it necessary to promote similar models in the future? Children in the future will hate us!"

Kim Taeyeon continues to add pressure to the already heavy pressure. What she said makes sense. Even Girls' Generation couldn't succeed in their project plan. How do you expect other groups to make breakthroughs? It can only be said that such a good opportunity to lead the trend in the circle was wasted by the girls.

This is not an exaggeration of the facts. With the steady development of SW, although it has not affected the lower-level actors and singers, the impact on the entire industry is still there. Not to mention other big-name artists who are related to Li Menglong and Liu Zaishi. The brokerage companies are preparing for new contracts, for fear that SW will poach employees.

If SW can grow to a certain scale in the future, it can be said that relying on their core concepts, they have a chance to change the trend in the circle and make the lives of low-level trainees and new singers easier.

And the beginning of all this comes from the girls. In other words, the path they are taking now is to plant trees for future generations. The denser the trees planted, the better it will be for future generations to enjoy the shade. Therefore, the girls suddenly realized that they were being It has been pushed to a position where it cannot fail!

"What are you afraid of? We have a lot of fans!" Although Yoona said this, she was not particularly confident. It is impossible to say that something like an album is without risks, especially since she is quite dissatisfied with her group of people. Don't worry, to be precise, I don't think the three eldest sisters are particularly reliable.

I can’t say that Yoona is full of malice, I can only say that Kim Taeyeon and other eldest sisters are really not serious in their daily lives. Putting such a big thing in their hands is not a good idea: “So why don’t you invite Kim Jong Kook’s oppa? How about coming?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yoona ran directly behind Li Menglong and secretly exposed her eyes. Sure enough, Kim Taeyeon and the three of them looked at her angrily: "What are you afraid of? It's amazing that you can wear a bikini or something by then." There are many people willing to see it!”

"If you can let Yoona go shirtless, I think the sales will be more. I will buy a hundred of them personally for my collection!" Li Menglong interjected at the right time, which made Yoona behind him shy. How could you do that? What about her? What is shirtless...

Li Menglong once again sacrificed himself to let the girls relax a little. In fact, now they are like college entrance examination students. Although they usually get the first place in various mock exams, to be honest, no matter how bad they perform in the real exam, they can still be the best. One book, but won’t the candidates be nervous?

It’s time for parents to come forward. It’s very hard for Li Menglong to be both a father and a mother: “Think more and act cautiously. That’s it!”

"What do you mean it's just like this? Just say a few more words!" Li Shunkyu on the other end actually pulled him to prevent him from leaving. At this critical moment, Li Menglong still needed to calm them down.

It's just that although he has participated in the production of several albums, he really has no talent in this area. He can know a hammer. I can only say that girls want to hear good things, so praise him, even though he usually It's a rant.

"With your looks, you just stand there without saying a word, and fans will come over to buy the album..." Li Menglong couldn't help but praise him against his will. It could be seen that the girls were quite satisfied, until Li Menglong Long's mouth went dry, and the girls "reservedly" expressed their dissatisfaction with his flattering behavior.

Li Menglong didn't even bother to talk about these hypocritical people. He just wiped them out and stopped recognizing them, right? Sooner or later, there will be a day when they regret it, and of course it won't happen to him, Li Menglong. Seriously, Li Menglong is willing to coax these girls, or is this called masochism?

Anyway, Li Menglong doesn't feel that he is abnormal. He feels that he is already quite a man. If he tried it with another man, he would probably writhe in pain every day on the bed. After all, there shouldn't be too many temptations every day, but he, Li Menglong, sleeps of sweetness.

He casually lifted up Jessica's hanging collar, but his kind gesture was met with a blank stare. Li Menglong magnanimously expressed that he was not as knowledgeable as her, but shouldn't this generous person be Jessica?

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